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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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Why are Brits so insensitive about what the rest of the world thinks. They let their royalty dress up like a nazi. Have they learned nothing. I don't understand the Brits. Seems tame compared tot the Thais (nice isn't it generalizing putting a whole nation down for the faults of a few)


As I recall he was rightly slammed by the media, family and society in general for his unthinking crass stupidity. I also recall very public apologies and no attempt to defend or justify such appalling insensitivity.

Sure he was slammed by the media, But English humour is complicated, But there again for a man in his position he should of left it out


Sad, but unsurprising. This is a country which turns tragedy into a tourist attraction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Railway

And cannot even commemorate properly the thousands of Thais who died at the hands of their Japanese oppressors.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

There again, are you saying that thousands did not die at the hands of the Japanese? Thailand was in effect occupied by the Japanese and hence are rightfully regarded as 'oppressors'.

You may be a bit mixed up.


Westerners think they are so knowledgeable about Hitler and the swastika, but facts are:

1. The swastika is an ancient, mostly oriental symbol

2. Hitler is the instigator of the holocaust in Germany, but his crimes pale in comparison to the US holocaust of the American Indians, with the genocide of close to 100 million American Indians.

Thanks to clever manipulation of the media, the US holocaust is almost forgotten and some of its instigators are even revered as heroes.

Worst of all is Columbus day, as the latter is alone responsible for half of the holocaust.

Anytime a swastika or a picture of Hitler appears in Thailand, self-righteous people scream scandal and blame Thailand on its lack of education. Nobody would bat an eye if Thai people wore the picture of Christopher Columbus or General Custer.

Congratulations on missing the point, newbie.

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You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

There again, are you saying that thousands did not die at the hands of the Japanese? Thailand was in effect occupied by the Japanese and hence are rightfully regarded as 'oppressors'.

You may be a bit mixed up.

Thailand fought with the Japanese during WWII and invaded Burma with the Japanese during WWII and declared war on the USA and UK during WWII and was occupied by the British after WWII. Thailand was bombed repeatedly by the USA and UK during WWII. Thailand surrendered to the Allies after WWII. Thailand paid war reparations after WWII. Thailand had war crimes trials at the end of WWII. Do you want me to keep going?


Hmmmmm!!! The use of anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi party is an issue and makes you wonder what makes these Thais think.

The thing is the vast majority of Thais have absolutely no idea who Hitler was and care even less.

Go out on the street find 100 English American German tourists and ask them who led Thailand against the French in the Thai French war and they will reply "What war?

You think I am kidding go ask a dozen Thais on the street who Winston Churchill or General Paton were and they won't have a clue who on earth you are talking about.

Before knocking them too hard as yourselves what do you know about Thai history..........99% of you like me could write it on a ciggy packet.

So don't worry too much a few kids wearing hitler uniforms in a silly parade are not out to start WW3 they leave that sort of thing to people like fanatical Muslims and trigger happy Westerns.

Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?
Only if it is an in depth analysis of the horrors that nazi Germany and other fascist minded regimes carried out Europe and else where in the world.

Only if it shows the graphic footage of the concentration camps, of the torture cells and killing fields that were created by those who flew this symbol and others like it.

Only if it includes interviews with survivors of these horrors with the best translation available, reflecting not only the words but the tone they are delivered in.

Only if it is an outright condemnation of the stupidity or intolerance of those wearing or using such sick symbols.

Only if it is the sole focus of the film and it is an aspect of a programme to ban and eradicate the use of such symbols.

Then and only then.

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You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

There again, are you saying that thousands did not die at the hands of the Japanese? Thailand was in effect occupied by the Japanese and hence are rightfully regarded as 'oppressors'.

You may be a bit mixed up.

Thailand fought with the Japanese during WWII and invaded Burma with the Japanese during WWII and declared war on the USA and UK during WWII and was occupied by the British after WWII. Thailand was bombed repeatedly by the USA and UK during WWII. Do you want me to keep going?

If you prefer to show your lack of understanding further, please go ahead.

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A propaganda movie made on the instructions of Prayuth Chanocha, who took power in Thailand by means of a coup d'etat. The movie intends to laud the General's so-called 12 precepts but features an inexplicable, albeit brief, segment in which a student is seen painting a portrait of Adolf Hitler (~54s in ). This brought rapid and widespread criticism and the movie was quickly removed from YouTube. So... here it is... for consideration by the Motion Picture Academy...

Judging by the comments, the Thais now seem to associate Hitler's image with Hydra from Marvel Comics.


They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

they barely know their own history, never mind any one else's.

