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Make Yingluck pay, PM told


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Last week the Government signed an agreement with the Chinese government to sell China 400,000 tons of rubber at Bt60/kg to be delivered in 18 months. Since the farmer's cost of production was Bt65/kg, the net loss is Bt1.8 billion. Shouldn't that come out of Gen. Prayuth's assets? Maybe he might not want to set any precedents.

Pray tell, at what price did this or the previous government buy from the farmers? Furthermore how much more would be possibly lost if the stored rubber sheets would be allowed to deteriorate over the years. That's assuming we are talking about rubber already tapped. If new rubber, the government has clearly included budgets in the National Budget, as subsidies (not as outside budget 'self-financing' disasters), what is the price the government will pay, what with farmers still complaining?

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Will the PM initiate same inquiry in the army?

The world who he says follow his orders clearly wouldn't want that -

This man can do no wrong

Investigation of the Army would come and needs to come, but not now. First the country needs to be set in the right direction, progressing to democracy. Following its almost automatically that certain powers will diminish whether they like it or not.

To ask for an Army shake up now, it simply asking for chaos as there would be no organisation left with sufficient standing AND power to force changes. Of course an outside force could be asked to take over for the duration. Mind you, the list of countries willing to help with an UN occupation force in Thailand might be very short. Too much effort already needed for real problem countries. Of course, leaving it to the Thai, one should really leave it to the Thai, even if that means corruption, coups, progress and in this in any order. Standing along the side and offering (Dutch uncle like) advise doesn't help.

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Just another stupid statement from someone on the far right!!

RIP democracy. RIP justice system.

Make sure you wear your yellow shirt!!


Let me remind you that an inexperienced and not so bright, pretty lady was Democratically elected 3 years ago, not because of her personality but because of the family name, and the dubious pre election promises.

That Lady, and her democratic elected government drove Thailand into chaos and made corruption flourish.

The present PM, not democratically elected is trying to bring Thailand back to a descent standard.

And he is doing a good job, up to now.

Please, spare me of the thought of the word you so much like to mention.

The highlighted bit is correct. The rest makes me question your sanity.

Edited by somo
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They really are infatuated by her and her brother.. she was not in power that long. How could she be the cause of all the countries concerns.

They're scared of her and her brother. They (the Shinawatras) have done, and could again do something that they know they can never do - win the support of the Thai people at the ballot box.

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They really are infatuated by her and her brother.. she was not in power that long. How could she be the cause of all the countries concerns.

They're scared of her and her brother. They (the Shinawatras) have done, and could again do something that they know they can never do - win the support of the Thai people at the ballot box.

Absolutely, and the good General knows that to bring Thaksin or Yingluck to trial would almost certainly cause serious unrest and derail his happiness programme. Better to talk the talk rather than walk the walk. wai.gif

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Will the PM initiate same inquiry in the army?

The world who he says follow his orders clearly wouldn't want that -

This man can do no wrong

Investigation of the Army would come and needs to come, but not now. First the country needs to be set in the right direction, progressing to democracy. Following its almost automatically that certain powers will diminish whether they like it or not.

To ask for an Army shake up now, it simply asking for chaos as there would be no organisation left with sufficient standing AND power to force changes. Of course an outside force could be asked to take over for the duration. Mind you, the list of countries willing to help with an UN occupation force in Thailand might be very short. Too much effort already needed for real problem countries. Of course, leaving it to the Thai, one should really leave it to the Thai, even if that means corruption, coups, progress and in this in any order. Standing along the side and offering (Dutch uncle like) advise doesn't help.

The suggestion and subsequent denial of a UN occupation force is solely a product of your deranged imagination. The usual deflection flapdoodle one comes to expect from you.

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The Bangkok Post carries a report that Abhisit has been cleared of any wrong doing over2009 rice sales despite acknowledging he accepted lower bids in a rice auction and that he sold rice at less than market value without holding an auction.

But then Abhisit is a stooge for the army and escapes prosecution as a yellow shirt.

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It is a bad precedent to set.

