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Prayut lambastes paper that picks on him

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He doesn't buy the paper himself, someone gets it for him ?

Did he imagine we thought he pops down to 7/11 each morning to buy his paper and a packet of fags?.



He doesn't buy the paper himself, someone gets it for him ?

Did he imagine we thought he pops down to 7/11 each morning to buy his paper and a packet of fags?.


I did, along with a pork pie, The Racing Post and a few tinnies, in his slippers and dressing gown...

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Some suggestions to lighten your load:

"I don't want to read it (the paper) because I become angry when I read it and this casts me in a negative light" - you are the PM, you can decide not to read it!

"Prayut said he did not want to buy this kind of paper but that it was always brought to him to read" - you are the PM, you can terminate the employment of this ignominious daily paper fetcher!

"I don't know what's wrong with the paper." - you are the PM, you can convene a panel of experts to find out all that's wrong with this paper!

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Can't have free thinking or free will here. No open discussions like most mature societies. Becoming a lot like North Korea I think. I hope it doesn't get worse.

Oh la la, lèse militaire as well as that other one. Yes, Thailand will never join the rest of the developed world until truly free expression becomes the NORM. I can't directly agree with the N Korea example quoted because here, it's always been this way - meaning it's basically medieval.

It's time to grow up and join the rest of the free-speaking world. The sky will not fall, but will be brighter for it.


Looks like this man needs to grow a thicker skin. A real mans skin. One would think that a man who rises to the level of a general and the top dog in the army would have a pretty thick skin already. Apparently not. I might suggest he spend a few months in New York. Or on the battle front. Or anywhere a man can really be allowed to man up, and do what men do, and that is to not allow the tiniest little criticisms to offend them. Water off a ducks back baby. Does the world allow your demeanor to be reduced, or does a man allow his demeanor to be reduced?

Wow, if that is how you feel about the PM for "lambasting" one newspaper for criticizing him, I cannot imagine how you must have felt about Thaksin taking legal action against several newspapers who had the audacity to criticize him.


It's perfectly obvious who I was referring to.Concentrate.

In the face of inexcusable behaviour, there is always a tendency for some to invoke Thaksin's abuses as though this somehow excised their foolishness.It doesn't really make any sense because all reasonable observers would roundly condemn Thaksin's media intimidation as they would that of the current unelected government.

The contrast I emphasized was between (1) those who now grovel uncritically before the unelected government and whine at unfair press treatment (2) took a completely opposite position when an unmuzzled press criticised the Yingluck government.

Some seem to be oblivious of their hypocrisy and dishonesty, so brainwashed they have become.

.............."those who now grovel uncritically before the unelected government and whine at unfair press treatment".....................

Please give examples of "those who now grovel uncritically before the unelected government and whine at unfair press treatment".

The op is about the PM lambasting one newspaper for criticizing him. Who are these other people you mention ? Name them or admit you have nothing.

Your last sentence sums up your crown beautifully, can I use it ?


Looks like this man needs to grow a thicker skin. A real mans skin. One would think that a man who rises to the level of a general and the top dog in the army would have a pretty thick skin already. Apparently not. I might suggest he spend a few months in New York. Or on the battle front. Or anywhere a man can really be allowed to man up, and do what men do, and that is to not allow the tiniest little criticisms to offend them. Water off a ducks back baby. Does the world allow your demeanor to be reduced, or does a man allow his demeanor to be reduced?

Wow, if that is how you feel about the PM for "lambasting" one newspaper for criticizing him, I cannot imagine how you must have felt about Thaksin taking legal action against several newspapers who had the audacity to criticize him.

But Thaksin, but Thaksincheesy.gif you see the irony in your 'but thaksin', when you are the ultimate in crying about the 'but suthep' crowd.

Bad times for you on TVF at the moment mate, Govt unraveling, old alliances falling away, joe public starting to see through the current BS about reform etc etc

Gee smutty, don't you understand ? I had to use Thaksin as an example, he was the only one I knew of who took newspapers to court for criticizing him.

