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As always there are a lot of people replying who obviously don't live in Thaland and don't know how common this ploy of 5-bath-cellophane-bundles is. Ignore them.

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You are right Madness I do NOT understand you ..you said the service was 'ok' ... you were given correct change .. and you chose to get upset and stiffed the service staff because you had 10 one baht coins.

Ok one more time I will try to explain it jdinasia and I'll quote my OP so you can reread it until you understand it.

This just pisses me off, the service wasn't that great anyway but ok, and I'm alright to leave a tip because lets face it, 10-20 baht isn't much to us, but it adds up to a nice extra sum for the staff in these bars.

But when they purposely leave ten one baht coins to inconvenience me, to try to force me into making tip then that average service has just turned into bad service and I collect all the coins up and leave them nothing.

The service was ok then it changed to being a bad service. I don't tip for what I consider bad service. Is that clear to you yet? I'm not sure I can explain it much simpler without drawing diagrams.

Just quickly again, The average/ok service changed to bad service IMHO.

The denominations of the coins or currency that comes back to me does not affect how much i tip ... ever! If the service was "OK" I tip ... if the service was exceptional .. i tip BIG!

Ok, I understand your reasoning, though in my opinon its because you don't understand the difference between bad service and good service.

I understand you're trying to prove your value here by sayin I'm cheap and you tip BIG! But lets try not to get into a competition about who's the best foreigner in Thailand for a moment shall we? It gets a little tedious. :o


I gotta say, change is 50 baht and comes back as 2X 20 baht notes and a ten baht coin, but single baht coin change is just a piss take. And look at the guy on the second post on this thread, he received 60 baht change in single baht coins! :o

As always there are a lot of people replying who obviously don't live in Thaland and don't know how common this ploy of 5-bath-cellophane-bundles is. Ignore them.

So you are refering to BKKmadness then?

The single baht coins practice most often happens at tourist venues where foreigners are not expected to know any better.
By giving change back to you like that they are deliberately trying to inconvenience the customer, why should I tip someone who is trying to inconvenience me for their own benefit?
I would say by giving back to you like that they are trying to make it convenient for you to tip. :o

Let's say the bill is 240, you give 300, it comes back in 3 X 20. You don't have any coins but you don't want to tip 20. What happens? They are going to get nothing. And everyone in this world needs money!

So if they give you 10 X 1, you have the choice of between 5-10 baht(giving less than 5 will be a bit of an insult). They wouldn't even have imagined that someone is going to get pissed.

Fairly speaking, if they give you 20 X 1, you should start asking them why. But has anyone experienced that? I haven't.

And look at the guy on the second post on this thread, he received 60 baht change in single baht coins! :D
I think he should look around and try to see where the hidden camera is.

You guys are not saying this is everyday life, are you? 60 X 1baht??? :o Please tell me which place it is I'll go there and see.


I've seen tourist venues in Pattaya quite often will provide 60 baht in a mix of coins, not 1 baht, but 5 baht and 10 baht coins.

I think the most I witnessed was 90 baht worth of coins given in this manner.... 1000 baht note was given for a 410 bill.. with a 500 note and 90 baht in coins (mostly 5 baht pieces) placed on top of it returned as change.

The patron, not myself btw, picked them ALL up in a manner that seemed like he shares the same disgust that bkkmadness is describing.


OK, I don't know about other places but where I live (koh Phangan) the banks do not provide change as a service to small businesses. So, we cannot go to the bank and pay a little bit extra to get fives, tens and notes. So, we make do with what we have. If you get 5 one baht coins back that is because that is what I have.

As for Bangkok, no idea, never lived there, no idea what bank policy is there but here, because the banks have to pay to bring the money over on the boat, they do not import change for businesses, only notes for the ATMs.


It's far more likely that they're just trying to get rid of an oversupply of 1 baht coins. If they had some dirty 20 baht notes or an off-color 50 baht note they'd have given those to you instead. They're hoping you take them -- if you leave them as a tip they're still stuck with them.


