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Australia worst performer on climate change - report


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Australia worst performer on climate change - report

(BBC) Australia was the worst performing industrial country in terms of climate change in 2014, a new report has said.

The report by two non-government organisations said the poor ranking was due in part to policy changes made by the current coalition government.

The Climate Change Performance Index ranks emissions and climate policies of the 58 highest CO2 emitters worldwide.

It ranked Denmark as the best performing nation, followed by Sweden and the UK.

Saudi Arabia ranked last on the index.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-30389737

-- BBC 2014-12-09

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Whatever one's shade of politics, be it Green or Abbott's slightly charred one, there is absolutely no doubt that carbon levels around the world are at their highest in many hundreds of thousands of years.

To produce the power/energy needed for the global population expected in the next 50 years, a new coal powered power station needs to be built every day!

Even the largest countries such as the USA and China have now reached agreement on reducing carbon levels.

People are complaining about the wild and severe weather, yet still deny climate change.

The bad news is that the Earth is NOT flat and the industry-led deniers will have to learn the hard way, that we are not helping the planet or ourselves in the long run.

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Thanks for posting that. It is sad that only now it is making the news. A close friend of mine was in western QLD a couple of years back going around and trying to help Farmers consolidate and not loose their land. We owe him dearly for this help, even though it was his profession. Unfortunately, after reading this, it may have all been in vain.

I would go home in a heartbeat and work alongside any Farmer that was on the edge to help out, and keep his land...and you know when i say it I will do it....I do it..

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What the Chinese actually agreed to was to cap their CO2 emissions by 2030. In other words, they are free to keep increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years.
That hardly qualifies as an "agreement on reducing carbon levels.".
The Chinese aren't stupid -- unlike many Western countries infected by the Green Blob.

Tell that to people who live in Beijing and breath in the Brown Smog.

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While Oz makes promises to reduce coal consumption, we sell it to anybody willing to buy it. Hypocrisy, stupidity or both?

Even sillier, Oz power stations burn lower grade coal (higher ash content) and export the premium stuff. And at the same time, we build hugely expensive solar power stations, which produce very little electricity SOME of the time, and NONE when demand is highest.

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Whatever one's shade of politics, be it Green or Abbott's slightly charred one, there is absolutely no doubt that carbon levels around the world are at their highest in many hundreds of thousands of years.

To produce the power/energy needed for the global population expected in the next 50 years, a new coal powered power station needs to be built every day!

Even the largest countries such as the USA and China have now reached agreement on reducing carbon levels.

People are complaining about the wild and severe weather, yet still deny climate change.

The bad news is that the Earth is NOT flat and the industry-led deniers will have to learn the hard way, that we are not helping the planet or ourselves in the long run.

We are the greediest,meanest generation that has been put on this Earth.Most of us will be dead and gone by the time the world turns to s...Who do we think we are to keep s...ing in our own nest and get away with it.We are sweeping the dirt under the carpet,and even though we are tripping over the lump we continue to sweep dirt under,hoping it will go away,maybe down the road where we can't see it.Our children will curse our stupidity.

I totally agree. I don't envy what the next few generations will have to put up with.

Imagine if our grandparents had left the place in such a mess, and no plans to clean it up.

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Probably because they realize that ethogenic climate change is a fraud perpetuated by companies and individuals who stand to make huge amounts of money by brokering carbon credits. You really believe Al Gore and his backers put up the venture capital to make An Inconvenient Truth because they are philanthropists? Yeah, I have a bridge to sell ya in Bangkok. Cheap! Trust me! thumbsup.gif

Btw: The corralation between CO2 and global warming disconnected in 2007.

Edited by connda
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the story is talking about policy

not emmissions

you cant tell me that little ol OZ

generates more crap than China

me thinks not

its about policy

very misleading headline

Per head of population, it generates MORE.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the rabbit has a policy for reducing carbon emissions.

He'll go down in History if he doesn't get out of his burrow and do something to prevent the Barrier Reef being zapped.

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I was watching a documentary about deep sea research the other day. There are underwater volcanoes down there continually spewing out huge amounts of molten lava that to what,s left of my mind must have a far greater effect on sea temperatures than mankind can come up with. Maybe someone could organize one day a month when everyone left their refrigerator door open :)

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the story is talking about policy

not emmissions

you cant tell me that little ol OZ

generates more crap than China

me thinks not

its about policy

very misleading headline

Per head of population, it generates MORE.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the rabbit has a policy for reducing carbon emissions.

He'll go down in History if he doesn't get out of his burrow and do something to prevent the Barrier Reef being zapped.

No he wont...As I am probably a lot older than you, and can remember when they started research on the reef years ago, it's been proven over and over that the reef has been deteriorating for hundreds of years....Fertilizers sped up the process flowing out of the rivers in the north.