You know that's a good point. The director used the image because even uneducated Thais know Hitler is wrong and a bad person. He was trying to convey the image of a rich spoiled brat and he succeeded with Thais who all know who Hitler is and that he is a bad person and that is why the image was used.

The director said

"As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all."

Its not just uneducated Thais that dont know a flying f... about Hitler.

He justifies using the portrait because he has seen it on tshirts etc... then backs up his ignorance by stating that he doesnt agree with it... Agree with what? The slaughter of millions of people...??? Is he your educated moron your defending?

Yeah, I have a Thai wife too and she has no idea what Hitler done... All she knows is that its a fashion statement, shown in schools, displayed in parades and so on....


Now you asking me to accept that a Thai, in your "3 second" rant, can process what they dont know and come up with the solution that Hitler is bad... The same people who dont know what blinkers are on a car.. the ones that think "booger picking" is ok in public.... The ones that have to have alcohol bans imposed on them because they cannot think for themselves.. the same ones that have a government (paid for and voted in) that is no longer there because of incompetence and corruption.... and I can go on with my rant as well...

My kids go to a good school and I am suprised at the lack of proper history shown.... Perhaps using your logic, my kids are a small minority and the majority of kids through generations have had excellent education and know what a monster hitler is...

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Hmmmmm!!! The use of anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi party is an issue and makes you wonder what makes these Thais think.

The thing is the vast majority of Thais have absolutely no idea who Hitler was and care even less.

Go out on the street find 100 English American German tourists and ask them who led Thailand against the French in the Thai French war and they will reply "What war?

You think I am kidding go ask a dozen Thais on the street who Winston Churchill or General Paton were and they won't have a clue who on earth you are talking about.

Before knocking them too hard as yourselves what do you know about Thai history..........99% of you like me could write it on a ciggy packet.

So don't worry too much a few kids wearing hitler uniforms in a silly parade are not out to start WW3 they leave that sort of thing to people like fanatical Muslims and trigger happy Westerns.

Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?
Only if it is an in depth analysis of the horrors that nazi Germany and other fascist minded regimes carried out Europe and else where in the world.

Only if it shows the graphic footage of the concentration camps, of the torture cells and killing fields that were created by those who flew this symbol and others like it.

Only if it includes interviews with survivors of these horrors with the best translation available, reflecting not only the words but the tone they are delivered in.

Only if it is an outright condemnation of the stupidity or intolerance of those wearing or using such sick symbols.

Only if it is the sole focus of the film and it is an aspect of a programme to ban and eradicate the use of such symbols.

Then and only then.

You mean this is not OK?



I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

And what exactly will they do, you think ?

They can do nothing,,,,Thats the point Nobody can Got it?


Sad, but unsurprising. This is a country which turns tragedy into a tourist attraction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Railway

And cannot even commemorate properly the thousands of Thais who died at the hands of their Japanese oppressors.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.


Or, for that matter, the events of 1973 at Thammasat.


A slight overstatement of the general's view of democracy in Thailand . Amusing , it displays the naivety of most Thais . It is nice to see a sense of humour being expressed in what was intended to be a military government propaganda film .


The director said

"As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all."

Its not just uneducated Thais that dont know a flying f... about Hitler.

He justifies using the portrait because he has seen it on tshirts etc... then backs up his ignorance by stating that he doesnt agree with it... Agree with what? The slaughter of millions of people...??? Is he your educated moron your defending?

Yeah, I have a Thai wife too and she has no idea what Hitler done... All she knows is that its a fashion statement, shown in schools, displayed in parades and so on....

Now you asking me to accept that a Thai, in your "3 second" rant, can process what they dont know and come up with the solution that Hitler is bad... The same people who dont know what blinkers are on a car.. the ones that think "booger picking" is ok in public.... The ones that have to have alcohol bans imposed on them because they cannot think for themselves.. the same ones that have a government that is no longer there because of incompetence and corruption.... and I can go on with my rant as well...

My kids go to a good school and I am suprised at the lack of proper history shown.... Perhaps using your logic, my kids are a small minority and the majority of kids through generations have had excellent education and know what a monster hitler is...

You wrote, "Now you asking me to accept that a Thai, in your "3 second" rant," There was no rant. It was a 3 second clip that presented Nazi chic in a negative light. Watch the video.


A slight overstatement of the general's view of democracy in Thailand . Amusing , it displays the naivety of most Thais . It is nice to see a sense of humour being expressed in what was intended to be a military government propaganda film .

The video has nothing to do with democracy. Have you watched it? Because people who have not watched the video seem really ignorant when making comments about it unseen.


