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New Russian military doctrine says NATO top threat

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ps just saw Choctastic's post. He's right.

Russia won WW II or certainly did the heavy lifting.

That was before the new age of technology, even if it was true the "Russia won WWII" or "did the heavy lifting."

Today "heavy lifting" for Putin would be carrying enough Rubles to buy a loaf of bread.


Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

Pretty shameful to invoke Hitler after Russians suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis. Contrary to Hollywood spellbinding (the wood of the holly tree was traditionally used to make 'magic wands') Russia saved the west in WWII. Show a little gratitude.

If the still-growing 'Security State' is what is in store for us all, once the Empire rules the world, then you had better wish Russia and China succeed in neutralizing NATO.

Russia saved the West? Was this before or after it was Hitler's ally in invading Poland?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

Pretty shameful to invoke Hitler after Russians suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis. Contrary to Hollywood spellbinding (the wood of the holly tree was traditionally used to make 'magic wands') Russia saved the west in WWII. Show a little gratitude.

If the still-growing 'Security State' is what is in store for us all, once the Empire rules the world, then you had better wish Russia and China succeed in neutralizing NATO.

Russia saved the West? Was this before or after it was Hitler's ally in invading Poland?

The Soviet Union conquered eastern Europe and pretty much enslaved the populations. Save and liberate they did not.

Allied bombing from the UK devastated German war industry and denied access to vital resources, prior to this bombing the Soviets were getting the butts whopped and without it they were doomed.

For sure the Soviets did not need the Allied land invasion to defeat the Germans, the allied land invasion was more about protecting western Europe from Soviet domination. Other than the corrupt and incompetent government of Hungary who else in eastern Europe wants to return to east bloc? Lets start by asking the Ukrainians or Georgians.

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If I have a shotgun next to my bed in case some murderous nut case comes into my house to do me harm, does that make me a threat? Only if nut case comes in to rob and kill me. Russia was forced to go in and take over Crimea? Forced to have invasion by proxy of Ukraine? How about that treaty Russia signed guaranteeing integrity of Ukraine's borders when Ukraine unilaterally disarmed self of nukes (foolish in hindsight to trust Russians)? Then to somehow accuse NATO of only taking on weaker countries (some posters silly view): what the heck do you think Russia is doing? Then there is there occupation and base in Moldova. Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

Yes, it does appear King Vlad is becoming a paranoid super freak. All the problems of sacred Mather Russia are caused by outside factors now. A bit like the line of crap the Castro brothers have been using for 50 years now, and the line that has allowed them to each become multi billionaires, same as Putin, who is probably the wealthiest guy in Russia. One thing is for certain. If Putin says it, it is a lie.

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One thing is for certain. If Putin says it, it is a lie.

You must work for the Ministry of Truth. How about some examples?

I a not planning of annexing the Crimea. I have no intentions of interfering with internal Ukrainian politics.

Just two examples that come to mind. And I am the vice minister of the council of truth and reconciliation.

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Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

Pretty shameful to invoke Hitler after Russians suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis. Contrary to Hollywood spellbinding (the wood of the holly tree was traditionally used to make 'magic wands') Russia saved the west in WWII. Show a little gratitude.

If the still-growing 'Security State' is what is in store for us all, once the Empire rules the world, then you had better wish Russia and China succeed in neutralizing NATO.

Russia saved the West? Was this before or after it was Hitler's ally in invading Poland?

...having concluded a backroom bilateral agreement with Hitler not only throwing Poland as well as the Baltics under the bus, but giving him just the breathing space he needed to attack France (et al). Pretty shameful trying to claim credit for winning a war they actually helped START, and in the most nefarious possible manner!

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Russia saved the West? Was this before or after it was Hitler's ally in invading Poland?

Doesn't change the fact that Russia was mostly responsible for defeating Hitler. As to who was allied with who, it seems Russia first sought an alliance with Britain and France to tried to contain Hitler and their offer was ignored...