Now do they also go after Abhisit, as it was on his watch that nothing was done to follow up the water mitigation program, developed in 2007 by a leading Thai Professor? Which may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok?

"Kaewsan Atibhoti (Thai: แก้วสรร อติโพธิ born August 24, 1951) is a Thai politician, former Senator of Thailand from Bangkok, member of Inspection of Acts being Detrimental to the State Commission (State Detrimential Acts Inspection Commission)[1] and unsuccessful nominee for Election Commissioner.

Prior to his political career, he was a law lecturer at Thammasat University. Kaewsan was a vocal critic of the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and spoke at several anti-Thaksin rallies organized by the People's Alliance for Democracy. After the a military junta overthrew Thaksin's government, the junta appointed Kaewsan to a committee to investigate the deposed government." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaewsan_Atibodhi

PPT’s favorite example of “independence” was when its secretary Kaewsan Atibodhi claimed “evidence and witnesses are useless,with one of its panels recommending legal action without hearing 300 witnesses or considering 100 additional pieces of evidence (Bangkok Post, 9 April 2008). https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/tag/kaewsan-atibodhi/

So this guy is a law lecturer, and can't see why you must hear "evidence and witnesses are useless"?

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Starting with the ill-gotten gains Chalerm gifted the Shin elite with the granting of a telecommunications monopoly (100% against the interests of the citizens) back 20 or so yrs ago, this vile clan must pay back every single stolen baht with a high compound interest.

Don't you mean Chavalit?

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They really are infatuated by her and her brother.. she was not in power that long. How could she be the cause of all the countries concerns.

They're scared of her and her brother. They (the Shinawatras) have done, and could again do something that they know they can never do - win the support of the Thai people at the ballot box.

In a way I agree with your comment, except for one word, I would have said -

"They're scared of her and her brother. They (the Shinawatras) have done, and could again do something that they know they can never do - buy the support of the Thai people at the ballot box.

If the Shin regime is so good for the country why the heck is their "Dear Leader" hiding out in the desert somewhere with a string of criminal charges hanging over his head ? Convicted criminals are not allowed to run political parties, even via Skype.

Not really what you would call a good example of the peoples' hero.

Why were so many lies told to the people of Thailand regarding the failed Rice Scheme ?

Why is Yingluck desperately trying to get out of being charged with "negligence" and some of her former Cabinet Ministers being charged with corruption ?

Why were their private terrorist wing allowed to kill anti-government protesters with no intervention from her government ?

Why were previous versions of her political party banned for various reasons, only to reform under a new name ?

For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone in their right mind would defend an evil organization like this. Many of the Thai people I have known in Chiang Mai for years have lost faith in them and openly criticize them now. What does that tell you ?

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It is a bad precedent to set.

Now do they also go after Abhisit, as it was on his watch that nothing was done to follow up the water mitigation program, developed in 2007 by a leading Thai Professor? Which may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok?

"Kaewsan Atibhoti (Thai: แก้วสรร อติโพธิ born August 24, 1951) is a Thai politician, former Senator of Thailand from Bangkok, member of Inspection of Acts being Detrimental to the State Commission (State Detrimential Acts Inspection Commission)[1] and unsuccessful nominee for Election Commissioner.

Prior to his political career, he was a law lecturer at Thammasat University. Kaewsan was a vocal critic of the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and spoke at several anti-Thaksin rallies organized by the People's Alliance for Democracy. After the a military junta overthrew Thaksin's government, the junta appointed Kaewsan to a committee to investigate the deposed government." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaewsan_Atibodhi

PPT’s favorite example of “independence” was when its secretary Kaewsan Atibodhi claimed “evidence and witnesses are useless,with one of its panels recommending legal action without hearing 300 witnesses or considering 100 additional pieces of evidence (Bangkok Post, 9 April 2008). https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/tag/kaewsan-atibodhi/

So this guy is a law lecturer, and can't see why you must hear "evidence and witnesses are useless"?

Chris, you are wasting your time posting links to that vile website, Political Prisoners in Thailand. The red rubbish found on that site breaks every rule in the book, regarding posting links on TVF, especially the anti-junta rule and the one concerning the Monarchy.

