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BMA makes travel calendar to attract tourists to Bangkok


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BMA makes travel calendar to attract tourists to Bangkok

BANGKOK, 8 December 2014 (NNT) – The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports have launched a campaign to motivate travelers to travel Bangkok longer after statistics showed that a number of travelers in the capital city was declining.

Deputy Governor of Bangkok Amonkit Chawengkun said the campaign had the goal to make travelers spend more than 3-4 days in Bangkok.

The BMTA and the ministry were working together in creating a travel calendar so that travelers learned about tourism activities in Bangkok in each month.

There were tour packages grouped by the types of tourism activities with highlights such as cultural performances and street food which was Bangkok’s outstanding characteristic, said the deputy governor.

Mr Amonkit added that the BMA would continue to make the travel calendar every year and organize sport activities to attract tourists.

-- NNT 2014-12-08 footer_n.gif

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BKK has to be one of the most boring day time places on the planet..take away all the shopping malls and what have you got , some pretty average temples, bacteria ridden street food, oh and terrible traffic with all the polution it brings

and the wonderful......Stop and search police harassment plus the Tesakit 2000baht scammers

I can understand why people are staying less

Add to that the increasing number of alcohol free days.

The idea of banning alcohol at New Year will certainly keep some tourists away.

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I think they need to work on retaining the tourists they have already got before wasting taxpayers's money trying to attract more. Masked police with their name badges removed Racially profiling Caucasian tourists for strip searches and urine tests by the side of the road is forcing tourists to cut short there trips and flee Thailand for Malaysia and other more welcoming places.

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travel calendar

yes, a website or app could not replace the bullshit they come up with ...

want them to spend 3-4 days? well ... pay for 1-2, get 3-4 days :)

simple, right ?

They might decide to give the tourists a taste of Thainess by charging them for 3-4 days and giving them 1-2 instead. LOL

Edited by Dogmatix
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This is the classic Thai paradox where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. On one hand they make all this hot air about how amazing Thailand is and how they intend to boost arrivals to new highs, and on the other we have a Khmer Rouge style mentality that is shunning a key sector of the economy. Brilliant.

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Maybe they should include a rough guide of taxi fares for key routes, and a number to report taxi drivers who refuse your destination or refuse to put the meter on. They should also include a citizens rights guide to inform tourists that the police have the right to stop them and search them for no apparent reason.

If the authorities are blind to what is going on and refuse or are unable to stop it, the decline in tourist number will only accelerate

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In my opinion, the problem with the Police is a major issue and will be the deal breaker in the future. People come to Thailand to enjoy, have fun and spend money. The idea that the Police which have the full authority of the law, carry guns, and can stop you for no reason and force you to submit to pretty disgusting things (at least from a Western perspective), will eventually kill the goose. Who wants to holiday with the fear that they might be strip searched, or forced to pee by the side of the road filled with on lookers, or fined for not carrying a passport although they have a copy of it, and 2 or 3 other forms of picture idea. It stinks of organized crime with government blessing.

AND IT IS NO SECRET, to the government that it is going on.

A free calendar is not going to persuaded me or many others to come and spend our money to enjoy a third world corruption scam that might lend you in jail or worse prison.

Just saying ....


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BKK has to be one of the most boring day time places on the planet..take away all the shopping malls and what have you got , some pretty average temples, bacteria ridden street food, oh and terrible traffic with all the polution it brings

and the wonderful......Stop and search police harassment plus the Tesakit 2000baht scammers

I can understand why people are staying less

That's not what I see in BKK. I see several outstanding temples and lots of interesting museums ... and world-class skytrain and subway systems to avoid the traffic.

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Here's and idea that Thailand can promote on its calendars, the monthly 'best way to die as a tourist' calendar. January's photo can carry the theme . . .

'You dead yet?' reckless van driver asks upset passenger

So many ways to promote Thailand as a vacation wonderland! What a country!

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BKK has to be one of the most boring day time places on the planet..take away all the shopping malls and what have you got , some pretty average temples, bacteria ridden street food, oh and terrible traffic with all the polution it brings

and the wonderful......Stop and search police harassment plus the Tesakit 2000baht scammers

I can understand why people are staying less

Oh come now. They have added a new updated a traction to lure tourists. An increase in shakedown and public strip searches with urine tests. Tourists will be flocking there for the chance to scammed and locked up.

I wonder if they will now launch the martial law tourism they spoke of a month or so ago? An opportunity to look at the military road blocks etc.. This was one of their amaze-balls ideas recently

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Someone please remind BMA before printing of the calendar....

The pictures.... High heels and miniskirt are ok as they need help to go up the ramps in order to do their business....

But no bikini!!!!!


Hub is daily announcement that will never materialize. they should really claim this one....

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I would be happy to participate. Perhaps they could show the photo of me being body searched including grabbing my crotch by two officers and wasting my time for 15 mins - Should attract hordes of tourists hoping to meet the same fate.

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Is the calendar also going to show which days and times the cops are going to check for your Passport and visa when you are in Bangkok near the Asoke intersection as mentioned in the posts above ?

Bi- polar Thailand, one part of the government wants tourists but another part want's to do everything in their power to discourage tourism

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