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Poll reveals Thais want a long-lasting constitution


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Poll reveals Thais want a long-lasting constitution

BANGKOK, 8 December 2014 (NNT)-Suan Dusit Poll has revealed that most Thais prefer a constitution that responds to the need of the current society, promotes morality and lasts for a long time.

According to the survey, more than half the respondents are aware of the on-going drafting of the new charter. Most of them also pay attention to the process, saying it concerns their rights and the country’s direction and political mechanism.

Among the issues they wanted to see most in the new charter’s political section, is a clear statement on the qualifications of the Prime Minister, MPs and senators. They added that the new constitution should cover all important elements so that it does not need to be amended often.

When asked what should be addressed most in terms of economy, the respondents said commodity prices should be kept reasonable, more jobs created and fair income generated.

On social aspects, the poll indicated that people want a better living environment, education promotion and a society that is free of illegal drugs and crimes.

-- NNT 2014-12-08 footer_n.gif

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This reminds me of statements made about another poll. I was told that in the current state of terror people will give answers which the junta expects or the answers people think are expected.

BTW a charter that responds to the needs of the current society might not necessarily be the right one from a few years hence as reforms are supposed to move the society into the 21st century.

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Thailand will NEVER get a long lasting Constitution as long as the Military can stage a coup at any time they feel like it, tear up the existing constitution and give themselves an amnesty for doing so.

Absolutely true.

The military live in their own bubble here, still back in the sixties.

This next generation of Thais, which has had far more contact with the West and Western ideas won't stand for it.

This was just about giving the elite a few more years at the trough before they have to give way.

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Constitution is a state of existence. Asking for a piece of paper to say you have a constitution is about as ludicrous as two future divorcees getting a marriage license.

Judging by the way people here treat each other, and the questionable values they present to the world regarding the higher levels of the human consciousness, I would say that it matters not what they say they want, and what they end up getting... the behavior and attitudes won't change. Simply my take on this.

My son kept asking for toys every time we went to shopping. I noticed that the more I got him a toy (with each visit) the less time it took him to maintain an interest in it, and then to swiftly forgot about it. It was only when I ceased giving him what he wanted, and encouraged him (strictly at times) to appreciate what he already had, that he really began growing up and appreciating the toys he has, and taking better care of them.

Translated: I think that Thais are not very good at obeying the laws which already exist (toys), and moreover are more concerned about breaking them to satisfy their moods, whims and emotions, just so they can ask for more toys (more laws on more pieces of paper). I do not see how this is not going to remedy a state of being.

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When (if) democracy is restored, the newly elected government needs to round up all the perpetrators of the current coup, charge them with treason and either shoot them or lock them up for life.

...Thus triggering a coup...

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When (if) democracy is restored, the newly elected government needs to round up all the perpetrators of the current coup, charge them with treason and either shoot them or lock them up for life. Only then will this ridiculous cycle come to an end.


That chart is great. Is there some way to include a feeding trough for a more

accurate representation of what is going on ?

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I was more surprised that it wasn't a more precise poll, can't be real. Usually it's:

98.4387% approve of the government

99.78352% think Prayuth is most devilishly handsum man

100% think Yingluck is a She Devil

1000% know Thaksin is the devil incarnate

99.65836% agree Thai Tourists will be up this year

99.74538% believe the Thai International will return a Gazillion ฿ profit in 2015

There just wasn't enough details...note to troops; re-run the numbers until they are what I want dammit!

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as long as 75% of the population is ok with corruption

and ok with every passing in schools, even they don't qualify

thailand is in for many more decades of nice greedy corrupted society run by thai chinese elitists that specially don't want anything to change

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What exactly were the questions in the Poll?

"most Thais prefer a constitution that responds to the need of the current society"

as opposed to what?
"Would you like a constitution that does not relate to the needs of the current society"
"would you like a constitution based on an archaic set of arbitrary rules with a set of hereditary powerbrokers acting as law makers [i.e. UK]"
There's such a thing as a 'leading question'
I remember when the French were asked if they should adopt the European currency, and 90% were for. When asked if they would abolish the French Franc for the Euro, 70% were against.
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