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US calls planned Thai poll delay to 2016 'unwise'


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And I answered.

No you didn't. You answered where not when.

I asked, "When do you think Thailand should have elections?"

You wrote, "I think that would be a good question for the Thai people. And not just the Thais in Bangkok."

Edited by thailiketoo
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I'm American and wish the US government would stop sticking their nose into other country's affairs. I believe most Americans feel the same as me.

Maybe you should spend more time in the library, instead of Walmart.

Attacking someone for their own views, now that's being smart.

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I'm American and wish the US government would stop sticking their nose into other country's affairs. I believe most Americans feel the same as me.

Maybe you should spend more time in the library, instead of Walmart.

Attacking someone for their own views, now that's being smart.

He was speaking for 'most Americans' and I resent that.

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I'm American and wish the US government would stop sticking their nose into other country's affairs. I believe most Americans feel the same as me.

Maybe you should spend more time in the library, instead of Walmart.

Attacking someone for their own views, now that's being smart.

He was speaking for 'most Americans' and I resent that.

Why? Because *YOU* represent most Americans?

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I'm really sick and tired of gratuitous American bashers.

I bash my own country all the time. But there are good and bad acts done by every country around the world.

Blanket American bashing is intellectually dishonest. There is no country or people in the world who have not in some way benefited from America.

If you don't like it, then get off the planet.

However blanket junta bashing is fine by you. It is after all pretty much all you do on this site.

Tell us how much Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and don't forget Vietnam have benefited.

The place for defending American actions is on world news.

how amazing that you could compare the two.

where are you from? Come on, be honest.

Have people in your country ever benefited from the USA?

Has your country ever benefited from a military cant-use-the-d-word-its-illegal-in-thailand-ship?

So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

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And I answered.

No, you didn't. Then again, evading salient questions and refusing to provide relevant answers are par for the course for the likes of you, tbthailand, sjaak, etc...

What's up, Doc?

There’s only one question that matters. What do the Thai people want? Only they can answer that question.

The resident junta defenders, in this forum, are not interested in what the Thai people want. Hence, the useless discussions about U.S. history.

I fantasize and idealize myself as Bugs Bunny, but I know deep down I'm Daffy Duck. - Patton Oswalt

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The question was posed to you, to ascertain what you feel a relevant timeframe for the next ejections would be - a question you are evading.

Here, I'll play - I believe that the Prayuth government should take their time, whatever necessary, to create the proper environment for democracy and elections. Personally, I feel this should take a minimum of 3 years, no longer than 5 years.

Either are an insignificant time, to get things right, consider all that is at stake.

The majority of Thais appear to agree, considering only a fringe appears malcontent, mostly on principle.

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So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

Sorry, just reading the end of the thread is the topic US sanctions?

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I'm really sick and tired of gratuitous American bashers.

I bash my own country all the time. But there are good and bad acts done by every country around the world.

Blanket American bashing is intellectually dishonest. There is no country or people in the world who have not in some way benefited from America.

If you don't like it, then get off the planet.

However blanket junta bashing is fine by you. It is after all pretty much all you do on this site.

Tell us how much Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and don't forget Vietnam have benefited.

The place for defending American actions is on world news.

how amazing that you could compare the two.

where are you from? Come on, be honest.

Have people in your country ever benefited from the USA?

Has your country ever benefited from a military cant-use-the-d-word-its-illegal-in-thailand-ship?

So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

and your point is.... ?

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The question was posed to you, to ascertain what you feel a relevant timeframe for the next ejections would be - a question you are evading.

Here, I'll play - I believe that the Prayuth government should take their time, whatever necessary, to create the proper environment for democracy and elections. Personally, I feel this should take a minimum of 3 years, no longer than 5 years.

Either are an insignificant time, to get things right, consider all that is at stake.

The majority of Thais appear to agree, considering only a fringe appears malcontent, mostly on principle.

Here, I'll play - I believe that the Prayuth government should take their time, whatever necessary, to create the proper environment for democracy and elections. Personally, I feel this should take a minimum of 3 years, no longer than 5 years.

yes, you are playing because creating a proper environment for democracy and elections is clearly not the objective of the Prayuth 'government'.

