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Does anyone else live cheaply in Thailand?

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Greetings to you all viewers!

I have been living on 6,000 baht a month " all in " for a long time now but due to " financial turbulence " i have reduced things to 5,500 per month " all in "

Rent 2000 Baht a month ( inc wifi & sat tv )

water / elec 500 Baht a month

Daily food etc 2,480 Baht a month ( 80 baht a day inc local train journeys at a max cost of 12 baht )

Misc 500 Baht a month ( coffee,toothpaste,water,laundry,mobile top up,monthly haircut )

5,500 Monthly cost of " Living in Thailand !

( Mornings i am out walking,and afternoons on the beach in the sun with cool tunes ( today's tunes are from " Mike & the mechanics "...) All food i eat is all fresh and drink 2 to 3 L of water a day!

Are you " living the dream " Viewers...?

F.J thumbsup.gif x

If you had a partner, you'd know that not only can two not live as cheaply as one, they can't even live as cheaply as five!

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Greetings to you all viewers!

I have been living on 6,000 baht a month " all in " for a long time now but due to " financial turbulence " i have reduced things to 5,500 per month " all in "

Rent 2000 Baht a month ( inc wifi & sat tv )

water / elec 500 Baht a month

Daily food etc 2,480 Baht a month ( 80 baht a day inc local train journeys at a max cost of 12 baht )

Misc 500 Baht a month ( coffee,toothpaste,water,laundry,mobile top up,monthly haircut )

5,500 Monthly cost of " Living in Thailand !

( Mornings i am out walking,and afternoons on the beach in the sun with cool tunes ( today's tunes are from " Mike & the mechanics "...) All food i eat is all fresh and drink 2 to 3 L of water a day!

Are you " living the dream " Viewers...?

F.J alt=thumbsup.gif> x


Show a little compassion for all the Christopher McCandless's (Into the Wild) out there who are reading your posts and dreaming of living in Thailand on 200 USD a month.

Show me the transaction records on you bank account to back up these claims (I'm not interested in the balance, just the withdrawals)

Rent: I live in a small village. I could not rent very many places for 2,000 baht/month, especially with free wifi/satellite TV. That's 66 baht a night. Sounds like a flop-house with a toilet down the hall, maybe a Hong Kong style cage hotel, or maybe your rent is being subsidized in exchange for you providing sexual services to your room mate. I don't know, but it's definitely outside the scope of my experience.

Food: Three 30 baht meals a day with a 7 baht bottle of water = 3,376 baht per month. We all know we eat more than this. I've spent 9,000 baht per month on average for food for years. Am I a little overweight? Perhaps. But I'm not obese by BMI measures. And I almost never eat out. I don't think I could live on 2,000 baht a month for food unless I had a crazy diet like only eating from dumpsters, or heavy handed sampled everything in sight at the farmer's market, or was light-fingered in 7-11, or pretending to be a visiting monk every morning at the local temple, or was eating barbequed soi dogs I had secretly killed late at night.

Misc: Aren't you forgetting a few things? Dental floss? Razor blades? Shaving cream? Shampoo? Body soap? Sun tan Iotion/sun screen for all that time out in the sun? I pretty much have to buy a 300 baht phone card from AIS12-Call every month to keep my cell phone activated.

And then there's the big ticket items: clothes, education, hobbies, vacations, medical, dental, medicine, eyewear, gifts, charitable donations, transportation, reading materials, entertainment, household appliances (TV, computer, refrigerator, stove, fans), kitchen utensil purchase/replacement, shoes, language lessons, childcare, medical insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, vehicle maintenance and repair, etc.,etc.

What recycler said 9 minutes ago is 100% correct. Short term anything's possible. Long-term it's a whole 'nutter ball game.

I wouldn't lie to anybody! i don't need too! My room is 2000 baht a month with free wifi and sat tv and it's small and have my own bathroom ( cold water ) I don't drink or smoke and i walk everywhere! I eat fresh food everyday and do quite a lot of cooking ( to make sure everything is clean and fresh ) I travel long distances by train ( as i dislike the roads and find them uninteresting ) I dislike air con and feel uncomfortable in air con shopping malls as i spend most of my time out in the sun! I am out all day and spend evenings in my room as i don't like bars ( i did all that when i was a " holiday rep " 20 years ago! )It suits me as i am single and have no interest in a relationship as i enjoy being a " free spirit " (plus all the things i like doing most Thais do not! ) I am a total professional at living cheaply and if i had more funds i probably wouldn't change the way i live ! I am obviously not living a " Rock 'n Roll lifestyle but i enjoy myself and it suits me!

