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US calls planned Thai poll delay to 2016 'unwise'


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Sorry your google is broken - it's amusing how you folks, when cornered and waning, resort to whining and crying foul to mommy.

It appears that the former implementation of democracy did not work for Thailand, as it was usurped, abused and manipulated by a criminal and his family.

Hence, what is happening right now is the appropriate 'fix' - a suspension of the system, along with a much needed reform, before the system has a chance at a true democratic implementation again.

In economics this would be called a 'correction' - socially, this would be called an 'intervention' - I'm sure you know what these terms are, given that they are English.

As such, Prayuth is performing a much needed intervention in order to prevent the Thai political system from degenerating into something akin to Laos, Cambodia or North Korea. It's unfortunate that your shortsighted interpretation of current events is unable to grasp the much larger pictures that are at stake.

cheesy.gif I presume when you say 'appropriate fix' you are referring to the fix, in that only certain persons can become PM, regardless of what the general populace may want.

I probably agree that they will try and do that, and may succeed, but it will come back to bite them on the ass 10X worse and more violently every time they try and suppress the Thai people's wishes.

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I think USA's government is afriad to lost their piece of big cake because now the current govenment of Thailand just had signed MOU for rice, rubber and also signed contract for speed trains with China then how the USA's government not do something.

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I think USA's government is afriad to lost their piece of big cake because now the current govenment of Thailand just had signed MOU for rice, rubber and also signed contract for speed trains with China then how the USA's government not do something.

You're post has nothing to do with the topic. The USA does not make high speed trains or need rice as they produce as much rice as Thailand anyway. Rubber is available all over. I know you are trying to bash the USA but you need to get your facts straight first. This topic is about elections not international influence. Thai people will be in the elections. The last Thai government that was in favor of the USA left power in 1974 or thereabouts.

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Sorry your google is broken - it's amusing how you folks, when cornered and waning, resort to whining and crying foul to mommy.

It appears that the former implementation of democracy did not work for Thailand, as it was usurped, abused and manipulated by a criminal and his family.

Hence, what is happening right now is the appropriate 'fix' - a suspension of the system, along with a much needed reform, before the system has a chance at a true democratic implementation again.

In economics this would be called a 'correction' - socially, this would be called an 'intervention' - I'm sure you know what these terms are, given that they are English.

As such, Prayuth is performing a much needed intervention in order to prevent the Thai political system from degenerating into something akin to Laos, Cambodia or North Korea. It's unfortunate that your shortsighted interpretation of current events is unable to grasp the much larger pictures that are at stake.

So after Nixon and Reagan, USA should have abandoned their entire political system? If democracy was abandoned in every country as soon as someone or some people at the top acted not in the best interests of the people, democracy would be close to extinct.

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Sorry your google is broken - it's amusing how you folks, when cornered and waning, resort to whining and crying foul to mommy.

It appears that the former implementation of democracy did not work for Thailand, as it was usurped, abused and manipulated by a criminal and his family.

Hence, what is happening right now is the appropriate 'fix' - a suspension of the system, along with a much needed reform, before the system has a chance at a true democratic implementation again.

In economics this would be called a 'correction' - socially, this would be called an 'intervention' - I'm sure you know what these terms are, given that they are English.

As such, Prayuth is performing a much needed intervention in order to prevent the Thai political system from degenerating into something akin to Laos, Cambodia or North Korea. It's unfortunate that your shortsighted interpretation of current events is unable to grasp the much larger pictures that are at stake.

Hmm, considering the 2007 constitution was drafted by the military, following the 2006 coup, any expectation that they will do a proper job now should be low.

The way they are going so far seems to be one of less democracy, judging from their proposed senate that gets more power but will be 100% appointed.

In any case, whatever Thaksin or his family members did, there is nothing like abusing the system like abolishing the constitution and replacing it with your own, coupled with over 7 months of Martial Law. It seems the cure is a placebo.

somehow in daffyduck's universe, a true democratic implementation needs martial law, suspension of human rights like the right to gather and the right to free speech. And it would appear that he views an even less democratic constitution with a more powerful, 100% appointed Senate and other measures to marginalize future elected governments as a 'true' democratic implementation.

You point about low expectations for a proper job this time around was obvious back on May 22nd and recent developments continue to support that perspective.

His view that a less than perfect, but quasi-functioning democratic system would have descended into a system like Laos, et al, is laughable. The fact that the 1997 system represents a democracy that did not work for 'Thailand' could just be re-phrased as a system that did not work for the rich, powerful elite and their allies in the military... That Thaksin was screwed up seems to justify illegally usurping the sovereign rights of Thai people to self-governance. All posters who prefer democracy to military governments just get banally painted with the 'Thaksin-lover' brush. This seems to be the only argument that junta-huggers can muster.

