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Thai school to compensate family for running over boy after dropping him at home


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I see many comments here regarding the driver.

Well ... none of us were there at the time and as such don't have a clue about the circumstances ... don't straight away blame the driver !! the driver may have been looking at another car or whatever ... it doesn't mean the driver is not a responsible driver. This happens everywhere in every country unfortunately ... even in the UK ...

I don't know the facts & you don't either so it's difficult to assume the driver was negligent.

Just glad the boy is fine & ok .... bet he'll look both ways next time ....

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I wouldn't be too quick in assigning full blame to the driver - from the video it seems the van started to move before the boy, who probably started running to cross the street very close in front of the already moving van. In this scenario, the driver had no chance to see the boy.

We should not expect too much common sense from the very young, but running just centimeters across the front of an accelerating vehicle is a bit extreme, even for a 4 year old.

But driver training would help to avoid such situations, i.e. start driving only when the dropped off children are in sight.

Did you really just say this? LOL. So I guess its the childs responsibility to ensure he is out of the way of the van when he is ready to drive away? Yea thats right the 4 yo is smarter than a 40yo van driver. My mom said there really are idiots out there....

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I see many comments here regarding the driver.

Well ... none of us were there at the time and as such don't have a clue about the circumstances ... don't straight away blame the driver !! the driver may have been looking at another car or whatever ... it doesn't mean the driver is not a responsible driver. This happens everywhere in every country unfortunately ... even in the UK ...

I don't know the facts & you don't either so it's difficult to assume the driver was negligent.

Just glad the boy is fine & ok .... bet he'll look both ways next time ....

The driver is considered a professional and the child is considered a toddler. You are right the toddler is at fault. A case of toddler negligence. Like I just said to the other DA, yes people really are that stupid!

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I wouldn't be too quick in assigning full blame to the driver - from the video it seems the van started to move before the boy, who probably started running to cross the street very close in front of the already moving van. In this scenario, the driver had no chance to see the boy.

We should not expect too much common sense from the very young, but running just centimeters across the front of an accelerating vehicle is a bit extreme, even for a 4 year old.

But driver training would help to avoid such situations, i.e. start driving only when the dropped off children are in sight.

hope you will have the same comment if it would be your child !!

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I wouldn't be too quick in assigning full blame to the driver - from the video it seems the van started to move before the boy, who probably started running to cross the street very close in front of the already moving van. In this scenario, the driver had no chance to see the boy.

We should not expect too much common sense from the very young, but running just centimeters across the front of an accelerating vehicle is a bit extreme, even for a 4 year old.

But driver training would help to avoid such situations, i.e. start driving only when the dropped off children are in sight.

While I can see your point, the right thing for the driver to do would've been to get out of the van and drop the boy off at the front door because the boy is only 4 years old and it's a van and not a bus.

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I wouldn't be too quick in assigning full blame to the driver - from the video it seems the van started to move before the boy, who probably started running to cross the street very close in front of the already moving van. In this scenario, the driver had no chance to see the boy.

We should not expect too much common sense from the very young, but running just centimeters across the front of an accelerating vehicle is a bit extreme, even for a 4 year old.

But driver training would help to avoid such situations, i.e. start driving only when the dropped off children are in sight.

hope you will have the same comment if it would be your child !!

Are you serious the child was 4 years old, and yes it is the drivers fault, the child should have been handed over to the parents, and look at the driver just strolling back to the child, pathetic

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I see many comments here regarding the driver.

Well ... none of us were there at the time and as such don't have a clue about the circumstances ... don't straight away blame the driver !! the driver may have been looking at another car or whatever ... it doesn't mean the driver is not a responsible driver. This happens everywhere in every country unfortunately ... even in the UK ...

I don't know the facts & you don't either so it's difficult to assume the driver was negligent.

Just glad the boy is fine & ok .... bet he'll look both ways next time ....

The driver is considered a professional and the child is considered a toddler. You are right the toddler is at fault. A case of toddler negligence. Like I just said to the other DA, yes people really are that stupid!

Quite right! Let's hope the driver can sue the 4 year old for negilgence and emotional trauma.

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Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

Kids get run over everywhere in similar situations globally..a 4 year old is small......they cannot be expected to have road sense at that age.........tragic as it is, it's not peculiar to Thailand.......many small kids are hit by vehicles reversing out of their driveways...

Agreed, but some poster who have a hatred of Thais can't help themelves with their racist comments like "monkey" etc.

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Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

By being untrained, stupid, and lacking in a single iota of common sense.

OH! and Thai...

You left out "being human."

I can assure you that accidents like this happen all too often in your home country and mine.

Every time a Thai does something wrong -- Wham! All the Thaivisa hyper-judgmental freaks

start coming out of the woodwork.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

By being untrained, stupid, and lacking in a single iota of common sense.

Plus just one thing on the drivers mind: go and go fast, think of nothing else.

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this thailand traffic and all the tour buses and mini vans that take every opportunity to ''get to thier destination'with complete disregard for anyone else',using all the lanes, and uturns that make oncoming traffic stop even on a motor way..it is unF#$ing believable what they will do...

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Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

By being untrained, stupid, and lacking in a single iota of common sense.

OH! and Thai...

You left out "being human."

I can assure you that accidents like this happen all too often in your home country and mine.

Every time a Thai does something wrong -- Wham! All the Thaivisa hyper-judgmental freaks

start coming out of the woodwork.

