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Don't Slam the Door on my Face.


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Today, dear members, I’m going to rant about doors.

Being of the old school, when I open and go through a door I look behind me to see if anybody is near me and I hold the door so they can get through.

But Thais don’t.

They ignore anybody else completely and sometimes even slam the door behind them on your face.

I’ve noticed that, in shops, restaurants and any other buildings that haven’t got an automatique sliding door.

And I have seen that happening not only to me but to anybody else, Thais, farangs or Martians.

But it’s not only that.

They never give way and allow people in need to get pass them.

Women with children, older people, disabled people they don’t exist for them.

They just go through and slam the door or go through first and block the way of others trying to come in.

Never seen that in other countries I’ve been and in my books this is called basic courtesy and awareness of other human beings living in the same planet like you.

Yes there are ignorant people out there but not to the same extend I’ve noticed in Thailand.

What do you think members?

Is my observation correct or am I becoming another grumpy old fart?

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Trying to get out of the lift before they barge in can be fun. I am quite large and have learned to stand in the middle of the doors as they open to stop them piling in as I am trying to get out. They still try to squeeze past.

On the other hand, in and out of my condo block there are many courteous Thai ladies who hold the door open to exit the building.

In shops and malls I have to totally agree with Costas post.

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Nope you are 100% correct. It happens as you say but, the other nationalities that run across Thailand do the same thing. So my thoughts, its the difference between civil cultures and the others you run across here.

I don't believe that Thais are ignorant, they just don't know any better, just like they walk into you on the sidewalk, or don't wait their turn in queues, they just do everything to suit themselves. Have you ever seen a Thai objecting when other Thais jump the queue in front of them?

Also, when I was a school teacher, the subjects I was given to teach the classes never included manners, there was travel, going to parties, the cinema, meeting with friends etc,etc, but as I said nothng about manners, just because most of us westerners were brought up to have good manners, who are we to say that Thailand, or any other country should be the same..

You are living in their country, just accept it, they are not doing any harm, though I must be honest and say, I will not let anyone jump in front of me in a queue, I will just push my way in front of them gently and give them a smile.

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Unfortunately, this situation and other similar situations are prevalent not only in Thailand, but many other countries as well.

I was once in an overcrowded lift in a Bangkok hotel. We arrived at the Ground Floor, and there was a "lovely" Indian gentleman who thought he would step into the lift prior to letting us out. That wasn't going to happen-he was pushed out of the way and ended up on his backside! Common courtesy has gone out the window, along with a lot of other things.

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It happens all the time on the skytrain. Every time now I check through the door windows to see how many encroachers I need to walk at. Then, once the doors open, I walk at them and will not stop. I am talking about walking out of the double doors in a central position. Anyone in my way as I disembark should not be centrally positioned but should wait to one side, thus they get walked at.


I realise it's a generalisation, but I find the worst offenders to encroachment and queue jumping are middle aged women. It happens a lot at borders too, especially with Laos, where these women appear to be from a lowly background but over the years have made enough money to travel and thus have a sense of entitlement. Furthermore, they seem to have a thing about 'beating the farang' and if they succeed you can even see them smiling about their ridiculous victory. It's a minorty, obviously.


I also imagine on Thai websites they probably criticise us for being brought up with no manners too, that we lack greng-jai and lose face for our ignorant ways. So beyond all the generalizations it's also a cultural thing, as others have already pointed out, for those that lack class irrespective of what culture they come from.


I think that we as expats are more sensitive to such things because, as guests, most of us tend to make a good effort, whereas as hosts the ones that lack class and decent upbringing feel more entitlement due to it being their country.

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Nope you are 100% correct. It happens as you say but, the other nationalities that run across Thailand do the same thing. So my thoughts, its the difference between civil cultures and the others you run across here.

I don't believe that Thais are ignorant, they just don't know any better, just like they walk into you on the sidewalk, or don't wait their turn in queues, they just do everything to suit themselves. Have you ever seen a Thai objecting when other Thais jump the queue in front of them?

Also, when I was a school teacher, the subjects I was given to teach the classes never included manners, there was travel, going to parties, the cinema, meeting with friends etc,etc, but as I said nothng about manners, just because most of us westerners were brought up to have good manners, who are we to say that Thailand, or any other country should be the same..

You are living in their country, just accept it, they are not doing any harm, though I must be honest and say, I will not let anyone jump in front of me in a queue, I will just push my way in front of them gently and give them a smile.

They are selfish, the most Ive ever seen. You are right they are not ignorant, they know their own personal greed comes first.

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Buses in BKK are the worst.

I have had people walking up the back of my legs to try to make me walk faster when getting on a bus. I have had them dive under my arms to get on the bus before me. I have seen young women race elderly men to get to empty seats first. It's like a frenzy. And they want to get off the bus just as fast as they got on it. Then they stop dead at the entrance and walk slowly and strategically in a part of the pavement where nobody can get past. My very pregnant GF stood for an hour on the bus until the conductor made someone stand for her. She said, "they were all trying not to make eye contact with me, so they didn't have to stand"

They are also bad in the street too.

