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Minister Amnuay shocked by rubber planter's suicide

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and this is facts?this is a tale dont make me laugh

the rice farmers committed suicide because yl didnt pay them yet she kept promising to so they were led down the garden path by her and the ptp govt. This is a case of a farmer simply not happy about the price he gets for his product that he decided top grow, no one promised him he would make a fortune, nothing to do with the govt but world prices, totally different, YL simply didnt pay them what they were owed by her, try using fact and not bias so why should we hide, she was responsible for several deaths due entirely to her rice scam and continuing lies about paying farmers

where are the members who said the suicides were Yingluck fault?probably hiding under the bed

only according to you and every other red/thaksin lover but dont let the truth get in the way of your rant

red thaksin lover?watch your mouth.you are a son of propaganda who understand nothing in the administration of a government.i heard you suthep thugs see the world in black and white but..hopeless

suthep is just as bad as yl and I have never defended him unlike you with yl. Maybe you should try stating the truth instead of all the ptp lies but then again thats what your people do best, Anyone that was here knows the truth of it just the apologists that refuse to admit it.


where are the members who said the suicides were Yingluck fault?probably hiding under the bed

the rice farmers committed suicide because yl didnt pay them yet she kept promising to so they were led down the garden path by her and the ptp govt. This is a case of a farmer simply not happy about the price he gets for his product that he decided top grow, no one promised him he would make a fortune, nothing to do with the govt but world prices, totally different, YL simply didnt pay them what they were owed by her, try using fact and not bias so why should we hide, she was responsible for several deaths due entirely to her rice scam and continuing lies about paying farmers

YL got some help on this matter too:

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.


Anti-government demonstrators Wednesday stalled the electronic rice auction by cutting power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing the auction to be put off to March 26.


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and this is facts?this is a tale dont make me laugh

the rice farmers committed suicide because yl didnt pay them yet she kept promising to so they were led down the garden path by her and the ptp govt. This is a case of a farmer simply not happy about the price he gets for his product that he decided top grow, no one promised him he would make a fortune, nothing to do with the govt but world prices, totally different, YL simply didnt pay them what they were owed by her, try using fact and not bias so why should we hide, she was responsible for several deaths due entirely to her rice scam and continuing lies about paying farmers

where are the members who said the suicides were Yingluck fault?probably hiding under the bed

only according to you and every other red/thaksin lover but dont let the truth get in the way of your rant

red thaksin lover?watch your mouth.you are a son of propaganda who understand nothing in the administration of a government.i heard you suthep thugs see the world in black and white but..hopeless

suthep is just as bad as yl and I have never defended him unlike you with yl. Maybe you should try stating the truth instead of all the ptp lies but then again thats what your people do best, Anyone that was here knows the truth of it just the apologists that refuse to admit it.

your truth is not the truth of the majority of thais who would vote Yingluck tomorrow if there was the chance..Thailand is not only the Bangkok elite you know

Yingluck made the mistake to not fight back the terrorist Suthep..and unfortunately she has a shady and coward brother....but siblings cant be chosen

she is an extraordinary and peaceful woman the history will give credit to her..but i wish her retirement from politic is far..she is still young and she can do much more for the sake of Thailand

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where are the members who said the suicides were Yingluck fault?probably hiding under the bed

the rice farmers committed suicide because yl didnt pay them yet she kept promising to so they were led down the garden path by her and the ptp govt. This is a case of a farmer simply not happy about the price he gets for his product that he decided top grow, no one promised him he would make a fortune, nothing to do with the govt but world prices, totally different, YL simply didnt pay them what they were owed by her, try using fact and not bias so why should we hide, she was responsible for several deaths due entirely to her rice scam and continuing lies about paying farmers

and this is facts?this is a tale dont make me laugh

so do you blame Suthep for this suicide as well?he promised a lot to rubber farmers

Just what did he promise them?

Some facts and links might be nice to back up what you say otherwise it is meaningless as most of your posts are.

Thaksin Shinawatra and Newin Chidchob promised a lot too and even sold rubber saplings cheaply. It was a shame that so many saplings died before they were mature enough to produce rubber.


No-body likes to see this kind of thing happening anywhere , however Khun Amnuay should stay focused on why he is Agriculture Minister and not get side tracked with personal side issues, This mentality of subsidies is undermining the true market price of the product , if Rubber farmers like Rice farmers cannot survive in the real world and have to resort to a subsidised price , sad to say , they are not competitive enough to operate. coffee1.gif

You capitalists are all heart!


No-body likes to see this kind of thing happening anywhere , however Khun Amnuay should stay focused on why he is Agriculture Minister and not get side tracked with personal side issues, This mentality of subsidies is undermining the true market price of the product , if Rubber farmers like Rice farmers cannot survive in the real world and have to resort to a subsidised price , sad to say , they are not competitive enough to operate. coffee1.gif

You capitalists are all heart!

So using common sense makes you a capitalist?

There are about 2 million migrant workers in this country, so there are plenty of jobs out there.

But of course it easier to relax under the shade of the tree, complain and wait for hand-outs!!

Most of the Thai farmers, both rice and rubber, aren't even very good at what they are doing!!

Compare rice yields Thailand/Vietnam.

No, start big state-run farms with all the latest in know-how, technology and machinery, and employ all the small-scale farmers, and give them a salary they can live on.

No more "land for the poor" programs will be needed then!!

Too simple??


It probably would be cheaper to pay the farmers not to farm!!

This would actually not be such a crazy idea, especially in the case of rice farmers who do second crops with the subsidies in place. It could be a win-win situation, as the subsidy could be delivered directly to the farmer, based on some kind of cap so large farmers don't snaffle all the benefits, and it would avoid water shortages in many basins, whilst being a big boon to the environment (more ecological flows, less agri-chemicals poisoning land and water sources and resting soil for main rice crop). It would also allow freed up land to be grazed by livestock once more, thus allowing more natural fertilizer to enter soil and grasses to be turned into animal protein, allowing farmers to earn money from a non-subsidised product. Govt would win too, as it could reduce its overall bill for subsidies and try to get rid of the massive rice stockpiles on its hands at a slightly better price than in the past. Only losers would be the rice buyers and parasitic capitalist class of politicians and agribusiness traders who feed from the subsidised rice racket (some of whom will hopefully go to the wall in the current campaign against the ringleaders of the last govt).


It probably would be cheaper to pay the farmers not to farm!!

This would actually not be such a crazy idea, especially in the case of rice farmers who do second crops with the subsidies in place. It could be a win-win situation, as the subsidy could be delivered directly to the farmer, based on some kind of cap so large farmers don't snaffle all the benefits, and it would avoid water shortages in many basins, whilst being a big boon to the environment (more ecological flows, less agri-chemicals poisoning land and water sources and resting soil for main rice crop). It would also allow freed up land to be grazed by livestock once more, thus allowing more natural fertilizer to enter soil and grasses to be turned into animal protein, allowing farmers to earn money from a non-subsidised product. Govt would win too, as it could reduce its overall bill for subsidies and try to get rid of the massive rice stockpiles on its hands at a slightly better price than in the past. Only losers would be the rice buyers and parasitic capitalist class of politicians and agribusiness traders who feed from the subsidised rice racket (some of whom will hopefully go to the wall in the current campaign against the ringleaders of the last govt).

It would be absolutely logical particularly for the elderly farmers with small amounts of land living hand to mouth.

Give them 10k per month pension NOT to farm anything. At least they can be kept fed.

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