Why are Brits so insensitive about what the rest of the world thinks. They let their royalty dress up like a nazi. Have they learned nothing. I don't understand the Brits. Seems tame compared tot the Thais (nice isn't it generalizing putting a whole nation down for the faults of a few)


As I recall he was rightly slammed by the media, family and society in general for his unthinking crass stupidity. I also recall very public apologies and no attempt to defend or justify such appalling insensitivity.

if I remember correctly his elder brother also copped it for not stopping him.

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Thai bashing has gone up several notches on this THREAD .Hitler is merely a brand or cute symbol to most Thais .Dont get your knickers in a twist .lol

The very fact that it is seen as a "brand" or "cute" is exactly why we should "get our knickers in a twist".

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A slight overstatement of the general's view of democracy in Thailand . Amusing , it displays the naivety of most Thais . It is nice to see a sense of humour being expressed in what was intended to be a military government propaganda film .

The video has nothing to do with democracy. Have you watched it? Because people who have not watched the video seem really ignorant when making comments about it unseen.

Im sure most people here know what hitler is about

Your missing the point... The video is made for Thais... You know, the fashion icon nazi symbol... the cool unifoms they wear...

I think the real perception of Hitler and the Thais perception of hitler are far different from each other with the latter being a cool image of someone they have no idea about.


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Can people actually be born stupid like that ??

Its about time for an election, as this government really don't know what governing is and has no respect at all !

Shame on you for the entire government !

I was at a market the other night,in Phaholyotin RD To my amazment one stall were selling flags. The Union-Jack had a pic of our Queen in the center

Her Eyes had a black stripe over them. Big mouth ( my wife ) would not let me take a photo

Not many people know but the Lest Majeste laws here in Thailand apply to ALL ROYALTY AROUND THE WORLD not just the thai royal family so in this case the seller and the maker of the flags are guilty of Leste Majeste and should be arrested and jailed according to thai law


Perhaps instead of showing the three finger salute we can now raise our right arms and shout 'Heil Whoever" (self censored) There is an old Thai saying 'Like a frog living under a coconut shell'. There are numerous frogs in Thailand. It does not only apply to Thailand. When Harry went wobbly he was taken to task in no uncertain manner, and quite rightly so.


This will hit the world press within twelve hours. Gonna be a huge international embarrassment for the Ju government. Like they care cheesy.gif

You are wrong with painting all old (over 80 years) will be traveling to Thailand for Vocation


I see it's time for another two minutes of hate against Emmanuel Goldstein Adolf Hitler.

When are you guys going to get outraged by this (t-shirts of Stalin who murdered around 50million): http://www.cafepress.co.uk/+stalin+gifts?cmp=knc--g--uk--pol--apparel--search-b--stalin_merchandise&pid=3607873&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=Politics%20Apparel%20Generic%20-%20UK&utm_content=search-b&utm_term=stalin-merchandise

They also have Chairman Mao(murdered 50 plus million) t-shirts, but strangely no Hitler ones.

What about places like Cafe Mao in Glasgow where one reviewer wrote 'Cafe Mao has giant colourful portraits of Chairman Mao on the wall to watch over you as you eat.' The cafe has closed down now but that was nothing to do with people being 'shocked and appalled' with the a mass murderer themed cafe. http://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/cafe-mao-glasgow

The truth is that whenever Hitler is flashed up there is a visceral reaction in most Westerners, and something very much along lines of the two minutes of hate in 1984 happens.

You react against Hitler and not against Mao or Stalin because you are programmed to.

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I can understand the outrage in many of the posts here. But please don’t call it stupidity. After all Mao killed way more people than Hitler and was celebrated by Andy Warhol. We called that art.

Maybe the wide use of Hitler’s image is more of a way for Thais to be provocative regarding the so-called western superiority often expressed in these pages.

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Thailand fought with the Japanese during WWII and invaded Burma with the Japanese during WWII and declared war on the USA and UK during WWII and was occupied by the British after WWII. Thailand was bombed repeatedly by the USA and UK during WWII. Do you want me to keep going?

If you prefer to show your lack of understanding further, please go ahead.

Thailand invaded Burma to secure the Opium crops and help pay for war expenses. I believe they increased the harvest from 8 to 38 tons while they occupied that area of Burma. They had to give all the territory back to Malaysia and Burma after they lost the war. After the war the PM Phibun was tried as a war criminal but it caused such an outcry they backed off from hanging him. If you want any more information you can google Thailand allied with Japan WWII.


