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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

I'm afraid that's very Thai logic you're spouting - discrimination (of any sort) on the basis of race is RACISM..............get it?

Pricing based on residency is NOT Racism...and a serious mistake to conflate the two concepts.

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Met my now wife 7years ago when she was studying at a UK university.....she was paying more than a British person was on the same course......RACISM booooooo, or hold on maybe it was because that University had been given government grants paid for by the British tax payer which she wasn't.

Some people just love to have a pop, I'm now going to challenge my wife as to whether she's a greedy (I live in her condo rent free) racist (married me) just like the OP claims that all Thais are.

It's really no big secret that a large majority of Thais are not only racist but actually embody classism to such a level that it permeates every aspect of Thai life.

It's a cast/class system that is regulated and perpetuated by the process of inclusion and exclusion.

and while it is possible someone from the lower strata of society can move upwards through the socio-economic strata, chances are less likely they will be truly accepted. Their language style, education, and social mannerisms often will still have them excluded from elite group status.

This is somewhat true in the west. Group and organizational homogeny and integrity seem to exclude (or limit) would be adherents but if the would be member can emulate the criteria for inclusion- he or she will most likely be accepted as an equal.

The short version reads like this; Just because a Thai smiles at you or acts nice- it doesn't mean they accept, or respect you.

That has to be earned by proper behavior- language style- clothing style, etc.

Uncle Bob (observer of the Thai world)

In reply to Robbie nz' s post,

"What a racist post.

Oh no cant be only Thai are racist."

That's what I thought when I was writing it, but racist or not, it doesn't change the accuracy of the statements. They are either accurate or they are not.

If I were to say; "a Large majority of "Vietnamese woman have larger hooters than their female Thai (not including Katoey) counterparts."

We could argue that it's a racist comment- It could also simply be a statistic.

I'm not sure that it is- but my many years of professional research and Academic study of the phenomenon suggests that it is!

Trust me! I do this for a living!

We need to be careful about flying the racist flag simply because something is written about a particular group.

My post might be considered racist because it alludes to the fact that in Thailand, there exists a fair amount of social inequality because people in power circles actively limit access to upward economic mobility by process’ of nepotism, extortion, and a myriad of illegal acts designed to keep themselves wealthy and keep other people poor.

But again, racist or not- it doesn’t take away from the accuracy of the statement.

And dual pricing, greed, and scams are only going to increase as more Thais decide they want a piece of the pie too. And historically that has also included cheating each other just as often (if not more) than they cheat us!


Father Bob- (Hero of the people- savior of mankind)


It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

That's a very linear view. You could argue tax dollars at places like that but the fact is nice restaurants do it, as do private entertainment shows, not adult and not related to the government what-so-ever.

Please, if you're going to spew information, at least make them facts. Nothing like paying double price for a buffet. mmm, I sure hope their taxes paid for the bolognese that went on it.

I thought the post was specifically related to public works like parks, zoos, etc. My response definitely was. Didn't hear any mention of restaurants and other private forms of entertainment in the OP.

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It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

If we're talking about tax, for those of us who have retired here, we're also paying tax. GST.

100% of my income is spent here, therefore I'm also paying tax.

Unlike many other countries, including China, we get no discount for being a pensioner. Many places of interest in China also have free admission to parks.

For all that, I much prefer living here in Thailand. wai.gif

Not the same kind of tax. Think of it this way: foreigners attending state funded universities in my country have to pay higher tuition bc they haven't been contributing to the state's budget for x amount of years. Same idea here in TH.


It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

So why that foreign owned aquarium in Siam paragon charges more for non-Thais?

It's not just the poorly maintained public museums that do that, it's also many other for profit businesses do charge more

You'd have to ask that guy. But nothing here is owned by a foreigner 100%. So there's that. I'm just talking about publicly funded facilities and tourist attractions.


It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

So, if I understand you clearly, Thais who don't pay income tax, for whatever reason, should pay the increased price...

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Mates, this 2-tier price does not only apply to farangs but to the rest of the non Thais like Chinese, Indian etc. Therefore don't keep whining here. Just simply live with it.

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I wish that the Uk had been more honestly racist in the past, and I think that many other Europeans wish the same.

You ARE joking, right?

No I'm not. Try googling Pat Condell.

I prefer to base my assessment of racism in Britain on what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears rather than the musings of some idiot.

Blacks and Indians living in Britain in the 60s & 70s found the racism all too up front and personal.


It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

So, if I understand you clearly, Thais who don't pay income tax, for whatever reason, should pay the increased price...

God, I'm getting raked over the coals for this one... All I'm saying is that's the way it is and that's why it is that way.

