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major break through

Bang Bamru

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you know those little flies that hang around in the bathroom quietly sittng on the wall hoping you dont notice them, well when the lights go off they fly over and bite you they are very cunning and only do this when it is absolutely dark. this means that you dont associate them with being nasties. i have know this for some years now but still hadnt tried to eradicate them because i dont like spraying aNd i though they would be evasive like fast mozzies and normal ordinary house flies. but just recently i have found a solution. pet water bottles can with little difficulty be placed oVer them and they will then fly inside and if you are careful can catch many with the same bottle closing the screw top lid when necessary. then carry the bottle to a distant bin open the bottle and discard it. SOLVED!

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  • 3 weeks later...

got this sussed now.

they come out of the shower drain along with mosquitoes and various other flying things. hatching from their larval stage no doubt. was a big huntsman spider in there which i chased and he finally left of his own accord when i started catching the flys in a pet bottle. was wondering why he was there as there didnt seem much for him to eat. after he left i know what why he was there. so many of the little flies now he has gone.

anyhow back to solution: placed a semi transparent bucket over the drain. can still take a shower as the water goes under the bucket but the flies and mozzies cant get out. after a few days take the bucket outside after quickly adding the bucket lid.

but now also got an enhancement: put a largish preying mantis under the bucket over the drain with a half pet bottle as well for him to perch on.

still have to empty the bucket every few days as the preying mantis doesn't get all of the flies.biggrin.png

Edited by ratter
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