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Because they have been conned into believing marriage is the done, conventional, thing and to live with a woman out of wedlock is sinful.

Religion has a big part in this as do mothers who after all are female and marriage is something that gives a woman a legal hold over a man.

As in; he's mine now, hands off.

Men are suckers for this as they have mostly been brought up to expect to meet the perfect girl (for them) fall in love, marry and live happily ever after.

Woman take advantage of this, particularly the love bit where a man is besotted with their charms and other bodily parts and easily falls for the marry me darling.........

Works for some but ends in tears for others.

nobody conned anybody pal. sounds like you chose a bad one.

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There are nice girls here too. They are not all after your cash.

Marriage anywhere in the world involves sharing of resources. There's nothing wrong with that, so long as both sides are happy with what they are putting into and getting out of the relationship.

One sided relationships often happen when a man falls in love with a bar girl. Once the novelty of her beauty wears off, he often realises that they are both very different, and that he has nothing in common with her. He then starts to count the cost, and resent the fact that he is spending all his money on her and her family.

There are exceptions off course, but if an educated man from the western world were to marry a pole dancer who had no education, the result may be the same.

True, I guess, but nowadays pole dancers can be highly educated, even graduating from The Academy


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I got married because I loved my former girlfriend and for the benefit of our children.

Some older divorced guys want to give it another go and don't wait long enough to suss out the whole situation or can afford to have a wild, exciting drama in their later years.


I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

another orgasm addiction! cool.

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I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition


I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition

Who are you to judge him? Although many girls in Thailand are not prostitutes in case you are unaware, those that are, base their choice of clientele on a lot more than their attractiveness. Such superficiality and rudeness for Christmas morning!

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Just because many believes that live with a special and loyal woman is most rewarding and safer than dating dozens of one night standers....Getting married or not do not make any difference...If do...the woman may be not that special or loyal to live with.....


I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition

Good to read that we at least will not get a sociopath as poster of the year.Could you analyze the 4 main contenders of the competition and report your points of view about them.

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Group1 -They are wasted and old farang desperate to stay in Thailand. So they shack up with some old crone for the marriage visa so they can run a bar easier etc. Even that doesn't give you any citizenship and could end up being changed. Yet they steam ahead anyway with the house and 'land' they think they own. Go figure. I don't think many last, but TV would have you believe otherwise.

Group 2 - Another is they seem to think they are 'superior' farang with their trendy post-modern thinking putting them ahead of the curve. Some liken the effect that China is going to be the new superpower and they should ingratiate themselves to Asians with kids etc. This is often the younger farang, often British usually.

Now it used to be they wouldn't actually be stupid enough to knock up the local birds with kids. That was very unusual back in the 1990s and even the early 2000s. Yet nowadays with the liberal brainwashing and cultural marxism in full-swing more have fallen for this.

Apart from some Thai Visa posters who seem either immune to such things nearly ALL the farang I've known married to Thai women have ended up either dead, divorced or abandoned. Sometimes with the kids dumped on him!

The remaining one farang is in an unhappy marriage with his wife denying him any comfort in the bedroom (I've even heard he has to sleep on the floor)!!!

Thank my lucky stars I didn't fall for their BS and claptrap.

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I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition

Actually he is totally telling it like it is, I've a lot of time for Uly, even if we don't see eye to eye on everything.

Without either money, dominance or charm you are nothing to a woman, Asian or European. The Asian women put the preference on money first and foremost.

For marriage if you have a steady pension coming in you are gold-plated as far as these women are concerned, purely because of the never-never income they get each month.

Some may be diamonds but they are one in a hundred-thousand typically.

You owe it to your family back home not to waste your heritage.


I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition

Who are you to judge him? Although many girls in Thailand are not prostitutes in case you are unaware, those that are, base their choice of clientele on a lot more than their attractiveness. Such superficiality and rudeness for Christmas morning!

i am me and free to judge any that i please. most girls in thailand are not prostititues so you are correct there. but i never stated that - did i? if you find my stating facts rude - well i care not. the fact that you think a person who openly states that all he has ever wanted is to screw around as much as possible as accceptable and moral behavior, yet invoke christmas morning as some kind of rebucke is simply too odd to contemplate

good christian are you or simply superficially rightious when convenient


Group1 -They are wasted and old farang desperate to stay in Thailand. So they shack up with some old crone for the marriage visa so they can run a bar easier etc. Even that doesn't give you any citizenship and could end up being changed. Yet they steam ahead anyway with the house and 'land' they think they own. Go figure. I don't think many last, but TV would have you believe otherwise.

Group 2 - Another is they seem to think they are 'superior' farang with their trendy post-modern thinking putting them ahead of the curve. Some liken the effect that China is going to be the new superpower and they should ingratiate themselves to Asians with kids etc. This is often the younger farang, often British usually.

Now it used to be they wouldn't actually be stupid enough to knock up the local birds with kids. That was very unusual back in the 1990s and even the early 2000s. Yet nowadays with the liberal brainwashing and cultural marxism in full-swing more have fallen for this.