Once again, you set up questions which are irrelevant, demand that people respond, and start berating them when they don't.

Quack, quack...

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I'm really sick and tired of gratuitous American bashers.

I bash my own country all the time. But there are good and bad acts done by every country around the world.

Blanket American bashing is intellectually dishonest. There is no country or people in the world who have not in some way benefited from America.

If you don't like it, then get off the planet.

However blanket junta bashing is fine by you. It is after all pretty much all you do on this site.

Tell us how much Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and don't forget Vietnam have benefited.

The place for defending American actions is on world news.

how amazing that you could compare the two.

where are you from? Come on, be honest.

Have people in your country ever benefited from the USA?

Has your country ever benefited from a military cant-use-the-d-word-its-illegal-in-thailand-ship?

So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

It seems your ignorance of Thailand extends to your own country.

No sanctions were put in place after the nuclear free declaration.The US did however suspend its treaty obligations to NZ, though now fully restored.

Your reference to the so called war on terror is asinine.It did not exist at the time of Lange's declaration.

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how amazing that you could compare the two.

where are you from? Come on, be honest.

Have people in your country ever benefited from the USA?

Has your country ever benefited from a military cant-use-the-d-word-its-illegal-in-thailand-ship?

So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

and your point is.... ?

The point, both of you, is to show the hypocrisy of the US in sanctioning its friends and allies for anything that they deem not to be in their own selfish interests and that does not fit their view of what others should and should not do.

In the case in point of them attempting to interfere with the way this country is run.

That interference for various trumped up reasons has cost millions of lives around the world in my lifetime and still they carry on as if they are some sort of a squeaky clean god.

Their nose is not so clean that it can be stuck in other peoples or countries business.

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However blanket junta bashing is fine by you. It is after all pretty much all you do on this site.

Tell us how much Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and don't forget Vietnam have benefited.

The place for defending American actions is on world news.

how amazing that you could compare the two.

where are you from? Come on, be honest.

Have people in your country ever benefited from the USA?

Has your country ever benefited from a military cant-use-the-d-word-its-illegal-in-thailand-ship?

So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

It seems your ignorance of Thailand extends to your own country.

No sanctions were put in place after the nuclear free declaration.The US did however suspend its treaty obligations to NZ, though now fully restored.

Your reference to the so called war on terror is asinine.It did not exist at the time of Lange's declaration.

Back with your usual insults I see and in this case ignorance.

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yes, you are playing because creating a proper environment for democracy and elections is clearly not the objective of the Prayuth 'government'.

Citation needed for what you assert as fact, yet which is none.

Oh, never mind. I forgot who I'm asking.

I guess this is similar to your sure-fire assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to Europe, right.

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However blanket junta bashing is fine by you. It is after all pretty much all you do on this site.

Tell us how much Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and don't forget Vietnam have benefited.

The place for defending American actions is on world news.

how amazing that you could compare the two.

where are you from? Come on, be honest.

Have people in your country ever benefited from the USA?

Has your country ever benefited from a military cant-use-the-d-word-its-illegal-in-thailand-ship?

So you don't answer.

However I will tell you something you probably don't know.

The US still has sanctions in place against NZ.

Way back there was PM called David Lange who declared NZ Nuke free, the US took this as a ban on their Nuke powered and armed warships which they refused to either confirm or deny were either Nuke powered or armed (even though the world knew).

They therefore put sanctions in place against a friendly country who was helping them with their so called war on terror.

These sanctions have never been lifted.

It seems your ignorance of Thailand extends to your own country.

No sanctions were put in place after the nuclear free declaration.The US did however suspend its treaty obligations to NZ, though now fully restored.

Your reference to the so called war on terror is asinine.It did not exist at the time of Lange's declaration.

Back with your usual insults I see and in this case ignorance.

Care to point out the matters I got wrong? Thought not.

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yes, you are playing because creating a proper environment for democracy and elections is clearly not the objective of the Prayuth 'government'.

Citation needed for what you assert as fact, yet which is none.

Oh, never mind. I forgot who I'm asking.

