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Why is Thailand such a success compared to the Philippines?

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It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

I really don't believe the politics are holding Thailand back. The rest of the world have seen that there is not an effort to become the next North Korea and the Junta is busy setting up principals that will allow Thailand to return to Democracy. The difference being it will be a much more open Democracy.

The things that the other countries are saying are things they have no choice in they have to. But behind closed doors they are approving of the changes.

People have a tendency to be narrow minded. They look at the situation as it is in Thailand. Failing to realize that outside countries have an influence on the economy. MNost of them have economies that are in trouble also. They do not how ever have a government striving to improve it with a more transparent government. I am not saying Thailand is transparent in every thing it does but just look around you at the open declarations of corruption made by the government against people in high places. No longer sweeping them under the rug.

Also Thailand from the point of view of a traveler is a much safer country to travel in. When the world economy recovers Thailand will find them selves in a very excellent position. Burma is many years down the line before they will be sound enough to attract major industries.


Well, don't you love these comments made by these pseudo economic experts and imitative political scientists...

And, what on earth is "a much more open Democracy"?


It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

I really don't believe the politics are holding Thailand back. The rest of the world have seen that there is not an effort to become the next North Korea and the Junta is busy setting up principals that will allow Thailand to return to Democracy. The difference being it will be a much more open Democracy.

The things that the other countries are saying are things they have no choice in they have to. But behind closed doors they are approving of the changes.

People have a tendency to be narrow minded. They look at the situation as it is in Thailand. Failing to realize that outside countries have an influence on the economy. MNost of them have economies that are in trouble also. They do not how ever have a government striving to improve it with a more transparent government. I am not saying Thailand is transparent in every thing it does but just look around you at the open declarations of corruption made by the government against people in high places. No longer sweeping them under the rug.

Also Thailand from the point of view of a traveler is a much safer country to travel in. When the world economy recovers Thailand will find them selves in a very excellent position. Burma is many years down the line before they will be sound enough to attract major industries.

There is no government or theoretical model of government which could dig the Philippines out of its current hole due to many insurmountable problems I mentioned in a previous post. Sometimes things are broke beyond fixing. Being a president here would be one of the world's most difficult jobs. The current president has had enough and has decided to stand aside and not contest the next federal election, and who could blame him.

The Philippines is really like the wild, wild west. It's a bunch of islands which basically run autonomously. Law and order is usually handled locally with no interference from a federal justice system. Rich families run the show and you can't tackle them unless you want to end up dead. If someone in my town does something wrong, they're locked up until the local police decide they've learnt their lesson, or until someone can pay for their release. I've never seen a Federal presence on my island, ever.


You're welcome and thanks for giving me a very good reason to come down on these ignorant fools. Filipinos read and post here too, and I hope more of you will stick up for yourselves and not put up with these insults.

You can bet your bottom dollar that if people start using derogatory terms for Thais many people will be angry and perhaps the posts will be deleted.

I completely agree with you. In many posts the word lie is replaced with Thai and I think that is just as derogatory. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/760437-dont-thai-to-me/


It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

I know many Filipinos that will disagree with you , the people I know work really hard , one of the best people you can hire as crew on ships , the Filipino teachers I know working in Bangkok are not more lazy than the Thai teachers, thats for sure.

Yes they do have the work ethics in Phills , but they also struggle with poverty and corruption everywhere.

A great number of Filipinos/Filipinas serve in The US military (mainly the Navy). I was amazed at the number of Navy Corpsmen who were Filipino. Navy Corpsmen serve as Medics for the US Marines. They are the ones saving the lives of the Marines in Combat. Not such a lazy job.

No more in the Navy as well as any other armed force of the US after the 1991 fiasco and there demand for billions of dollars to rent Subic and Clark Airforce Base that program was suspended.Even though most Filipinos had a college degree they entered the US Navy as a stewardsmate and served as officers cooks and cleaners after their first 6 years they could change rates to another field usually storekeepers but into other rates. Probably some became corpman but in my 26 year career never saw one .

Not surprising, given that foreign enlistees must hold a green card prior to application to join.


I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

in an other words, you like women with low self esteem

No, I didn't say that.

All the Filipino women I've met try to act like something they're not. Thai girls are just themselves. Understand the difference?

philly my boyo.... seems to me you are 3.5 inches from being a pedo-pete. like them docile & cute do ya ? climb back up on that barstool, put your seat belt on and hope no one knows it was you that blurted out that trash. stick to posting about hip & knee replacements, best hosiptals,the local 7-11 & wonderful places to have 35bht lunches. do not talk about any woman, you shame yourself :-)
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I was going to reply something similar but you beat me to it;) Anyway, thank you and it's appreciated.As a Filipina, even if I wasn't brought up in the PI...I'm tired of people giving ignorant comments as if they know everything.On the other hand, I appreciate those who give constructive criticisms and points out the truth in an intelligent manner.If only others would do the same.We can criticize one another without being disrespectful.

