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US needs to show it's still top dog


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The US is no longer top dog. China is. So any countries begging for money, support, aid, etc, just call 1-800-REDCHINA and don't bother us anymore.


What do you have to sell ? China doesn't give anything away for free.

So what? Ever heard of any nation giving something away for free? Certainly not the US in any case!

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China needs to clean it's own backyard. Suffering from massive pollution problems, with unregulated growth, and over population. Russia has its own economic problems, and Putin's overly big ego, will not help. That leaves the U.S.

But they need to get their Shit together, and quit letting big corporations run the show with unlimited cash donations to their corporate stooges.

Russia's f'ed and it is actually quiet sad. $ 63 a barrell is devestatiny low. Russian can deflate its currency only so much to try and offset oil price drop. They have reached breaking point and face hyperinflation again with debilitating interests rates or they just won't be able to come close to meeting its federal budget.

Bankruptcy and yet another default v. hyperinflation to try and avoid defat. Scary choices. Put damnnn politics aside, this is a dire and sad situation.

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The US is no longer top dog. China is. So any countries begging for money, support, aid, etc, just call 1-800-REDCHINA and don't bother us anymore.


What do you have to sell ? China doesn't give anything away for free.

So what? Ever heard of any nation giving something away for free? Certainly not the US in any case!

Dude let go of your hostility. You are blinded by hate. Actually, US and YS citizens do a lot of charitable work around the world and are typically the first to step in and help when there are natural disasters. You may want to paint us a demons, but we are not.

The title of this thread is "US needs to show it's still top dog". All your replies so far just demonstrate how true it is...

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The US is no longer top dog. China is. So any countries begging for money, support, aid, etc, just call 1-800-REDCHINA and don't bother us anymore.

What do you have to sell ? China doesn't give anything away for free.

So what? Ever heard of any nation giving something away for free? Certainly not the US in any case!

Dude let go of your hostility. You are blinded by hate. Actually, US and YS citizens do a lot of charitable work around the world and are typically the first to step in and help when there are natural disasters. You may want to paint us a demons, but we are not.

The title of this thread is "US needs to show it's still top dog". All your replies so far just demonstrate how true it is...

Nah, that is your personal issues being projected on to what I said feed by some inner conflict or issues you have.

Does being the most charitable mean we get to take home the bronzed wiener dog top dog trophy? If so, cool! That was easy.

The funny part is how easily manipulated and riled up some of you get to read top dog and US in the same sentence no matter how stupid the article is.
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If the US is not "top dog"..... who is? Power is dictated by a measure called force projection. Saying that any country other than the usa is "top dog" is biased. No other country can project force and influence policy anywhere in the world throughout history than the usa at present. One may argue previous empires etc.... but caesars legions couldn't touch japan.... and british empire could send a fleet and expeditionary force in how long..... a year.... two..... and how many men weapons and supplies... and logistically resupply how in an envirnoment that they can't get supplies from. How does one compare force projection of the HMS victory to an aircraft carrier? How may aircraft carriers does china have.... do they exert influence in northern europe? Is russia exerting heavy influence in the americas? Thebpoint being is usa exerts far more influence on domestic policy in other countries in the world then any other country. ... and will do so for decades (not forever).... any suggestions otherwise are simply biased.... china and russia are regional powers.... theybare only aspiring world powers.... give it twenty years. .. and yes.... then china is maybe a world power. .... maybe.....

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China needs to clean it's own backyard. Suffering from massive pollution problems, with unregulated growth, and over population. Russia has its own economic problems, and Putin's overly big ego, will not help. That leaves the U.S.

But they need to get their Shit together, and quit letting big corporations run the show with unlimited cash donations to their corporate stooges.

Russia's f'ed and it is actually quiet sad. $ 63 a barrell is devestatiny low. Russian can deflate its currency only so much to try and offset oil price drop. They have reached breaking point and face hyperinflation again with debilitating interests rates or they just won't be able to come close to meeting its federal budget.

Bankruptcy and yet another default v. hyperinflation to try and avoid defat. Scary choices. Put damnnn politics aside, this is a dire and sad situation.

I think the complexity of the relationships globally means you can never never let yourself think you are that good ...Chinese Lao Tzu has a good saying on that

Just as you think you got Putin by the balls with the sanctions ...he just got himself a wild card signing deals with China and India ...and probably stalling it for another year or two ...with the distance in that region ...he still has Japan, Korea he has not called on and with winter coming :) he's in demand with his oil

Plus it will take a roller coaster ride to bankrupt Russia and it won't be pretty on the rest of the world when it happens ...why do you think everyone is still keeping USA afloat for by buying it's bonds annually ?

Edited by LawrenceChee
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The USA has no hope of being top dog again until Obama is out of office, The man is a disgrace and his limp-wristed foreign policies are going to be a very difficult to recover from.

USA is in better shape thanks to Obama's terms. Check the figures. If He refusing to attack Iran makes Him a limp- wristed disgrace, so be it.

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The US is no longer top dog. China is. So any countries begging for money, support, aid, etc, just call 1-800-REDCHINA and don't bother us anymore.


