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Perhaps I should have titled this a little different, perhaps more of a warning to be careful.

As the saying goes," you are judged by the company you keep". Now my gf has a feeling that because of my friends gf perhaps I will be doing the same as him.

As I said, option 2, you lose your friend.



Now my gf has a feeling that because of my friends gf perhaps I will be doing the same as him.


Which makes me wonder whether it's smart to get serious with a woman who is stupid enough to make such childish assumptions?

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suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Thais, yes, they dont even have to talk to each other, the way the girl is dressed, speaks, acts and carries herself is a dead gieaway.

Farang with his BG in tow, wonders why my mrs gives a sore stomach excuse and leaves, the 6 inch spiked shoes, Daisy Duke shorts, boob tube, and hooker haa tao is a dead giveaway, the cigarette hanging from the lips doesnt help.

Yeah sure we believe you, your girl finished school at Mor 2 and got a job in the Bangkok Bank in Pattaya (Walking Street branch).

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suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Some foreigners can't spot one even when they met her at a bar in walking street

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I now ex bargirls who work as official Thai translators for the courts and gouvernment in my country and also run happy ending massage parlours go figure......


I now ex bargirls who work as official Thai translators for the courts and gouvernment in my country and also run happy ending massage parlours go figure......



Next time the mole rings tell her to stop calling. Be direct and blunt, then terminate the call. If he rings afterwards, inform him of what was discussed between your GF & his, be direct with him also, if he doesn't like it, if he's smart he will take it as a warning about his troll up. If he gets uptight, tell him to not bother calling back as well. Simple.

Next time, take more care on who you associate with.

Best of luck.

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suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Don't know. That's a mighty broad brush your painting with there. Need to define the word prostitute. The uni student who turned tricks on weekends for one semester to make her tuition? The farm girl who went to pattaya for X number of months looking for a better life, then realized it wasn't for her and returned home resigned to living poor? There are dozens of situations but you get the picture.

Question becomes: just how many months/years does it take to make a "prostitute"? Hate that word. Because it's stamped on the end of a branding iron.

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Will be not rare that your friend doesn't know the kind of woman he has for GF. It is very common between different cultures. Now you know, and you have the opportunity to make your friend aware of it. If that, is not appteciated by him and ruin the friendship, it is OK.

At least, will be better if something wrong happens with him and his GF, and later he found out that you knew about the "danger"....


suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Some foreigners can't spot one even when they met her at a bar in walking street


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Believe your instincts. I do not think this woman will convince your "better half" that selling her crotch to a farang will provide more happiness than what she currently has.

However, by her own admission, this "tart" is working the field. One in hand, one on the burner....probably several other tools in the shed sending money, and scheduling their frolic. If you and your wife befriend this couple, then one day you will be in the very uncomfortable position of meeting her "other" sleeping arrangements. Then you will have to decide whether or not to tell the man or keep quiet. No matter what you do, the odds are both men stand to lose a fortune. If you warn them, then the hooker will become your worst enemy. Even if you do not say anything, if the money stops, she will blame you are your wife.....

The men will deny it...or shrug it off.

If you do not warn them, your friend may hate you in the future...once his wealth has disappeared.

It happened to us. Leave the hookers in the bar, gentleman. Rinse your willies and go back home.


I have been in the Op's shoes.

One did go off and I heard she was working in the bar. Obviously her head was turned by the thoughts of mega money. Turned out she did not get what she expected. On reflection, it did not say much about the quality of the relationship, or maybe it said more about her greed.

Another started complaining about how much I gave her and her wanting more expensive daily items, like shampoo, soaps, perfumes and such. I told her to be content or else. She got the 'or else' and was sent packing.

Yet, this picture the OP paints happens whenever the 'lady' gets a Farang and it has little to do with talking to a friends g/f.

Whenever a Thai woman starts going out with a foreigner they are quizzed by friends and family. Almost every village in Thailand has one woman working - or has worked - the bar scene.

Pressure is applied to the woman with the new foreign boyfriend to make her get more money or possessions.

It is down to the woman to decide if she is content with her lot and to tell the family and friends she is happy and if she is, you keep her. If she is not, you either pay more or lose her.


Rinse your willies and go back home.

Based on some of the scrubbers getting around under the wings of foreigners, they'd be better off grinding their willies then applying bleach or so,ething, then rinse and going back home.


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suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Don't know. That's a mighty broad brush your painting with there. Need to define the word prostitute.

Someone who accepts money in return for sexual services.

No wiggle room in the definition.

If you pay them after you finished, then they are.

If they no longer work it then they become a 'former prostitute'.

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There is so much truth in the sayings like "You're judged by the friends you have." or "You're only as good as the company you keep."

Given that the OP's mate has admitted to his "girlfriend" being a rent-a-girl for fun - the OP would be well advised to sit down and tell his own lady how that goes with farangs who have no interest in a "real" relationship. I've introduced girls to each other and it is fraught with mis-understandings because of language nuances, cultural differences - even between the Thais, and a total mis-conception of the "need" to be introduced at all. Most have been civil enough - thank goodness -- and I'm getting better at it. ;)


I do not think it is up to you to tell the person not to call your girlfriend again. It is up to your girlfriend to do that. You do not control her life and she should not control yours. If you do not want her to talk to the girl tell her that you do not like her talking to her and ask her to ask her not to call again. If she does not want to do that it is up to you to decide if you want to continue your relationship or not.


suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Don't know. That's a mighty broad brush your painting with there. Need to define the word prostitute.

