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The Street Kids Still Need Your Help.!


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Hi Guys,

the mission just called. They have urgent need of the following:






Next time you go shopping how about putting one or more of the above items in your trolley and let me know - I'll come and collect.

I'm sorry to say that all the TV activity seems to have dried up lately.

Those of you who said they would give but haven't yet done anything, please don't forget your kind offers.

Come on guys - this is our town as well - we live here - and so do those poor kids in the slums and at the shelter.




Did you get any of these things Mobi?

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Hi Guys,

the mission just called. They have urgent need of the following:






Next time you go shopping how about putting one or more of the above items in your trolley and let me know - I'll come and collect.

I'm sorry to say that all the TV activity seems to have dried up lately.

Those of you who said they would give but haven't yet done anything, please don't forget your kind offers.

Come on guys - this is our town as well - we live here - and so do those poor kids in the slums and at the shelter.




Did you get any of these things Mobi?

Yes I did - I bought them myself :D They said - wow, that was quick!

I'm afraid the donations have dried up completely at the moment, but at the time of writing there is an English guy, who does not wish to be named, who has already made one large donation of money, and has just given another of 100 pounds. Thank you my friend - I will be pm-ing you shortly. I wish there were a few more like you.

Come on guys - we're not even talking about an evening's bar bill.


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Don't dispair, I am sure there are resons for some people not getting around to follow up on their commitments. We just arrived back in Thailand last Saturday, and plan to visit the charity on this Sunday. This because I want to go there with my TGF since we want to do this together, and this is the first time she has a chance to get there. We will for sure help out, don't worry.

Also remember that people support other charities and good causes, like Jesters care for kids (have you approached them btw, they might very well be prepared to help out, and their annual drive is due next month. Talk to Woody or someone else @ Jesters). Just now we are also helping to contribute to get a Danish guy out of prison (on bail) in BKK. So the list is endless. But don't give up, I am sure more people will come forward.

Again I commend you for your commitment and hard work for this cause Mobi, but with most good causes, "donor fatigue" eventually sets in, unless you can get people committed for the longer term by "adopting" a specific child, and helping him or her through school over several years.

All the best


(I am NOT Woody, but my brain feels like that sometimes...)

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Don't dispair, I am sure there are resons for some people not getting around to follow up on their commitments. We just arrived back in Thailand last Saturday, and plan to visit the charity on this Sunday. This because I want to go there with my TGF since we want to do this together, and this is the first time she has a chance to get there. We will for sure help out, don't worry.

Also remember that people support other charities and good causes, like Jesters care for kids (have you approached them btw, they might very well be prepared to help out, and their annual drive is due next month. Talk to Woody or someone else @ Jesters). Just now we are also helping to contribute to get a Danish guy out of prison (on bail) in BKK. So the list is endless. But don't give up, I am sure more people will come forward.

Again I commend you for your commitment and hard work for this cause Mobi, but with most good causes, "donor fatigue" eventually sets in, unless you can get people committed for the longer term by "adopting" a specific child, and helping him or her through school over several years.

All the best


(I am NOT Woody, but my brain feels like that sometimes...)

Thanks Woody,

I'm not despairing - just trying to shake a few of my fellow Pattayans out of their lethargy. :o

Truth to tell I was overwhelmed by the intial rewsponse and will be forever grateful.

I just want the folks to remember that this is not a one time event - the kids will need our help for as long as most of us will live - and there are more mouths to feed every day.


Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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I agree it is the long term view that will be the best, even though one-off donations must also be welcome. I would rather help one or two children properly, than give a pittance to many I don't even know, or to questionable charities, where most of the money either goes to "admin" costs, or straight into the pockets of the manager.

You did not mention about having contacted Jesters, I have not had a chance to follow every posting, so if you have told about this already, sorry. But they collect some sizeable sums every year, so it would be worth it methinks.


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I agree it is the long term view that will be the best, even though one-off donations must also be welcome. I would rather help one or two children properly, than give a pittance to many I don't even know, or to questionable charities, where most of the money either goes to "admin" costs, or straight into the pockets of the manager.

You did not mention about having contacted Jesters, I have not had a chance to follow every posting, so if you have told about this already, sorry. But they collect some sizeable sums every year, so it would be worth it methinks.



I am a retiree here in Pattaya and I live here with my Thai wife and family. I am not running this charity and I am not even an official within it's organisation - even though they have co-opted me onto their volunteer committee, and appointed me "collection box manager"

If you did bother to read the thread (and its predecessor), you would see that this all started on the forum because I was personally supplying some of the Kid's monthly needs and it was getting a bit heavy on my bank account; so I asked for a little help from fellow members. I am not a fund raiser and never expected anyone to donate money. The thing sort of exploded for a while and I have spend a huge amount of my spare time travelling around Pattaya collecting the stuff being donated - I even made a trip to Bangkok - and coordinating the giving of monetry donations for those who wished to do so.

This is on top of delivering collection boxes, helping with the kids with their monthly outings, including sponsoring one of them, and goodness knows what else. I even had a huge row with the wife when she found out I am planning to get all the kids round to my place for a pool party! She says I'm doing too much and negelecting the family.

I am aware of jesters, and I have no doubt that Dianne and Fred (The mission directors) have heard of them too, but I will pass the info onto them, as I do each and every suggestion that is made in this forum.

But I am sorry to dissapoint you but I am not going to go and talk to Jesters personally, nor am I going to personally meet with rotary people and other organisations that have been mentioned. That is someone else's job - not mine.

