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'New chapter' in US-Cuba ties


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So how much is 900,000,000 over what, 50 years? Not even $18M annually. And the man happened to rid the country of much of the scum of the Earth, like it or not. Furthermore, he gave the Cuban people free and very good health care, you and your fellow Americans, and the rest of the world for that matter, can only dream of. It's hailed by the UN and WHO, as The model to follow look it up, easy enough.

I guess that alone justifies the $18M he earned, not stole, per year. Let's look at what was kept from the Cubans under your good friend Batista.

Probably the third largest population of Cuban cities is Miami. All those Cubans risked life and limb to come to America because good health care is worthless if you live in poverty with no hope of a better future. Good health care is worthless if you are hungry every day. Good health care is worthless if you are held in slavery.

Take a trip to one of the largest population centers of Cuban people in the world; South Florida and ask them about Castro and his health care.

Cuba has a large public works sector but ..."was forced to lay off 20 per cent of its public workforce last year, is barely as developed as Haiti, and will need an influx of foreign cash to stay afloat. There is urgency to the project. Time is running out" http://www.macleans.ca/news/world/cuba-risky-business/

Sorry guys Cuba is a dangerous mess. There is no rule of law. No rights. No protection for Cubans or foreign nationals. Check the link I posted. Cuba has been held in slavery by a violent dictatorship since Castro took over.

You wrote, "under your good friend Batista." I guess you don't read well because I said Batista shot at me; he was hardly a friend.

But don't believe me. Go to South Florida and ask the Cubans who have recently escaped Castro.

The opinions in South Florida are split 50/50 mostly along generational lines. The old guys like me don't trust the Castro family and the young folks have never known any other form of government except Castro.

The Castro family is smarter than Obama. He'll get the embargo lifted start trading and then put all his enemies back in jail and start shooting them again. But what do I know? Go ahead Mr O trust Cuba.

Edited by thailiketoo
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You're getting a bit carried away. The same gambling and club business interests that were in Cuba also built Las Vegas and managed Las Vegas for quite some time. So everything you are saying about Cuba and the mob can also be said about Las Vegas. Ho hum, not news. Castro said his people could leave once and in one month 86, 488 did. Al Capone (scarface) went to prison in 1931 and died in Florida after he got out of jail. That puts it into context.--thailiketoo


No thailiketoo---the reference to Scarface was the Cuban Scarface re the 1983 movie--AKA -Tony Montana .

They didn't send 86,488 they Cuba (sent 125,000 ) but why not explain how this happened thailiketoo, ?? in 1980 Jimmy Carter made one of those sweeping statements that America would take any Cuban that arrived.

Castro said OK & immediately emptied out all his prisons , mental asylums etc,

This was called the "Mariel Boatlift--please Google

He sent to America his Rapist, murders, & lunatics, & this is what made up the Cuban contingent in Miami.

Before the year was over, Miami had seen its murder rate more than double.

And by the end of 1981, Miami had a highest murder rate in the world two years in a row, according to a 1987 New York Times article.

I am not trying to make out that Cuba is a workers paradise thailiketoo---the thread is about the madness of America singling it out, as it has for over half a century , while at the same time saying to countries like Nth Korea--Iran etc, that the only thing stopping you being brought back into the fold is that you have (or trying to get) nuclear weapons, other than that--we would accept you & your regime ....China your most welcome, just step up.


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I am not trying to make out that Cuba is a workers paradise thailiketoo---the thread is about the madness of America singling it out, as it has for over half a century , while at the same time saying to countries like Nth Korea--Iran etc, that the only thing stopping you being brought back into the fold is that you have (or trying to get) nuclear weapons, other than that--we would accept you & your regime ....China your most welcome, just step up.

Castro owes the USA 7 billion. Cuba was just like an American State in the 1950's. American business was an important part of the country. Castro kicked the Americans out and stole the property. China and Korea or Iran are not comparable. Never having been to Cuba in the 1950's it is probably difficult for you to realize what it was like and what happened. I don't have a problem with all the murder and mayhem I only want an IOU. I'm easy to get along with. I don't even want interest.

Just to add Castro has never done anything nice for the USA. Nothing good will come of this. But we will all see like we all saw when he emptied out his prisons and insane asylums as you pointed out last time.

If you use the quote function as it was meant to be used you will see that my other numbers were correct but if you want to post in your lone ranger style it only serves to make discussion difficult.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I don't have a problem with all the murder and mayhem I only want an IOU. I'm easy to get along with. I don't even want interest.----thailiketoo


Glad to see you have no moral objection to murder & mayhem thailiketoo-- So basically your principle stand on the matter is, as long as you get your money you don't mind what happens........OK got where your coming from now , & good luck with the debt...................coffee1.gif


If you use the quote function as it was meant to be used you will see that my other numbers were correct but if you want to post in your lone ranger style it only serves to make discussion difficult---thailiketoo


No your figures are incorrect thailiketoo-----or maybe Wiki & the other search engines are all incorrect & you have it right with 86,488 (by the way where did you get such a concise number -- as you never print a source ?)