Apart from some Thai Visa posters who seem either immune to such things nearly ALL the farang I've known married to Thai women have ended up either dead, divorced or abandoned. Sometimes with the kids dumped on him!

The remaining one farang is in an unhappy marriage with his wife denying him any comfort in the bedroom (I've even heard he has to sleep on the floor)!!!

Thank my lucky stars I didn't fall for their BS and claptrap.

amazing how so many of your friends and aquaintances are losers. kinda makes me wonder

Not all, some were losers yes, they'd come here to try and get out of the loser-zone. Others were noble and decent types who became corrupted and twisted by playing 'lets pretend its fairytales and families'. Well when they cast the pearls before the swine they didn't realize they were putting stone into sand. After a few years it all goes slanted and pearshaped. The folks back in the day had the right idea; either keep your trousers on, or keep your trousers 'quiet'.

What you did not do was pretend you could copy the western ideal of marriage and transplant it to an Asian one. So many end up derelict, jailed or just destroyed because of their mental-delusion to maintaining an unsustainable dream etc.

Ok I've encountered thousands of farangs and only one has had a lasting marriage, even that isn't happy. His missus is a lady of leisure who utterly shuts him out of things, especially the marital bedroom so to speak. He isn't some loser either, she was from a merchant-background and not Isaan or a bargirl. His kids he dotes upon (not his missus who doesn't relate to them). His kids themselves suffer from cultural disconnect - they don't know what their identity is. That's another little gem many farang don't realize they are getting when they have kids. And he is one of the luckier ones!

Most of them do not even come on Thai Visa, if they did they might get a chance to step back. This is another reason the posters on here with their muddled half-half kids are the exception (if at all) than the rule. I know this isn't nice to read at Christmas, but we're in Asia, not Europe or the USA so some tough love is needed. :)

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I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition

Actually he is totally telling it like it is, I've a lot of time for Uly, even if we don't see eye to eye on everything.

Without either money, dominance or charm you are nothing to a woman, Asian or European. The Asian women put the preference on money first and foremost.

For marriage if you have a steady pension coming in you are gold-plated as far as these women are concerned, purely because of the never-never income they get each month.

Some may be diamonds but they are one in a hundred-thousand typically.

You owe it to your family back home not to waste your heritage.

nonsense! one in a hundred thousand!! feel free to provide your source for that silly statement

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Because they have been conned into believing marriage is the done, conventional, thing and to live with a woman out of wedlock is sinful.

Religion has a big part in this as do mothers who after all are female and marriage is something that gives a woman a legal hold over a man.

As in; he's mine now, hands off.

Men are suckers for this as they have mostly been brought up to expect to meet the perfect girl (for them) fall in love, marry and live happily ever after.

Woman take advantage of this, particularly the love bit where a man is besotted with their charms and other bodily parts and easily falls for the marry me darling.........

Works for some but ends in tears for others.

Have you ever noticed the voice as well? Some of them really put on a fake-voice at first to try and enhance the charm factor. Unless she has a fair voice to start with some of them sound like real growlers. lol.

But back on topic, the movies and adverts are partly to blame, young folks are more vulnerable to such things.


Age comes into it, if you are young why get married,

I have chosen, yes chosen to marry a few times, no women you are in a relationship with, is less a person than the one you chose to marry and then divorce, are you saying western women are worth committing to, but Asian women are not.

I am happy and content in the marriage I am in now, be it my wife is better, easier, or more understanding than my previous wives, or is it i reached the age when i married this time, where i was mature enough, or stable enough or just at the stage in my life where i was ready. Who wants to spend old age alone, or changing women along with the bed sheets.

How can anyone say I married once that's enough for me never again, what would have happened if the wright brothers gave up after the first crash, or Alexander Graham Bell gave up after the first telephone call wasn't connected


The getting married part should be obvious, but like you, I find this need to reproduce when one is old a very strange thing indeed. Perhaps they do it because the wife insists ( securing her ATM ), and they won't stand up for themselves.

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I don't get it either - unless you want kids. All I have ever wanted to do is screw around as much as possible, with as many different beautiful women as possible, and not feel guilty about it. I have discovered that it does not work without money, but being married does not either.

you mean prostitutes. you sound like a 101 sociopath. i doubt very much that the woman you 'screw' find you at all attractive. maybe even repulsive. however your sociopathy will desensitize you to this.

PS the main trait of a socipath is lack of empathy/guilt. so your life style is well suited to your disposition

Who are you to judge him? Although many girls in Thailand are not prostitutes in case you are unaware, those that are, base their choice of clientele on a lot more than their attractiveness. Such superficiality and rudeness for Christmas morning!

Putting it another way, how many are not prostitutes?

Some of the younger farang idiots may land the occasional uni. student, but most are from the prostitute scene. This is part of the reason immigration makes it very difficult for permanent residency.

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