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Bringing wine in at BKK, for personal use

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I will occasionally put a couple of bottles of nice red in my luggage and hope I don't get nabbed but I was wondering what would happen if I go up to the red channel and declare six bottles of red wine?

Will I be allowed to take them in after paying the tax? Who decides the value of the wine? I will not be brining in wine that is sold in Thailand.

What percentage tax would be applied by Customs? I read somewhere that it is >300%.....is this true? I live in Thailand on a Non-Imm O visa

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...

My partner and I were thinking of bringing a 2 litre wine cask in one of our suitcases. If we get xrayed how liklely is it there will be a problem explaining that the 2 litres is our 1 litre allowance each?

I think this should be OK. I doubt they will insist that the two 1 litre allowances must be in separate containers.

Interestingly, I received a reply from Thai Customs in response to my e-mail asking about bringing in wine for personal consumption. It began by stating that it is possible to do so, and then it stated all the taxes (I have posted the full e-mail content below), and then finished by stating that I must apply for an import licence and obtain this before I bring the wine it, thus reverting back to the original advice given by me fellow forum members in response to the original post.

However, the most surprising thing about all of this was that I received a response from Royal Thai Customs, within 24 hours of sending my e-mail, and it was in almost perfect English....see below.....

"Dear Sir,

According to your e-mail, if you want to import wine to Thailand, you have to pay import duties as follows:

1. - 60 % for import duty


- Excise Tax, which may be vary subject to its volume of alcohol content as follows:

2.1 In case of wine and sparkling wine with up to 15 degrees with the last wholesale price not exceeding 600 baht, excluding value-added tax: 1,000 Baht per litre of pure alcohol OR 255 Baht per litre of wine, by its alcohol content(A)

2.2 In case of wine and sparkling wine with up to 15 degrees with the last wholesale price exceeding 600 baht, excluding value-added tax:

- 36 % of last wholesale price, excluding VAT (B1)

- 1,000 Baht per litre of pure alcohol OR 225 Baht per litre of wine, by its alcohol content (B2)

2.3 In case of wine and sparkling wine with over 15 degrees: a three-surcharge is imposed on each degree above the level per litre ©

To conclude, the total of excise tax will be calculated as follows:

- If your items match the case 2.1, excise tax will be from grand total of A+C

- If your items match the case 2.2, excise tax will be from grand total of B1+B2+C

- If your items do not match the case 2.3 you must not include the result of C

Remark: You can choose one choice is appropriate with your case.

To import wine or any alcohol beverage, you can contact the Excise Department of Thailand for assistance on excise tax calculation and the permission before bringing into Thailand at this number:+66 (0) 2 241 5600-19


- Interior Tax: 10 % of the Excise Tax

4. - The extra 2 % of the Excise Tax for Health Tax (imposed by Thai Health Promotion Foundation)

5. - The extra 1.5 % of the Excise Tax for supporting TPBS, imposed by Thai Public Broadcasting Service

7 % VAT

d Regarding import procedures, you can see the regulation for travellers at http://www.customs.go.th/wps/wcm/connect/custen/home/homewelcome >Toppic "Travellers"


W We hope this clarifies your concerns. Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,"

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  • 2 months later...

I have been through the Red Channel with anything between 4 - 12 bottles. They tell you to throw it away, but eventually will accept the customs duty and VAT, and provide a receipt. The problem is there is no legal way to pay the excise duty so you are still at risk from the Excise Inspectors wandering around after customs clearance. I have stopped doing it because the risk of losing my nice wine is too high, and I can't be bothered to do it for cheaper wine.

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My partner and I were thinking of bringing a 2 litre wine cask in one of our suitcases. If we get xrayed how liklely is it there will be a problem explaining that the 2 litres is our 1 litre allowance each?

Not worth the hassle, and they will fine you.

A friend of mine who was travelling in a group of 5, had 5 cartons of cigs, he tried to explain that they were 1 carton for 1 person in his group.

He got fined, and lost the cigs.

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