The Mariel boatlift was ended by mutual agreement between the two governments involved in October 1980. By that point, as many as 125,000 Cubans had made the journey to Florida ---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariel_boatlift

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Cuba was once an extremely popular holiday destination for Americans.

Very close to the states,

Good weather,




Interesting cultur,.

Beautiful sexy women.

Great cigars!

It will be popular again soon.

Look out Thailand! post-147745-0-51780000-1419132227_thumb.

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Cuba was once an extremely popular holiday destination for Americans.

Very close to the states,

Good weather,




Interesting cultur,.

Beautiful sexy women.

Great cigars!

It will be popular again soon.

Look out Thailand! attachicon.gifcan-stock-photo_csp5091167.jpg

Until Castro, Cuba was the destination of choice for most Americans seeking a Caribbean holiday. It might well be again. It also has another advantage over existing Caribbean destinations. It's safe--or at least safer. Put that together with proximity to the US, same time zone, a language that most Americans have some exposure to (not to mention an easily understandable Roman alphabet) and whatever numbers have been coming to Thailand will indeed take a major hit. I know that I would love to visit Cuba.

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I don't have a problem with all the murder and mayhem I only want an IOU. I'm easy to get along with. I don't even want interest.----thailiketoo


Glad to see you have no moral objection to murder & mayhem thailiketoo-- So basically your principle stand on the matter is, as long as you get your money you don't mind what happens........OK got where your coming from now , & good luck with the debt...................coffee1.gif


If you use the quote function as it was meant to be used you will see that my other numbers were correct but if you want to post in your lone ranger style it only serves to make discussion difficult---thailiketoo


No your figures are incorrect thailiketoo-----or maybe Wiki & the other search engines are all incorrect & you have it right with 86,488 (by the way where did you get such a concise number -- as you never print a source ?)

The Mariel boatlift was ended by mutual agreement between the two governments involved in October 1980. By that point, as many as 125,000 Cubans had made the journey to Florida ---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariel_boatlift

I wrote, "Castro said his people could leave once and in one month 86,488 did."

In May of 1980, 86,488 left Cuba for the USA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariel_boatlift

My figures are correct and you only had to read your own link to verify the information.

The murder and mayhem I was referring to was the Cuban participation in Vietnam (the Cuba Program) and Africa among other things closer to home.

I doubt that most Thai Visa posters know much about Cuba.

Cuba's medical system has gotten a lot of play in this thread but not Cuba's military system. You all might want to read, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Cuba

To understand the new chapter in US Cuba relations one should understand the old relations. The Brits and Americans and Canadians were on opposing sides (opinion) when the US went to war with the Cubans in Grenada so being on opposite sides about Cuba is nothing new. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/10/25/invasion-grenadaronaldreagan.html

The comments between Reagan and Thatcher re Cuba and Grenada are very interesting to say the least.

To have a good understanding of the present one must know the past. There has been much murder and mayhem involved on both sides.

Edited by thailiketoo
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So how much is 900,000,000 over what, 50 years? Not even $18M annually. And the man happened to rid the country of much of the scum of the Earth, like it or not. Furthermore, he gave the Cuban people free and very good health care, you and your fellow Americans, and the rest of the world for that matter, can only dream of. It's hailed by the UN and WHO, as The model to follow look it up, easy enough.

I guess that alone justifies the $18M he earned, not stole, per year. Let's look at what was kept from the Cubans under your good friend Batista.

Probably the third largest population of Cuban cities is Miami. All those Cubans risked life and limb to come to America because good health care is worthless if you live in poverty with no hope of a better future. Good health care is worthless if you are hungry every day. Good health care is worthless if you are held in slavery.

Take a trip to one of the largest population centers of Cuban people in the world; South Florida and ask them about Castro and his health care.

Cuba has a large public works sector but ..."was forced to lay off 20 per cent of its public workforce last year, is barely as developed as Haiti, and will need an influx of foreign cash to stay afloat. There is urgency to the project. Time is running out" http://www.macleans.ca/news/world/cuba-risky-business/

Sorry guys Cuba is a dangerous mess. There is no rule of law. No rights. No protection for Cubans or foreign nationals. Check the link I posted. Cuba has been held in slavery by a violent dictatorship since Castro took over.

You wrote, "under your good friend Batista." I guess you don't read well because I said Batista shot at me; he was hardly a friend.

But don't believe me. Go to South Florida and ask the Cubans who have recently escaped Castro.

The opinions in South Florida are split 50/50 mostly along generational lines. The old guys like me don't trust the Castro family and the young folks have never known any other form of government except Castro.