I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

And what exactly will they do, you think ?

The Mossad has quite a base in Bangkok, these guys are properly trained intelligence agents and this is not the type of thing they let ignore.

If that is true you know to much you should hid now


Hmmmmm!!! The use of anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi party is an issue and makes you wonder what makes these Thais think.

The thing is the vast majority of Thais have absolutely no idea who Hitler was and care even less.

Go out on the street find 100 English American German tourists and ask them who led Thailand against the French in the Thai French war and they will reply "What war?

You think I am kidding go ask a dozen Thais on the street who Winston Churchill or General Paton were and they won't have a clue who on earth you are talking about.

Before knocking them too hard as yourselves what do you know about Thai history..........99% of you like me could write it on a ciggy packet.

So don't worry too much a few kids wearing hitler uniforms in a silly parade are not out to start WW3 they leave that sort of thing to people like fanatical Muslims and trigger happy Westerns.

Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?
Only if it is an in depth analysis of the horrors that nazi Germany and other fascist minded regimes carried out Europe and else where in the world.

Only if it shows the graphic footage of the concentration camps, of the torture cells and killing fields that were created by those who flew this symbol and others like it.

Only if it includes interviews with survivors of these horrors with the best translation available, reflecting not only the words but the tone they are delivered in.

Only if it is an outright condemnation of the stupidity or intolerance of those wearing or using such sick symbols.

Only if it is the sole focus of the film and it is an aspect of a programme to ban and eradicate the use of such symbols.

Then and only then.

You mean this is not OK?

Is that a random scene from a film or part of an education campaign on the absolute evil that the symbol represents drawing links to it and other forms of intolerance, bigotry, racism and violent discrimination?


I think it's scary how so many who have not seen more than the article on thaivisa comes out to scream everything negative they can about Thais, Thailand and Thainess.

Yes, there is no excuse for t-shirts with nazi swastikas or Hitler portrayed. There is also no excuse for T-shirts with Mao, Lenin, Che, KGB or similar. Many of which are considered pop culture by the European leftish teens. And yea, many don't know anything about what these guys did, more than that they where "on the right side" for all they care...

This is simply a movie trying to use a strong example as a negative portray. Perhaps too strong if you see how people react here, but it's not like the movie suggest hitler was in the right..

So much speaking of insensitive Thais here by just as insensitive ignorant westerners with no sense for looking up what they are actually outraged about..

It all always boils down to Thai = ignorant, backwards, stupid, blind nationalism etc.

There is no wonder why many here would look down on many of 'us' bashing them over and over in their country. Imagine an Islamic minority web forum in lets say sweden or UK bashing on everything Swedish or British.. People would be pissed....

To educate is good. It brings change. Can't give credit for that to this board though.. Good examples are tv-shows like "paa pai tiow" or the railway journey from bkk to london by Ray MacDonald where he visit Auschwits among others. And for you who dont know Ray is half Thai and the show is made for Thais in Thai..

Same about the travel show paa pai tiow who constantly try to get by on a shoestring. Before around europe and now around Asia. Including countries like Korea, Japan, Burma and India so far. Aired every sunday a little passed 22:00 on thai pbs after the short news.

While they are questioning many things it's always followed up by written facts that makes the viewer get more understanding for the countries. And since we are in Asia it would be good if more locals watched the shows and saw the real Burma etc. Because there is much xenophobia here which cant be denied. But I would say there is quite a bit of xenophobia on this forum board as well

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'Uneducated guess' is le mot juste in this case, given Thailand's abysmal education 'system', coupled with almost universal ignorance of anything outside Thailand (or, indeed, inside the country).

They seem to have no knowledge of history, (their own included), geography or current affairs anywhere, some of the most blinkered, anti-intellectual people in the world.

A sweeping generalisation? Yes, partly, because I have met quite a few who are the opposite - curious, questioning and eager to know more of places outside Thailand, but it's a small minority, unfortunately.


A slight overstatement of the general's view of democracy in Thailand . Amusing , it displays the naivety of most Thais . It is nice to see a sense of humour being expressed in what was intended to be a military government propaganda film .

The video has nothing to do with democracy. Have you watched it? Because people who have not watched the video seem really ignorant when making comments about it unseen.

Im sure most people here know what hitler is about

Your missing the point... The video is made for Thais... You know, the fashion icon nazi symbol... the cool unifoms they wear...

I think the real perception of Hitler and the Thais perception of hitler are far different from each other with the latter being a cool image of someone they have no idea about.

The video is a negative comment on that cool image which you would know if you watched it. It is not positive it is negative.

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