By giving change back to you like that they are deliberately trying to inconvenience the customer, why should I tip someone who is trying to inconvenience me for their own benefit?

I would say by giving back to you like that they are trying to make it convenient for you to tip. :o

Let's say the bill is 240, you give 300, it comes back in 3 X 20. You don't have any coins but you don't want to tip 20. What happens? They are going to get nothing. And everyone in this world needs money!

Yeah I should say like I was trying to say before (but just realised I missed half a sentence out!) that if 50 baht change comes back as 2 X 20 and a 10 baht coin, and I can live with 60 baht coming as 2 X 20 and 2 X 10 with no problems, but 2 X 20 and 10 X 1 bahts it too much off a pisstake. And 60 baht as single 1 bahts is just plain rude.

I think you'll find staff are trained this way purely to inconvienece the customers, I've spoken to a couple of bar owners who have trained this staff this way and I think Chang Paarp said the same.

If it was done as a good service to help the customer tip then you'd get that in Thai places as well, but it seems to be almost exclusively a problem in tourist bars.


madness .... 'you'd get that in Thai places as well'

have you really been to Thailand ... Tipping a percentage ?? in Thai places?? 555



i'm usually in accord with your view of things but on this one we part ways my good mate.

i know you're a top fella and no cheapskate or any such thing,

so with that in mind the question that's tickling my noggin is,

why even occupy your crackin brain matter with issues involving twenty baht or less?

crikes maddy i cant even imagine what my top mate terry57 would have to say to your rippin self on this one.

i say be a sport, leave the ten baht and don't even concern your fine self any further with such things.

cheers old buddy :o


What I really don't like is when you don't get your change back AT ALL.

This has happened a few times to me, and it's quite annoying. Oftentimes, it seems to be deliberate (I'm sometimes watching them, cause I usually have nothing else to do)

Has anyone been to the Blue Elephant near Surasak station? They give you your change back in a little elephant. The notes go into the elephant's mouth, and the coins fall to its belly. In order to get your coins out, you have to pick up the elephant and shake it out. (Of course, the elephant isn't made of clay, so you would end up making a lot of noise with it.)

I refuse to tip above the 10% already applied to bills if the service was below average to non-extant.

The farang who leave (you know who you are) 30-50%+ tips really do ruin it for the rest of us. Any Thai person will tell you that Thais don't consider these big tippers to be "jai dee" but "baa". (Of course, they still take your crazy money) In some places, they will call you "cold heart" in Thai if your tip is not in this crazy range.

but 2 X 20 and 10 X 1 bahts it too much off a pisstake.
You are being really fussy here.
And 60 baht as single 1 bahts is just plain rude.
It's not only rude, it's wierd! And again, please let me know where they do this and I'll go and see if this does ever actually happen. I would really like to have a good laugh!
If it was done as a good service to help the customer tip then you'd get that in Thai places as well, but it seems to be almost exclusively a problem in tourist bars
I get this everywhere including in HK. And I don't frequent tourist bars.

Talking about complaining about nothing hahahahaha

Next there will be a thread about why is there dirt on the ground :o


As long as we're talking about how farang tip, and how they give and receive cash,

Don't most farang, including residents, pay in 1,000 baht notes, even for a 209 baht bill? Why?

As sbk points out, even if the banks provided change to small businesses, the businesses don't have time to send the hired help for it. I have a regular routine where I bank. I'll draw out US$500 from the ATM, and take it inside. Then on the withdrawl slip, I'll plan how to cash it to smaler notes. I'll tell my favorite cashier, "Change" and show them my list. Then at all the noodle stands and cheap restaurants, even at nicer places, I give them EXACT CHANGE. They love it. Then, I'll tip as I please.

As I leave, sometimes I'll brag, "Other farang only have 1000 baht notes. I give you change." One small-time, remote convenience store owner loved it when I gave her lots of spare change.

Okay, not at Tesco-Lotus. But at most places.

