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Attempt to ban sale of alcoholic drinks during New Year's festival renewed


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If people thought that they would get caught, be prosecuted and lose their licence for a peirod, (that is, if they did not hurt anyone else) then people would not go out and drink and drive, simple.

People in Developed Countries get prosecuted and lose their licence for a period of time, don't stop drinking and driving though, nobody ever thinks they'll get caught.

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bottom line is there won't be a ban of alcohol over New Year and Songkran as previously decided by the PM.

It seems to be quite popular in the government to make certain announcements to the press which are not supported at the top of the government. Remember when they wanted to ban all promotions on alcohol in pubs, or they wanted to ban the beer girls or indeed all alcohol advertisement? Remember when they talked about tightening the FBA so foreigners cannot control Thai corporations anymore despite Mr. Pridiyadhorn already communicated that the government won't be implementing this?

When you read such news you always need to think about what is realistic, what is actually approved by the government. And something like banning alcohol over New Year or Songkran is just not going to happen.

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Citing the data, Dr Samarn claimed that the ban has helped lower casualty rate from road accidents by 40 percent and assault rate against women by 50 percent.

If that's the case, Alcohol should be banned at all times, not just new year.

I'll drink to that.

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This is just a case of some other idiot trying to get into the news.....Thais love to be in the front line and get their piccy taken...

Ever been to a boxing match here? 2 hours of guys coming into the ring with white suits and a few medals pinned to their chest, hands by their sides like a robot camera clicks in comes number 25 another big intro.... crowd bored to tears....fight lasts 6 minutes and everyone gets back into the ring more photos

The General will say thanks for asking bye bye call again next year and we will all drink ourselves into oblivion....Happy New Year to all when it comes

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Roll on Hogmanay think I will just stay in Scotland for that as it sounds like its going to be the usual cock up and no one knows what is happening some bars serve you and others not serve and 7/11 and family mart will not sell as its the wrong time to buy alcohol sorry come back at 5

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Asking the police to actually enforce laws instead of sitting in a tent at the side of the road watching tv for 7 days would be a start.

Getting the police to monitor traffic lights and stop and heavily fine those idiots out there who jump red lights up to 10 seconds after they have changed. I have said this before that when they do their road blocks on Sukumvit road just before Pattaya Thai get an officer with a radio to monitor the lights at Sai Siam Country Club and also Pattaya Klang and radio to their colleagues just down the road and get these potential killers stopped and fined. There are so many idiots out there driving at crazy high speeds, including motorbikes, in built up areas and dozens if not hundreds of accidents could be reduced dramatically if the police got off their <deleted> and managed the situation. As for the ban on alcohol on the New Year holiday well tourism in down big time so talk about telling the tourist to stay away in their droves. No get more police out on the roads stopping and breath testing any one who they believe to be under the influence so again I say do your job and clamp down heavily with these idiots on the roads and then watch the fall in accidents

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About as much sense in this as there is with restricted buying times, 11-2 etc.

Doesn't work, won't work. People simply buy more during the restricted hours. Mom & Pop stores will continue to sell under the counter etc.

Enforce the drink driving laws and maybe some progress will be made.

Banning sales of alcohol is nonsensical.


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Forcing people to open their own whole Bottle of Booze does force people to not just have a few drinks , why not just Ban driving on New Years Eve and add on more taxis & public transport buses as only means to travel about

18:00 hrs. on 12/31/14 until 06:00 on 1/1/15 , banning Booze will force people to drink at home , thus damaging people who are in that Business who are already just surviving due to poor tourism because of people's fear of a Country in a Coup govt. even tho we may agree it was for the better that it happened to some extent.

Then lets take the Bad press that will put another Nail into the Tourism Business , people will perceive it that when it was discussed and dismissed before , it was just a rouse to get tourists to make bookings to come here for NY's Eve , and now a Ban on booze will make them lose deposits if they cancel travel means to come here or deposits on hotel reservations they have paid out already., so unless they are rich and money don't matter , there will be terrible fallout over Thailand's last minute scam to force many to come , that would not if the Ban had been done earlier !

Please Mr. Prime Minister stick with your earlier decision , Thailand needs a good time every so often to celebrate & blow off some steam. My Dad never went out on NY's EVE , he called it Amateur Night !

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A good idea would be to ban new year altogether since 1st january is not the Thai new year, and forbid anyone to use cars on that day. I'm sure Dr. Futrakul can find a survey that says it would lower the rate of accidents by car. And last but not least why not ban happiness altogether, so that everyone would become a grumpy a**hole like Dr Futrakul.

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I have searched the net to try to find those reports that the good doctor is referring to, but without success. Does anyone have any links?

The reason I am trying to find those reports is because this is the first time I have ever heard of any study that connects accidents, crime to the sale of alcohol.

You would think that such information would be readily available because it would be quiet sensational.

Edited by AlQaholic
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"That lao khao is no joke. I found out what it was the hard way after drinking most of a large bottle...Great night until I threw up"

Perfect example of the problem!