'Stalin 'planned to send a million troops to stop Hitler if Britain and France agreed pact'



The Soviet Union conquered eastern Europe and pretty much enslaved the populations. Save and liberate they did not.

The populations of Eastern Europe were pretty much enslaved already.

One of my oldest friends and ex-partner is a Polish count.

It was more or less a feudal structure there and I doubt much different in the other bordering countries.


Yes, it does appear King Vlad is becoming a paranoid super freak.

Putin shows no signs of unjustified paranoia....his action in Ukraine has undoubtedly been used as an excuse by the US to start throwing an unnecessary fit in a country where they had just meddled with the democracy they yak about so hypocritically.

Love him or hate him Putin is in fact steady and strong which the Russians want and possibly need.

He is rational and has good reason for his actions, possibly including protection of the Crimean Russians, but certainly with history high in his mind.

As i don't know his personal finances I have no justification to speak of them.

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ha ! we should have known he had his finger in this piegiggle.gif

from start to finish a coordinated takeover of Ukraine by the West, solely to antagonize Russia and bring NATO right to its doorstep. Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman. This kind of operation is spelled out clear as day.

George Soros may be appointed head of National Bank of Ukraine


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Yes, it does appear King Vlad is becoming a paranoid super freak.

Putin shows no signs of unjustified paranoia....his action in Ukraine has undoubtedly been used as an excuse by the US to start throwing an unnecessary fit in a country where they had just meddled with the democracy they yak about so hypocritically.

Love him or hate him Putin is in fact steady and strong which the Russians want and possibly need.

He is rational and has good reason for his actions, possibly including protection of the Crimean Russians, but certainly with history high in his mind.

As i don't know his personal finances I have no justification to speak of them.

Was at a New Years eve party last night hosted by a Ukraine and his Russian wife. Lots of Eastern Europeans there from Czech, Ukraine and Russia.

They were watching the delayed television feed from Russia New years celebration. When Putin came on at about 11:58 my wife was like I love him! The Ukrainians were all saying there will be no more Putin in two months if he does not change his stance on the Ukraine and Crimea. According to everyone, including my wife, Ukrainians are now requiring mandatory military services for every under 60 to deal with Russia if certain demands are not met within 2 months. I had not heard this before, but my wife seemed very in tune with what was being said. I believe there is a lot more going on internally, especially now with the Navalny convictions, then we fully understand from both a political and Oligarch/economic perspective.

This is a very weird situation over there. The interesting thing is no-one, and I mean no-one I know from either Russia or the US says anything about US using this as an excuse for anything. I candidly do not hear US even come up in these conversation and Russians and Ukrainians don't sugar coat anything or pull any punches. If they thought this was a US issue, they would not hesitate to say so.

The guy hosting the party and his wife are very, very wealthy and extremely tied into Russia and Ukraine business and mafia over there. My wife is also very tied into the wealthy in Moscow. I heard her say some things last night I had not heard before. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out in the next two months.


This business about the next two months sent me a-googling.....

Ukraine Pres Poroshenko and Putin will meet January 15 in the company of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French Prez Francois Hollande. Poroshenko wants Prez Obama there too but neither Putin nor Obama want Obama to attend, given how much each detests the other. So SecState John Kerry may attend but that's not yet even likely....so maybe a US ambassador would sit in. Putin thinks Kerry and long time Russian FM Sergi Lavrov are much too buddy chummy buddy so he trusts neither.

During the G-20 in Australia in November Merkel had met with Putin for four hours at the Brisbane Hilton where they reportedly spoke alternatingly in German and Russian since each is fluent in the other's language, but that was the extent of any reported common ground. Merkel privately said afterward that Putin was "absolutely cold" toward any resolution of differences.

The fact Merkel and Putin had been in the former East Germany where Merkel was born and raised and Putin had been a KGB officer has meant nothing in their interactions over Ukraine and Crimea. Putin thinks he knows more about the former East European republics of the Soviet Union than Merkel knows, which is but one of Putin's conceits.