What do you have to sell ? China doesn't give anything away for free.

So what? Ever heard of any nation giving something away for free? Certainly not the US in any case!

Maybe there is one case where money isn't number 1. Israel. I can not understand/find any reason why or how American taxpayers benefit from the billions of dollars donated?

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LOL. The US lost its high moral ground after Bush was elected. They will never get it back. Next!! coffee1.gif

While I don't disagree I think the US has lost the moral high ground with the transparency of the internet.

Past indiscretions and wrongdoings are no longer only found in archived newspapers and library books

but are easily researched on the web.

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More clueless TV members. The leaders everywhere are bought and paid for. The major corporations are in charge, with figurehead puppets. Some like Obama, try to do the right thing, but big money calls the shots. Why do most major players have national Healthcare, and the US, just now, under Obama, is catching up? Why was he hindered every step of the way? And by whom? Always plenty of money to fight wars around the globe, but the health of its's citizens, is not a priority?

Of course you are right but I give no credit to Obama for his health care program. He did not go far enough. What was needed was a single payer system like the rest of the western world. 33% of the cost of US health care is billing. You only have to look at the stock price increase of the health care providers when the Obama plan was rolled out to see who would benefit the most. With civil asset forfeiture (no charges laid, let alone convictions) shootings/strangulations of unarmed suspects, militarized police with armoured vehicles acting more like jack booted thugs than helpful honest police, privatized jails run for profit. The US is no longer the shining light on the hill and not because it is Obama or Bush in office. I am not sure why, but I just see in sinking in


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The US is no longer top dog. China is. So any countries begging for money, support, aid, etc, just call 1-800-REDCHINA and don't bother us anymore.


What do you have to sell ? China doesn't give anything away for free.

I'm saying the whole world can now quit looking to the US and start looking to China to bail them out of jams. If the Chinese aren't compassionate, too bad.

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China needs to clean it's own backyard. Suffering from massive pollution problems, with unregulated growth, and over population. Russia has its own economic problems, and Putin's overly big ego, will not help. That leaves the U.S.

But they need to get their Shit together, and quit letting big corporations run the show with unlimited cash donations to their corporate stooges.

Russia's f'ed and it is actually quiet sad. $ 63 a barrell is devestatiny low. Russian can deflate its currency only so much to try and offset oil price drop. They have reached breaking point and face hyperinflation again with debilitating interests rates or they just won't be able to come close to meeting its federal budget.

Bankruptcy and yet another default v. hyperinflation to try and avoid defat. Scary choices. Put damnnn politics aside, this is a dire and sad situation.

Gee, they (Russia) might even get in the hole deeper than the USA at some US$17 trillion ... that's how the American 'ride' on the backs of everyone else, borrowing beyond their means ...

Know thy enemy .. and look within ..

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China needs to clean it's own backyard. Suffering from massive pollution problems, with unregulated growth, and over population. Russia has its own economic problems, and Putin's overly big ego, will not help. That leaves the U.S.

But they need to get their Shit together, and quit letting big corporations run the show with unlimited cash donations to their corporate stooges.

Russia's f'ed and it is actually quiet sad. $ 63 a barrell is devestatiny low. Russian can deflate its currency only so much to try and offset oil price drop. They have reached breaking point and face hyperinflation again with debilitating interests rates or they just won't be able to come close to meeting its federal budget.

Bankruptcy and yet another default v. hyperinflation to try and avoid defat. Scary choices. Put damnnn politics aside, this is a dire and sad situation.

I think the complexity of the relationships globally means you can never never let yourself think you are that good ...Chinese Lao Tzu has a good saying on that

Just as you think you got Putin by the balls with the sanctions ...he just got himself a wild card signing deals with China and India ...and probably stalling it for another year or two ...with the distance in that region ...he still has Japan, Korea he has not called on and with winter coming :) he's in demand with his oil

Plus it will take a roller coaster ride to bankrupt Russia and it won't be pretty on the rest of the world when it happens ...why do you think everyone is still keeping USA afloat for by buying it's bonds annually ?

Everyone seems to be hurting right now based on the below reports. The world economy did just fine when Russia was an isolationist before and will do fine now as US investment in Russia has already been pulled back and Russia is pretty much out of the T bill market for good at the moment due to sanctions and running for gold so they can put their rapidly depreciating currency in something that is not become more and more worthless as we speak.

What most Russians really need is news about the unfolding economic crisis that Mr Putins message from above largely ignored. The continuing fall in the rouble, eroding living standards and a sharp rise in food prices are worrying people far more than the fate of separatists in Ukraine. Now that sanctions are starting to bite, enthusiasm for war and isolation is diminishing fast. Cognitive consonance between propaganda and peoples self-feel does not withstand external shocks, says Mikhail Dmitriev, head of New Economic Growth, a think-tank.

Over the past nine months opinion polls find that support for the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine have fallen from 74% to 23%. Many who dismissed Western sanctions as irrelevant now fret over Russias isolation.


BEIJING (Reuters) - China's economy showed further signs of fatigue in November, with factory growth slowing more than expected and investment expansion hovering near a 13-year low, putting pressure on policymakers to unveil stronger stimulus measures.

