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Anyone in Patts done any homework on moving to Portugal?


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Why didn't Spain work out? We quite liked Portugal, but the southern part is very quiet during the winter months. Most places just close up.

We liked Lisbon quite a bit. Somewhat similar to Madrid. For better or worse.

Spain was never particularly on the map for me,been there a few times last few years,but bit dissapointed,can speak and read Spanish (or used to) thought it would smooth the process of moving and living there, but no

Looking at various ex pat web sites and the southern part of Portugal not far off the Spanish border looks particularity attractive,but got loads of baggage here,dog, girlfriend etc. Dogs OK, but may do a Thai wedding ,easy to get them into Europe ,not UK ,but work for her was a guessing point.

Yes beautiful house here(renting) but with so many empty around me and others trying to get away gets the thinking box moving,and age is another factor to weigh up,cost of pro-longed medical care in Thailand is daunting

Have been here and nearby country for quite a few years ,and I do get a bit homesick nowadays too,not to live in the UK, but a couple of hours away would do

Thanks for the responses, I have been in contact with a German who lives here and there,just tapping his brain at the moment. May throw the question up generally bit later.


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You suggest your Spanish didn't really work for you in Spain, so how is your Portuguese?

No good,and am not for learning it either,more difficult by half

Did work,but hard to believe the millions of foreigners living there that could not manage a word of it

Edited by loppylugs1
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As a retired EU citizen, if it wasn't for the taxation problems I would probably be living in Portugal now. I may well end up there if I reach a point where health care here costs me more than the tax savings I get from living outside the EU.

Portugal certainly has more pleasant weather and cheaper wine, and decent food.

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I lived in Portugal in 1995 and 1996. I was working in a small town just outside Lisbon. Portugal is my second favorite country on the planet after Thailand and I have often thought of returning. If so, I would live in the mountains in the north of Portugal, and holiday in the south from time to time.

If it is beach you want, take your time before buying a place. The towns on the west coast get a LOT of wind.

Edited by JulieM
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Wouldn't even cross my mind, I dislike nearly everything there, except the weather.

What's to dislike about cheap wine, decent food and good health care that is paid for by social security from your home country?

Hairy women indeed but also the taxes, cost of living, the food, the language, even the seawater is too cold, and I don't have social security from my "home" country...

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Why didn't Spain work out? We quite liked Portugal, but the southern part is very quiet during the winter months. Most places just close up.

We liked Lisbon quite a bit. Somewhat similar to Madrid. For better or worse.

Spain was never particularly on the map for me,been there a few times last few years,but bit dissapointed,can speak and read Spanish (or used to) thought it would smooth the process of moving and living there, but no

Looking at various ex pat web sites and the southern part of Portugal not far off the Spanish border looks particularity attractive,but got loads of baggage here,dog, girlfriend etc. Dogs OK, but may do a Thai wedding ,easy to get them into Europe ,not UK ,but work for her was a guessing point.

Yes beautiful house here(renting) but with so many empty around me and others trying to get away gets the thinking box moving,and age is another factor to weigh up,cost of pro-longed medical care in Thailand is daunting

Have been here and nearby country for quite a few years ,and I do get a bit homesick nowadays too,not to live in the UK, but a couple of hours away would do

Thanks for the responses, I have been in contact with a German who lives here and there,just tapping his brain at the moment. May throw the question up generally bit later.

Loppy....Interesting post.

I have decided to move to Europe next spring after 7 years here. My reasons are as follows;

The UK government and what they are likely to do with UK pensions tax relief etc. Already frozen of course.

The potential cost of health care. Although I am fit at the moment I cannot obtain any insurance due to age. One prolonged trip to, say, Pattaya Bangkok hospital would consume my savings I'm sure.

The unfolding political situation here. I think it will get a lot worse over the next couple of years.

Only 2 hours from UK if any major problems.

No 90 days, possible visa changes etc etc.

The problems will be over the next six months, that of tying up all my loose ends here and getting rid of all my furniture, car etc. Fortunately I am renting.

I've decided on Spain and have started a couple of language courses. Much easier to learn than Thai, that's for sure.

If you want to keep in touch by PM's please do so.

Best wishes.


Edited by Rimmer
Quotes fixed
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If I had to move, the French riviera sounds more tempting to me. Amazing food, wine, beaches, health care etc.

Amazing food and wine for sure.

But how much is a small condo in south of France? Ok, maybe rent, but I doubt there is anything under 1000 Euro per month.

And the weather, again. To ride a bycicle for more than, say, 10 min, at 10C you need to wear gloves. And that region is always below 10C during winter months.



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My spanish mate from Madrid who live in Manchester now told me that Portuguese women are very hairy - hope this helps.

Apart from this funny quote,its looking good. Just the long time Thai G/F is the problem,like to keep her in tow,but racism I'm told could be the problem for her,probably will have to marry her to smooth her right of passage,but no big deal if she cannot adjust,return ticket for her. Some really good,and I mean really good web sites out there giving advice,really specific too,Spain included

Everything else ,mutts,renting,buying,is all so easy,sorry I did not go for it years ago,go for a look-see in a month or so

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im hopeing in my life in the next decade to find somewhere new that is better then thailand, left the country ten years ago and regret my last three visits, nothing to lament just the fact that i could of went elsewhere like the philipines per say.

sun is sun, beach is beach, warm is warm and thai girls are just girls, and ones that dont have much mojo or sex skills anyways, portugal or spain or the phil with its latin blood sounds about right.

and the visa issues..........but as this year is the year of price corrections in the global markets and with thailand about to be in major woe in the farang sector a second wind might be hitting thailand in two years or simply that wind will blow many people elsewhere.

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My spanish mate from Madrid who live in Manchester now told me that Portuguese women are very hairy - hope this helps.

Apart from this funny quote,its looking good. Just the long time Thai G/F is the problem,like to keep her in tow,but racism I'm told could be the problem for her,probably will have to marry her to smooth her right of passage,but no big deal if she cannot adjust,return ticket for her. Some really good,and I mean really good web sites out there giving advice,really specific too,Spain included

Everything else ,mutts,renting,buying,is all so easy,sorry I did not go for it years ago,go for a look-see in a month or so

You also have to consider how such a marriage could affect the Soi Dogs Trust Fund when it comes to clog-popping time as well.

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