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Taliban 'kill 100' at Pakistan school


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Pakistan Taliban 'kill 100' in assault on Peshawar school

(BBC) At least 100 people, 80 of them children, have been killed in a Taliban assault on an army-run school in Peshawar, Pakistani officials say.

Five or six militants wearing security uniforms entered the school, officials said. Gunfire and explosions were heard as security forces surrounded the area.

The army says most of the school's 500 students have been evacuated. It is not clear how many are being held hostage.

A Taliban spokesman says the assault is in response to army operations.

Hundreds of Taliban fighters are thought to have died in a recent military offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area.

A school worker and a student interviewed by the local Geo TV station said the attackers had entered the Army Public School's auditorium, where a military team was conducting first-aid training for students.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30491435

-- BBC 2014-12-16

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These Taliban and their ilk need wiping out. Disgusting blight on humanity. I don't care what the apologists think. Its children for goodness sake. There is no possible justifacation for this.

Enough is enough. Get them out of the gene pool.

Sorry but to eliminate the potential for the existence of movements like the Taliban from the "gene pool" you'd need to wipe out our entire species. Which might be happening anyway.

Edited by Jingthing
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Taliban Kill Scores in Attack on Pakistan Military School

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — In one of Pakistan’s bloodiest attacks in recent years, scores of people were killed after a group of Taliban gunmen stormed a school in northwestern Pakistan, officials and rescue workers said on Tuesday.

Hundreds of students remained trapped inside the compound as security forces exchanged fire with the gunmen, officials said.

The toll of dead and injured remained uncertain, but a regional official said that as many as 100 had been killed and 80 injured in the attack, most of them students.

The siege started Tuesday morning around 10 a.m. when at least five to six heavily armed Taliban gunmen entered Army Public School and Degree College in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. According to initial reports, the gunmen opened fire on students and have taken dozens of them as hostages. Some students managed to escape the school compound, the local news media reported.

Full story: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/17/world/asia/taliban-attack-pakistan-school.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

-- The New York Times 2014-12-16

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Taliban storm Pakistan school, kill 95
Saad Khan
Agence France-Presse
PESHAWAR, Pakistan

Taliban gunmen stormed an army-run school in Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 95 people including 82 children in one of the country's bloodiest attacks in recent years, officials said.

Witnesses described how a huge blast shook the Army Public School in the northwestern city of Peshawar and gunmen went from classroom to classroom, shooting children.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack as retaliation for a major military offensive in the region, saying militants had been ordered to shoot older students.

The attack began around 10.30 am (0530 GMT) when a group of at least five insurgents, reportedly in military uniforms, entered the school.

Pakistan’s military headquarters said a "rescue operation" was under way, with troops still exchanging fire with attackers more than three hours after the incident began.

A security official told AFP that hundreds of students and staff were in the school when the attack began, though according to the military the bulk of them have been evacuated.

It is not clear how many are still in the school.

Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital received 26 bodies, spokesman Jamil Shah said, while a report from the city’s Combined Military Hospital seen by AFP said they had 69 dead.

Provincial information minister Mushtaq Ghani said many of the dead were killed in a suicide blast.

Mudassar Abbas, a physics laboratory assistant at the school, said some students were celebrating at a party when the attack began.

"I saw six or seven people walking class-to-class and opening fire on children," he said.

A student who survived the attack said soldiers came to rescue students during a lull in the firing.

"When we were coming out of the class we saw dead bodies of our friends lying in the corridors. They were bleeding. Some were shot three times, some four times," the student said.

"The men entered the rooms one by one and started indiscriminate firing at the staff and students."

- ’Soft target’ -


The school on Peshawar’s Warsak Road is part of the Army Public Schools and Colleges System, which runs 146 schools nationwide for the children of military personnel and civilians. Its students range in age from around 10 to 18.

The schools educate the children of both officers and non-commissioned soldiers and army wives often teach in them.