A deluge of weak data this week has reinforced the view that annual economic growth may weaken from 7.3 percent in the third quarter - already the lowest since the great financial crisis and further straining the fragile global economy.


Edited by capcc76
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What the USA needs to do is focus on the domestic economy.

The average American does not want their kids dying for an unknown cause in a far off country !

Agree .....less interference and save the money for helping the average Americans is the way to go ...plus reignite some of the manufacturing back

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What the USA needs to do is focus on the domestic economy.

The average American does not want their kids dying for an unknown cause in a far off country !

Agree .....less interference and save the money for helping the average Americans is the way to go ...plus reignite some of the manufacturing back

I agree 100%

When you travel through mid state rural America the average voice says let's think USA not the world.

Time for the USA to bail out of being the worlds police force.

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The USA has no hope of being top dog again until Obama is out of office, The man is a disgrace and his limp-wristed foreign policies are going to be a very difficult to recover from.

He would have been a very effective state leader of the boy scouts of Illinois. But, as the president of the US, he is so far out of his depth, and the really scary part is that I do not think he knows it, due to the fact that he likes to surround himself with mediocre men and women, who are afraid to tell him like it is. Even once he leaves office, I think the US influence is waning. The US may be in the twilight of it's time as big dog.

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...he likes to surround himself with mediocre men and women, who are afraid to tell him like it is.

Curious viewpoint. He's always been a puppet who does as he's told. Do you think minders, like Rahm Emmanuel (ex-IDF) are afraid to tell him like it is? I think not.

Rahm Emmanuel is not "ex-IDF".

The controversial comments were made at a breakfast to celebrate Casimir Pulaski Day, when schools and government offices here close to honor the Polish-American Revolutionary War hero. Edward Moskal, president of the Polish American Congress, a political action committee that had endorsed Ms. Kaszak and gave her an award at the breakfast, called Mr. Emanuel a ''millionaire carpetbagger'' and suggested, erroneously, that he had dual citizenship with Israel and had served in its armed forces.


Some charged that Emanuel was an Israeli citizen or a dual U.S.-Israeli national (he is neither, he was born in Chicago in 1959); or, they alleged that he served in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), losing his finger confronting a Syrian tank during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon (he did not serve in the IDF, and lost his finger in a freak accident while working as a teenager in an Arby's restaurant). A few accused Emanuel of skipping U.S. military service to join the IDF in 1991 (also not true -- in the midst of the 1991 Gulf War, while U.S. forces were manning Patriot missile batteries in Israel and the Arab Gulf, Emanuel volunteered for a few weeks, as a civilian, doing maintenance on Israeli vehicles). The most recent story alleges that Rahm Emanuel was fired from the White House in 1998 after being implicated by the FBI, together with Monica Lewinsky, in a Mossad plot to spy on then-President Clinton (a total fabrication, compliments of a shady character who claims to have been a U.S. intelligence official and is a purveyor of many bizarre tales).


I am pretty sure that if one checks Obama's advisers, staff and people getting to whisper in his ear there are bound to be representatives related to many potential interest groups.

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Curious viewpoint. He's always been a puppet who does as he's told. Do you think minders, like Rahm Emmanuel (ex-IDF) are afraid to tell him like it is? I think not.

Rahm Emmanuel is not "ex-IDF".

The controversial comments were made at a breakfast to celebrate Casimir Pulaski Day, when schools and government offices here close to honor the Polish-American Revolutionary War hero. Edward Moskal, president of the Polish American Congress, a political action committee that had endorsed Ms. Kaszak and gave her an award at the breakfast, called Mr. Emanuel a ''millionaire carpetbagger'' and suggested, erroneously, that he had dual citizenship with Israel and had served in its armed forces.


Some charged that Emanuel was an Israeli citizen or a dual U.S.-Israeli national (he is neither, he was born in Chicago in 1959); or, they alleged that he served in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), losing his finger confronting a Syrian tank during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon (he did not serve in the IDF, and lost his finger in a freak accident while working as a teenager in an Arby's restaurant). A few accused Emanuel of skipping U.S. military service to join the IDF in 1991 (also not true -- in the midst of the 1991 Gulf War, while U.S. forces were manning Patriot missile batteries in Israel and the Arab Gulf, Emanuel volunteered for a few weeks, as a civilian, doing maintenance on Israeli vehicles). The most recent story alleges that Rahm Emanuel was fired from the White House in 1998 after being implicated by the FBI, together with Monica Lewinsky, in a Mossad plot to spy on then-President Clinton (a total fabrication, compliments of a shady character who claims to have been a U.S. intelligence official and is a purveyor of many bizarre tales).


I am pretty sure that if one checks Obama's advisers, staff and people getting to whisper in his ear there are bound to be representatives related to many potential interest groups.

"I am pretty sure that if one checks Obama's advisers, staff and people getting to whisper in his ear there are bound to be representatives related to many potential interest groups"

Reading that last sentence, the name that springs to mind is his closest adviser...Valerie Jarrett.

American citizen, born (and raised partly) in Iran.

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