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Over 50% of African-Americans expect relations with police to worsen: Study


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Over 50% of African-Americans Expect Relations With Police to Worsen: Study
A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that More than half of African-Americans expect relations between police and residents in the United States to deteriorate in 2015.

NEW YORK, December 9 (Sputnik) – More than half of African-Americans say that relations between police and residents in the United States will deteriorate in 2015, a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals.

"About half of blacks (52%) expect relations between local police and minorities to get worse over the next year, while just 16% see relations improving; 31% expect them to stay about the same. Among whites, 34% say relations will worsen, while 43% expect them to stay about the same," the Pew Research Center reported Monday.

The survey was carried out after US grand jury decisions to not prosecute two white policemen in the cases of Eric Garner, who was killed in a chokehold by officer Daniel Pantaleo in New York in July, and Michael Brown, who was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri, in August by officer Darren Wilson.

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted on December 3-7 among 1,507 adults, revealed that the majority of Americans do not think that race was a major factor in either of the grand jury rulings.

Full story: http://sputniknews.com/us/20141209/1015641079.html

-- Sputnik News 2014-12-09

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I agree with the majority of Americans that do not think that race was a major factor in either of the grand jury rulings, but I do think that some sort of charges should have been prosecuted in the Eric Garner case. However, I think that their is a good chance that the police would have been acquitted.

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I agree with the majority of Americans that do not think that race was a major factor in either of the grand jury rulings, but I do think that some sort of charges should have been prosecuted in the Eric Garner case. However, I think that their is a good chance that the police would have been acquitted.

Charges? Well, Garner would have been charged with selling untaxed cigarettes and resisting arrest (not unlike his other 30 arrests) but he died from a heart attack in the ambulance (due to his total disregard for his own health and life, not from a chokehold as you mentioned). However there was one charge loosely connected to this case. The videographer was found in possession of an illegal handgun last week and charged accordingly. I would like to charge you with the responsibility of arresting a man intent on not being taken into custody who is 6'3" and 400lbs. Until you do that, you can just start thanking police for doing a job that must be done by someone with guts enough to get it done.

And remove your pinned quote about sleeping under the protection of brave men while your at it because you obviously don't really believe it.

Edited by csabo
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Phew onto this Pew Research.

1,504 sample is a joke to speak about 'Americans'.

What is the social profile of these 1,504? Education level? How many whites?, blacks? etc.

If one half of them carries phony guns and is planning to rob a convenience store and another half is selling drugs -

What is the significance of 50% 'Americans'?

As it very often happens - Mass Media 'represents' neither America, nor Americans.

IMHO what 'Americans' need is a week of Police officers taking a leave of absence or a strike -

leaving them in hands and at the mercy of all the 'garners' and 'browns'.

Without any Phew Polls I guarantee the warm and loving relations between Police and public thereafter.

Edited by Scott
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And remove your pinned quote about sleeping under the protection of brave men while your at it because you obviously don't really believe it.

Nothing in your post deals with anything that I actually said and therefore makes no sense. You do realize that don't you? wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsIER15eQL

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I agree with the majority of Americans that do not think that race was a major factor in either of the grand jury rulings, but I do think that some sort of charges should have been prosecuted in the Eric Garner case. However, I think that their is a good chance that the police would have been acquitted.

Charges? Well, Garner would have been charged with selling untaxed cigarettes and resisting arrest (not unlike his other 30 arrests) but he died from a heart attack in the ambulance (due to his total disregard for his own health and life, not from a chokehold as you mentioned). However there was one charge loosely connected to this case. The videographer was found in possession of an illegal handgun last week and charged accordingly. I would like to charge you with the responsibility of arresting a man intent on not being taken into custody who is 6'3" and 400lbs. Until you do that, you can just start thanking police for doing a job that must be done by someone with guts enough to get it done.

And remove your pinned quote about sleeping under the protection of brave men while your at it because you obviously don't really believe it.