On the other hand, democracy lovers can point to yet another constitution being canned, full-on political suppression, human rights violations, suspension of basic civil liberties, and of course, the violation of a people's right to self-determination.

Yeah, people like us are really missing the 'larger pictures that are at stake'

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tbthailand - Since you are incapable of conceiving any scenarios but your own, abhor providing support for many of your fantasy-borne assertions, refuse to engage in intelligent discussion, and frequently degenerate to every logical fallacy known to man, any further communication with you would seem entirely pointless.

Edited by DaffyDuck
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tbthailand - Since you are incapable of conceiving any scenarios but your own, abhor providing support for many of your fantasy-borne assertions, refuse to engage in intelligent discussion, and frequently degenerate to every logical fallacy known to man, any further communication with you would seem entirely pointless.

1-0 to the Redscheesy.gif Failure rate for Daffy in debates 100%

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So, you admit, at least, to beimg a torch-bearer for the red shirted criminals? At least we finally got that admission - thanks.

Not at all Daffy, i hope those that commit crimes are punished, by the law of the land.

We know that wont happen though because those who portray to reform the country are equally guilty of similar crimes if on a lesser magnitude.

When the law punishes all person for wrong doing i will be the first to applaud, but you know as i do that this will never happen.

You mistake love of one group of people, when really its a dislike of the system, which incidentally has been there for decades and so far again is yet untouched.

Then again we are 7 months into 'reform' and nothing has happened. Again as most people knew, like the X amount of coups 'reforming' before.

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We could be 10 years into reforms, and we could have 90% of problems resolved and eliminated, and you would still whine about 'nothing having changed' and 'not enough being done'. You will attempt to find any excuse to place a negative spin on the situation.

Exactly, we are ONLY 7 months into an intervention aimed at reforming the system. ONLY 7 months. How much would you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?

Edited by DaffyDuck
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We could be 10 years into reforms, and we could have 90% of problems resolved and eliminated, and you would still whine about 'nothing having changed' and 'not enough being done'.

Exactly, we are ONLY 7 months into an intervention aimed at reforming the system. ONLY 7 months. How much would you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?

Did they not say a timeline? Do you want me to dig it out?

So for starters they are liars? Great start.

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Thank you for proving my point.

I also note that you are consistent with your buddies in ignoring questions asked of you:

How much would you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?

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Thank you for proving my point.

I also note that you are consistent with your buddies in ignoring questions asked of you:

How much would you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?

What point has been proven?

In terms of answering your question, as far as I can see, in 7 months they have not reformed anything:

Lottery, tried and failed

Minivans at Victory Monument, okay for a few days and then reverting, failed

Some land reclaim- some success, but selective enforcement and no one punished yet

Cleaning deck chairs of beach- Again some success but completely selective enforcement

In 7 months with a Govt who can do what they want, when they want with no opposition or having to answer to anyone, is this what you would deem acceptable and in line with the reform?

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I think the USA isn't in the position to give recommendations......Instead they should consider to bring their own war criminals to court.
They don't recommend , the say its unwise , and they are 100% right about that.

The USA is 100% wrong.

In what way? Thais are running away from democracy and into the arms of China. The US has long had a defense treaty with Thailand guaranteeing Thailand protection against foreign enemies.

It can't have been a year, can it, since the USA sailed two Nimitz-class aircraft carrier groups through Asia in a show of force when China was threatening Islands belonging to other countries, blocking commercial air routes, and violating fishing rights of smaller countries in the South China Sea?


"LAEM CHABANG, Thailand (NNS) -- Aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), accompanied by guided-missile cruiser Cape St. George (CG 71), departed Laem Chabang, Thailand, Jan. 10, (2012) following a four-day port visit.

While in Thailand, Sailors from the two ships visited with the people of Thailand, experienced the local culture and participated in a series of community service projects (COMSERVs) to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries. " LINK

NOW tell me what the US is to do if China starts bullying again but Thailand has run into its arms? Should the US void the treaty and let China have at it?

The US is a long time ally of Thailand and the second largest buyer of Thai exports after Japan. Japan is an ally of the USA.

It will be shown that Thailand is screwing the pooch.

I hope that if a certain person finds himself chomped in the jaws of China that the USA sits back and lets it happen. China is vastly underestimated as a crocodile.

Hehe well perhaps thais saw that great show of US strength was just a show only. Not real and apparently did nothing to stop China from doing and taking what they wanted. Thai has a long history of taking no permenant action to taking sides. They go with who is winning.
The US is basically bankrupt and the Chinese don't know what to do with their excessive cash. I know who I would pick as a friend. :)
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In terms of answering your question, as far as I can see, in 7 months they have not reformed anything:

That was NOT the question - and thus you continue to confirm your consistent evading of simple questions, ie your consistent non-answering of questions.

