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age difference...

Crazy chef 1

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My preferred age for a woman here is mid 30's to early 40's. That would make them no more than 25 years younger. Young enough to me without being too young.

My body and brain have a massive attraction to women of this age. They drive me wild physically and mentally.

Edited by WhamBam
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when i got married our age difference was 7 years. now after 35 years of marriage that difference is still 7 years. could it be that there's something wrong with my wife or me? huh.png

Most of the ladies start doing funny mathematic calculations once they pass a 'certain' number. I'm call BS on this one Mr Naam, clearly you haven't been listening g to the good Mrs Naam who by now will be getting younger as each year passes. ;)

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The bigger the age difference the more brief the relationship

If one partner is towards 90 years old, and the other is around 20 years then there may be some sense in your Post, (on longevity alone,or a similar wide age gap) but otherwise the claims (the bigger the age difference the brief the relalationship) are nonsense!

I got Stat088's joke straightaway, quite clever. It explains why some Thai women marry men who look like they are ready to peg it at any moment.

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Depends what part of the country you live in.

Depends on whether the buffalo farang has built a farang mansion and bought a 'Tuna.

Depends on whether the buffalo farang has to pay his mrs and her family a stipend every month.

Depends on whether the CC buffalo farang lost face and didnt pay at least 5 million baht sin sot for some second hand girl and her 3 kids.

Depends on wheter the farang understands that not really her brother but her gik.

Where in Thailand do you live?

Can you speak Thai and understand what the "pak jat" old yais are saying about you?

it also depends whether you give a flying fàrt or not what other people think wink.png

Personally I couldnt give a flying fig.

Depends on whether you actually believe the kid is yours, despite being out the country at the time it was concieved,

Depends on how desperate you are for company that you have to pay for.

Depends on whether you really care what your mrs is up to or who she sees.

Depends on whether you can afford to walk away or not.

Depends on how much of a buffalo you want to make of yourself.

Depends on how much you feel the need to be a hansam man.

Who really gives a shyt, keep on making a fool of yourself, no one cares.


Surely these points could also refer to relation ships were there is no age difference.

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I was 45 when I met my Thai wife in the UK, she was 24. Now she is the age I was when I met her (45) and I am 66. I now realise that this is the best age difference. We have 3 children at University and hopefully by the time they graduate I will be 72.

Edited by Estrada
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The bigger the age difference the more brief the relationship.

Hey I am 76 and she is 25 been together 3 years now. She will hang in there for the long haul. No she has not tried to take me to the cleaners.

Please tell me that youre taking the piss out of us. Surely you havent really shacked up with a little girl young enough to be your grandaughter.

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I tried younger (youngest gf 18) thru older (oldest gf 41)...older ladies are more accommodating, accepting, and patient...the younger ladies have their expectations in material possessions and bedroom antics...one needs to measure up in both departments to keep young ones happy over an extended period of time...

The older ladies seldom complain...the younger ones complain incessantly...probably comes from being spoiled at home...

Older ladies know instinctively how to make her man happy...younger girls are waiting for you to buy them something and heaven forbid if you are tired at the end of the day and wish to just sleep for a change...biggrin.png

This is just one man's observation and not to be taken as a generalization for all older men...

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The bigger the age difference the more brief the relationship.

Well my wife is 24 years younger than me ,and only a few years older than my daughter ,we have a son ,who is 21 and have been together 22 years , my question is ,is my relationship doomed ,do you think she will leave after shuch a" brief" relationship.?

Ever thought about some of the questions like:

What was her financial status prior to the marriage?

Did she and her family gain any financial benefit through your marriage?

What would her life be if she dumped you? Would she have to go back to rile rice fields?

Do you know ANY young Thai woman who prefers 24 y. older farang man over some young Thai stud?

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crazy chef 1

"what age difference is socially and morality acceptable - if you be 40 and your partner is 20 - not sure - don't wanna get below..."
" PS who am i to judge( not my intention) just want to read your views... "

I think you just passed judgement

and your dad's comment "no because i would feel like sha$$ing my own kid" ... I fail to see the connection

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Hmmmm........too much thinking and too much worrying about what other people would think or say.

My wife is 28 years younger than me....and neither one of us thinks about what others will think or what others do think or what they may want to say.