The Castro family is smarter than Obama. He'll get the embargo lifted start trading and then put all his enemies back in jail and start shooting them again. But what do I know? Go ahead Mr O trust Cuba.

So if they are so hungry, then why do the Cubans acjieve an average life expectancy that exceeds that of Americans? Seriously, get real. It's a tropical island, which means there's always and everywhere food available, for next to nothing. Fruits, vegetables, fish. Sure, there might be a shortage of junk food. Clearly, your idea of 'hunger' Is based on your average intake of Big Macs and KF chicken.

For the rest of your gibberish, it looks like you're on some kind of US government payroll, secret prison perhaps?

Yes, there IS a very dangerous place in Cuba. It's called Guantanomo Bay. There's a very dangerous place in the states as well. It's called M I A M I !

The healthcare system of the US, now how wonderful it is. Perhaps those Cubans in Florida could give their opinion on that, let's see what they're going to say about it.

Edited by Impossible
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So if they are so hungry, then why do the Cubans acjieve an average life expectancy that exceeds that of Americans? Seriously, get real. It's a tropical island, which means there's always and everywhere food available, for next to nothing. Fruits, vegetables, fish. Sure, there might be a shortage of junk food. Clearly, your idea of 'hunger' Is based on your average intake of Big Macs and KF chicken.

For the rest of your gibberish, it looks like you're on some kind of US government payroll, secret prison perhaps?

Yes, there IS a very dangerous place in Cuba. It's called Guantanomo Bay. There's a very dangerous place in the states as well. It's called M I A M I !

The healthcare system of the US, now how wonderful it is. Perhaps those Cubans in Florida could give their opinion on that, let's see what they're going to say about it.

I don't know what country you come from but even you must have heard of starvation in Haiti one of Cuba's closest neighbors

Haiti Hunger Worse Than Ever, Children Especially Vulnerable: Experts

(speaking of It's a tropical island, which means there's always and everywhere food) No there is not.

Google Food shortages Cuba.

HAVANA – State-run food markets in the Cuban capital received only 60 percent of expected deliveries in January and just 64 percent in February, Communist Party daily Granma said Wednesday, adding that the agricultural reforms implemented by President Raul Castro have not yet yielded results.


Why do you think there has not been an election in Cuba in 50 years? You think the people are happy?


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maybe there is a case to be made for factually inaccurate posts to be removed along with the opinions that TV don't go along with?

At first they approached the US for "aid" but this was rejected out of hand by the US who had - still have - an utter paranoia about the word "communism".

On January 1, 1959, Castro's revolutionary forces overthrew the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista and in April 1959, Castro accepted an invitation from the American Society of Newspaper Editors to visit the U.S.

Castro gave a talk to the Council on Foreign Affairs, a New York-based group of private citizens and former government officials interested in U.S. international relations. Castro was confrontational during the session, indicating that Cuba would not beg the United States for economic assistance.

Angered by some of the questions from the audience, Castro abruptly left the meeting.... Relations between the United States and Castro deteriorated rapidly following the April visit.


So your post is factually inaccurate because Castro did not ask the USA for anything.

I guess you should ask that your post be removed because it is factually inaccurate?

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I have met self exiles Cubans in Central America. Castro stole all their family land,,,they still have the papers that go back more than 100 years to show that the land belongs to their family. If Cuba ever opens up completely and starts to sell this land to foreign investors,,,get ready for another blood bath directed at these investors the original owners of these lands are very passionate on this subject

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maybe there is a case to be made for factually inaccurate posts to be removed along with the opinions that TV don't go along with?

At first they approached the US for "aid" but this was rejected out of hand by the US who had - still have - an utter paranoia about the word "communism".

On January 1, 1959, Castro's revolutionary forces overthrew the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista and in April 1959, Castro accepted an invitation from the American Society of Newspaper Editors to visit the U.S.

Castro gave a talk to the Council on Foreign Affairs, a New York-based group of private citizens and former government officials interested in U.S. international relations. Castro was confrontational during the session, indicating that Cuba would not beg the United States for economic assistance.

Angered by some of the questions from the audience, Castro abruptly left the meeting.... Relations between the United States and Castro deteriorated rapidly following the April visit.


So your post is factually inaccurate because Castro did not ask the USA for anything.

I guess you should ask that your post be removed because it is factually inaccurate?

Just goes to show how ignorant people are doesn't it?

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Cuba has beautiful, sexy women, great athletes and excellent music. The embargo was orchestrated because of pressure by US mafia w ho were pissed off when their casinos and hotels were commandeered when Castro and his renegades kicked Baptista out. The embargo should never have happened. It was a dumb diplomatic move by the US, and I'm an American (Naturalized from Danish, when 8 years old). Oh, and like Swarzenegger, I can never be US president, because we were both born outside of the US.

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