And not bad times for me at all on TVF, where is the PTP these days and who are they screwing ? cheesy.gif


The point he may be making is that some journalists see their role as wall-to-wall criticism. Some journalists make an art of negativity and do not mention/stress/point out the positive things. Constructive criticism is obviously important but destructive criticism is a bit weary. I think it may have something to do with journalists trying to be noticed, trying to be more radical than their colleagues, trying to be holier than thou or simply trying too hard. Perhaps they're trying to build a career in which case truth, honesty and intelligence takes a back seat. I have some sympathy for dear leader.

You may or may not have noticed but that goes for many posters on here, in fact more so in some cases.

Was that a criticism?


Why an unnamed newspaper?

If it is printing lies then Chief of the NCPO and PM Prayuth should file a defamation suit against it and/or jail the offenders for endangeriing national security by creating conflict for the Thai people. The Junta has gone after TV news media and internet sites for simply offering inuendoes and rumors. But this unnamed newspaper picks on the General EVERY DAY on EVERY PAGE. Oh my goodness, General strike back with all your powers.



The PM's background history is military. He has been trained to give orders without being questioned. It is worrying for the country that no-one appears to be able to get him to understand that other citizens have an equal right to express an opinion without fear of incarceration and 'thought readjustment'.

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Maybe Prayut should tackle it this way. Newspapers considered “critical” of the government can have their advertisements pulled, first by the advertising agency owned by Prayut family members, then later by state enterprises under government control. Toeing the government line could bring financial rewards. “Friendly” newspapers could be pleasantly surprised by the increased advertisements from business concerns related to the country’s CEO’s empire. It worked for thaksin.

Besides, I thought bad military Junta's just shut down newspapers that complain. I thought that bad military Juntas arrested the staff of these papers? Nope? None of that here. What does this ex military PM do?Lodges a complaint with the press association. How refreshingly democratic.

And for him to complain it seems that freedom of the press is alive and well.

The doom and gloomers must hate this.

You want censorship? Australia and decent Australians would never tolerate let alone advocate this - time to hand in your passport Dj.


Egotistical, megalomanical, despotic self-obsessed, self-serving, rogue ex-military officers who illegally and unjustly seize power from the people, are rarely portrayed in a favourable light. Get used to it bro.

Hysterical mis-use of adjectives 101 ! cheesy.gif

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Egotistical, megalomanical, despotic self-obsessed, self-serving, rogue ex-military officers who illegally and unjustly seize power from the people, are rarely portrayed in a favourable light. Get used to it bro.

Hysterical mis-use of adjectives 101 ! cheesy.gif

Hysterical misunderstanding of factual post 101! cheesy.gif

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Imagine if there was actually press freedom and they could write the truth!

Wouldn't that be lovely ? But would that prevent people suing newspapers for libel ?

And I believe a lot of the PM's detractors are also supporters of Thaksin, not all but a lot. So it made me laugh when I stumbled across this quote from a story about TS when he ruled Thailand - "Thaksin's government was accused of exerting political influence in its crackdown on unlicensed community radio stations, and Thaksin brought massive defamation suits against critical journalists."


You seem to believe that two wrongs make a right - they don't. Besides I thought that Prayuth and his band of thugs were here to improve things not just copy the worst of Thaksin whilst wearing a different coloured shirt. Is it really so hard for you to admit a single fault with this illegal PM and his Junta? As time goes on it is going to get harder and harder for you to distort and contort yourself into whatever shape or form that's necessary to defend these creeps. You've already thrown reason and logic out the window - but that will only get you so far.

I don't defend the junta, I just attack the Shin regime and anyone who is associated with it, redshirts etc, because I love Thailand and hate what these evil cretins have done to it.

I wish there was no junta, that a truly democratically elected government was in power, not a pack of criminals who buy votes to win power, lie to the people and take the country for all they can get, in the name of Democracy.

As I said I do not defend the actions of the junta but I have stated many times on TVF that I would rather see The Three Stooges, the KGB and the Gestapo running the country than anyone tarred with the Shin brush.

How are those sour grapes going by the way ? cheesy.gif

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The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

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