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Palestinian peace plan put before UN


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Again, I sit here stunned at the simplicity of your question. Perhaps I believe something I want to believe is true. You dont have to provide examples of where my statement fails; I get it. I need more time. It seems so obvious when I contrasted this point. (A lot has to unravel for me to process this).

I appreciate your answer as being open minded & willing to look for yourself. As such I will give no examples.

I believe we were probably raised in similar fashion so I can sympathize with the wanting to believe X to be true.

But it is good to look at things objectively & not need to be a cheerleader for either side but instead look at what history shows as fact. We do not need to have a side & knowing the truth will not force a side on us either no matter what it shows.

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Christmas in Gaza: A season without hope as fears grow that conflict with Israel will soon reignite

Ever present was the feeling that the conflict will reignite soon, an apprehension reinforced by border clashes on Christmas Eve involving warplanes and tanks, which left a Hamas fighter dead and an Israeli soldier injured. It followed another exchange at the weekend in which a rocket attack on Israel was followed by air strikes in Gaza, the first since the ceasefire of four months ago.


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As the West does not intentionally bomb civilians

Seriously...this is what you think is true?

Of course. The West tries not to, but they have to weigh the benefits of getting a high value target that would save more lives in the long run. EVERYONE bombed civilians in WW 2, but some of the human race has evolved since then.

Israel is not a part of the "some" neither then..

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I have never seen an Israeli peace proposal to the UN.

Maybe some Netanyahu supporters can suggest why he has not been pro active.

And the Bibi's government will not suggest anything.

The last thing they did to help peace was :

stealing some land in cisjordania for the troubles in gaza strip.

Settle beyond the green line more than once

Confirm the coalition with the far right groups

Provoke unrest in cisjordnia


We all know that this government dreams of the Great Israel and don't give a sh.t about what the world think of this.

How the Bibi's supporters can still stay in Thailand as Thailand recognized quite a while ago the Palestinian State.

In fact the MAJORITY of the countries in the world recognized them, but as long as it is not EU or USA, most of the Israel far right wing government supporters think the world is just USA, EU and Israel...

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