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Fiance Visa for my Thai Fiance - UK - list of evidence needed

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Hello guys i am trying to get a Fiance visa for my Thai Fiance, she is normal thai girl with good english and degree from university, i have an agent but it seems every other day she tells me something else thai i need to provide for the visa, is there anywhere i can find a comprehensive official list of what i actually need to provide with the visa application as her sponsor, i am self employed and i make more than the required salary and can provide tax returns etc to show that but its all the other small stuff i need to know what i need, for instance my agent is telling me i need to take pictures inside my house but i read online that is if you are a home owner and i rent my property, so i basically need a list of everything i should have in place for the application for a self employed uk guy, is there links to anywhere i can check? HELP greatly appreciated,

Thanks a lot in advance

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Titanium i have had a good read through that the other day and again today but its a general for all types of visa, i just need specifics for the finance visa, the post takes me to the www.gov.uk site where i am presented with limitless options of the visa and I'm not sure what i need, i just thought someone would have a comprehensive and concise list of the things i would need to provide.

(just as a note for anyone who can help, i know an agent can't get me a visa, i am using an agent to help e through the process of organising the paperwork but its not been the best of help and thats why I'm asking for help here)

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The problem is my agent failed to tell me things like being together with your fiancé 6 months before applying, asking for 2 years finances when 1 year already shows i have the financial requirements, failing to inform me about a number of other things that i find out about for myself slowly and I'm worried i will miss something, thats all, I'm not trying to make out i know more than the agent but my agent seems really busy dealing with a lot of people and i just want the facts in order to keep me and my fiancé correct. I asked here because it seems the place to ask where people have great experience with this sort of stuff

Edited by Tongpo
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There is no definitive list as such; circumstances vary. However, you must provide certain documents to show you meet the financial requirement and failure to do so will result in a refusal.

Annex FM Section FM 1.7: Financial Requirement will tell you what these documents are; depending on how you are meeting the requirement.

For suggestions on other evidence, relationship, accommodation etc., see the pinned topic linked to by theoldgit and also this guide Note that you do not have to provide everything in the guide, they are suggestions only; you may also want to provide something which is not on the guide if you feel it will help.

As for photos of your house; some people recommend this; I don't see the point. In your sponsor's letter simply describe the house, how many rooms of each type and who else, if anyone, is living there. As you rent, then a letter from your landlord confirming this and granting your fiance permission to live in the property is a good idea.

MAA11 Adequacy of accommodation

The ECOs judgement should be based on the evidence from the applicant. If the ECO is not sure of the credibility of the applicant, he / she should ask to see a letter from the owner of the property (which may be a housing authority, housing association, landlord or a building society). This should confirm particulars of tenure and occupation of the dwelling, together with a description of the accommodation and, if rented, a copy of the lease.

The onus is on the applicant to provide confirmation that there is no objection to an additional resident moving into the accommodation.

BTW, there is no need for you and your fiance to have been together for 6 months before applying. Obviously, the longer the relationship the better, but the only requirement under the rules on this point is that you have physically met each other.

Maybe you should change agents?

Edited by 7by7
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