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Matichon: Dissolution of the Royal Thai Police


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How about firing the entire force, then recruit again based on knowledge, past experience and few tests to pass.

In the mean time military can take over policing, can not be any worse than it is now

yayy a police state!!

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Start with paying them a livable wage - and supplying all their equipment rather than being forced to buy it, then crack down on corruption.

That would just mean they would have two mia noi's to look after instead of one................wink.png

IMHO, with the current regime in place, of course.

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The power of the police in internal Thai politics will change, i.e. less power, thus hindering the prospect of a return by Mr T. Corruption? NO. The same, different fish, same bite. Perhaps (perhaps) the tourist cops being run by the Min of Tourism might just make them more efficient, or not.

Perhaps sacking the entire police force, the entire mil force, all the gov depts, that might help.

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Oh bummer - it was so much easier popping into the local police station to sort things out - now it's gonna be a much longer drive to the divisional HQ. Wake up and smell the coffee folks - part of the "problem" with the Thaksin regime (which I think people actually voted for) is one group of people got a bit pissed about always having to share.

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So the two political parties in Thailand commence war. The Army and the Police. Bit of a Hobson's choice as they're not really any different are they. I feel for the regular Thais, it's their country. Ultimately Farangs have the option to leave if they wish to.

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Outstanding! Root out Taksin cronies and thugs wherever they hide.

So tell me, did the police not exist before Thaksin's time at the helm? Who did the police work in those days before history started in Thailand (for you anyway)?

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I don't think anyone will disagree that drastic reform of the Royal Thai Police is urgently needed. However whatever shape the reforms take it will be a gargantuan task. You cannot simply sack the lot, despite their innefficiency and incompetence absolute chaos would ensue. Replacing senior officers with members more amenable to the Juntas way of thinking is all very well, but they will have to work with the vast majority of officers who (according to the OP) are Thaksin and/or red shirt sympathisers.

"You cannot simply sack the lot"

Why not?

They did it in Georgia (the country) and criminality actually went down!!

I can imagine the same will happen here, considering all the dirty activities the cops are involved in.

Georgia is a famous disaster in the world, dude. Don't emulate anything with Russian influence, ever.

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I would think over a trillion baht is needed to dissolve the RTP, and rebuild it in an effective manner. When you begin to think of the salary raises needed, for the over 230,000 policeman and officers, to get them to a living wage, that alone will require 27 billion baht per year, well into the distant future. Add in world class forensic laboratories, massive training of the detective forces, to bring them up to a respectable standard, new police cruisers, real motorcycles for the guys required to ride them, etc., etc., etc. And a major oversight layer, to make sure they do not revert back to the childs play graft, and villa purchasing they are now engaged in. The amount of work that has to be done is staggering. We all hope it can be done. We all know it needs to be done. But, will it be done?

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In this respect the RTP or controllers may want to get some expertise from Western countries, preferably not the US.

corruption is a national problem. People need to learn that corruption is not normal and not a way to get things done.

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Anyone who believes dissolving the RTP will remove Thaksin's support is barking mad. No matter the propaganda and anti Thaksin rhetoric, when democracy is eventually restored and fair elections are held, there will be only one winner. Thaksin and his supporters just have to sit this out and bide their time. wai.gif

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You know this will turn into a major disaster. Moving the corruption around will not solve anything. They need to look at the 10 best police departments in the world. Determine what makes them the best and create that model.

Really? The authorities don't want to learn from others. Thailand people can solve everything - including curing Ebola! Much silence from that direction also coffee1.gif

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How about firing the entire force, then recruit again based on knowledge, past experience and few tests to pass.

In the mean time military can take over policing, can not be any worse than it is now

yayy a police state!!

According to some we're already in one.

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This will be interesting to watch.

Waiting for the push-back from RTP, there are some very powerful forces to be overcome with this reform.

Another reform they should look at is putting the immigration police under the auspices of the immigration and foreign affairs department. They are not really police, just immigration officers.

the shakedown game increase along Sukumvit from Ploen Chit to Prakanong and on major roads - where foreigners are stopped for no reason - is an example of such "push back", where officers (and in some cases Tesakj, not police) are doing what they like.

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How about firing the entire force, then recruit again based on knowledge, past experience and few tests to pass.

In the mean time military can take over policing, can not be any worse than it is now

yayy a police state!!

According to some we're already in one.

Not allowed to say the word but let's say an autocratic military state at the moment?

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A far more urgent task is the reform of the top heavy (more than 3,000 generals!), highly corrupt and inefficient Thai armed forces.

This whole place is corrupt! Those in power will see to it that they are the most corrupt and in effect make the most $$$ and the most power. Overhaul the whole country and start with this thing called 'rule of law', accountability and transparency.

Good Luck Thailand

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