Less than £0.30 tip how sad :o


even worse .... it is actually 0 tip ..... since the ------ stiffed the service staff


Sometimes, when ATM's in Thailand are nearly empty they give you all your cash in 500 baht notes; I seem to remember upto 15,000 baht worth. 30 X B500 is much better than 15 X B1000.

QUOTE: peaceblondie:

Don't most farang, including residents, pay in 1,000 baht notes, even for a 209 baht bill? Why?

As sbk points out, even if the banks provided change to small businesses, the businesses don't have time to send the hired help for it. I have a regular routine where I bank. I'll draw out US$500 from the ATM, and take it inside. Then on the withdrawl slip, I'll plan how to cash it to smaler notes. I'll tell my favorite cashier, "Change" and show them my list. Then at all the noodle stands and cheap restaurants, even at nicer places, I give them EXACT CHANGE. They love it. Then, I'll tip as I please.

As I leave, sometimes I'll brag, "Other farang only have 1000 baht notes. I give you change." One small-time, remote convenience store owner loved it when I gave her lots of spare change.

Okay, not at Tesco-Lotus. But at most places.

As long as we're talking about how farang tip, and how they give and receive cash,

Don't most farang, including residents, pay in 1,000 baht notes, even for a 209 baht bill? Why?

As sbk points out, even if the banks provided change to small businesses, the businesses don't have time to send the hired help for it. I have a regular routine where I bank. I'll draw out US$500 from the ATM, and take it inside. Then on the withdrawl slip, I'll plan how to cash it to smaler notes. I'll tell my favorite cashier, "Change" and show them my list. Then at all the noodle stands and cheap restaurants, even at nicer places, I give them EXACT CHANGE. They love it. Then, I'll tip as I please.

As I leave, sometimes I'll brag, "Other farang only have 1000 baht notes. I give you change." One small-time, remote convenience store owner loved it when I gave her lots of spare change.

Okay, not at Tesco-Lotus. But at most places.

I've had people pay a 35 baht bill with a 1000 baht note. :o

Don't worry, PB, the local shops appreciate your thoughtfulness. I love it when someone pays me with small change (5 & 10 baht coins, 20 baht notes--50 baht notes are almost never available) as we rarely ever have enough.


once when i got change the corner of my 20 baht note was missing.

I was furious, has anyone else had this happend to them, its a total lack of respect

once when i got change the corner of my 20 baht note was missing.

I was furious, has anyone else had this happend to them, its a total lack of respect

hahaa, you must be trolling.
I'm not sure that I understand your reasoning. You are prepared to leave a tip but, if you get coins as your change, all of a sudden you complain about the service and refuse to leave a tip.

have a good gander at this one again fella as you are barking up the wrong tree so to speak.

geez its not bloody hard to work out my man. :D

you know about blind freedy do ya ? :D

i bet you dont, so listen up and move in a bit closer. :D

well blind freddy is freaking blind but he can see the authors true meaning. bloody ell mate. :D

my mate is telling you that they give him the coins so he will leave them as a tip and he dont take to kindly to that, so he says , up there nose and hel_l keep his coins. :D

cricky's mate, get with the frigging program will you. :D

anyway's cheers to you my good man and dont get to sad on my good self will you. :o

Funny when I worked in that industry I used to train wait staff to do just that.

They would give the minnimum nuber of coins and notes. I explained that if they used a few more coins their tips would increase. When they tried it the tips went up.