" Canary Bird " tweet tweet viewers.....

(1) I apologize for that stupid comment about lowering rent in exchange for sexual favors. I was just trying to be funny; it wasn't at all intended as a personal remark. I'm sorry.

(2) It's neither here nor there to me how little or how much anyone else spends in Thailand. I have always had a "Don't tell me what to do with my money, and I won't tell you what to do with yours" philosophy.

(3) The only (chicken) bone I have to pick with 'Canary Sun' is that there are expenses over and above rent, food, and minor miscellaneous expenses which everyone incurs over time. That's my only gripe about the claim that you can live on 6,000 baht per month in perpetuity.

My philosophy is if you're happy, I'm happy. To each his/her own.

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Is it living cheaply or are we just used to decades of being ripped off in the USA?


You MUST pay for a monthly mobile/cell service (average $50) in order to make/receive or use it; except for 9-1-1 calls

USA mobile carriers lock/restrict their bands so you can't use your phone and switch between companies. Strongarm tactics instead of loyalty.

We can call the USA from our Thailand mobiles for about 6b a minute whereas calling from USA to Thailand will cost $2-$3 a minute, probably useing the same satellites

McDonalds ice cream cone $1.00 menu here 9b

Phizer extended patent rights til 2020; no generics allowed, yet the rest of the world has.

Induction cooker (hotplate) in Homedepot.com about $170.00 yet $20+ here in Thailand

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After 10 years here and serious inroads to my retirement budget I have been able to reduce my spending by 50 % I :

Only use Pattaya baht busses at 10 B and, always on long rides, negotiate rate to 1/2 that quoted

which is only possible in early AM when drivers have few/no other fares & low traffic. This usually,

but not ,works with beauteous " Evening Blossoms " on rainy/slow nights. When 2 for 1 I stock up !

Shop only stores with free delivery + 2 for 1 or 50 % off deals. Here that is Big c Extra & Tops

Buy generic brands/store brands not nationally advertised names of food. Maybe ugly but same.

Found running floor fans WITH air produces better circulation & $$$ compressor shuts down often

I can & do freeze bread/McDonalds/pizza & left over anything even liquids in a small plastic bag

Eating out order only I water shared by 2 & always have "doggy bag" for planned leftovers. Visit

Sizzler, buy budget meal, eat lottsa salad & take main course home. take

Buy water 12 liters, at water machines for 1 less than 1 baht a liter.

Send items to laundry, with negotiated price, wash those not needing pressing, myself

Whenever I am wanting to buy something I first ask self, 3 times, do I NEED or just WANT & usually,

just want, so I do not buy.I may NEED a car but not a Mercedes so select lower priced item.

Sell/trade unneeded items - once traded fry pan for massage

Cook a lot - easy, with Goggle, to learn

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I too, am a CC who will be "retiring" soon. Can anyone make any suggestions where is the cheapest, most idyllic, place to live in Thailand? I am presently living in Bangkok.

I would suggest Pattaya, it has all the elements a would-be ascetic such as yourself craves: distaff temptations at every turn, alternative sexes in pairs, overpriced Thai food on every corner, beers of peerless Thai quality and sea vistas to die for - particularly when viewed from balconies.

If you can resist all of these temptations, Little Scorpion, you will know the key to inner contentment.

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if I don't spend my 4,000 baht a day I start to get worried .... coffee1.gif

like I said , 4,000 baht a day is sufficient for food, drinks, restaurants and entertainment ..... tongue.png

no money for taxis as I have a driver for transport.

Equal to about $3,750 / month ....

Easy to do, I spend even more, but I go out frequently and travel a lot.

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if I don't spend my 4,000 baht a day I start to get worried .... coffee1.gif

like I said , 4,000 baht a day is sufficient for food, drinks, restaurants and entertainment ..... tongue.png

no money for taxis as I have a driver for transport.

Equal to about $3,750 / month ....

you Cheap Charlie No. 10 ! laugh.png

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Hear hear canarysun and the OP!

I'm married, so any idea I might have about frugal living is purely academic...but what's wrong with having possibly limited funds and maximizing your free time?

