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What happen is you fail the exam for ED visa extention ?

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Some previous quiz include

- Counting

- say the date

- write you name in Thai

But if it's your first ED visa,they tend to be lenient.

I could talk about nuclear physics in Thai with them all day long, but reading and writing I am limited to things like 'pom chuu <insert name> krap or 'kao ja bpai nai? kao ja bpai dtalat' - and more stuff similar to that. I can spell my own name in Thai, I first learned the numbers before any words and can count to infinity in Thai, the date is also easy, easy to say but for me to write not so. I can write 'pom mai koa jai krap' though :P This is the thing, EVERYONE is different, I have learned how to speak very fast but reading and writing has taken longer, they do not have a test in place that is fair for everyone because 1. we all learn at different paces and 2. 3 months is not the same as 3 years.

That brings me on to my next point, I have been on ED for 3 years now so immigration are going to love me, I can't wait. When I get angry at Thai authority I often can keep it hidden, but sometimes my Thai tongue can slip. If they deny me I may have to give them a sly word that will leave a bitter taste in their mouth for the rest of the day. Anyway, anybody here with ED experience and Hua Hin immigration?

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Some previous quiz include

- Counting

- say the date

- write you name in Thai

But if it's your first ED visa,they tend to be lenient.

I could talk about nuclear physics in Thai with them all day long, but reading and writing I am limited to things like 'pom chuu <insert name> krap or 'kao ja bpai nai? kao ja bpai dtalat' - and more stuff similar to that. I can spell my own name in Thai, I first learned the numbers before any words and can count to infinity in Thai, the date is also easy, easy to say but for me to write not so. I can write 'pom mai koa jai krap' though :P This is the thing, EVERYONE is different, I have learned how to speak very fast but reading and writing has taken longer, they do not have a test in place that is fair for everyone because 1. we all learn at different paces and 2. 3 months is not the same as 3 years.

That brings me on to my next point, I have been on ED for 3 years now so immigration are going to love me, I can't wait. When I get angry at Thai authority I often can keep it hidden, but sometimes my Thai tongue can slip. If they deny me I may have to give them a sly word that will leave a bitter taste in their mouth for the rest of the day. Anyway, anybody here with ED experience and Hua Hin immigration?

What is your secret for learning Thai so well?

Everyone tells me get a Thai gf, but they are always want to improve their English and not want to speak Thai

I am trying to speak Thai more with the locals.

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Some previous quiz include

- Counting

- say the date

- write you name in Thai

But if it's your first ED visa,they tend to be lenient.

I could talk about nuclear physics in Thai with them all day long, but reading and writing I am limited to things like 'pom chuu <insert name> krap or 'kao ja bpai nai? kao ja bpai dtalat' - and more stuff similar to that. I can spell my own name in Thai, I first learned the numbers before any words and can count to infinity in Thai, the date is also easy, easy to say but for me to write not so. I can write 'pom mai koa jai krap' though tongue.png This is the thing, EVERYONE is different, I have learned how to speak very fast but reading and writing has taken longer, they do not have a test in place that is fair for everyone because 1. we all learn at different paces and 2. 3 months is not the same as 3 years.

That brings me on to my next point, I have been on ED for 3 years now so immigration are going to love me, I can't wait. When I get angry at Thai authority I often can keep it hidden, but sometimes my Thai tongue can slip. If they deny me I may have to give them a sly word that will leave a bitter taste in their mouth for the rest of the day. Anyway, anybody here with ED experience and Hua Hin immigration?

What is your secret for learning Thai so well?

Everyone tells me get a Thai gf, but they are always want to improve their English and not want to speak Thai

I am trying to speak Thai more with the locals.

One thing i didnt think about till a few weeks ago, it depends where in Thailand you live and the ability of english of the Thais around you. I live in Phuket and if you try to start talking to them in Thai and they dont understand any little bit what you said, they will quickly turn the conversation into english.

Last week i was in bkk for a week and i found the people where i was, were happy to talk just thai with me even getting little bits wrong. As most of them i could tell their level of english was more basic then my level of Thai, so gave me a much better opportunity to use my thai skills.

I think if in a more rural area the surrounding would mean the need for thai would be greater and naturally speed up learning, opposed to tourist areas where the level of english is much higher and less need to actually speak thai

Obviously having a Thai partner helps, i can see the difference in my class between the people who have partners and the people like me who not had a long term thai gf. The one period i was living with a thai GF, she would always grab my books and test me etc. This is when my thai learning speed was at its quickest.

End of the day, except these stupid tests learn thai at the speed that suits you. Regardless some of the rubbish written on here no one should judge someone how fast they should learn a language as long as they want to learn that language and putting effort into it.

Example being i be first to admit English my first language I'm not perfect with spelling and grammar as i suffer from dyslexia so I'm still trying to improve my english also.

Edited by Markphuket
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Some previous quiz include

- Counting

- say the date

- write you name in Thai

But if it's your first ED visa,they tend to be lenient.

I could talk about nuclear physics in Thai with them all day long, but reading and writing I am limited to things like 'pom chuu <insert name> krap or 'kao ja bpai nai? kao ja bpai dtalat' - and more stuff similar to that. I can spell my own name in Thai, I first learned the numbers before any words and can count to infinity in Thai, the date is also easy, easy to say but for me to write not so. I can write 'pom mai koa jai krap' though tongue.png This is the thing, EVERYONE is different, I have learned how to speak very fast but reading and writing has taken longer, they do not have a test in place that is fair for everyone because 1. we all learn at different paces and 2. 3 months is not the same as 3 years.

