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hi we bourght a resort in koh chang and got TOT for the wifi no problem we have payed our bills and everything

but now TOT comes and demands 1200 baht that the old owner did not pay?? we sayed no get the Money from her

now they came back and say she not take the phone we have to pay i Again told them to F... off

Now i am thinking is there another Company i can use instead of TOT ?? or will i be forced to pay and keap that Company??


Who's name is the old bill in - the old owner or the resort that you now own?

If you bought the resort with its assets that come with liabilities and not just some property, and the bill is in the resorts name then you do owe it. You bought the farm - whole kit and caboodle - unless the contract is written to leave liabilities such as this to the old owner to pay at closing. Wonder about your property tax status?

If it is simply in the name of the other person that used to live there then it is not your problem. Did you put the new wifi in your name or the business?

Besides that ToT might be the only option you have - it often is the case in far to many areas of the country - which is never a good deal for anyone but them.

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It's called due diligence and is practiced when you buy any company (or anything for that matter). You must check to insure that the company that you are buying has no outstanding liabilities, this TOT bill is probably just the tip of the ice berg on what you may be liable for

In the West you would have hired a lawyer to insure that everything was up and up, but people here seem to think that the cheap way is the best way, afraid not

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Due diligence and it's a whole 1,200 Baht ($40), just pay it.

Now about the $1,200 owed to the food suppliers.......

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The manager of TOT Koh Chang is Khun Tanaporn--#0852775467. He's in and out of the KC office but you can at least call him

The only alternative is CAT and they have a really bad rep--not even an office on KC (only on the mainland, Trat, I think)

If I were you I'd take Crossy's advice and just pay the $$$...


When I disagree on paying certain bills I do not say to people to F...off coffee1.gif

It all depends on the peoples attitude to you, ie, if I was threatened with being taken to court for money I genuinely did not owe, I would tell them more than just F--- off.

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We went to TOT with the old owner and changed the name to my wifes name so i my oppinion they should not be abel to demand the Money from us

Who's name is the old bill in - the old owner or the resort that you now own?

If you bought the resort with its assets that come with liabilities and not just some property, and the bill is in the resorts name then you do owe it. You bought the farm - whole kit and caboodle - unless the contract is written to leave liabilities such as this to the old owner to pay at closing. Wonder about your property tax status?

If it is simply in the name of the other person that used to live there then it is not your problem. Did you put the new wifi in your name or the business?

Besides that ToT might be the only option you have - it often is the case in far to many areas of the country - which is never a good deal for anyone but them.


We went to TOT with the old owner and changed the name to my wifes name so i my oppinion they should not be abel to demand the Money from us

Who's name is the old bill in - the old owner or the resort that you now own?

If you bought the resort with its assets that come with liabilities and not just some property, and the bill is in the resorts name then you do owe it. You bought the farm - whole kit and caboodle - unless the contract is written to leave liabilities such as this to the old owner to pay at closing. Wonder about your property tax status?

If it is simply in the name of the other person that used to live there then it is not your problem. Did you put the new wifi in your name or the business?

Besides that ToT might be the only option you have - it often is the case in far to many areas of the country - which is never a good deal for anyone but them.

Ah - But who's name was on the old account or was it the business? It sounds like the other person was, but you didn't say. If they allowed you to assume the account as is - then the next bill for the last period would turn up in your name not theirs. If they closed the account and opened a new one with the same equipment - they would have given the old owner a final billing or got a billing address from them for the final bill. If this bill is in your name then they assume or were told you were willing to pay the current running period at that time (i.e. assume the liability) . If it is in the other persons name forget about it - they can't make you pay someone's old bill it is not on your account.

Seems to me if it is in your name and given the amount - I would just pay it and be thankful for the non interrupted use of the service during the changeover. It is an expense - write it off.

I am sure if I had a resort to run I could find a better way to spend my time then running after a few baht and risk interruption to my internet service during prime season, paying it ends the issue because you know the rest of the future billing is yours anyway - one less thing on your plate - if it were a large sum it might be different - but things you can pay from the till and replace with the receipt are not much worth chasing to the ends of the earth over - just don't let the paper work disappear - that is the one thing that would make me far more crazy then having to pay - not being able to balance the till at closing period. w00t.gif Shh--t more shrinkage. Were sinking slow and by the stern. biggrin.png . I go stright into 'who the hell ate the strawberries' mode.


ok i guess i will pay so the guest does not loss internet, i will for now write it off and in the future when we sell the resort i will not pay the last bills and then tell the seller to go and get a new internet account


ok i guess i will pay so the guest does not loss internet, i will for now write it off and in the future when we sell the resort i will not pay the last bills and then tell the seller to go and get a new internet account

Sounds like an a-hole thing to do....

I hope you lose more in Karma after that statement!

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Well i am sure i do not Loose more karma then you just did in hoping i did

But if not paying other peobles bills will lose karma then i will be sending a lot of bill your way, please let me know you adress

ok i guess i will pay so the guest does not loss internet, i will for now write it off and in the future when we sell the resort i will not pay the last bills and then tell the seller to go and get a new internet account

Sounds like an a-hole thing to do....

I hope you lose more in Karma after that statement!


So no due diligence on your behalf. Sure, it is not right that people have left an outstanding account but it's only $40.00 for heaven's sake. Have you made all efforts to contact the prior owner?. You contact the provider and later tell them to FO. Wow, you're a gem aren't you? Then when you sell, you won't pay the last bill and not tell the next buyer. Just pay it and get on with your ;life. You've probably wasted that amount in your time on here.

You act like this over something you should have checked and now cannot accept that you made a mistake. Acting in a manner like this will only come back and bite you. It's called KARMA. Is it really worth it?


I gues you need to read my coment Again, i sayed i would not pay the last bills when i sell and then tell the new owner to go to TOT and make a new account in hes name (this way he is not reliabel to pay my bill)

So no due diligence on your behalf. Sure, it is not right that people have left an outstanding account but it's only $40.00 for heaven's sake. Have you made all efforts to contact the prior owner?. You contact the provider and later tell them to FO. Wow, you're a gem aren't you? Then when you sell, you won't pay the last bill and not tell the next buyer. Just pay it and get on with your ;life. You've probably wasted that amount in your time on here.

You act like this over something you should have checked and now cannot accept that you made a mistake. Acting in a manner like this will only come back and bite you. It's called KARMA. Is it really worth it?

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