I fully agree. Btw did you get the chance to reply to my question where you were said to me:

"You can do some research to get a better idea but then again ignorance is a bliss;p"

Even though you were not brought up in the PI as a fairly long term (possibly ignorant) resident of the country I'm still very interested to hear from you about the Philppine Manufacturing industry and what in particular industries you feel are doing well.


Location.... Location.... Location......whistling.gif

The dozens of tribes living on many idyllic small southwest Pacific islands (now the Philippines) didn't ask to be colonized by oppressors (Spanish) and forced to form a single nation and adopt their religion (they tried very hard not to and killed Magellan on his first visit)... and then in later years (only 50 years ago) forced to speak one national language (there are over one hundred). In many ways, even to this day, this has failed and the Philippines is not one cohesive nation. You may be surprised to learn that most Manila residents don't have a clue what is going on in the rest of the country, neither do they care. They actually consider Visayans and others to be inferior and poke fun at them (unless they become famous like Manny Pacquiao.smile.png). I know this first hand as my wife is Visayan.

To this day there are significant cultural differences between the different ethnic groups on different islands. Manila is like a different world to people living on the island where I'm currently located. It's not like you can just hop on a bus or train to get around the country. Ferries can take 24 hours or longer...and even they are not cheap. Most people live and die in the little area of the Philippines where they were born and they never have the opportunity (money) to travel.

There probably isn't a more fragmented population in the world in any country (Indonesia could be a contender)....let alone in a population of over 100 million, the 12th most populous nation on Earth.

As you say, "Location..Location...Location". This location cannot support the huge population. Nobody is doing anything wrong - the problems are unsolvable.

Which reminds me of something my wise elderly mother told me not so long ago. I was trying to explain how tough life is over here and she said "why don't they leave".biggrin.png (she was a Dutch immigrant, so she figures she did it in the 1950's so why can't they). Does anyone want to take on 50 million poor Philippines? Hands up please.


Flips call each other flips.

Do they? I have never heard anyone besides ignorant forum members here using the word.

I did find this from the Urban dictionary:

originally a deragatory termed used for filipinos by US soldiers. FLIP = <deleted> little island people.
if you were a true filipino, you won't kep referring to yourself as "flip". but instead, call yourselves pinoy/pinay or spell out filipino. be proud of your culture.


the shortened & rearranged term for filipino.

Flip - "Funny (or <deleted>) Little (or Looking) Island People".

Our ancestors were named flips from the Americans as in insult. Just like how they called the african american's niggers. Remember when the whites were seperated from the blacks? it happened to the Filipinos too. They even tried banning the Filipino's from migrating to the US.


rgs2001uk said, "Strange he forgot to mention such basket cases as, Spain, Portugal Italy or Eire, all living on EU handouts"

Well, rgs2001uk, you seem to have missed the point. Bonobo is arguing Catholicism is not a detrimental aspect of Philippine progress by citing successful Catholic countries. How would mentioning the unsuccessful ones bolster his argument?


rgs2001uk said, "Strange he forgot to mention such basket cases as, Spain, Portugal Italy or Eire, all living on EU handouts"

Well, rgs2001uk, you seem to have missed the point. Bonobo is arguing Catholicism is not a detrimental aspect of Philippine progress by citing successful Catholic countries. How would mentioning the unsuccessful ones bolster his argument?

High birth rates don't help a country that does not need many workers. Low birth rates don't help a country that needs many workers. If a religion is part of that problem then it's part of the problem.


Vietnam war and American investment and infrastructure also opening up to other countries as an investment and tourism hub in asia. Thailand has been very lucky due to us and other western nations involvement. They claim they were never colonized but they reaped the benefits of being colonized. Now they will find it harder with their neighbors who will eventually surpass them such as Ph, Vietnman.


So why do pilipinos like eating Thai and Chinese cuisine rather than their own "pak pak"?

Some people like crap fish battered and cooked in pig fat. No accounting for taste. Spanish cuisine has done very well when mixed with native or African food such as Cuba, Mexico and Texas. I really don't know what happened to the Philippines. Although one mustn't forget that the most successful restaurant chain in the world also serves stuff that any rational human would not eat.


It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

How true!


Vietnam war and American investment and infrastructure also opening up to other countries as an investment and tourism hub in asia. Thailand has been very lucky due to us and other western nations involvement. They claim they were never colonized but they reaped the benefits of being colonized. Now they will find it harder with their neighbors who will eventually surpass them such as Ph, Vietnman.

I thought Malaysia was always ahead of Thailand.