That brings me on to my next point, I have been on ED for 3 years now so immigration are going to love me, I can't wait. When I get angry at Thai authority I often can keep it hidden, but sometimes my Thai tongue can slip. If they deny me I may have to give them a sly word that will leave a bitter taste in their mouth for the rest of the day. Anyway, anybody here with ED experience and Hua Hin immigration?

What is your secret for learning Thai so well?

Everyone tells me get a Thai gf, but they are always want to improve their English and not want to speak Thai

I am trying to speak Thai more with the locals.

Yes about a Thai partner, it has helped so so much. When we first met 4 years ago we used Google translate to communicate lol! She can speak English a little bit and her job encourages her to speak more so she learnes slowly. However at home we never speak in English, sometimes for fun or sometimes in Laotian because she she is from Issan and I prefer speaking Lao tbh.

I do not have farang friends anymore, and that is through choice and over a long period of time. There are some great farang who have come and gone, but I just prefer to mingle with Thai's these days for some reason. How I got so good at speaking Thai was a long development, I often would go to the beach at night with just a few beers and introduce myself to a groups of Thais in Thai, once they saw I could speak Thai they were more than welcome. I sat and drank, joked, laughed etc all night. I have done this many times and it is always a good laugh, plus education. In school they teach very formal Thai, the kind of Thai you would speak to a high ranking government official, but how people converse on the street day to day is quite different.

Edited by monk213
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Some previous quiz include

- Counting

- say the date

- write you name in Thai

But if it's your first ED visa,they tend to be lenient.

I could talk about nuclear physics in Thai with them all day long, but reading and writing I am limited to things like 'pom chuu <insert name> krap or 'kao ja bpai nai? kao ja bpai dtalat' - and more stuff similar to that. I can spell my own name in Thai, I first learned the numbers before any words and can count to infinity in Thai, the date is also easy, easy to say but for me to write not so. I can write 'pom mai koa jai krap' though tongue.png This is the thing, EVERYONE is different, I have learned how to speak very fast but reading and writing has taken longer, they do not have a test in place that is fair for everyone because 1. we all learn at different paces and 2. 3 months is not the same as 3 years.

That brings me on to my next point, I have been on ED for 3 years now so immigration are going to love me, I can't wait. When I get angry at Thai authority I often can keep it hidden, but sometimes my Thai tongue can slip. If they deny me I may have to give them a sly word that will leave a bitter taste in their mouth for the rest of the day. Anyway, anybody here with ED experience and Hua Hin immigration?

When you are fluent they tend not to bother you anymore, that's the case with my friend (6 years here/ 5 years ED visa) at Chaeng Wattana IO anyway.

He insists on speaking Thai even though they start in English and he writes his name and address in Thai on forms.

He also makes sure he brings his adorable 2 years old luukrung baby girl with him, they all love her.

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Adding the reading and writing requirements will probably force many people on Ed visa to go to school.

Many people have lived in Thailand a long time on various visas and can speak Thai enough to pass a reasonable test with never attending a class.

This is like a commercial fisherman fishing with a pole.

If they checked the schools to see if they even had enough teachers and classrooms for the number of students would be better.

No adult student wants to worry about their learning speed.

Checking the schools would be more efficient and less stress on students attending class.

Maybe immigration is afraid to go after the big schools.

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Adding the reading and writing requirements will probably force many people on Ed visa to go to school.

Many people have lived in Thailand a long time on various visas and can speak Thai enough to pass a reasonable test with never attending a class.

This is like a commercial fisherman fishing with a pole.

If they checked the schools to see if they even had enough teachers and classrooms for the number of students would be better.

No adult student wants to worry about their learning speed.

Checking the schools would be more efficient and less stress on students attending class.

Maybe immigration is afraid to go after the big schools.

-They don't care who is going to school and who is not. They just need to reduce the numbers of ED visas.

- No immigration test is "reasonable": You get an officer who does not agree with these stupid measures,and it will let you off with the best possible option no question asked...Conversely you get a zealous officer and you will be drilled way above your level.

- The schools are Thai and they can't be hassled easily, not as easily as foreign students without rights.

What would be good to know is their target numbers; ie At what point are they going to consider they have a healthy reasonable number of ED visa and will stop treating us like criminals

Edited by Kitsune
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That makes sense why they don't go after the schools.

I am sure the big schools have good connections (wink) with high immigration officials.

Regular university courses give 1 year visa, possibly less hours per week than the new standard but attendance is required. A big deterrent.

How does the cost of learning thai at a legitimate university compare to language schools.

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That makes sense why they don't go after the schools.

I am sure the big schools have good connections (wink) with high immigration officials.

Regular university courses give 1 year visa, possibly less hours per week than the new standard but attendance is required. A big deterrent.

How does the cost of learning thai at a legitimate university compare to language schools.

The cost is around 100.000 to 200.000 a year


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I think ABAC 2 year Master of Education degree international program is about 270,000 for 2 years, 3-4 classes per term, including health insurance.

That price must be for several classes per term.

It showed bachelors degree about $2000 per year.

A single Thai course (if offered) should be less but may not qualify for an Ed visa

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