I was dive-bombed by a girl once (not in a good way and, no, this is not a sex act). I was walking, all mindful n such, as us farang do, when a plump girl decided she would literally jump out of a shop (without looking, of course) and land (almost) on me. Luckily, with my cat-like agility, i was able to do an impression of a fluffy dog who wants his tummy tickled and successfully avoid collision. They just looked at me.

They are the masters of, "not touching, can't get mad", which the rest of the world gave up at about age 10.

It's mostly women too. I rarely boptice men doing it. They are worse in cars and bikes.

To be continued.....

Edited by EmptyHead
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Last week I was inside a 7-11 outside my girls shop and heard some horn beeping. It faces a main street at a major T intersection. A van followed by a truck was turning onto the side road. Mind you this is a very busy intersection. This van decided he was going to use this intersection to make his own personal turnaround in. In order for this to happen he wanted the truck following him to back up in the road. When i get outside it is quite a scene people standing around gawking. The truck driven by a farang was standing his ground. The van driver got out of his van twice trying to intimidate the farang into backing up in the main street but he stood solid! This stalemate went on for a good 10 minutes. Finally the van driver floors it up the side road and makes a 3-point turn farther up holding up traffic on the side street even more. It was a site to behold the idiot thai van driver thinking he owned the road and could break the law. Farang one, idiot thai van driver ZERO!

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But Thais don’t.

Nonsense. Thais in my building always check and hold the door ... even if I'm still at a distance & especially if I'm carrying shopping. They hold the elevator if I'm approaching and the door is about to close.

It really gets old with all this moaning about THAIS. Polite and rude people exist in every country and race. You seem to bring out the worst in some people and then generalize to everyone. Maybe there's something about you that invites rudeness.

Seriously. Give it a rest. At least Thais don't whine as much as some other people.

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But Thais dont.

Nonsense. Thais in my building always check and hold the door ... even if I'm still at a distance & especially if I'm carrying shopping. They hold the elevator if I'm approaching and the door is about to close.

It really gets old with all this moaning about THAIS. Polite and rude people exist in every country and race. You seem to bring out the worst in some people and then generalize to everyone. Maybe there's something about you that invites rudeness.

Seriously. Give it a rest. At least Thais don't whine as much as some other people.

Thai's also complain in similar circumstances...

.....Read panthip forum or speak with a Thai who does...

Fundamentally we're all the same, and on a forum such as this, a valid whinge is just about voicing an opinion..

Edited by richard_smith237
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I agree with Costa 100%.

I am paralyzed from the chest down. Have to go to hospital regularly for check up.

Porters were lifting me out of the car at the hospital. They were blocking the roadway. Thai man in car behind was getting irate blasting the car horn ,opened the door shouting at the porters to move. Only 2 minutes but hey what a crazy selfish b..tard. My wife went to speak to him thinking he had an emergency.

No he was going home after dropping off an out patient.

My wifes excuse for him was (no education). People from villages no manners she said. Bloody moron.

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I agree with Costa 100%.

I am paralyzed from the chest down. Have to go to hospital regularly for check up.

Porters were lifting me out of the car at the hospital. They were blocking the roadway. Thai man in car behind was getting irate blasting the car horn ,opened the door shouting at the porters to move. Only 2 minutes but hey what a crazy selfish b..tard. My wife went to speak to him thinking he had an emergency.

No he was going home after dropping off an out patient.

My wifes excuse for him was (no education). People from villages no manners she said. Bloody moron.

Thank you for making the point. If anyone knows how selfish Thais can be, I imagine you would know better than us all.

Please give us more examples about how there are plenty of handicap parking that is always open wherever you go.

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I hold the door open, smile and wait for everybody......

...with nice breasts.

Sipi, How much are you making a day out of the tips?

Who tips better the ones with small tits or the ones with big ones?

Important questions to be answeredwhistling.gif

I do it for free....


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I think it happens else where too I was on an Air India flight, when we landed we all stood the get our overhead bags, and this Indian guys started to barge through the aisle knocking my wife right across the seats I grabbed him and threw him back to where he came from and told him to F#$%ing wait, the air hostess came and said to me no no he does not understand , I said he does now.

On the BTS a couple of weeks ago it was packed with school kids all sitting and the adults standing they made no attempt to give up their seats I shamed one young lad into relinquishing his seat to an old lady standing next to me, and at the next stop a pregnant woman got on and the old lady gave her seat to her, so I gave one of the other young lads the look and a nod and he stood for her too.

So sometimes good manners can be taught to strangers if you have the nerve to stand up to them.

As the saying goes " evil flourishes when good men do nothing"

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