Let's say you've amassed 25K GBP or 40K USD (not that hard to come by back in Farangland), then using canarysun's advanced budgeting skills, you could live on that over here for 10-20 years.

During that time you've no overheads to worry about and your sweet time is purely your own to do whatever the hell you want with.

We've all taken 4 billion plus years to arrive at this particular moment (courtesy of Darwinian evolution) and our time on the planet is but a brief blip so why would you want to spend it looking at spreadsheets all day or laying tiles or whatever else it is you do to to make your funds back home. Arguably most (or all) work is simply a contract involving selling your precious time for hard cash, and who can blame people for wanting to minimise that?

With the internet (courtesy of a free wifi connection) there's so much to occupy one's mind, reading, watching etc. you don't need a lot else.

I think canarysun or the OP should start a blog 'Adventures in low cost living' - I'd be an avid reader!

You are now residing in a country other than your own.

Act accordingly.

That is; integrating within the people, culture, and seeing some of the land.

Canary...budgie, or whatever you are; you don't pursue interests (as indicated) that involve most Thai's (and the majority of Farangs here).......so my question is;

"Why does such a tight arse (backside, in case the "Mods" have their way) even reside here?

CC's, Kee Nok, Kineaw do the rest of us a disservice.

I know two tight &lt;deleted&gt;, and even their "so called" friends and family bag them. We are not friends.

It's ok, you're single. OMG.

It's ok you think......yes, everyone is entitled to live their life the way they wish however, do you not understand that you are regarded to a similar standing as a rat, or thereabouts.

I wish to have my BKK Thai family, community, business relations, hold me in sound esteem.

I think the underpinnings of western society/family wish to instill these values in their children and family.

My guess is; those that are somewhat tightfisted, or economical ( to stay on topic) have a major element lacking I their life.

Why does a man live here on such an economical budget?

You really are just a busted arse Farang in a developing nation (albeit corrupt) that regards you like a rat.

Could someone please begin a post involving Farangs of a better standing.

Please, it's about time.

PM me if you have a problem understanding my post.

Either illiteracy, stupidity, or an upbringing that was somewhat lacking, gave rise to your mediocre at best, lifestyle.

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i have spent the last few years before coming to Thailand, living in Denmark, so everything here is remarkably cheaper than what im used to, i thought i was penny pinching but some of you guys take the biscuit wink.png I have a decent job, decent salary , i go away for a month at a time and spend next to nothing when im away, so i can afford to go crazy when i get back and not think about how much im spending....BUT , im still often quite cautious, it was only a few years ago that i lost my job, house, ex took me to the cleaners, basically had next to nothing to live on, so i was scraping the bottom of the barrel, just to get bye, so i can understand some people scrimping and saving as much as possible, no money to waste... but can get bye...

Instead of going out every night , which i got bored with, i go shopping, cook for myself and gf, saved a lot of money... not that i need to...But ive now started saving the extra cash i didnt spend, and gonna let it mount up in case of emergencies, trying to be a little more sensible, never know whats around the corner, job loss etc....

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i have spent the last few years before coming to Thailand, living in Denmark, so everything here is remarkably cheaper than what im used to, i thought i was penny pinching but some of you guys take the biscuit wink.png I have a decent job, decent salary , i go away for a month at a time and spend next to nothing when im away, so i can afford to go crazy when i get back and not think about how much im spending....BUT , im still often quite cautious, it was only a few years ago that i lost my job, house, ex took me to the cleaners, basically had next to nothing to live on, so i was scraping the bottom of the barrel, just to get bye, so i can understand some people scrimping and saving as much as possible, no money to waste... but can get bye...

Instead of going out every night , which i got bored with, i go shopping, cook for myself and gf, saved a lot of money... not that i need to...But ive now started saving the extra cash i didnt spend, and gonna let it mount up in case of emergencies, trying to be a little more sensible, never know whats around the corner, job loss etc....

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Please call the office.

I run out of money every month..sometimes can't call..oh well.

In Thailand I had electricity, and real broadband.

They wouldn't let me compost though..bummer.

I can't care how much good, clean food costs in a store, not restaurant.

Everyday One gets older.. So, moderation in all things..

Bring on the intelligent consumer thread, and I'll get onto a good connection so I can show you all the

Crazy birds I'm feeding.. 'cause they're so cute.


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