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Only 3 Thai varsities in list of top 100 universities

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University rankings and list making have become a lucrative industry. Mostly, it has very little meaning in substance. The case of China's "rise" is a good example. Chinese "scholars" are notorious for plagiarizing their work in some of the most basic cut and paste jobs imaginable. Large portions of their publications are in phony peer reviewed, online "open source" journals whose designation as "scholarly" contrasts with the fees they charge their authors in order to publish in them. The fact is that people who teach in universities know who is good and who is not, whose work is valuable and whose is not. Lists and rankings are for the rubes.


I don't know about Chinese universities through personal experience but I'm sure that there's a great deal of truth in what you say and you're right that rankings can be a bit of a waste of time. However, I see a lot of papers from Thai academics (of a sort) as well as dissertations and they are regularly of just diabolically awful quality. These go into exactly the journals which you describe - publications which exist solely for a kind of academic vanity publishing - so it's not as if the same complaints can't be made against Thailand.

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University rankings and list making have become a lucrative industry. Mostly, it has very little meaning in substance. The case of China's "rise" is a good example. Chinese "scholars" are notorious for plagiarizing their work in some of the most basic cut and paste jobs imaginable. Large portions of their publications are in phony peer reviewed, online "open source" journals whose designation as "scholarly" contrasts with the fees they charge their authors in order to publish in them. The fact is that people who teach in universities know who is good and who is not, whose work is valuable and whose is not. Lists and rankings are for the rubes.


I don't know about Chinese universities through personal experience but I'm sure that there's a great deal of truth in what you say and you're right that rankings can be a bit of a waste of time. However, I see a lot of papers from Thai academics (of a sort) as well as dissertations and they are regularly of just diabolically awful quality. These go into exactly the journals which you describe - publications which exist solely for a kind of academic vanity publishing - so it's not as if the same complaints can't be made against Thailand.

Yes, some of the so-called research published in Thailand is dreadful, if not fraudulent. But it's not just the Thais; it's also common among the Westerners employed at Thai universities who could never get a job in an American or European university. Some of them literally seem to come in off the streets and are hired because they can speak English. I know of one of those top ranked universities where Westerners without a Ph.D. are hired to teach subjects for which a Ph.D. is required in the West and where there is likely1500 Ph.D. applicants per position in the US. Here, they come in with no research record and no ability to publish in real journals. And, as a result, fraud takes place in order to keep people in their jobs. But bad as they may be in Thailand, it is far worse in China, where Western scholars have found their own work looted from solid and prestigious journals and published under Chinese "scholar's" names in fake online journals. Here are some basic discussions of the problem:



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I'm shocked they even made the top 100!

Top 100 "emerging economies" globally you won't find them in the top 300.


Mahidol University # 273

So where does your university rank? Only fair since you wrote, "Top 100 "emerging economies" globally you won't find them in the top 300." My daughter's is in the top 2 and mine is in the top 20.

They are also in the top 100 for certain subjects.


My son is in university here,because he lived in the U.K. for so many years he helps the English teacher as his English is better than the teachers,amazing Thailand


You wrote, "Top 100 "emerging economies" globally you won't find them in the top 300."

MAHIDOL has a very good medical school. If you don't know you shouldn't post.

Not good enough to practice medicine in the UK without further medical education. I know two who graduated from Mahidol and both had to do further study in the UK before being able to work here at the level they expected whistling.gif it may have changed but i doubt it.

Thai degrees are barely equal to a UK diploma a Thai masters is even more useless.

Thailand Masters Degree (Plan A, research based) Is only considered comparable to British Bachelor (Honours) degree standard Masters Degree (Plan B limited research) Is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard.

So you can study for often nearly twice as long in Thailand for half the quality then youll have to go study much more again after if you want to keep up with your international peers. What a nightmare and drain on both time and money.

Thai education top to bottom is on the whole rubbish.

Exactly! That doesn't even mention the fact that standard Bachelor's degrees from the US are the equivalent of a first class honours from a UK school so that even proves your point further!

Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

  • Like 1

You wrote, "Top 100 "emerging economies" globally you won't find them in the top 300."