The practice of giving 10 or 20 coins is a little over the top though. 5x1 (or 1x1 & 2x2), 1x5, 1x10 will give some better results especially from us stingy Aussies. :D

hey steady on there my good aussie counterpart, :D

i always tip the blind guy at the steps to the sky train, you know the place at sapan taxin. :D

im a top and generous aussie fella so how about stepping up a bit and keep the aussie's in good standing eh. :D

cheers my old flesh and blood. :D

im flying home to perth tomorrow from kl and im throwing a shrimp on the barbie. :D:o:D:D


i'm usually in accord with your view of things but on this one we part ways my good mate.

i know you're a top fella and no cheapskate or any such thing,

so with that in mind the question that's tickling my noggin is,

why even occupy your crackin brain matter with issues involving twenty baht or less?

crikes maddy i cant even imagine what my top mate terry57 would have to say to your rippin self on this one.

i say be a sport, leave the ten baht and don't even concern your fine self any further with such things.

cheers old buddy :D

jing jing,

look mate,

i did tell you that i liked you, and you where going to be batting on my team.

but cricky's mate, you cant go using my lines because ive got a patent on them ok.

if i let every tom, dick and jing jing go quoting my top self every bloody punter in los is going to be running around trying to impersonate my brilliant self.

and do you know why that is jing jing ? look just shut up and stop gabbing for a moment for christ sake.

the top answer for 10 frigging points is :

i am the authentic one and only ever person capable of being terry57 and every punter in los knows it.

so bloody back of will you.

look i know you did'nt mean anything bad by doing that so i say :

cheers to you fella, :o and where hitting the turps in october :D

Talking about complaining about nothing hahahahaha

Next there will be a thread about why is there dirt on the ground :D

urr, umm,

hey donz old mate, look mate i now the answer to that very complicated question.

my mum used to tell me why there was dirt on the ground and if you listen real hard ill hit you with a cracking bit of inside information. you ready mate ?

its so the dogs dont rip the skin of there arse when they drag there back bottom along the asphalt .

now run along now and dont you frigging tell any body.

cheers fella :o



i'm usually in accord with your view of things but on this one we part ways my good mate.

i know you're a top fella and no cheapskate or any such thing,

so with that in mind the question that's tickling my noggin is,

why even occupy your crackin brain matter with issues involving twenty baht or less?

crikes maddy i cant even imagine what my top mate terry57 would have to say to your rippin self on this one.

i say be a sport, leave the ten baht and don't even concern your fine self any further with such things.

cheers old buddy :D

jing jing,

look mate,

i did tell you that i liked you, and you where going to be batting on my team.

but cricky's mate, you cant go using my lines because ive got a patent on them ok.

if i let every tom, dick and jing jing go quoting my top self every bloody punter in los is going to be running around trying to impersonate my brilliant self.

and do you know why that is jing jing ? look just shut up and stop gabbing for a moment for christ sake.

the top answer for 10 frigging points is :

i am the authentic one and only ever person capable of being terry57 and every punter in los knows it.

so bloody back of will you.

look i know you did'nt mean anything bad by doing that so i say :

cheers to you fella, :o and where hitting the turps in october :D

terry, are you talking to yourself again me old kidder ? :D

Yeah I should say like I was trying to say before (but just realised I missed half a sentence out!) that if 50 baht change comes back as 2 X 20 and a 10 baht coin, and I can live with 60 baht coming as 2 X 20 and 2 X 10 with no problems, but 2 X 20 and 10 X 1 bahts it too much off a pisstake.
You’re getting this all wrong, I’m afraid. The waiter, trying to be helpful, is making an honest effort to make it easy for you to give him the amount of tip he thinks he deserves.

If 60 Baht change comes as 3 x 20, he expects a tip of 20 Baht.

If he gives you 2 x 20 and 2 x 10, he expects 10 Baht.

If he gives you 2 x 20, 10 and 2 x 5, he expects 5 Baht.

If he gives you 2 x 20, 10 and 10 x 1, he expects 1 Baht.

Next time, instead of getting upset, be grateful and fulfill the waiter’s expectation! It’s so easy to make him happy. If you feel in a particularly good mood, top it off with a big smile and say: “Thank you for the coins. I can use them.”, sweep it all up and put one Baht back as the tip.

When one has lived and worked in Thailand for a long time there comes a point when one starts to see everything in a negative light. When you arrive at this point, you have to pull yourself together, force yourself to remember the time when you had freshly arrived, when you saw everything in a positive light and everything was oh so wonderful.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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