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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report

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So THIS is the famous Alex Jones (through whom you hope to discredit anyone who questions the received wisdom and popular mythology in the mainstream media.

He's excitable, isn't he ;-?

And, oh yeah, that looks like a toop he's got on his head. And he has over-active salivary glands (pizza on the way ?) and oh yeah, and, like, he's fat.

You brought Alex Jones into this, I didn't.

Wonder why ?

May I first point out that Alex Jones is NOT actually Dr. Paul Craig Roberts ?

(How about a few clips of PCR in discussion ?)

Anyway, your Alex claims that we are being over-monitored.

You disagree.

More to the point, how 'bout you disprove Jones information ?

Ya can't because a simple inventory count of CCTV cameras would confirm what he says.

What's more, plugging and praising of CCTV technology and surveillance tech in nearly every cop show and nearly every Hollywood film evidences the claim that we are being conditioned to love it.

If Jones told you that your ad hominem criticisms of him were more a reflection of your own fears and your own intellectual laziness because you attacked him for his excitable orientation style rather than trying to disprove his FACTS would you believe him ?

Most educated people irrespective of his personal style, would (opinion)

To further illustrate your point that appearances are more important than content.

What are you views on anything that Stephen Hawking might have to say ?

Jamie Dimond ?

George Carlin ?

Carl, your spectacularly superficial and simplistic worldview is amusing.

When was the last time you actually cracked a book ?


When the last human being slaughtered, the last sign of life vanished, you will find out that Money did not grow on trees. You needed human beings to make money.


Oh sorry, that's not a toop that Jones has on his head, it's a tinfoil hat.

Yeah, dats it Beavis.

Tinfoil hat.

Huh. Huhuhuh. he. Tinfoil. Huhuh



He usually comes out accurately in what he claims. Detested by mainstream media as he speaks out against them. He is entertaining at the same time! First off, I though it was conspiracy stuff- but it wasn't.. a nice angle on well researched topics. Or, you can just believe CNN, FOX, and BBC, owned by the same few, rich families who tell you how you should be programmed to think. For Alex, you can at least get a new/fresh/inside perspective.

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The OP in this thread doesn't say much about Thailand's role as a site for the CIA's "torture" program.

But a Dec. 15 article in the New York Times does, basically saying that the secret prison or facility in Thailand was really the first place where the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" techniques were developed and used, before ultimately being spread to facilities in other foreign countries.

It's an interesting read, from a Thailand perspective. And one of the authors is James Risen, who's pretty highly regarded.

WASHINGTON — Almost immediately after transferring the first important prisoner they had captured since the 9/11 attacks to a secret prison in Thailand, officials of the Central Intelligence Agency met at the agency’s headquarters to debate two questions they had been discussing for months. Who would interrogate Abu Zubaydah, and how?


Shortly after the April 1 meeting, the C.I.A. dispatched Mr. Mitchell to Thailand, where he was to consult on the “psychological aspects” of the interrogation, according to a C.I.A. cable cited in the report. Mr. Mitchell’s original contract with the agency had been to study Al Qaeda’s strategies for resisting interrogation. Later, Mr. Mitchell personally waterboarded Abu Zubaydah in Thailand. But Mr. Mitchell said that at first, his job was to observe Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation and assess whether he was using the Qaeda techniques.


In Thailand, only Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Jessen were allowed to use the new tactics. For nearly a month, they interrogated Abu Zubaydah, at one point waterboarding him until he lost consciousness. Some C.I.A. officials said they were repulsed by the brutal methods, according to the Senate report, and cables showed that some wanted out of the program.


This is being brought up not to put a smoke screen over the problem in the present government, by bringing up actions carried out by the Bush government. By bring this up the leftest press goes after Bush and does not report on IRS criminal activities, NSA spying on Americans, DOJ raciest activities, EPA breaking the law, thousands of troops on the ground in Iraq, questionable constitutionality of the ACA, civil right advisers to the W/H which are delinquent on taxes, and many other problem.

None of the above affects Thailand. The CIA torture after 911, will indicate that possibility the Thaksin government, working with the CIA, by providing facilities at a military base in Rayong to carry out the torture. coffee1.gif

Great post and all true!

I love how the American regime wants us to register with them so they can track us even more easily....no way, why do you think half of us are overseas, we had to get free of Uncle Sams plantation!!

I wonder if that is why the American government always back the Thaksin based government.


Conspiracy book sellers prefer to ignore that the civil engineering community accepts that the impacts of jet aircraft at high speeds in combination with subsequent fires led to the collapse of the Twin Towers.

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I know it doesn't take much to rattle some people's cages but here goes. FYI, Paul Craig Roberts is now reduced to publishing with the Clarity Press. Look it up just to see what else it focuses on. It is not a scholarly or academic press. It is not a reputable publisher of anything but crank books.

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Il y a du matériel de propagande nazi mis en vente à Pattaya Beach Road,

Il y a des arrestations arbitraires et des prises d'otages pour rançonner des gouvernements de pays tiers,

Si la Thaïlande à ordonné un couvre feu cela veut dire que les prestations de son administration comporte des failles juridiques,

Veuillez suivre les indications fournis par vos ambassades,


There Nazi propaganda on sale in Pattaya Beach Road,

There are arbitrary arrests and hostage-taking for ransom governments of third countries,

If Thailand ordered a curfew it means that the benefits of his administration has legal loopholes,

Please follow the instructions provided by your embassies,


I'm with Micmichd on this reply: ???

Beckbie - spit it out, what you trying to say?

For the record - if I followed my embassy's advice, then I probably wouldn't be here (and yes - Both double meanings here are intended)


I'm with Micmichd on this reply: ??? Beckbie - spit it out, what you trying to say? For the record - if I followed my embassy's advice, then I probably wouldn't be here (and yes - Both double meanings here are intended)

The Australian Gov has had it's warnings out for years on where to travel and where not to travel in Thailand because of demonstrations and Terrorism down south. It's still current.

The Thai Gov and consulate in Australia have now told it's Thai Muslims to be careful in Australia, because their could be a backlash over the Sydney episode.

So now everyone is looking over their shoulder, what a crock, common-sense and intelligence tells you where you can safely go and it doesn't hurt to look at the Gov websites to see the updates on warnings now and again.

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