I guess this is similar to your sure-fire assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to Europe, right.

the quack is back...

citations? well, not on this forum because websites that report on reality are either blocked in Thailand or would potentially get this site in hot water and / or the poster tossed out.

but we don't need citations, do we Daffy?

First, consider the 'reluctant coup' where instead of continuing with the already military-sponsored 2007 constitution and the elections that it called for in the time of political impasse, there was an 'intervention'.

Second, consider the one-sided political purging. Yeah, there are numbers to back that up and I bet you can find them, too.

Third, look at the hand-picked 'NLA', the hand-picked 'CDC' and see which patsy are writing the new 'constitution'. You're not blind nor are you ignorant, so you will know what I mean.

Fourth, while a new, inclusive constitution would require a lively debate and airing of ideas, martial law is still in place due to excuses of 'national security' and the 'debate' is a farcical one-sided circle jerk.

Fifth, you already know one of the main reasons these nimrods took power and you and I can't actually discuss it, so your feigned belief in the General's sincerity to create a democratic environment is just that - feigned.

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but we don't need citations, do we Daffy?

Don't extrapolate from yourself onto others - you *are* required to back up your assertions with actual sources, lest they be considered fantasy-borne fabrications, particularly since you have a history of such (I need only refer to your insistent assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to European countries - whoops).

You consistently assert lots of nonsense as if it were fact, or quote laws and directives deliberately out of context, to fit your narrative - and consistently ignore most instances when others correct you, or point out that you are wrong.

Face it, you have zero credibility at this point, as you are known to be consistently frothing at the mouth while deionizing the Prayuth government - so, yes, buddy - you ARE required to support your assertions with sources.

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Meanwhile the USA calls plans for late elections 'unwise' and 'unjustified'. That's diplomatic speech for 'bl__dy stupid' and 'not what we want'.

PS please be happy for me. After 12 years of struggling I finally reached 17,000 posts.

Edited by rubl
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but we don't need citations, do we Daffy?

Don't extrapolate from yourself onto others - you *are* required to back up your assertions with actual sources, lest they be considered fantasy-borne fabrications, particularly since you have a history of such (I need only refer to your insistent assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to European countries - whoops).

You consistently assert lots of nonsense as if it were fact, or quote laws and directives deliberately out of context, to fit your narrative - and consistently ignore most instances when others correct you, or point out that you are wrong.

Face it, you have zero credibility at this point, as you are known to be consistently frothing at the mouth while deionizing the Prayuth government - so, yes, buddy - you ARE required to support your assertions with sources.

I'm not 'required' to do anything for you, daffy.

but you already read and understood my post and you know what the truth is.

Play your stupid game of scoring points with some other poster.

quack quack

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but we don't need citations, do we Daffy?

Don't extrapolate from yourself onto others - you *are* required to back up your assertions with actual sources, lest they be considered fantasy-borne fabrications, particularly since you have a history of such (I need only refer to your insistent assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to European countries - whoops).

You consistently assert lots of nonsense as if it were fact, or quote laws and directives deliberately out of context, to fit your narrative - and consistently ignore most instances when others correct you, or point out that you are wrong.

Face it, you have zero credibility at this point, as you are known to be consistently frothing at the mouth while deionizing the Prayuth government - so, yes, buddy - you ARE required to support your assertions with sources.

Prayuth is not as far as I know debarred from travelling to European countries.He is PM of a country with which the EC has had excellent relations, and there has been no break in the working relationships.

But he and his ministers will not be invited over or encouraged to visit, and there will be no face to face meetings at a senior level.Key EC leaders will not visit Thailand.

There could be some exceptions for example if necessary to coordinate on some major terrorism incident.More likely as the time comes to return to democracy and dates set for elections there may be a certain amount of carrot and stick diplomacy.

But there's no getting round the reality that for the Western democracies this is a unwelcome and unacceptable regime.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

but we don't need citations, do we Daffy?

Don't extrapolate from yourself onto others - you *are* required to back up your assertions with actual sources, lest they be considered fantasy-borne fabrications, particularly since you have a history of such (I need only refer to your insistent assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to European countries - whoops).