MAHIDOL has a very good medical school. If you don't know you shouldn't post.

Not good enough to practice medicine in the UK without further medical education. I know two who graduated from Mahidol and both had to do further study in the UK before being able to work here at the level they expected whistling.gif it may have changed but i doubt it.

Thai degrees are barely equal to a UK diploma a Thai masters is even more useless.

Thailand Masters Degree (Plan A, research based) Is only considered comparable to British Bachelor (Honours) degree standard Masters Degree (Plan B limited research) Is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard.

So you can study for often nearly twice as long in Thailand for half the quality then youll have to go study much more again after if you want to keep up with your international peers. What a nightmare and drain on both time and money.

Thai education top to bottom is on the whole rubbish.

Exactly! That doesn't even mention the fact that standard Bachelor's degrees from the US are the equivalent of a first class honours from a UK school so that even proves your point further!

Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

London Business School MBA 15-21 month period of intensive study and professional development that prepares you for rapid promotion or career.

Wharton MBA 24 months to 3 years.

(When comparing things on Thai Visa be specific)



I would guess it is impossible to get a thorough education inside Red China due to the controls on what the Party takes as wrong or just not to be taught. Anytime a political system interferes with the free and protected search for and teaching of the truth as the professor sees it, then schools under that system can not be ranked very high and certainly not equal to the genuinely free universities.

Other than the damping effect of Thai culture's desire to go along to get along and to remain accepted by a group, I found MU very free in regard to research and teaching. Probing critiques are not encouraged, as would be expected, which retards the standard scientific method of repetitive checking of findings, however. This factor limits use or consideration of Thai-originated research in many fields which also takes Thailand out of the international exchange and testing of ideas and techniques. The factor also limits how Thai professors will link into fine tuning and INTERchange their research/teaching via international critiques and testing.

These facts make Thailand isolated intellectually, even if nearly completely free for free individual thought.

On an allied matter, because Thailand censors art extensively, its artists' works are suspect and almost impossible to take a valued place on the world stage. A good example is the Thai national who made a film (about Boomea) could win the Cannes highest award, the Palm Dor, but can only show uncut versions of it inside Thailand if any. This situation further isolates Thailand from the genuine world intellectual community.sad.png

As you well know, the single biggest problem facing Thailand, including MU, is faculty hiring, especially among Westerners. They're mostly inexperienced, unqualified, or escapees from some academic misdeed back in the West. And they bring their inexperience, lack of qualifications, and unethical/illegal behavior to Thailand with them. Thai students are lazy and will cheat. But that is only because of the corruption and illegitimacy they see around them in the classroom. First year students often start out enthusiastic and eager--and quite a few are talented. But the universities let them down. How does a student cope with the fact that he or she has more ability than their Western professor who is just there to get a paycheck? I'll tell you how. They play the game by the rules they're given. They cheat, avoid work, and simply pass time until getting their degree. With social media, students can make instant comparisons to what their friends and relatives are getting in the US. And it doesn't take long before they realize they're getting the short end of the stick. Thai universities are populated with Western faculty that have no business in a real university. Oh, and about that lack of reading. Try ordering a text for your class in Thailand. You must go through a centralized system and make purchases through Chulalongkorn. Absurd and hopeless.


You wrote, "Top 100 "emerging economies" globally you won't find them in the top 300."

MAHIDOL has a very good medical school. If you don't know you shouldn't post.

Not good enough to practice medicine in the UK without further medical education. I know two who graduated from Mahidol and both had to do further study in the UK before being able to work here at the level they expected whistling.gif it may have changed but i doubt it.

Thai degrees are barely equal to a UK diploma a Thai masters is even more useless.

Thailand Masters Degree (Plan A, research based) Is only considered comparable to British Bachelor (Honours) degree standard Masters Degree (Plan B limited research) Is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard.

So you can study for often nearly twice as long in Thailand for half the quality then youll have to go study much more again after if you want to keep up with your international peers. What a nightmare and drain on both time and money.

Thai education top to bottom is on the whole rubbish.

Exactly! That doesn't even mention the fact that standard Bachelor's degrees from the US are the equivalent of a first class honours from a UK school so that even proves your point further!

Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

London Business School MBA 15-21 month period of intensive study and professional development that prepares you for rapid promotion or career.

Wharton MBA 24 months to 3 years.

(When comparing things on Thai Visa be specific)

And your point is? This is a comparison of Mba's which is virtually irrelevant to any comparison of anything mentioned in the above message.

Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

London Business School MBA 15-21 month period of intensive study and professional development that prepares you for rapid promotion or career.

Wharton MBA 24 months to 3 years.

(When comparing things on Thai Visa be specific)

And your point is? This is a comparison of Mba's which is virtually irrelevant to any comparison of anything mentioned in the above message.

Look above kieran wrote, "UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate." Which is nonsense as the chart of starting salaries demonstrates. The only way to deal with the TV pendants is to get them to compare specifics. Such as MBA to MBA or MD to MD. Same is true of Thai Doctors who study in the UK or USA and come back to Thailand to practice.



You wrote, "Top 100 "emerging economies" globally you won't find them in the top 300."

MAHIDOL has a very good medical school. If you don't know you shouldn't post.

Not good enough to practice medicine in the UK without further medical education. I know two who graduated from Mahidol and both had to do further study in the UK before being able to work here at the level they expected whistling.gif it may have changed but i doubt it.

Thai degrees are barely equal to a UK diploma a Thai masters is even more useless.

Thailand Masters Degree (Plan A, research based) Is only considered comparable to British Bachelor (Honours) degree standard Masters Degree (Plan B limited research) Is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard.

So you can study for often nearly twice as long in Thailand for half the quality then youll have to go study much more again after if you want to keep up with your international peers. What a nightmare and drain on both time and money.

Thai education top to bottom is on the whole rubbish.

Exactly! That doesn't even mention the fact that standard Bachelor's degrees from the US are the equivalent of a first class honours from a UK school so that even proves your point further!

Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

London Business School MBA 15-21 month period of intensive study and professional development that prepares you for rapid promotion or career.

Wharton MBA 24 months to 3 years.

(When comparing things on Thai Visa be specific)

And your point is? This is a comparison of Mba's which is virtually irrelevant to any comparison of anything mentioned in the above message.

Yeah, I was a bit lost with that one. I think their point is that if it takes much longer for the American MBA to reach the same standard then the starting point must be different therefore the entrance degrees are not of an equal standard.

I'm waiting for someone to compare UK with US professorships, that'll be a laugh.


Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

London Business School MBA 15-21 month period of intensive study and professional development that prepares you for rapid promotion or career.

Wharton MBA 24 months to 3 years.

(When comparing things on Thai Visa be specific)

And your point is? This is a comparison of Mba's which is virtually irrelevant to any comparison of anything mentioned in the above message.

Look above kieran wrote, "UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate." Which is nonsense as the chart of starting salaries demonstrates. The only way to deal with the TV pendants is to get them to compare specifics. Such as MBA to MBA or MD to MD. Same is true of Thai Doctors who study in the UK or USA and come back to Thailand to practice.

It is true that there are a few elite courses in America which are of a higher standard than the equivalent offering in the UK. However, on the whole they are of a lower standard. This is evidenced by the British Council US employer survey where 73% of US employers answered that they felt UK degrees to be of a higher standard than equivalent US qualifications.


Yeah, I was a bit lost with that one. I think their point is that if it takes much longer for the American MBA to reach the same standard then the starting point must be different therefore the entrance degrees are not of an equal standard.

I'm waiting for someone to compare UK with US professorships, that'll be a laugh.

Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?



Yeah, I was a bit lost with that one. I think their point is that if it takes much longer for the American MBA to reach the same standard then the starting point must be different therefore the entrance degrees are not of an equal standard.

I'm waiting for someone to compare UK with US professorships, that'll be a laugh.

Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?

If you read my last post you will see that I agree with you regarding MBA's, there is no better place to study them than the US.

As for professorships, having a US give away is likely to get you shunned throughout the European academic community as it merely represents having been a lecturer for a short while, whereas in most all other countries it means you not only have a PhD but have also led research groups. It is extremely difficult to attain professorship in the UK, I know part time lectures from US colleges who were awarded the title in their second year. Sorry, but US professorships are a joke the world over.