TTP spokesman Muhammad Khorasani told AFP there were six attackers.

"They include target killers and suicide attackers. They have been ordered to shoot the older students but not the children," he said.

"This attack is a response to Zarb-e-Azab and the killing of Taliban fighters and harassing their families."

Zarb-e-Azb is the official name for the army’s offensive against strongholds of the Taliban and other militants in North Waziristan.

The military has hailed the operation as a major success in disrupting the TTP’s insurgency, which has killed thousands of Pakistanis since it erupted in 2007.

More than 1,600 militants have been killed since the launch of Zarb-e-Azb in June, according to data compiled by AFP from regular military statements.

Talat Masood, a retired general and security analyst, said the attack was intended to weaken the military’s resolve.

"It is both tactical and strategic. The militants know they won’t be able to strike at the heart of the military, they don’t have the capacity because the army are prepared," Masood told AFP.

"So they are going for soft targets. These attacks have a great psychological impact."

The semi-autonomous tribal areas that border Afghanistan have for years been a hideout for Islamist militants of all stripes -- including Al-Qaeda and the homegrown TTP as well as foreign fighters such as Uzbeks and Uighurs.

Washington pressed Islamabad for years to wipe out the sanctuaries in North Waziristan, which militants have used to launch attacks on Nato forces in Afghanistan.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Taliban-storm-Pakistan-school-kill-95-30249961.html

-- The Nation 2014-12-16

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Pak Taliban gunmen attack Peshawar school, 104 killed
News Desk

Five hundred students and teachers were believed to be inside the school at the time of the attack

(ANN) At least 104 -- majority of them students -- have been killed after militants from TPP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) attacked the military-run Army Public School in Peshawar's Warsak road.

About 500 students and teachers were believed to be inside the school when about "five to six militants" attacked, reports said quoting miltary officials. The school has been cordoned off, with a rescue operation in progress.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was on his way to Peshawar to supervise the operations against Taliban. "I have decided to proceed to Peshawar and I will supervise the operation my self," Sharif said in a short statement before his departure. "These are my children and it is my loss."

The premier earlier issued a strong condemnation of the attack and directed all civil and military security agencies to rescue every one from the school safely. "The perpetrators behind this terrorist attack must not be spared but first priority is the safe rescue of kids and innocent people from the school," he said in a statement.

A teacher told Reuters that the attackers targeted the school while exams were taking place.“After half an hour of the attack, the army came and sealed the school,” a teacher told a private television channel outside the besieged school.“We were in the examination hall when the attack took place,” he said.

The school on Peshawar's Warsak Road is part of the Army Public Schools and Colleges System, which runs 146 schools across Pakistan for the children of military personnel and civilians. Its students range in age from around 10 to 18.

The schools educate the children of both officers and non-commissioned soldiers and army wives often teach in them.

A TTP spokesman told Reuters: “It's a revenge attack for the army offensive in North Waziristan."

A student who was released said the attackers were carrying sophisticated automatic weapons. He said the militants opened indiscriminate fire as soon as they entered the school.

"The terrorists entered the school wearing FC personnel uniform," Chief Minister KP Pervez Khattak said.

He put the total death toll at 104 as of posting time.

Source: http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-69134.html

-- ANN 2014-12-16

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While this horror was perpetrated by just a few...... it should indicate the level or lack of any reasonable though process by the entire movement.

For someone who just plain loves children this is unthinkable and I think now that if any of one of them from any of these radical jerk movements, is captured they should be given PUBLICALLY the most painful and slowest death possible. True this may not be in keeping with the civilized world and it ways, but civilized action cannot be communicated to these non human animals. Fight fire with fire..... There are more of he good guys than there of them..... Root them out and hand out punishment that matches that which they are instituting. Lets see how many want to volunteer to be martyrs .... and then make them happy.

My heavens...... 130 CHILDREN ! ! ! ! !