The problem is not MODERATE consumption of alcohol. In fact, fMRI brain scans of MODERATE drinkers show better brain activity than people who don't drink.

The problem is EXCESSIVE consumption of alcohol.

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"That lao khao is no joke. I found out what it was the hard way after drinking most of a large bottle...Great night until I threw up"

Perfect example of the problem!

The problem is not MODERATE consumption of alcohol. In fact, fMRI brain scans of MODERATE drinkers show better brain activity than people who don't drink.

The problem is EXCESSIVE consumption of alcohol.

I literally had no idea what it was. I was going to buy a beer, but then I saw an older guy buying a small bottle and I asked him if it was good. He said 'good!' and gave me a thumbs up, so I was like ok, let's try it! The cloying sweetness totally fooled me. Lol

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About as much sense in this as there is with restricted buying times, 11-2 etc.

Doesn't work, won't work. People simply buy more during the restricted hours. Mom & Pop stores will continue to sell under the counter etc.

Enforce the drink driving laws and maybe some progress will be made.

Banning sales of alcohol is nonsensical.


Agree it would help a lot, the Farangs I know that drink and drive in Thailand without a second thought are much more careful in their home countries, draconian measures are needed in Thailand to rid people of the mai pen rai attitude that affects not only Thai people, but many Farang also.

Draconian being you are deported if caught drinking and driving, after all, drunk drivers are a clear and present danger to all, if the consequences were so harsh, I think every Farang who is now happy to drink whilst pissed up would stop immediately.

A 20,000 Baht fine just doesn't cut it. its hard on many Thais but pocket change to many Farang. 30 days jail followed by deportation with a blacklisting period of between 1 and 5 years would instantly cut the amount of pissed up Farang driving in Pattaya by 99%

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That's a great idea. I think they should go ahead and ban it. People who are able to have fun without the consumption of some mind altering lameness are going to have a good time anyway. Those who can't are hopeless and don't count so there's no problem. At least there will be less accidents, fights etc during this time.

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If only a could find a tuk tuk driver or taxi driver that is not drunk or on drugs maybe I would consider not driving by myself after a few beers.

Yes I rarely use motorcycle taxis. One reason is the bottle of whiskey I see doing the rounds amongst the waiting drivers. If I can see this so can the police. As many have pointed out already there is no will by the police to enforce the law for the public good.

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That's a great idea. I think they should go ahead and ban it. People who are able to have fun without the consumption of some mind altering lameness are going to have a good time anyway. Those who can't are hopeless and don't count so there's no problem. At least there will be less accidents, fights etc during this time.

I won't be inviting you to a dinner party in the very near future - or ever - given your dour attitude. A bottle of wine or a decent beer in moderation is not "mind altering lameness" unless you are unable to comprehend that such exists. Many of us don't drink to get drunk and don't think that the likes of you have some self anointed right to take away our enjoyment of a civilised alcoholic drink on New Years Eve.

I don't like loud people on fast motorbikes either but I defend their right to ride such within the law. And that's what we are saying - enforce the law. Not a tricky concept surely. The road toll in Thailand could be halved overnight if that was done.

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The reference to Kansa and Connecticut is a complete misrepresentation!

The State of Kansas had statewide prohibition from 1881 to 1948. Since then it has steadily allowed sale of alcohol. For example, in 2012 Kansas legalized day-long“happy hour.” Liquor sales can be conducted on Sundays. It also legalized alcohol consumption at county fairs. And while it banned out-of-state ownership of wineries and microbreweries, Kansas has 300 acres of vineyards with 140 acres of wine-producing grapes.

The State of Connecticut has no total ban on alcohol. Like Kansas there are restrictions on alcohol sales such as in State Parks and some public recreation areas.

Dr Samarn Futrakul is either ignorant of the world outside of Thailand, incapable of fact-checking, or deliberately misinforming the PM to promote a personal agenda. Or all three. He should make a public appology or be immediately dismissed.

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The only ban on alcohol on New Year’s Eve in Connecticut is on the train. With that being said, alcohol is banned in many public places period. Most states ban alcohol consumption in any motor vehicle. Some cities it is illegal to sell alcohol period, some cities you can only buy beer, many places including whole states have banned the sell of alcohol on Sunday. Oklahoma and Colorado sell a 3% beer and wine in regular stores, if you want a stronger beer or wine you will have to go to a liquor store. Drinking beer on city streets is also banned almost everywhere in the US. There are many exceptions to these laws, Key West, New Orleans and Vegas are three places you can drink almost anywhere except while driving. Although you can buy fuel and beer at the same 7-11.

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I'm a little confused here....

If 98.7% of Thai people drink and some of them a lot as it is one of the few thing they look forward to.

Then how is it, almost 82% support the ban.

I'm thinking there is something wonky about this survey!

About as credible as much of the other drivel we hear from officialdom. 81.79%. Sure. Where can we see these survey results? Who participated in it? How many participated in it? What exactly was asked? 'Probably no more to it than the implication of alcohol bans in the 2 states ("several" states, actually - lol). These guys will say absolutely anything; like children. Few take them seriously.

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