So why do pilipinos like eating Thai and Chinese cuisine rather than their own "pak pak"?

Seriously,why are you asking such dumb questions?

A lot of Filipino food have Chinese influence and what's wrong w liking other cuisines?Don't worry we still eat pak pak and we don't mind eating human beings like you too;)

  • Like 1
I was going to reply something similar but you beat me to it;) Anyway, thank you and it's appreciated.As a Filipina, even if I wasn't brought up in the PI...I'm tired of people giving ignorant comments as if they know everything.On the other hand, I appreciate those who give constructive criticisms and points out the truth in an intelligent manner.If only others would do the same.We can criticize one another without being disrespectful.

I fully agree. Btw did you get the chance to reply to my question where you were said to me:

"You can do some research to get a better idea but then again ignorance is a bliss;p"

Even though you were not brought up in the PI as a fairly long term (possibly ignorant) resident of the country I'm still very interested to hear from you about the Philppine Manufacturing industry and what in particular industries you feel are doing well.

If you are waiting for me to give you a long list of answer to your question, well buddy we are going to be both disappointed...the very reason why I told you ignorance is bliss.However, there are some manufacturing companies like San Miguel,Boysen(paint),and smaller companies manufacturing coconut oil,fire arms,cigarettes and tech-gadgets which are doing well.At the same time maybe "doing well" is not good enough.

If the Philippines has big numbers of manufacturing companies which are successful,do you think the country will reach this point?


So why do pilipinos like eating Thai and Chinese cuisine rather than their own "pak pak"?

They don't prefer Thai and Chinese food... You're doing it again - using any excuse to insult Filipinos.

They always prefer their own food, as do most nations on earth - that's perfectly normal. Obviously when they travel it's difficult to find Filipino food, isn't it... point me to the nearest Filipino restaurant in Thailand.

There is also a big infusion of Chinese cuisine into Philippine cuisine due to the size and influence of the Chinese resident communites, both now and over the past centuries, so it is quite natural that they would enjoy many Chinese dishes.

In places like the US where there are large Filipino communities you'll always find them cooking up their own food, provided they can find the right ingredient, which is not always easy.

My wife has experienced all the "best" cuisines the world has to offer but never loses the desire for her own food - food which I don't personally eat.

Cuisine varies a lot from one part of the Philippines to another. There are huge regional differences around the Philippines. There is no one cuisine.

Insulting a nation's food taste is the height of ignorance. People always have a taste for what they grew up with.

How about saying something about Thais eating cockroaches and scorpions.


Some posts have been removed:

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

  • Like 1

rgs2001uk said, "Strange he forgot to mention such basket cases as, Spain, Portugal Italy or Eire, all living on EU handouts"

Well, rgs2001uk, you seem to have missed the point. Bonobo is arguing Catholicism is not a detrimental aspect of Philippine progress by citing successful Catholic countries. How would mentioning the unsuccessful ones bolster his argument?

High birth rates don't help a country that does not need many workers. Low birth rates don't help a country that needs many workers. If a religion is part of that problem then it's part of the problem.

Here's an interesting prediction I read:


"In particular, he forecast a large decline in the Chinese workforce, irrespective of the removal of the one-child policy.

"Due to a skewed gender ratio, we found that China no longer has enough child-bearing age women to stabilize its population," he said.

(Read more: India's secret weapon: Its young population)

As China's population declines, Deutsche Bank said that countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and India will become key players in the global workforce, while the United States will continue to experience a growing work pool into the 2050s."

Perhaps the Philippines has a secret weapon. Imagine if it became a world powerhouse in 30 years or so.


Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

"Bangkok is a first world city". Really? Have you been there?

Certainly Manila is very rough, but that doesn't make Bangkok first world. It isn't by a long shot.


Here's an interesting prediction I read:


"In particular, he forecast a large decline in the Chinese workforce, irrespective of the removal of the one-child policy.

"Due to a skewed gender ratio, we found that China no longer has enough child-bearing age women to stabilize its population," he said.

(Read more: India's secret weapon: Its young population)

As China's population declines, Deutsche Bank said that countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and India will become key players in the global workforce, while the United States will continue to experience a growing work pool into the 2050s."

Perhaps the Philippines has a secret weapon. Imagine if it became a world powerhouse in 30 years or so.

The secret weapon is the extremely high birth rate. I was in a McDonalds this morning (the one that's just 5 minutes from the Deutsche Bank call center) and it looked like the average age was about 12. If not for the BPO industry there would be very little work for the educated Filipinos. As it is they spend 4 years at school and end up answering phones.

As for the school system in PI. I know it's not that great in Thailand but what I witnessed first hand for 4 years while a friend attended one of the top 5 Universities in Manila was beyond belief.

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