Feed them slowly , feet first , into a high powered and dull wood chipper.....

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Sooo bad Ive real problem being calm when kids get murdered in the name of anything. RIP little ones

I'm going to knee jerk react and vent for a change, kids being murdered boils my blood If you want an end to this level of violence you have to stop pussying about, they dont want it to end, neither side do but thats another story.

So how do you stop these terrorists ?

Lets assume for a moment most Muslims should be horrified and want those responsible dead as much as the next but also this cycle to end. The terrorists themselves must have more to lose than those they are prepared to die murdering, sounds hard right when they dont mind blowing themselves up in the process ? not really but it is a matter of taking off the gloves for a change.

First you must forget about their human rights, if they have killed and violated anothers right to life then they forfeit their own rights.

We keep hearing these are not true Muslims and do dot represent Islam, they arnt muslims just animals etc. Lets assume for a second thats true and they arnt considered Mulsim by the Muslim community, they can then be treated as non believers and criminals and murderers, no need for special treatment.

We are told all the time these people are roundly condemned by the Muslim community so everyone should agree these scumbags are not really Muslims at all.... now we are getting somewhere. First you have to accept taking anothers right to life away forfiets your own rights. If thats agreeable fine then we can do something.

Before you execute these terrorists, (which is what a lot of countries will do anyway ) you cover them in pigs blood then coat the bullets going to be used to execute them in pigs blood as well. After being executed wrap them in a pigskin then bury them in the rest of the pigs offal in a hole unmarked in the ground facing away from Mecca and throw in a few images of animal gods etc for good measure.

Spread the news via the Muslim leadership these were not Muslims anyway and going against the Laws given by Allah and this is the penalty for any terrorist taking and defiling the name of Allah when claiming actions that murder others in his name. Make it clear any terrorist caught will be treated the same, even bits of a suicide bomber gets to be buried in a pig and will be refused entrance to heaven no matter what they blow up or kill.

Let it be well known Follow it up and carry it out on a few, the bombing will stop if they know they will not ascend to heaven no matter how many infidels they blow up or kill. This isnt new btw its been done in the past and to good effect... if they arnt getting into heaven and have no support from the true followers of Islam wheres the benefit in terrorising people ?

Of course it wont happen mainly because the Muslim community will not make a united stand against these murderers and we allow rights for those than even steal anothers right to life. Actions must have consequences or theres no reason to care what you do.

Ok sorry thats my eye for an eye solution, now back to the real world

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Allah is having a field day this week, he must be so proud.

I absolutely do not want to make light of the situation. But really and truly, the past couple of days have begun to seem like an episode of Homeland. Where is Carrie Mathison when you need her? Terrifying when life imitates art.

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well muslim killing there own brothers and sister think if the whole world converted to islam the human race would be extinct in 200 years as they went round murdering each other life to them is so cheap children women dont matter just in the name of islam go and kill and those poor girls taken by boka horam they proberly come back when they all be inpregnated (raped) by those islamist dogs all in the name of mohamed what has happened to those people minds

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Soon someone will say "Nothing to do with I......"

Well I could have been waiting a bit longer but I'll be the first to say:

Nothing to do with Islam.

If I read the BBC's article correctly, it said:

A Taliban spokesman told BBC Urdu that the school, which is run by the

army, had been targeted in response to army operations.

Hundreds of Taliban fighters are thought to have died in a recent military

offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area

So in my eyes, it's politically motivated. Not martyrs but militants.

There are plenty of places around the world where Christians kill

Christians, Muslims kill Muslims, Muslims kill Christians and the other

​way round without religious reasons but political and economic reasons.

Edited by JoeLing
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The death toll at this hour is 141.

Teachers and other staff members total 9, while there are 132 students, mostly aged from 12-16 years of age.

Another 122 have been injured, many of them seriously.

This is more than a political or financial fight. It is murder on a grand scale and all done in the name of Islam.

Color it like it is.

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