Meantime...I tell people here in Thailand..."This is Thailand" ...you can do all of that and more and no one really cares or seriously scrutinizes the age different.

Here in Thailand it seems it is perfectly OK for a young women to be married to an older man.....While I am not talking about young bar girls marrying their older clients.

When I see an older man with a young girl it does not bather me one bit while I do not criticize or scrutinize either one of them....but I do wonder who will benefit more so in the long run.


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There is an equation for this that has been around a long time:

Take your age, divide by 2, then add 7...

40 / 2 = 20 + 7 = 27 years old...

The gap gets wider the older the man gets...

it is first time i ve heard it..... it looks really good rule.... because, without to use this rule, i always think in the same way of that rule...

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The bigger the age difference the more brief the relationship.

Hey I am 76 and she is 25 been together 3 years now. She will hang in there for the long haul. No she has not tried to take me to the cleaners.

For the long haul...smile.png

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IMHO, its all about the relationship and not so much about the age difference. When people talk about age difference, they are talking more about what conforms to society rather than what the partnership brings.

For myself (and missus) there is only a difference of 3 years, I'm 57 and we have been married for 15 years now.

Our story may be slightly different (also, very similar too) a lot of posters, in that we were two people who had enjoyed a care-free life into our 40's and realized it was time to settle down, ease off the throttle so to speak. Just two people who were attracted to each other and had a rough idea of what biology and the need to slow it down a bit was all about..............wink.png

Being married was out contribution to the needs and wants of society, we would both just be living together if it wasn't for this appearance.

To me, any age difference in a relationship can work, it just depends what the relationship is about. If the object is to have a 'trophy wife' or the object (from the other side) is to have a financial source alone, then there will be restrictions to your options.

If you are two people who are happy in each other's company, go for it, at the end of the day it is your lives..............thumbsup.gif

Edited by chrisinth
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My question is where you met her. Not her age difference. Would a common Thai woman not working in a bar or massage shop think of dating some foreigner that spoke little Thai and was twenty years or more older. The answer is NO. She likely is in love with your lack of Thai , meaning not understanding anything that was going on around you (DUMB) and your ATM card. A far too common sight in Thailand. I am eight years older than my wife of twenty years and we did not meet in a bar.

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We have been together 4 years with 22 years difference and she is a year older than my oldest daughter which I think is very lucky. My 3 children and family accept and love her. I think importantly she is in her 30's and has a mature approach to life and relationships.

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quiet right.

real age and physical or mental age sometimes differ...

but i think from a certain (number) difference it's becoming obvious difficult...thats the purpose of this topic to find out when...

"real age and physical or mental age sometimes differ..."
Considering some of the threads on Thai Visa I'd say physical age and mental age are heading in opposite directions for some.
"quiet right."
"my point is if you're 70 and your partner is 50-i think quiet ok..."
A bit of quiet would indeed be welcome, but quite unlikely here at the hub of True Romance.
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Socially acceptable and morally acceptable are 2 different matters.

Socially acceptable will vary depending on what society and what segment of society you are inquiring about.

Morally acceptable IMO is a personal, individual assessment. For myself, I would see a moral issue only if the partner were too young to be making an informed, mature decision about being in the relationship.

A third factor which you did not mention, but which would be well to consider, is not "acceptability" but advisability. An older person is likely to know what they want and be able to accurately forecast what they will continue to want a decade hence. Much younger people will inevitability grow and change and may well come to no longer want what they previously thought they did. It has been my observaton, not just in Thailand but even back in the farang land, that marriages to much younger partners have a higher rate of break-up and infidelity on the part of the younger spouse. Time passes, the older spouse becomes even older while the younger one is still youthful and they increasingly feel physically turned off; they also start to have aspirations they did not previously have and want different things. Not always of course, but it happens.

Women usually mature faster than men, making (somewhat) older men attractive to young women, since their male peers are relatively immature. But men age faster, making a man of even the same age "old" while his wife is still looking and feeling young. In other words, from a female perspective, the ideal mate is say 5-10 years older than you when you are in your teens and twenties, but at least as much younger than you when you hit middle age wink.png

Nothing to do with morality or society, and not really important for short term relationships. but worth thinking about if contemplating a permanent commitment to someone significantly younger....

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