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99 Vitara idle speed cycling high/low


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I got busy and started a bit late.

Found some contact cleaner and have a tube of rubber gasket in a tube.

Started disconnecting but saw there was a hose underneath rather than just one in and one out.

there is certainly water going into the IAC......so I can only guess it's got a wax cylinder in there rather than solenoid.

As there are three hose connectors I think it is water in, water out, air in, and I think the air must go throughout the connection to the manifold which can kind of be seen on one of the views below, which is certainly the right bit of kit.

Which makes me wonder what the electrical connector is for and guess it's just to monitor how open the idle is.


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Opened it up with difficulty getting a nasty little hose underneath off.

Ugly dirt in the air portion which I can only guess comes via the EGR system.

The water inlet and outlet likewise clogged up with brown residue.

Walked down the road to wife friend motorbike shop as he has compressor.

We cleaned the water side so it blowed clean.

Air side I stopped him using MOS2 to clean in case of rubber parts like o ring in the valve body.

I gave him some contact cleaner I'd dug out.

When however he sprayed it in several times and blew out it looked rather oily.......like non-evaporating.

So i sprayed a bit on my arm and indeed it is not a light compound.

So I wne rand got some blue alcohol and washed it a couple of times and put it back together.

Not quite happy about this though as it's a pretty expensive part.

The engine started fast again, but hey maybe I have to wait for any change after it's warm when I drive into CM soon.

We'll see.


I disconnected the air into the IAC way back nearer the air filter, and instead of speeding up the engine went to a lower idle.

Just a check and put it back.


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I'm not even sure if I'd call it oily, but it certainly doesn't evaporate....or something in it doesn't.

I showed it to my friend who knows his stuff he needed some contact cleaner but turned it down today after spraying a bit on his arm.

However I think I bought it at Amorn a long time ago and it certainly says contact cleaner.

The good news is I think there has been a change in the running.

I kind of suddenly realised I was sitting in traffic and the engine was idling at 1000.

Now this has happened occasionally during the faulty period but hey it looks good so far.

However on start up it does seem fast but maybe it should be like that.

I considering doing the job again....it'll be quite quick next time.....and using something thinner for washing out the IAC chamber.

Also have to consider those fault codes 22 and 34.

So I would like to take multimeter readings off the TPS as it is turned.

The Suzuki mechanic said if I open the MAF I can tell straight away by @%$@%@$@!$%

That means I didn't understand.

But maybe I will if I open it.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

Obviously I did this for the crack really.

Used to do my own repairs but delegated for a long time now.

But we've all been to garages where they just change one expensive bit after another til they find the right one.

And it was kinda interesting getting the beginning of an idea how the modern car works.

The Suzuki guy said I could tell straight way if the MAF was Ok or not by #!$!^#^*$&((*()$^&*#$^@

That means i didn't understand

But maybe I would if i opened it.


I also want to know why the water is going in and out of the IAC if it's not a wax pellet.

If it's not, why wouldn't the temperature sensing come from the main thermostat in the side of the block?

If it IS a pellet, why is the water going in the wrong end.

UNLESS, there's a pellet one end and a step solenoid the other!!!

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Sorry to say the problem isn't cured.

Went to Suzuki but can't seem to fit in the time they need with needing the car (which I can still drive)

Have turned down the idle speed anyway so it's not so high but still high.

I keep the thread going because there must be a rationale behind the cycling of the idle speed which someone may be able to nail and identify the offending part.

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