And, by the way, it is not all about salaries in the academic world.


Yeah, I was a bit lost with that one. I think their point is that if it takes much longer for the American MBA to reach the same standard then the starting point must be different therefore the entrance degrees are not of an equal standard.

I'm waiting for someone to compare UK with US professorships, that'll be a laugh.

Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?

If you read my last post you will see that I agree with you regarding MBA's, there is no better place to study them than the US.

As for professorships, having a US give away is likely to get you shunned throughout the European academic community as it merely represents having been a lecturer for a short while, whereas in most all other countries it means you not only have a PhD but have also led research groups. It is extremely difficult to attain professorship in the UK, I know part time lectures from US colleges who were awarded the title in their second year. Sorry, but US professorships are a joke the world over.

And, by the way, it is not all about salaries in the academic world.

I beg to differ. It is always about money. My best professors in college got 25 cents a spoken word if I remember my calculations back then including ahem and ahh. In the USA they have assistant professors and professors and grad assistants I think you may be confusing the three.

Good professors produce good students again look at my chart. In the USA there is an MBA and an JD MBA among others of course it takes longer.

In grad school my best paid profs could not teach. They published and were authorities in their fields but unless you were a mental giant they were difficult to understand. S*** happens and that's life. I went to big lectures by the famous prof and then small discussion classes conducted by a grad assistant who actually tried to explain what the guru was talking about.

Because the top ten grad schools that produce MBAs are in the USA does not mean that the London schools are rubbish in the same way that Mahidol medical school is not rubbish.



Yeah, I was a bit lost with that one. I think their point is that if it takes much longer for the American MBA to reach the same standard then the starting point must be different therefore the entrance degrees are not of an equal standard.

I'm waiting for someone to compare UK with US professorships, that'll be a laugh.

Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?

If you read my last post you will see that I agree with you regarding MBA's, there is no better place to study them than the US.

As for professorships, having a US give away is likely to get you shunned throughout the European academic community as it merely represents having been a lecturer for a short while, whereas in most all other countries it means you not only have a PhD but have also led research groups. It is extremely difficult to attain professorship in the UK, I know part time lectures from US colleges who were awarded the title in their second year. Sorry, but US professorships are a joke the world over.

And, by the way, it is not all about salaries in the academic world.

And here is someone who hasn't got a clue. Poorly paid and poorly supported faculties in the UK especially can't compare with their counterparts in the US or Europe. I have taught as a full member of the faculty in Germany, the Netherlands, and the US. I once interviewed for a job at the University of Birmingham but the pay was so pitiful that I told the search committee during my interview that I couldn't afford to work for such a salary and asked to be excused.


Yeah, I was a bit lost with that one. I think their point is that if it takes much longer for the American MBA to reach the same standard then the starting point must be different therefore the entrance degrees are not of an equal standard.

I'm waiting for someone to compare UK with US professorships, that'll be a laugh.

Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?

If you read my last post you will see that I agree with you regarding MBA's, there is no better place to study them than the US.

As for professorships, having a US give away is likely to get you shunned throughout the European academic community as it merely represents having been a lecturer for a short while, whereas in most all other countries it means you not only have a PhD but have also led research groups. It is extremely difficult to attain professorship in the UK, I know part time lectures from US colleges who were awarded the title in their second year. Sorry, but US professorships are a joke the world over.

And, by the way, it is not all about salaries in the academic world.

And here is someone who hasn't got a clue. Poorly paid and poorly supported faculties in the UK especially can't compare with their counterparts in the US or Europe. I have taught as a full member of the faculty in Germany, the Netherlands, and the US. I once interviewed for a job at the University of Birmingham but the pay was so pitiful that I told the search committee during my interview that I couldn't afford to work for such a salary and asked to be excused.

It's true that UK universities do not pay well, there are secondary school teachers earning more than professors in the UK. My only question is why have you steered a conversation about standards of qualification back onto salaries? In they UK the job of teachers and lecturers is a humble position taken on by those who truly care and want to give. If all .you concerned with was your pay check then I am glad you didnt stay as you clearly have no place in a British institution.

