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Racy Condom Name Rubs Fda Wrong Way


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Racy condom name rubs FDA wrong way

BANGKOK: -- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no intention of allowing a condom brand to go on sale with a trade name that carries a sexual connotation, secretary-general Dr Pakdee Pothisiri said yesterday.

He was speaking just one day after the Culture Ministry publicly commented that the request for the name "Tom Dundee" was inappropriate and offensive to Thai culture.

"Tom Dundee" is singer Puntiwa Pumiprathet's stage name. He had hoped to manufacture and distribute the condoms, with some of the proceeds going to Wat Phra Baht Nam Phu. The temple is also known as the Aids Temple because it has cared for patients living with HIV.

However, "dundee" also translates as "good penetration" in Thai.

"We sent a letter to the manufacturing company on May 31 saying that we would not allow such a trade name," Pakdee said yesterday.

However, the company appealed and so the FDA decided to consult the Culture Ministry.

"When we officially receive the Culture Ministry's recommendation in writing, we will issue our decision," he said.

According to Pakdee, the FDA alone has the mandate to approve or reject the request for a condom trade name. He also complained that the Culture Ministry should have consulted the FDA before going public about the issue.

Department of Religious Affairs director-general Preecha Kanthiya said he appreciated the charitable intention but believed that a new trade name would be the most appropriate solution.

Puntiwa was unhappy with the authorities' intention to ban his trade name.

--The Nation 2006-08-09

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These condoms won't penetrate the market...

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai cultural watchdogs have banned a line of condoms whose name translates as "Good Penetration," saying the suggestive label could draw youngsters into having sex earlier, newspapers reported Tuesday.

The condoms are actually named "Tom Dundee" after the stage name of a popular country singer, but Culture Ministry officials said this was inappropriate and offended good norms and culture, the Thai Rath tabloid said.

"Dundee" in Thai means "Good Penetration."

"Although the name is not vulgar or rude, it is ambiguous, boastful and provocative," said Ladda Tangsupachai of the Cultural Watch Center.

"It could entice excessive consumption and lure children and youths with little maturity to start having sexual activities before their appropriate age," she added.

Dundee, whose real name is Puntiva Poomiprates, defended lending his stage name to the condom brand.

He said he was merely following a government policy to promote safe sex in a country where over 500,000 people have HIV or AIDS, and indicators point to climbing infection rates among the young.

"You can't stop human desire, no matter how old they are, so it is better to protect them," Puntiva told Reuters, adding that he had been telling his audiences about the risks of AIDS and unwanted pregnancy for years.

In Thailand, condom producers have to seek approval from both the Health and Culture ministries.

Source: Yahoo News - 8 August 2006

Thanks to JohnK for the link.

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"It could entice excessive consumption and lure children and youths with little maturity to start having sexual activities before their appropriate age," she added.

What world do these people live in?

Anything that promotes the use of condoms should be applauded.

And anything that helps achieve "dundee" should be applauded ! :o

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"It could entice excessive consumption and lure children and youths with little maturity to start having sexual activities before their appropriate age," she added.

What world do these people live in?

Anything that promotes the use of condoms should be applauded.

Not the real world, that's for sure.

So Puntiva Poomiprates' plans to market trendy rubbers have been sheathed due to condomnation by the Thai FDA for a seductive & suggestive name they consider unsafe for teenagers and young people.

Surely good penetration with a "Tom Dundee" brand prophylactic is better than little penetration without one ? They might even have earned the nickname "Tommies" after the first world war British soldiers who were safe in any hole.

Anyway now that they have received priceless publicity, any new names they think of will hopefully be funny too.


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For a modest consultation fee – say one million euro – I shall gladly show Khun Puntiwa how he can legally get the name “Tom Dundee” on his condom packs in bold letters even if the FDA disallows it as brand name.



P.S. The FDA controls drugs (including medical devices) and foods. Under which category does it control condoms?

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In some ways the Thai Government operates in Caveman mode..

For heaven sakes just change the name ..... maybe to something like Dick Dungoode, or is there a singer by that name also ???

Selling for the goode of the temple or donations going to the temple, to be used for HIV/AIDS help. thats goode why stop it.?


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I think I'll try marketing my own brand of condoms.

The "Boom Boom Mak Mak" brand will have "easy-on/easy-off" features, racing stripes and new flavours the girls are sure to love, including "Spicy Som Tam", "Grilled Insects" and other Thai favourites.

They will be manufactured in Farang sizes of course, XL, XXl and XXXL. The XXXL size can also be used as a shopping bag, or an emergency floatation device !

I'll set up a couple of booths in the new airport, right near where you collect your luggage. That way you can stock up while waiting for your bags to arrive.

Now if only I could get off my butt and actually put an effort into this, I could be rich ! :o

But never mind. I'd rather finish my supper and pop down to the club for a bit ! :D

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For a modest consultation fee – say one million euro – I shall gladly show Khun Puntiwa how he can legally get the name “Tom Dundee” on his condom packs in bold letters even if the FDA disallows it as brand name.



P.S. The FDA controls drugs (including medical devices) and foods. Under which category does it control condoms?

Condoms are both for Birth Control and for prevention of disease .. the FDA would have jurisdiction on both counts ...

and he can name them "... condoms" in very small print .. and "personally endorsed by TOM DUNDEE" in Large print!

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