Ok "the professional driver" reluctantly slowed, eventually stopped at a great distance and casually walked back to the toddler while one of his young passenger children jumped out of the vehicle and ran to assist the very young toddler which the professional driver just ran over with his van. This all happens in Thailand by a local professional d.u.m.b.ass.. Hows that?

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Ive seen this several times now, Thai's thinking that someone hurt needs to be stood up on his feet immediately.

They should check his injuries first, he could have had a broken ankle etc.. Ive seen them standing someone up that was half unconscious after a bad bike crash!


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By being untrained, stupid, and lacking in a single iota of common sense.

OH! and Thai...

You left out "being human."

I can assure you that accidents like this happen all too often in your home country and mine.

Every time a Thai does something wrong -- Wham! All the Thaivisa hyper-judgmental freaks

start coming out of the woodwork.

Ok "the professional driver" reluctantly slowed, eventually stopped at a great distance and casually walked back to the toddler while one of his young passenger children jumped out of the vehicle and ran to assist the very young toddler which the professional driver just ran over with his van. This all happens in Thailand by a local professional d.u.m.b.ass.. Hows that?

Maybe you should get back on your meds... sick.gif

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Ive seen this several times now, Thai's thinking that someone hurt needs to be stood up on his feet immediately.

They should check his injuries first, he could have had a broken ankle etc.. Ive seen them standing someone up that was half unconscious after a bad bike crash!


about 6 months back I was ridng slowly down a Soi that runs pass C&N Hotel to 200 Pi rd passed a large seafood resturant in Patong, I noticed through the large Glass windows some sort of commotion going on inside (I thought it had kicked off or something?) I then realized some young bloke had collapsed his party were all stood around him doing nothing and the rest of the diners were just gorping over and watching... I know most say don't get involved but being a trained first aider all my adult life I could not leave it. Stop my bike and ran in, looked like the youg man had been convulsing (epyleptic fit or something?) he was flat on his back, someone had stuffed a 2ft sq cotton napkin in his mouth which was now half down his throat (I think they thought this would stop him biting his tongue) the lad had a small amount of vomit around his mouth also, his eyes had rolled back and just the whites showing. I gently removed the napkin while asking if anyone spoke english (I think they were all chienese or something) his GF spoke a little, I asked what had happened, he had apparently just collapsesd and started fitting from her description, asked if he had a history of fits - no, only other thing they had been all Scuba diving that morning and had arrived to dinner (not eaten yet) I got him into recovery position after ensuring his airway was clear, asked his Girl to explain what I was doing to him as i did it and also told her to keep talking to him and tell him he is ok, checked his ABC, pulse was ok and strong, Ambulance was on its way... I told his girl I think he has had a fit and should now be ok but would be best to get checked out at Hospital to make sure he is ok, after 5 mins he had come around, but I made sure he stayed in RC position until 'professional' help arrived, all was good. Ambulance arrived and in comes a female (I thought maybe a nurse?) she had a briefcase type bag with a red cross on it in onwe hand, the little Rat who turned up with her comes marching right up, I attempted to do an hand over and explain what had gone on (I also thought is funny they have no trolley/stretcher for him or wheeled chair, the little $ hit head just looked at me with comtempt and grabbed the lads hand, flipped him over and dragged him into a sitting position and then made him stand straight up by pulling him at same time, I thought &lt;deleted&gt;??? I just turned to his GF and said Good Luck, as I got on my bike and rode off they were frog marching him out and down the soi into the waiting meat wagon... beware if you ever need an Ambo in LOS... (Soz for War & Peace but is what happened)

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1. Teach people NEVER move a victim until absolute sure the person is unhurt. Moving a neck injured person, for example, can paralyze him for life, where getting him via EMS onto a back board can save everything. The natural urge is to "get him up" but wrong.

2. Kids running in front of a van or school bus is such a problem that USA school buses now are often fitted with a "sweeper bar" on the front that sweeps across the front prior to the bus moving. This problem is made worse when no adult MEETS the child and escorts him especially at young ages.wai.gif

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Those minibuses from the schools drive like crazy in our moobaan. They drive full speed (also in reverse) through our soi and my neighbour allready warned the driver twice that if he ever drives over his kids or dog he would beat the hell out of him. They still do it though wai2.gifclap2.gif

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These idiot van drivers have hit and killed 4 dogs and a cat within 50 meters of our house over the last three years. Narrow road, blind curves, and idiots driving at speeds in excess of 80kpm on a road that should be rated at less than 40kph. These idiots round the blind curves driving in the middle of the road, or worse, over taking another car and passing in the oncoming lane. There are no shoulders on our section of the road. Freaking dangerous.

I'm waiting for the first human to get their clock cleaned in front of our place, most likely a child or elderly person.


more dog owners letting there dogs out alone ??????????????

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Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

Kids get run over everywhere in similar situations globally..a 4 year old is small......they cannot be expected to have road sense at that age.........tragic as it is, it's not peculiar to Thailand.......many small kids are hit by vehicles reversing out of their driveways...

Agreed, but some poster who have a hatred of Thais can't help themelves with their racist comments like "monkey" etc.

You're right of course. It's unfair for the monkey

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Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

By being untrained, stupid, and lacking in a single iota of common sense.

OH! and Thai...

You left out "being human."

I can assure you that accidents like this happen all too often in your home country and mine.

Every time a Thai does something wrong -- Wham! All the Thaivisa hyper-judgmental freaks

start coming out of the woodwork.

If it as your kid you'd be just as understanding right?

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Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

Don't be too harsh on the driver

Little kids have a habit of running very fast to get home

If you sit in the front of these vans you cant see anything close to you

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