But if you're asking me personally, then yeah, I think it's fair that foreigners pay a little extra to enjoy attractions that are funded by Thai taxpayers. That being said, I think they've got it weighted a little high for foreigners. I mean, I think national parks are like 40 THB for Thais and 200- or maybe even 400- THB for foreigners. That's kinda ridiculous. Still, it doesn't compare to the likes of Angkor Wat over in Cambo: free for locals and something like $20 per day for foreigners.


OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

There are thousands of very wealthy Thais. Some are hugely wealthy. All of them are far more wealthy than the average farang tourist.

Do those wealthy Thais get charged more when going to the zoo here? I doubt it.

Come on, this is ridiculous comparison. Should people bring their income statement to prove their financial position? This is just like retirement folk back home collecting government pension, as the ones with million $ portfolio's will get the same as fixed income pensioners.

OP, use the search feature next time as this is up there with "can I teach in Thailand"


They tried to hit me for the FERANG Price at Chiang Mai Zoo several years ago.

My wife and our daughter at the "Local Rate" and INFLATED price for the FERANG.

Wife demanded to see the Manager while I "rolled" a Video Camera on the Ticket Box. All of a sudden, the Ticket Seller made an "Executive Decision" and allowed the FERANG in at the Local Price.

Yep, RACISM, but only if the THINK they can get away with it.


Charging a higher fee for foreigners isn't racist. Its homophobic.

A guy from hell has to explain it all to you. Who would have thought that the hate of gays caused such nuisance.

Homophobic=unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals or homosexuality.


OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

they wouldnt try it on with a rich thai family who turn up in a new Merc so it must be about racism and lack of respect for people of other races

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Maybe foreigners coming to the parks/attractions in LOS would be less likely to complain if the two-tiered pricing were based on residency, instead of nationality. Perhaps Thai officials should be made aware of this suggestion.

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It happens all over the world in every country right in front of our faces yet we don't realize it or have grown to accept it as the norm. Thailand is no different.


- certain resident discounts for local/state residents

- senior citizen discount (age discrimination?)

- ladies nights drink free (gender discrimination?)

- children under this height are free (physical discrimination?)

  • Like 1

OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

If such happend in Scandinavia

2 tier pricing

we would be bombed by muslims and faced lawsuit for being racists (if we survived)

so yes 2 tier pricing is racistic !

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I am okay with tourists paying more than citizens.

Cracks me up when guys that spend more on coffee than a lot of Thais earn squeak about having to pay a little more for something.

If you can't afford to travel stay home.

Well at least you haven't joined the 'if you don't like it, go home' club.

Stay home works for me.

I have given up on the attractions. Rarely going, and one reason is dual pricing angers me. Some places like Sri Racha Tiger Zoo are quite easy going about it, and I am finding my Thai driving licence gets me the 'Thai discount.' mostly. I had to laugh at the comments of my good Thai lady being affronted that the ''Sanctuary of Truth' actually charged Thais the same as farangs! And some attractions aren't worth the entry charged as they are dilapidated or just gimme gimme gimme joints. When being an Expat, don't play tourist, or tourist guide, you may need a work permit. :-)


It happens all over the world in every country right in front of our faces yet we don't realize it or have grown to accept it as the norm. Thailand is no different.


- certain resident discounts for local/state residents

- senior citizen discount (age discrimination?)

- ladies nights drink free (gender discrimination?)

- children under this height are free (physical discrimination?)

You forgot

Active military discount ( a good thing ) many places have. 5-10 percent off

A while ago,i got a big game hunting license in a state that i live 10 miles from the border of.

My friend lives in that state,I payed 4 times more for it than he did. Non resident.


I think in "most" of these places it's effectively a discounted Resident's Price and Non-Resident's Price. Pretty much the same as happens all over the planet.


And where does it say how much the discount is for Disney World? It doesn't, so not much of an example really. In any case even know f there is a discount for being a Floridian rather than for a discount for an annual pass which makes sense, then the discount is based on where you live rather than the fact you are of a different race. The latter is discrimination and objectionable.


If they have 2 tier prices just do not go there, thats the best way to protest, hit them in the pocket book.

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It happens all over the world in every country right in front of our faces yet we don't realize it or have grown to accept it as the norm. Thailand is no different.


- certain resident discounts for local/state residents

- senior citizen discount (age discrimination?)

- ladies nights drink free (gender discrimination?)

- children under this height are free (physical discrimination?)

You forgot

Active military discount ( a good thing ) many places have. 5-10 percent off

A while ago,i got a big game hunting license in a state that i live 10 miles from the border of.

My friend lives in that state,I payed 4 times more for it than he did. Non resident.

And if it was a discount for being white and blacks charged double - do you think you would not soon be up before the court for racism?

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