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Well not only the the name Thaksin but also the the name Yingluck strikes fear into the general the junta and the yellow shirts and their supporters on here.

I'm getting use to seeing the same old headline getting trotted out and the impending reaction from the yellows however if you notice that the headlines regarding Yingluck are getting fewer and fewer lately as the government knows she is the rightful PM and the people are just waiting their chance to throw them out.

Nothing at all should happen while these unelected henchmen run the country into the ground and suppress freedom of speech and invoke junta policy on the nation.

If they want go on with her then get down to the temple and throw suteps ass in jail for refusing to answer the courts subpoena on his part n mass murder.

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It is a bad precedent to set.

Now do they also go after Abhisit, as it was on his watch that nothing was done to follow up the water mitigation program, developed in 2007 by a leading Thai Professor? Which may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok?

"Kaewsan Atibhoti (Thai: แก้วสรร อติโพธิ born August 24, 1951) is a Thai politician, former Senator of Thailand from Bangkok, member of Inspection of Acts being Detrimental to the State Commission (State Detrimential Acts Inspection Commission)[1] and unsuccessful nominee for Election Commissioner.

Prior to his political career, he was a law lecturer at Thammasat University. Kaewsan was a vocal critic of the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and spoke at several anti-Thaksin rallies organized by the People's Alliance for Democracy. After the a military junta overthrew Thaksin's government, the junta appointed Kaewsan to a committee to investigate the deposed government." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaewsan_Atibodhi

PPT’s favorite example of “independence” was when its secretary Kaewsan Atibodhi claimed “evidence and witnesses are useless,with one of its panels recommending legal action without hearing 300 witnesses or considering 100 additional pieces of evidence (Bangkok Post, 9 April 2008). https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/tag/kaewsan-atibodhi/

So this guy is a law lecturer, and can't see why you must hear "evidence and witnesses are useless"?

Chris, you are wasting your time posting links to that vile website, Political Prisoners in Thailand. The red rubbish found on that site breaks every rule in the book, regarding posting links on TVF, especially the anti-junta rule and the one concerning the Monarchy.

Mike, it was the quote Kaewsan made about due process. He didn't believe in it. But anything I pick up from another source I reference where it comes from. I didn't know who Kaewsan was; I usually reseach to see what people have done.

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The Bangkok Post carries a report that Abhisit has been cleared of any wrong doing over2009 rice sales despite acknowledging he accepted lower bids in a rice auction and that he sold rice at less than market value without holding an auction.

But then Abhisit is a stooge for the army and escapes prosecution as a yellow shirt.

Or he escapes prosecution because everything that was done was common practice.

Direct invitations to exporters with substantial orders had been applied in 2003 and had been approved by the National Rice Policy Committee and the cabinet, the NACC said.
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This is a new concept in Thailand, making the corrupt pay the money back. The problem with that is they are all corrupt, dear leader and all. Pot calling the kettle black.

we got to start somewhere to clean up the mess right? its never too late, its not as if the previous government tried to clean up corruption, most made it worst and its a snowball effect now.

The old saying 'clean up your own own back yard before looking in someone else's '

Seems to fit.

well we all know that nobody is good at cleaning their own backyards, they are only good at cleaning others, which is the only way to start and make people clean their own backyard before making a mess and have fingers pointed at them

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It is a bad precedent to set.

Now do they also go after Abhisit, as it was on his watch that nothing was done to follow up the water mitigation program, developed in 2007 by a leading Thai Professor? Which may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok?

"Kaewsan Atibhoti (Thai: แก้วสรร อติโพธิ born August 24, 1951) is a Thai politician, former Senator of Thailand from Bangkok, member of Inspection of Acts being Detrimental to the State Commission (State Detrimential Acts Inspection Commission)[1] and unsuccessful nominee for Election Commissioner.