The first round of sanctions against Russia are temporary so they will need to be renewed in March or they will expire at that time. Putin is working hard on Italy and Hungary in particular to screw up the renewal of sanctions, but because Merkel has demonstrated the unique ability to herd cats Putin may get shut out on this one too. There's just no question at this point that Merkel is the undisputed leader of present day Europe, which means Putin has to be in sore regret over forcing Merkel's hand in the Ukraine showdown. Apparently the king's own queen has put him in check....and who better to do it.....

620_400_1419094437-2874.jpegNational Security and Defense Council attended by the President Poroshenko.

Fourth Mobilization Wave in 2015, January-August.



If I have a shotgun next to my bed in case some murderous nut case comes into my house to do me harm, does that make me a threat? Only if nut case comes in to rob and kill me. Russia was forced to go in and take over Crimea? Forced to have invasion by proxy of Ukraine? How about that treaty Russia signed guaranteeing integrity of Ukraine's borders when Ukraine unilaterally disarmed self of nukes (foolish in hindsight to trust Russians)? Then to somehow accuse NATO of only taking on weaker countries (some posters silly view): what the heck do you think Russia is doing? Then there is there occupation and base in Moldova. Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

Actually Putin is dead set against Nazism and he is even introducing a law which proves that w00t.gif

EU In Total Horror As Russia Prepares New “Nazi Law”

According to this report, the Federation Council (the upper house of the parliament of the Russian Federation) began the adoption of this new “Nazi Law” under orders given by President Putin after the United States refused to heed Russia’s 14 December warning of retaliation against the imposition of additional sanctions by President Obama’s signing of a new Russian sanctions law on 18 December.



Yes, it does appear King Vlad is becoming a paranoid super freak.

Putin shows no signs of unjustified paranoia....his action in Ukraine has undoubtedly been used as an excuse by the US to start throwing an unnecessary fit in a country where they had just meddled with the democracy they yak about so hypocritically.

Love him or hate him Putin is in fact steady and strong which the Russians want and possibly need.

He is rational and has good reason for his actions, possibly including protection of the Crimean Russians, but certainly with history high in his mind.

As i don't know his personal finances I have no justification to speak of them.

Was at a New Years eve party last night hosted by a Ukraine and his Russian wife. Lots of Eastern Europeans there from Czech, Ukraine and Russia.

They were watching the delayed television feed from Russia New years celebration. When Putin came on at about 11:58 my wife was like I love him! The Ukrainians were all saying there will be no more Putin in two months if he does not change his stance on the Ukraine and Crimea. According to everyone, including my wife, Ukrainians are now requiring mandatory military services for every under 60 to deal with Russia if certain demands are not met within 2 months. I had not heard this before, but my wife seemed very in tune with what was being said. I believe there is a lot more going on internally, especially now with the Navalny convictions, then we fully understand from both a political and Oligarch/economic perspective.

This is a very weird situation over there. The interesting thing is no-one, and I mean no-one I know from either Russia or the US says anything about US using this as an excuse for anything. I candidly do not hear US even come up in these conversation and Russians and Ukrainians don't sugar coat anything or pull any punches. If they thought this was a US issue, they would not hesitate to say so.

The guy hosting the party and his wife are very, very wealthy and extremely tied into Russia and Ukraine business and mafia over there. My wife is also very tied into the wealthy in Moscow. I heard her say some things last night I had not heard before. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out in the next two months.

" The interesting thing is no-one, and I mean no-one I know from either Russia or the US says anything about US using this as an excuse for anything. I candidly do not hear US even come up in these conversation and Russians and Ukrainians don't sugar coat anything or pull any punches "

I don't think your fellow US citizen Oliver Stone would spend all that money making a documentary

if he didn't believe passionately that the USA are very deeply involved ?ermm.gif

Oliver Stone Says Ukrainian Coup Was Directed by CIA

US filmmaker Oliver Stone is currently engaged in production of a documentary about Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who fled the country following the February coup, according to the post on his Facebook page published Tuesday.


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