Someone who accepts money in return for sexual services.

No wiggle room in the definition.

If you pay them after you finished, then they are.

If they no longer work it then they become a 'former prostitute'.

If a conversation goes like this -- is she a prostitute?

man: Like to come up to my room darling?

girl: Of course.

---- now in room but still clothed...

girl: you're very hansum - you like me to stay tonight with you?

man: Yes - you're drop-dead gorgeous -- here's plenty of money for your taxi home.

---- man gives girl x,000Baht

---- do the dirty deed

Prepaid? Is she a prostitute?


suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Don't know. That's a mighty broad brush your painting with there. Need to define the word prostitute.

Someone who accepts money in return for sexual services.

No wiggle room in the definition.

If you pay them after you finished, then they are.

If they no longer work it then they become a 'former prostitute'.

If a conversation goes like this -- is she a prostitute?

man: Like to come up to my room darling?

girl: Of course.

---- now in room but still clothed...

girl: you're very hansum - you like me to stay tonight with you?

man: Yes - you're drop-dead gorgeous -- here's plenty of money for your taxi home.

---- man gives girl x,000Baht

---- do the dirty deed

Prepaid? Is she a prostitute?





By that standard - if a guy takes a girl for dinner and pays - - and they end up in bed together -- she's a prostitute !! blink.png

Does the reverse apply - if the girl pays does that make the guy a gigolo ? w00t.gif




By that standard - if a guy takes a girl for dinner and pays - - and they end up in bed together -- she's a prostitute !! blink.png

Does the reverse apply - if the girl pays does that make the guy a gigolo ? w00t.gif

No BUT it does make the girl a rarity. (or someone safe in a bikini)




By that standard - if a guy takes a girl for dinner and pays - - and they end up in bed together -- she's a prostitute !! blink.png

Does the reverse apply - if the girl pays does that make the guy a gigolo ? w00t.gif

She received no money = not a prostitute.

This is hardly rocket science, why are you laboring the point?

The usual answer is the guy is living with one he paid for sex, but still wants to claim she isn't.

We see though you easily. Nobody cares if you are paying or not.


Rinse your willies and go back home.

Based on some of the scrubbers getting around under the wings of foreigners, they'd be better off grinding their willies then applying bleach or so,ething, then rinse and going back home.


Reminds me of Catholic School. We were shown slides of "Reamers"...for treatment of VD. A tubular metal cage locked in place with a plunger on top. When depressed, a thin rod would enter the uretha. Another twist, and thin razors would pop out from slots in the rod, vertically placed. The operator, would then, rapidly, rotate the rod.

Sweet dreams.

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By that standard - if a guy takes a girl for dinner and pays - - and they end up in bed together -- she's a prostitute !! blink.png

Does the reverse apply - if the girl pays does that make the guy a gigolo ? w00t.gif

She received no money = not a prostitute.

This is hardly rocket science, why are you laboring the point?

The usual answer is the guy is living with one he paid for sex, but still wants to claim she isn't.

We see though you easily. Nobody cares if you are paying or not.

Interesting definition of "prostitute". ;)

Any girl accepting money for any reason and then having sex with her man is - by your definition - a prostitute....blink.png


suss eachother out? I think most people can spot a whore easily, no ?

Don't know. That's a mighty broad brush your painting with there. Need to define the word prostitute.
Someone who accepts money in return for sexual services.

No wiggle room in the definition.

If you pay them after you finished, then they are.

If they no longer work it then they become a 'former prostitute'.

I reckon livin is easy when the world's black-and-white.

Ever stretch the truth? You're a former liar. Ever shoplifted? You're a former thief. Ever paid for sex? You're a former John. Ever smoked pot? You're a former druggie. I could go on.

After my marriage ended every application I ever filled out I now had to check the box divorced. After a few years said hell with that. Check single. Redemption is a beautiful thing.

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By that standard - if a guy takes a girl for dinner and pays - - and they end up in bed together -- she's a prostitute !! blink.png

Does the reverse apply - if the girl pays does that make the guy a gigolo ? w00t.gif

She received no money = not a prostitute.

This is hardly rocket science, why are you laboring the point?

The usual answer is the guy is living with one he paid for sex, but still wants to claim she isn't.

We see though you easily. Nobody cares if you are paying or not.

Interesting definition of "prostitute". wink.png

Any girl accepting money for any reason and then having sex with her man is - by your definition - a prostitute....blink.png

Are you struggling within your relationship over this point, if so I hope you find contentment.

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Ever stretch the truth? You're a former liar. Ever shoplifted? You're a former thief. Ever paid for sex? You're a former John. Ever smoked pot? You're a former druggie. I could go on.

Most of those don't really compare to prostitution,

Why not try some more equitable pastimes, drug dealer, kiddy fiddler, murderer, wife beater ......

Putting 'former' in front of them doesn't remove the tarnish now, does it?

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