Ad for being unable to compete, I suggest you check out the league tables as you are coming from nowhere with that ludicrous remark.

Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?

If you read my last post you will see that I agree with you regarding MBA's, there is no better place to study them than the US.

As for professorships, having a US give away is likely to get you shunned throughout the European academic community as it merely represents having been a lecturer for a short while, whereas in most all other countries it means you not only have a PhD but have also led research groups. It is extremely difficult to attain professorship in the UK, I know part time lectures from US colleges who were awarded the title in their second year. Sorry, but US professorships are a joke the world over.

And, by the way, it is not all about salaries in the academic world.

And here is someone who hasn't got a clue. Poorly paid and poorly supported faculties in the UK especially can't compare with their counterparts in the US or Europe. I have taught as a full member of the faculty in Germany, the Netherlands, and the US. I once interviewed for a job at the University of Birmingham but the pay was so pitiful that I told the search committee during my interview that I couldn't afford to work for such a salary and asked to be excused.

It's true that UK universities do not pay well, there are secondary school teachers earning more than professors in the UK. My only question is why once again have you steered a conversation about standards of qualification onto salaries? In they UK the job of teachers and lecturers is a humble position taken on by those who truly care and want to give. If all .you concerned with was your pay check then I am glad you didnt stay as you clearly have no place in a British institution.

Somebody has been watching too many reruns of Goodbye, Mr. Chips.


Money talks and BS walks. Compare the starting salaries of the UK and USA MBAs in the below chart.

Business at that level is international and starting salaries reflect the quality of education received.

If you want to compare professorships that's easy. Compare salaries. Good professors always follow the cash. In the USA I studied under professors who graduated from the London School of Economics and studied with Keynes.

If you really want to see the battle of the economic titans check out the battle between a Harvard educated economist and Keynes at Bretton Woods and tell me who won?

If you read my last post you will see that I agree with you regarding MBA's, there is no better place to study them than the US.

As for professorships, having a US give away is likely to get you shunned throughout the European academic community as it merely represents having been a lecturer for a short while, whereas in most all other countries it means you not only have a PhD but have also led research groups. It is extremely difficult to attain professorship in the UK, I know part time lectures from US colleges who were awarded the title in their second year. Sorry, but US professorships are a joke the world over.

And, by the way, it is not all about salaries in the academic world.

And here is someone who hasn't got a clue. Poorly paid and poorly supported faculties in the UK especially can't compare with their counterparts in the US or Europe. I have taught as a full member of the faculty in Germany, the Netherlands, and the US. I once interviewed for a job at the University of Birmingham but the pay was so pitiful that I told the search committee during my interview that I couldn't afford to work for such a salary and asked to be excused.

It's true that UK universities do not pay well, there are secondary school teachers earning more than professors in the UK. My only question is why once again have you steered a conversation about standards of qualification onto salaries? In they UK the job of teachers and lecturers is a humble position taken on by those who truly care and want to give. If all .you concerned with was your pay check then I am glad you didnt stay as you clearly have no place in a British institution.

Somebody has been watching too many reruns of Goodbye, Mr. Chips.

Never read the book or seen the film and the TV show looks like proper crap.


Almost , you just got it the wrong way around. UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate. This is due to the fact that the UK A-levels are of a much higher standard than US high school, approximately equivalent to US 2nd year College and also the reason why US students studying in theUK must do a ffoundation year first while UK students studying in the US can often enter in the 2nd year.

London Business School MBA 15-21 month period of intensive study and professional development that prepares you for rapid promotion or career.

Wharton MBA 24 months to 3 years.

(When comparing things on Thai Visa be specific)

And your point is? This is a comparison of Mba's which is virtually irrelevant to any comparison of anything mentioned in the above message.

Look above kieran wrote, "UK HND = US first degree, UK degree = US masters, UK masters = US doctorate, UK doctorate = US higher doctorate." Which is nonsense as the chart of starting salaries demonstrates. The only way to deal with the TV pendants is to get them to compare specifics. Such as MBA to MBA or MD to MD. Same is true of Thai Doctors who study in the UK or USA and come back to Thailand to practice.

