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Best 5 Words I Tell My Thai Wife Every Day


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I Am A Poor Man.

The 2nd sentence I said to her was: "I Am A Poor Man." (I'm Not.)

I say it every day, every chance I get.

I set a level of expectation. I set a standard.

I stick to it every time I can say it. I can not begin to tell you how glad I am that I say these words to her.

Funny Story: One time at a temple, her friends came out and said they all prayed I would get 10M BAHT and then a rich man. I just said: khob khun khrap.

Always downplay everything.

She never asks what I have.

I never say.

Perfect Relationship.

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from Mau Steve from BKK, the OP

I Am A Poor Man.

The 2nd sentence I said to her was: "I Am A Poor Man." (I'm Not.)

You are just a plain liar!

I say it every day, every chance I get.

You are a regular and a repetitive liar!

I set a level of expectation. I set a standard.

No you brainwash and already have set an extremely low standard!

I stick to it every time I can say it. I can not begin to tell you how glad I am that I say these words to her.

You get satisfaction out of misleading the person who should be your best friend?

Funny Story: One time at a temple, her friends came out and said they all prayed I would get 10M BAHT and then a rich man. I just said: khob khun khrap.

Sad story

not funny at all really and very pathetic, how low will you go in your deceit maybe you could go begging in front of the Temple to enforce your lies?

Yes you could join the ranks of thos rich poor beggars, maybe you could use a crutch as well for good measure

Always downplay everything.
She never asks what I have.
I never say.

You didn't downplay this thread though....I wonder why, could it be that in your shame you are feeling guilty and have a need to tell all and unburden yourself?

Perfect Relationship.

​You wouldn't know a perfect relationship if it jumped up and bit you in the arse!

I must say that your name fits you perfectly and I assume that you were Mau when you wrote the OP

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Of course it could be that you are just a Troll and your post is a windup!

In fact I think that I know of you if your Avatar is a pic of you and if you are the person I think you are then you are also the person who cannot find a decent woman to put up with your drinking antics.

I also seem to remember that you were had over by a lady who took a few bob off you and then disappeared but that is another story for another better time.

I could be wrong though because your sentiments are typical of the low intellect mind set of a Male Neolithic Homo sapiens

If I am mistaken about you then I apologise 100%

Edited by n210mp
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I feel very, very sorry for your POOR WIFE!

The POOR WOMAN is married to a LIAR and a CHEAT. Who do you think you are anyway?

If you think you're impressing anyone with what a "big fellow" you are by scamming the POOR TRUSTING girl who was silly enough to marry you, then I think you have FAILED Miserably.

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from David48

".Faith makes most things possible, Hope makes most things work, Love makes most things beautiful, May you have all the three this Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

.In the spirit of Christmas, less Negativity, more Goodwill."

​A very worthy sentiment to which if I could add a "Like" I would wholeheartedly!

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Blimey OP.......

Are you joking, did you post this to try and show how switched on you are, to not being ripped off..... Or was your post fueled by alcohol......... Did you think your statement was/is funny?

If your statement is true, I feel genuinely sorry for both you and your poor wife. Your wife for putting up with your BS and you for being a complete .

One small point: you say you're not poor................. You are morally bankrupt mate.

Edited by Tonto21
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Am going to buy beer....................thumbsup.gif

Dear Khun Trans ... can you please type more gently.

I am nursing a Hangover from Hell ATM.

MFG and I received some great news yesterday.

Which was tempered by the news that both Boys officially have Measles ... facepalm.gif

... coffee1.gif time now.

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How strange the OP is.

I tell both my wife and my son every day that I love them both.

As for money, my wife knows the bank accounts, pin numbers etc and can check how much we have at any time she wishes and it won't bother me at all.

If i know we are running short on money I will tell her and she will accept that as it is the truth.

In a marriage it is called trust.

I have known my wife for 21 years, been married for 15 of them and have a 10 year old son.

She has had plenty of time during that period to rip me off if she chose to do so but she didn't and has stuck with me through good and bad times.

I am happy to be with her until one of dies.

Edited by billd766
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The op states"i say it every day,every chance i get", one can only presume that the op stalks around his house yelling out "i am a poor man' endlessly day after day,this is not healthy,i would try to change op,as i can eventually see you sitting in the corner of a darkened room,rocking back and forwards,drool dripping from your mouth mumbling "i am a poor man,i am a poor man'.

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You sound like a tight arse.

If you were referring to me then I can assure you that I go without long before my wife and son.

I have gone through the stage of spending money like water long ago when I was younger and stupid, back in the days when the money poured in and nobody lost their job.

Now as a pensioner I keep a close eye on what we spend.

You sound to me like I used to be, young and stupid.

If of course you were not referring to me then I apologise to you.

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