Prior to his political career, he was a law lecturer at Thammasat University. Kaewsan was a vocal critic of the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and spoke at several anti-Thaksin rallies organized by the People's Alliance for Democracy. After the a military junta overthrew Thaksin's government, the junta appointed Kaewsan to a committee to investigate the deposed government." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaewsan_Atibodhi

PPT’s favorite example of “independence” was when its secretary Kaewsan Atibodhi claimed “evidence and witnesses are useless,with one of its panels recommending legal action without hearing 300 witnesses or considering 100 additional pieces of evidence (Bangkok Post, 9 April 2008). https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/tag/kaewsan-atibodhi/

So this guy is a law lecturer, and can't see why you must hear "evidence and witnesses are useless"?

I don't get it. You're suggesting going after Abhisit for not implementing a proposal suggested a couple of years before he was PM?

And you're comparing that to them going after Yingluck for a scheme she put in place and she was directly in charge of?

Talk about clutching at straws.

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It is a bad precedent to set.

Now do they also go after Abhisit, as it was on his watch that nothing was done to follow up the water mitigation program, developed in 2007 by a leading Thai Professor? Which may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok?

"Kaewsan Atibhoti (Thai: แก้วสรร อติโพธิ born August 24, 1951) is a Thai politician, former Senator of Thailand from Bangkok, member of Inspection of Acts being Detrimental to the State Commission (State Detrimential Acts Inspection Commission)[1] and unsuccessful nominee for Election Commissioner.

Prior to his political career, he was a law lecturer at Thammasat University. Kaewsan was a vocal critic of the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and spoke at several anti-Thaksin rallies organized by the People's Alliance for Democracy. After the a military junta overthrew Thaksin's government, the junta appointed Kaewsan to a committee to investigate the deposed government." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaewsan_Atibodhi

PPT’s favorite example of “independence” was when its secretary Kaewsan Atibodhi claimed “evidence and witnesses are useless,with one of its panels recommending legal action without hearing 300 witnesses or considering 100 additional pieces of evidence (Bangkok Post, 9 April 2008). https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/tag/kaewsan-atibodhi/

So this guy is a law lecturer, and can't see why you must hear "evidence and witnesses are useless"?

I don't get it. You're suggesting going after Abhisit for not implementing a proposal suggested a couple of years before he was PM?

And you're comparing that to them going after Yingluck for a scheme she put in place and she was directly in charge of?

Talk about clutching at straws.

If you read some of the history on the water mitigation program, Abhisit and the Bangkok Govenor were to begin that program, but didn't.

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I don't get it. You're suggesting going after Abhisit for not implementing a proposal suggested a couple of years before he was PM?

And you're comparing that to them going after Yingluck for a scheme she put in place and she was directly in charge of?

Talk about clutching at straws.

If you read some of the history on the water mitigation program, Abhisit and the Bangkok Govenor were to begin that program, but didn't.

Even with that, you want to go after Abhisit for something that "may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok" ??

How many people do you want to go after for not implementing programs that MAY have been of benefit to something in the future??

Talk about clutching at straws.

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Well not only the the name Thaksin but also the the name Yingluck strikes fear into the general the junta and the yellow shirts and their supporters on here.

I'm getting use to seeing the same old headline getting trotted out and the impending reaction from the yellows however if you notice that the headlines regarding Yingluck are getting fewer and fewer lately as the government knows she is the rightful PM and the people are just waiting their chance to throw them out.

Nothing at all should happen while these unelected henchmen run the country into the ground and suppress freedom of speech and invoke junta policy on the nation.

If they want go on with her then get down to the temple and throw suteps ass in jail for refusing to answer the courts subpoena on his part n mass murder.

..........................."as the government knows she is the rightful PM and the people are just waiting their chance to throw them out.".............................


I would not mind betting you get "thrown out" before they do, Polly ! clap2.gif

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Witchhunt AGAIN, leave her alone, if there were 'issues' put processes and procedures in place to ensure it doesn't happen again. IF she made money out of it the courtroom should decide if she just got it 'wrong' (like Bush and the Iraq war? Weapons of mass destruction etc.) you can't hunt her or him down as they were in public office and mistakes are made by all sides.