You consistently assert lots of nonsense as if it were fact, or quote laws and directives deliberately out of context, to fit your narrative - and consistently ignore most instances when others correct you, or point out that you are wrong.

Face it, you have zero credibility at this point, as you are known to be consistently frothing at the mouth while deionizing the Prayuth government - so, yes, buddy - you ARE required to support your assertions with sources.

Prayuth is not as far as I know debarred from travelling to European countries.He is PM of a country with which the EC has had excellent relations, and there has been no break in the working relationships.

But he and his ministers will not be invited over or encouraged to visit, and there will be no face to face meetings at a senior level.Key EC leaders will not visit Thailand.

There could be some exceptions for example if necessary to coordinate on some major terrorism incident.More likely as the time comes to return to democracy and dates set for elections there may be a certain amount of carrot and stick diplomacy.

But there's no getting round the reality that for the Western democracies this is a unwelcome and unacceptable regime.

Just your personal opinion, other may well think differently.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

but we don't need citations, do we Daffy?

Don't extrapolate from yourself onto others - you *are* required to back up your assertions with actual sources, lest they be considered fantasy-borne fabrications, particularly since you have a history of such (I need only refer to your insistent assertion that Prayuth was forbidden to travel to European countries - whoops).

You consistently assert lots of nonsense as if it were fact, or quote laws and directives deliberately out of context, to fit your narrative - and consistently ignore most instances when others correct you, or point out that you are wrong.

Face it, you have zero credibility at this point, as you are known to be consistently frothing at the mouth while deionizing the Prayuth government - so, yes, buddy - you ARE required to support your assertions with sources.

Prayuth is not as far as I know debarred from travelling to European countries.He is PM of a country with which the EC has had excellent relations, and there has been no break in the working relationships.

But he and his ministers will not be invited over or encouraged to visit, and there will be no face to face meetings at a senior level.Key EC leaders will not visit Thailand.

There could be some exceptions for example if necessary to coordinate on some major terrorism incident.More likely as the time comes to return to democracy and dates set for elections there may be a certain amount of carrot and stick diplomacy.

But there's no getting round the reality that for the Western democracies this is a unwelcome and unacceptable regime.

Just your personal opinion, other may well think differently.

No.It is a summary of the position related to me by a senior member of an EC embassy official in Bangkok.

None of it is surprising or controversial,and the main points have been raised publicly.It is not all a matter of opinion as you seem to believe.

Edited by jayboy
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No.It is a summary of the position related to me by a senior member of an EC embassy official in Bangkok.

Considering that you and your friends have a tendency to be quite loose with the truth, your claimed source is quite doubtful, at the very least.

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I'm not 'required' to do anything for you, daffy.

but you already read and understood my post and you know what the truth is.

Play your stupid game of scoring points with some other poster.

quack quack

Cognitive dissonance - it provides wonderful entertaining. That and Dunning-Kruger.

The contortions you go through to avoid losing perceived face are almost Thai-like.

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No.It is a summary of the position related to me by a senior member of an EC embassy official in Bangkok.

Considering that you and your friends have a tendency to be quite loose with the truth, your claimed source is quite doubtful, at the very least.

Don't be a dolt.Every statement on this anonymous forum can be questioned in that way.If however you can demonstrate the EC position on Thailand is other than described, by all means do so.

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No.It is a summary of the position related to me by a senior member of an EC embassy official in Bangkok.

Considering that you and your friends have a tendency to be quite loose with the truth, your claimed source is quite doubtful, at the very least.
Don't be a dolt.Every statement on this anonymous forum can be questioned in that way.If however you can demonstrate the EC position on Thailand is other than described, by all means do so.

As long as you fail to support your claim, I don't have to, particularly since you are demanding to prove a negative. Look that one up.

Until you do, your claim is just another "because I say so" assertion. Furthermore, the statement about Prayuth's travels to Europe is based on tbthailand's earlier 'assured assertion' that Prayuth was banned from travel to Europe -- until he was proven incorrect by pesky facts (notably Prayuth traveling to Europe).

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