It's a scientific fact that the warming of the earth is because the Ice caps are still melting from day one....after the ice age.

Edited by weegee
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the story is talking about policy

not emmissions

you cant tell me that little ol OZ

generates more crap than China

me thinks not

its about policy

very misleading headline

Per head of population, it generates MORE.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the rabbit has a policy for reducing carbon emissions.

He'll go down in History if he doesn't get out of his burrow and do something to prevent the Barrier Reef being zapped.

No he wont...As I am probably a lot older than you, and can remember when they started research on the reef years ago, it's been proven over and over that the reef has been deteriorating for hundreds of years....Fertilizers sped up the process flowing out of the rivers in the north.

It's a scientific fact that the warming of the earth is because the Ice caps are still melting from day one....after the ice age.

Masuk and his Green, Left, socialist or Abbott hating friends on TV don't want to be bothered by facts or logic..Everybody not on their wavelength is a climate change denier [Don't you love that term?]...Barrier reefs problems are crown of thorns and fertilizers...But don't let on. We've had changes in climate forever..The Romans grew grape vines near the Scottish border. Pollution is a problem..Couldn't agree more, but stop blaming It on the change in climate and CO2...

One of the reasons I left Oz was to get away from all this S@#t, and a lot of you Greens seem to have followed me here....

Go away.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the story is talking about policy

not emmissions

you cant tell me that little ol OZ

generates more crap than China

me thinks not

its about policy

very misleading headline

Per head of population, it generates MORE.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the rabbit has a policy for reducing carbon emissions.

He'll go down in History if he doesn't get out of his burrow and do something to prevent the Barrier Reef being zapped.

No he wont...As I am probably a lot older than you, and can remember when they started research on the reef years ago, it's been proven over and over that the reef has been deteriorating for hundreds of years....Fertilizers sped up the process flowing out of the rivers in the north.

It's a scientific fact that the warming of the earth is because the Ice caps are still melting from day one....after the ice age.

Masuk and his Green, Left, socialist or Abbott hating friends on TV don't want to be bothered by facts or logic..Everybody not on their wavelength is a climate change denier [Don't you love that term?]...Barrier reefs problems are crown of thorns and fertilizers...But don't let on. We've had changes in climate forever..The Romans grew grape vines near the Scottish border. Pollution is a problem..Couldn't agree more, but stop blaming It on the change in climate and CO2...

One of the reasons I left Oz was to get away from all this S@#t, and a lot of you Greens seem to have followed me here....

Go away.

oh dear, the usual garbage from the deniers.

What exactly do you think is causing the climate change?

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oh dear, the usual garbage from the deniers.

What exactly do you think is causing the climate change?

Possibly the fact that Earth travels in a 25,000 year cycle around the sun?

The distance form the earth to the Sun is not uniform year in year out. The energy inputs change accordingly

Sun spot cycles?

Any number of naturally occurring phenomena. But that would require thinking.

See my reference to religion in the previous post.

Yet another nutter

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Even the largest countries such as the USA and China have now reached agreement on reducing carbon levels.

And what, precisely, was their agreement? Or was it just basically a "Memorandum of Understanding"? I do not see anything concrete or binding in their "agreement".

Unfortunately, many people have fallen for the rhetoric and not read/understood what was really said. coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the story is talking about policy

not emmissions

you cant tell me that little ol OZ

generates more crap than China

me thinks not

its about policy

very misleading headline

Per head of population, it generates MORE.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the rabbit has a policy for reducing carbon emissions.

He'll go down in History if he doesn't get out of his burrow and do something to prevent the Barrier Reef being zapped.

No he wont...As I am probably a lot older than you, and can remember when they started research on the reef years ago, it's been proven over and over that the reef has been deteriorating for hundreds of years....Fertilizers sped up the process flowing out of the rivers in the north.

It's a scientific fact that the warming of the earth is because the Ice caps are still melting from day one....after the ice age.

Masuk and his Green, Left, socialist or Abbott hating friends on TV don't want to be bothered by facts or logic..Everybody not on their wavelength is a climate change denier [Don't you love that term?]...Barrier reefs problems are crown of thorns and fertilizers...But don't let on. We've had changes in climate forever..The Romans grew grape vines near the Scottish border. Pollution is a problem..Couldn't agree more, but stop blaming It on the change in climate and CO2...

One of the reasons I left Oz was to get away from all this S@#t, and a lot of you Greens seem to have followed me here....

Go away.

The ghosts of Christmases past!!

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What exactly do you think is causing the climate change?

Solar activity, Milankovic cycles, cosmic rays, aerosols, the Earth's albedo. The AMO, the PDO, UHI, CFC, ENSO, and NOx. Water vapour, volcanoes, stadium waves, soil emissions, the ozone layer, methane, clouds, earth's orbit, the Sun's output, the Earth's core, and soot.

And CO2.
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