Good one! The 'dead prep' is responsible for his own death. I'll give you a number: 75,000,000. That's what a civil court will award for wrongful death with the cop and the SIPD on the hook for the tab. Unless! The family chooses to accept an 'undisclosed settlement'. I'm not a betting man, but I'll give it 3 to 1 that it's settled out of court. Personally, I'd like to see what a jury in a civil court would hand down as a judgement.

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I feel for the black folks, I really do. The police are out of control and heavily militarized these days. Policy (the hallmark of mediocrity) has taken the place of judgement, and the police will always judge they are under threat, whether they are or not. Doesn't matter if you're black or white really, but lawful black folks carry a heavier burden given the percentage of their population involved in criminal activity. Police MUST have non lethal means to deal with non violent offenders. Even these weapons cause great harm, but at least they are (usually) not lethal.

Out of control police would have killed this innocent woman normally, but for the availability of non lethal weapons they merely blinded and maimed her. Cocksuckers!


Edited by lannarebirth
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When thugs get tougher the police needs to get tougher.

no way around it. Absolutely nothing to do with racism.

attachicon.gifno mother.jpg

Love it! That's exactly right!

No mother should fear for her son's life!

The mother of another guy - she is a bitch! And her son is - son-of-a-bitch!


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How many of these "African-Americans" could even point to Africa on a map.

Perhaps if they thought of themselves as Americans they might be more accepted.

Once you start down that road it's a slippery slope,

Jewish Americans

Dutch Americans

Irish Americans

Italian Americans


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A man commits a robbery slapping the victim across the face, then not only resists arrest but punches the arresting police officer who, in self defense, shoots the perp.

Another 350 lbs, 6'4" tall perp resists arrest for obviously committing a crime, forcibly resists arrest, and is accordingly forcibly subdued.

Both perps die.

These deaths are is not remotely tragedies, though it is certainly beyond sad what their survivors are experiencing.

What is tragic is the fate of the Ferguson police officer, a fate likely to be shared by the New York cop. These two, and society generally, are the victims here.

The time is long past for society itself to stand its ground.

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How many of these "African-Americans" could even point to Africa on a map.

Perhaps if they thought of themselves as Americans they might be more accepted.

Once you start down that road it's a slippery slope,

Jewish Americans

Dutch Americans

Irish Americans

Italian Americans


I've never heard of "Dutch Americans" in my life.

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How many of these "African-Americans" could even point to Africa on a map.

Perhaps if they thought of themselves as Americans they might be more accepted.

Once you start down that road it's a slippery slope,

Jewish Americans

Dutch Americans

Irish Americans

Italian Americans


I've never heard of "Dutch Americans" in my life.

Amish, usually referred to as 'Dutchies' by the locals (although usually they are of German descent).

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The video below shows an engagement of some irate black women -- who are very upset at a black security guard in some sort of mini mall like department store.... The situation that turns a bit crazy is common in high density black neighborhoods in cities such as East St.Louis, Camden, N.J., Oakland, California, Detroit, and a few dozen other places in big cities all over America.

This is what cops face quite frequently -- over the top angry people -- angry at everything... It is what happens when a society fails - and the Black Society has failed of their own accord - helped along with a dependency on the welfare state that has unintended consequences - such as having a father in a Black family is a rarity ... because if there is a man in the house - a supposed wage earner -- then the mother of the many children get less government assistance... This is been going on since President Johnson's Great Society -- and fatherless black homes are a direct legacy of the Great Society ,,, Tens of millions of Black people in America have become totally dependent on the Government... They are kept there by their new plantation owners called the Democrat Party... farmed for their vote each election by Democrats... keep them poor -- keep them dependent on the Plantation Owner...

