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Uk Govt Says Stay Home


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This BBC article is just typical of the current 'environmental religiosity' spewed out by former Socialist leaning pressure group intellectuals looking for a 'safe haven' following the 'Centre Ground' or 'Middle Way' approach of Britain's two major political parties.

The Trade Unions have succumbed to the behemoths of big business, political correctness reigns supreme, and the lily-livered insurance companies have all but emasculated all sense of 'risk' out of such childish pastimes as conker-bashing, conger eel slapping at Lyme Regis, and childrens' tug-o-war.

The fact of the matter is that while the US, India, and China continue to pursue growth at any cost without regard to the environment, the UK's feeble attempts at going green will matter not a jot to the overall effect on global climate change.

Having said that, it is no excuse to do 'nothing'. Taxes on airline fares is just a cheap, lazy way for politicians to say 'look we are doing something.' Why don't they tackle the horrendous mismanagement of water resources in the UK? what long-term (a joke) planning is there for integrated public transport across the country?

So, going to Tenby, Torbay or Thailand should remain a matter of personal choice, without the last option being priced out of existence for those with relatives or other connections in LOS.

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Govt says

"Going to Thailand on holiday rather than Brittany doesn't make you any happier "

Whichever prat came out with that gem has probably never been to either.

Probably spends his annual holiday in a caravan in Bognor Regis... :o

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Taxes on airline fares is just a cheap, lazy way for politicians to say 'look we are doing something.'
The Australian parliament talked about a pollution tax on cows, because their burps contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer. (That one was good for a laugh)

The French government wants to collect a tax on airline tickets to fund foreign aid, i.e. to line the pockets of dictators and corrupt government officials in poor countries.

Now, not to be outdone, the UK government floats the idea of new taxes on airline tickets and motor vehicles, allegedly to reduce pollution but the money will end up in the general kitty and will not be spent for specific measures to reduce pollution.

Switzerland’s parliament has approved a pollution tax on heating oil, with the proceeds to be distributed equitably to the inhabitants by means of a bonus on the national health insurance premium.

What nobody is admitting is that more than half, if not all or more, of the money collected will be spent on the additional bureaucracy needed to implement the system.

Where will it all end? A special tax on beans and onions, because they cause wind? Don’t laugh! I am sure some country will do it before long.



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