This bullying and vindictiveness is very "Thai" and very unpleasant and destructive

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Witchhunt AGAIN, leave her alone, if there were 'issues' put processes and procedures in place to ensure it doesn't happen again. IF she made money out of it the courtroom should decide if she just got it 'wrong' (like Bush and the Iraq war? Weapons of mass destruction etc.) you can't hunt her or him down as they were in public office and mistakes are made by all sides.

This bullying and vindictiveness is very "Thai" and very unpleasant and destructive

First 2 words very near to the point---look no where else for excuses--Abhisit-Suthep-the PM impossible to side track this load of PTP dung.

Have them pay they got paid for losing money. I want the job cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I don't get it. You're suggesting going after Abhisit for not implementing a proposal suggested a couple of years before he was PM?

And you're comparing that to them going after Yingluck for a scheme she put in place and she was directly in charge of?

Talk about clutching at straws.

If you read some of the history on the water mitigation program, Abhisit and the Bangkok Govenor were to begin that program, but didn't.

Even with that, you want to go after Abhisit for something that "may have lessened the impact of the floods in Bangkok" ??

How many people do you want to go after for not implementing programs that MAY have been of benefit to something in the future??

Talk about clutching at straws.

You were quick to read?

The point is where do you stop.

But I do suggest you have a read about his part in the issue.

The other thing is that I never said I wanted to go after him? I use him as an example and one incident that was to be done on his watch.

Have you had a look at Kaewsan? Doesn't believe in evidence?

And you have no comment on a person like this?

Everyone is entitled to due process, no matter who they are. Kaewsan sounds a bit like McCarthyism: is the practice of making accusations, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism

Kaewsan is also a law lecturer?

I thought he Kaewsan was the issue in the op, but try not to get caught up in whether you are the champion of a red or yellow side. It skews interpretation and misses the important aspects of what is really said.

Whybother, I think you have something to say, but this colour difference is not what I am about.

I see a lot of people write things on this board that are fairy land stuff. I try to research most of the topics that I read as I am interested in doing so. It’s easy to take sides and stay in one corner, but I tend to like reading about the truth.

Thailand at the moment is in a state of big change. To me it’s like the elites are cleaning house. Some things are happening that have never happened before in this very private culture. I don't know what level you are placed in this culture but for me as a mere mortal I can only look on from the side lines.

I know if we had a person like Kaewsan in Australia, with views that were described on a trial matter, he would be turfed out on his ear. But Kaewsan had the same gig with Mr T. What did he achieve? Never got him in custody? But his words are a dangerous precedent even in Thai society. He and others like him are the ones that need to be talked about.

Now is Kaewsan an elite or an elite that has come by his position by way of money? It is my theory that the elites are flexing their muscles at the moment. And this is a place where little can be said about the elites due to laws that protect them. Now that is only my theory thru observation. I could be wrong.

Just to make it easy to research, some of my posts at the time of the floods referred to Abhisit and his role.

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where corruption can be proven against the people concerned it would be justice to seize all their assets and reimburse Thailand for their theft/profit taking.As it stands anyone that is shown to be corrupt or use corrupt practices to improve their/their families/their friends wealth suffer no financial loss at all, they are given piddly fines and moved to inactive posts, maybe if they started losing their wealth and suffered jail time we would see the corruption start to disapear.

Great Idea....but only an idea that would not work out in the manner that you speak.

The money would be seized ....and then what do you think would happen to the money?

I know what would happen......do you??


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The Bangkok Post carries a report that Abhisit has been cleared of any wrong doing over2009 rice sales despite acknowledging he accepted lower bids in a rice auction and that he sold rice at less than market value without holding an auction.

But then Abhisit is a stooge for the army and escapes prosecution as a yellow shirt.

Or he escapes prosecution because everything that was done was common practice.

Direct invitations to exporters with substantial orders had been applied in 2003 and had been approved by the National Rice Policy Committee and the cabinet, the NACC said.

Yes indeed. Corruption is a very common practice in Thailand. While other countries are driven forward by inventiveness and hard work, dear old Thailand sails along on the tide of corruption and cronyism.
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