In 7 months with a Govt who can do what they want, when they want with no opposition or having to answer to anyone, is this what you would deem acceptable and in line with the reform?

It is truly amazing how ignorant and generally naive you appear.

I didn't ask you what they have not achieved, I specifically asked you "How much WOULD you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?"

Do you need any further help with reading comprehension? Is English perhaps not your native language?

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One thing I've noticed about some (im)Posters on TV Forum is they'll spout simplistic opinions for hours on end, ridicule anyone who disagrees with them, and generally foster divisiveness, cynicism and a lower level of public dialogue on just about every topic. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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I think USA's government is afriad to lost their piece of big cake because now the current govenment of Thailand just had signed MOU for rice, rubber and also signed contract for speed trains with China then how the USA's government not do something.

I hope the Kingdom just does not turn into a willing Vassal State of The People's Republic of China. Imagine for a moment, that decisions for Thailand's future will be made in Beijing and not in Bangkok. Hey you know, "Up to You!"

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I specifically asked you "How much WOULD you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?"

Truly a good question but not the topic and if it was the topic not answerable given the current guidelines of Thai Visa.

I would like to know what changes have been made to the FBA in the past 7 months as that would be easy to determine and change but again it would be off topic.

So my answer to you is that anyone could answer your question but it would be off topic and outside the new Thai Visa Guidelines which are "Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed."

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I specifically asked you "How much WOULD you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?"

Truly a good question but not the topic and if it was the topic not answerable given the current guidelines of Thai Visa.

It *is* the topic, since you made the topic your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months - it, of course, comes as no surprise that you instead choose to run away, deflect, and attempt to bury the subject.

The question can be very easily and intelligently answered without any violation of TV guidelines, and you know it. Alternatively, you could choose to take your answer to PM, which you would also categorically refuse to do. As usual.

Makes you wonder how much you people are interested in real discussion, and truth, or just in carrying the Thaksin Torch, doesn't it?

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Seems like the US is ut of touch with how much of a mess this country's in. Right now the only option is a fake democracy at some point down the line. A real democracy would need enough capable and relatively decent people to hold responsibilities and sadly it seems those people haven't even been born yet.

I am no fan of US foreign policy or their meddling in other countries affairs, but to suggest they would be out of touch with the situation is the country is complete rubbish.

I am 100% positive they have far more inside knowledge than you, i or anyone else on this forum into the inner workings of what is going on at the moment. I am sure people are in regular dialogue to all manner of high up people, and have been for decades.

They have regular one on ones with all types of military, political and business personnel, from across political divides.

I agree 100%

The unfortunate fact is that the US knows everything BUT act only to serve itself and destroy what it does not fancy.

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I specifically asked you "How much WOULD you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?"

Truly a good question but not the topic and if it was the topic not answerable given the current guidelines of Thai Visa.

It *is* the topic, since you made the topic your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months - it, of course, comes as no surprise that you instead choose to run away, deflect, and attempt to bury the subject.

The question can be very easily and intelligently answered without any violation of TV guidelines, and you know it. Alternatively, you could choose to take your answer to PM, which you would also categorically refuse to do. As usual.

Makes you wonder how much you people are interested in real discussion, and truth, or just in carrying the Thaksin Torch, doesn't it?

Stop editing my posts to change their meaning please. Play by the rules and everyone will get along better.

I wrote, "Truly a good question but not the topic and if it was the topic not answerable given the current guidelines of Thai Visa.

I would like to know what changes have been made to the FBA in the past 7 months as that would be easy to determine and change but again it would be off topic.

So my answer to you is that anyone could answer your question but it would be off topic and outside the new Thai Visa Guidelines which are "Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed."

You wrote, "It *is* the topic, since you made the topic your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months - it, of course, comes as no surprise that you instead choose to run away, deflect, and attempt to bury the subject.

The question can be very easily and intelligently answered without any violation of TV guidelines, and you know it. Alternatively, you could choose to take your answer to PM, which you would also categorically refuse to do. As usual.

Makes you wonder how much you people are interested in real discussion, and truth, or just in carrying the Thaksin Torch, doesn't it?

Answer to your post. 1. I did not write, "your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months"

2. I can't change a topic at will.

3. This topic has never been about Thaksin and I believe a number of posts were removed for trying to turn it into another anti Thaksin rant.

4. Why don't you try and get back on topic which is, "US calls planned Thai poll delay to 2016 'unwise' "

5. I for one am tired of you trying to turn every post into an anti Thaksin diatribe he has been gone for 10 years, get over it.

Edited by thailiketoo
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