Black on Black crime is jumping off the statistical pages -- Blacks confront police and vice versa because inner city teens and men are continually caught up in gang warfare, robberies, purse snatching, drive by shootings, street muggins - mostly of each other and Black on White crime is a frequent occurrence too. Don't believe me -- Google the FBI statistics before making a snide remark... Black men mostly and many Black women have encounters with police officers frequently because they are involved in crime or they are being served a warrant for arrest for previous crimes.
This video shows violence -- and also shows small children being taught to confront the security guard... Screaming endlessly the two women finally get ejected -- one by a taser .... This kind of thing is common -- not uncommon... So it is hardly a wonder that Black people's relations with police officers - regardless of race -- is likely to get a lot worse.

Watch this folks -- watch it all the way through ... it is real ... it happens often in America


Edited by JDGRUEN
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How many of these "African-Americans" could even point to Africa on a map.

Perhaps if they thought of themselves as Americans they might be more accepted.

Once you start down that road it's a slippery slope,

Jewish Americans

Dutch Americans

Irish Americans

Italian Americans


I've never heard of "Dutch Americans" in my life.

Amish, usually referred to as 'Dutchies' by the locals (although usually they are of German descent).

There are 'Pennsylvania Dutch' but they are actually of German descent -- the words deutschland and deutsche became confused by the local inhabitants back in the early settlement days of the 1700s.

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There has been a propensity over the last few years for the local and federal police forces to react to any disturbance or possibly criminal activity with what might be called overreaction...leading to destruction of property, hospitalization and even death to civilians...

Police departments have been arming themselves as a military unit might be expected to do...buying heavy armored equipment and arms to use against the civilian population...

It is not just blacks who have reason to fear calling the police for any disturbance...their heavy-handedness in dealing with civilians has been well documented...their almost complete immunity from prosecution is legendary...their arrogance in the face of being caught in wrong doing will be their own undoing...

Reform in prosecuting cases of suspected police brutality needs to take place before any on this will go away...they should be held to a higher standard than the average citizen...a 3rd party impartial jury should decide if they have overstepped their authority...their punishment should discourage further brutality...

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A whole generation of black youth have been betrayed by both black and white liberals and the PC brigade who have a turned their non compliance with the rules of society, a chip on shoulder attitude, hostility to education, hostility to white culture, discipline and dress sense, education etc into a sense of entitlement to be unpleasant and uncooperative. The chip on shoulder attitude inherent to modern black youth culture has been sold as political consciousness. They have been conned. And all too often it is the police who have to deal with them as their parents couldn't or wouldn't and their teachers couldn't, and their peer group subculture the toxic Rap and Hip Hop culture turned them into unemployables whose badge of style is showing their underpants and wearing a hat back to front. We need to salute the officials who have to deal with these anti-social elements. Both in the UK, the USA and other places they destroy communities.

Well said, I agree blacks have been cunningly deceived the by the liberals but the conservatives are no help either. Now the central bank owned media complex is hyping the race issue to cover up the dreadful condition of the US economy. Misdirection is psychological operation number one for the central bankers, the hand behind the US government.

Obama has the lowest approval rating in the history of American presidents and the congress ratings are even worse. In the election a few weeks ago the Obama liberals got crushed by the conservatives, it’s all an illusion and is not going change anything because the politicians have no control. The US is controlled by its central bank and their not even an American company its an international private corporation that could give a sh!#t about the US or the rest of the world.

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I don't think relations between the police and blacks in the US could get any worse, however more and more

confrontations will be filmed by bystanders and CCTV cameras. For me the answer is police to wear cameras.

They will be far better behaved if they know there interactions are recorded. Of course both these recent

high profile cases should have gone to trial. Let the evidence come out with transparency and let the jury decide.

Anyone who thinks race was not a factor thinks there were no race problems in the 50's as well. Everything was

fine then and fine now. No story, move on. sad.png

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Well, anyone with any sense realizes it does not generally go well when act abusively toward a police officer you resist arrest. Perhaps stop committing crimes, respect laws and authority and you butt will stay out of jail. If not, good riddance.

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