Well comparing MBAs which are elected private studies is not really a good place to compare.

I have heard that the standard A levels are considered harder than the qualifications at the end of US high school. I wouldn't know personally.

That said, the stock story about undergraduate degrees in Thailand is that thry are equivalent to British a levels. Well, the fact that you can enroll into some international uni courses with igcse is to me incredible.


Well comparing MBAs which are elected private studies is not really a good place to compare.

I have heard that the standard A levels are considered harder than the qualifications at the end of US high school. I wouldn't know personally.

That said, the stock story about undergraduate degrees in Thailand is that thry are equivalent to British a levels. Well, the fact that you can enroll into some international uni courses with igcse is to me incredible.

English and Welsh A levels are amongst the highest standard of secondary schooling in the world, the EU has slowly encouraged the UK to degrade to AS levels to be on par with the rest of Europe.

I do not doubt that many Thai degrees from the many smaller provincial Universities are only on par with A levels, but not all are, that is for sure. The top courses at the top universities deliver a very high standard. Take pharmacology for example where Mahidol scores 49th in the world, above the Redbrick University of Birmingham and the Ivy League Cornell University. Mahidol may have slipped down the ranking mentioned in the original article but they still score within the top 2% worldwide and the top 1% in Asia. Chulalongkorn requires a 2:1 or GPA of 3+ for entrance on their international post graduate courses. To enrol on the Architectural Design B.Sc at Chulalongkorn, A-level English to a minimum of grade B or equivalent is one of the requirements. For their Economics BA , they require A Level Maths at grade A or equivalent. Whereas Assumption University only requires 3 A levels at grade E. Even lower level Universities such as the Police Academy do not require as high a level of study as A levels and I am sure they would snap up anyone arriving with as much as an iGCSE. wink.png


Well comparing MBAs which are elected private studies is not really a good place to compare.

I have heard that the standard A levels are considered harder than the qualifications at the end of US high school. I wouldn't know personally.

That said, the stock story about undergraduate degrees in Thailand is that thry are equivalent to British a levels. Well, the fact that you can enroll into some international uni courses with igcse is to me incredible.

English and Welsh A levels are amongst the highest standard of secondary schooling in the world, the EU has slowly encouraged the UK to degrade to AS levels to be on par with the rest of Europe.

I do not doubt that many Thai degrees from the many smaller provincial Universities are only on par with A levels, but not all are, that is for sure. The top courses at the top universities deliver a very high standard. Take pharmacology for example where Mahidol scores 49th in the world, above the Redbrick University of Birmingham and the Ivy League Cornell University. Mahidol may have slipped down the ranking mentioned in the original article but they still score within the top 2% worldwide and the top 1% in Asia. Chulalongkorn requires a 2:1 or GPA of 3+ for entrance on their international post graduate courses. To enrol on the Architectural Design B.Sc at Chulalongkorn, A-level English to a minimum of grade B or equivalent is one of the requirements. For their Economics BA , they require A Level Maths at grade A or equivalent. Whereas Assumption University only requires 3 A levels at grade E. Even lower level Universities such as the Police Academy do not require as high a level of study as A levels and I am sure they would snap up anyone arriving with as much as an iGCSE. wink.png

I hear you and it confirms what I know. I never quite knew that A levels were that high a standard. I knew they were hard but not that hard.


I do not doubt that many Thai degrees from the many smaller provincial Universities are only on par with A levels, but not all are, that is for sure.

Certainly, there are decent quality graduates coming out of the best universities here but at the bottom end, i.e. at Rajabhats and the like (graduates from which constitute a significant proportion of the total), I think A level standard might be overdoing it for many. Weak O level might be closer to the level of many.

I have heard that the standard A levels are considered harder than the qualifications at the end of US high school. I wouldn't know personally.

FYI, high school study in the US has evolved into what is essentially a two track program. There are students who take Advanced Placement classes and a vast majority who do not. AP classes especially matter for applications to universities with competitive enrollment standards.

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