So I hope you will understand that I do not see the need to answer each and every question that is raised in this thread, especailly where the answers are mostly here if you bothered to read it.

I can assure you that absolutely none of the money raised in this forum goes in admin, even to the extent that the high charges made by Paypal in remitting money from donors are all re-imbursed by me personally so that the mission does not have to bear this cost.

Now, I suggest that if you wish to discuss any of this further, then you do so with the full time mission staff when you make your promised visit.

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Sorry to have pissed you off, it was not at all my intention. I have read most of the comments, but has been away with limited internet acess and time. I never insinuated anything, quite the contrary actually. But we shall go to see for ourselves, and if OK, I will also talk to my contacts within Jesters.

I thank you once again for having pointed out the needs of the charity, and we will take it from here ourselves, so I hope I shall not be bothering you again.



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Sorry to have pissed you off, it was not at all my intention. I have read most of the comments, but has been away with limited internet acess and time. I never insinuated anything, quite the contrary actually. But we shall go to see for ourselves, and if OK, I will also talk to my contacts within Jesters.

I thank you once again for having pointed out the needs of the charity, and we will take it from here ourselves, so I hope I shall not be bothering you again.




You can bother me as much as you like.

It's me who should apologise.

I was just feeling a bit pissed off with life, and I had no right to take it out on people who just want to help.

I will mention the Jesters thing To Dianne. Thanks for raising the idea. :o

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Have you approached Friendship mobi?


Do you have the name of someone there?

It's bit tough to cold call.

BTW Going through my PM's etc, and just want to express a huge thank you to Johnb who has made a very generous donation.

Some of you have been so generous, and I can't thank you enough. :D

Every donation, whether money or in materials - big or small - will be put to good use.


No need to thank me it's me whose very grateful to guys like you who are so committed and prepared to help kids like these :o

All the very best to you and your familiy


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If you did bother to read the thread (and its predecessor),

But I am sorry to dissapoint you but I am not going to go and talk to Jesters personally, nor am I going to personally meet with rotary people and other organisations that have been mentioned. That is someone else's job - not mine.

So I hope you will understand that I do not see the need to answer each and every question that is raised in this thread, especailly where the answers are mostly here if you bothered to read it.

Now, I suggest that if you wish to discuss any of this further, then you do so with the full time mission staff when you make your promised visit.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but pissed off or not those sentiments are no way to gain/keep supporters for the Mercy Mission.

Speak to Fred, Dianne or Liz at the office and they will fill you in regarding the support they have received from the Jesters and also from the US Navy Pacific Fleet. With reference to the Jesters then today's Pattaya Mail is relevant.

A lot of people are helping in various ways to support these kids and seeing your attitude above may well give them second thoughts.

To anyone thinking of supporting the mission then I would say go ahead and if you are able to make a personal visit you will be made to feel really welcome and given the opportunity to meet the kids. Also take a look at the websites earlier in this thread to see and read about the work of the Mercy Mission.

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If you did bother to read the thread (and its predecessor),

But I am sorry to dissapoint you but I am not going to go and talk to Jesters personally, nor am I going to personally meet with rotary people and other organisations that have been mentioned. That is someone else's job - not mine.

So I hope you will understand that I do not see the need to answer each and every question that is raised in this thread, especailly where the answers are mostly here if you bothered to read it.

Now, I suggest that if you wish to discuss any of this further, then you do so with the full time mission staff when you make your promised visit.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but pissed off or not those sentiments are no way to gain/keep supporters for the Mercy Mission.

Speak to Fred, Dianne or Liz at the office and they will fill you in regarding the support they have received from the Jesters and also from the US Navy Pacific Fleet. With reference to the Jesters then today's Pattaya Mail is relevant.

A lot of people are helping in various ways to support these kids and seeing your attitude above may well give them second thoughts.

To anyone thinking of supporting the mission then I would say go ahead and if you are able to make a personal visit you will be made to feel really welcome and given the opportunity to meet the kids. Also take a look at the websites earlier in this thread to see and read about the work of the Mercy Mission.

First and foremeost I did apologise for my outburst, but if you've been rushing around like I have for the past few weeks and someone posts :Quote "questionable charities" and quote" most of the money either goes to "admin" costs, or straight into the pockets of the manager." then you might get a bit pissed off too. Especially as many members, like yourself, have been there and posted poitive stories about the good work the mercy mission does.

I fail to see how my attitude may in any way affect anyone who wishes to help this worthy cause, but if you think it would help. I will happily withdraw from posting on this thread, and indeed future involvement with the mission.

I sorry, but I just don't need this at my time of life.

Maybe you would like to take over what I am doing?

Be my guest. :o

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got a question,if one had to rely on the baht taxi to get to merci mission from oh lets say 2nd road and north pattaya rd, how diffecult would it be, will be moving to pattaya but don't have a wheels just yet


I don't use them, but my guess would be around 100 Baht. Motorcycle taxi would be cheaper.

Bigger problem would be explaining where you want to go as although it's not far, it a bit off the beaten track on the other side of Sukhumvit. Probably better to wait until you have wheels.

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I fail to see how my attitude may in any way affect anyone who wishes to help this worthy cause, but if you think it would help. I will happily withdraw from posting on this thread, and indeed future involvement with the mission.

I sorry, but I just don't need this at my time of life.

Maybe you would like to take over what I am doing?

Be my guest. :o

I did preface my post by saying it may sound a bit harsh.

Your withdrawing the thread is not even in question.

My point was and is: Whatever sentiments/attitude you express in a post will be taken by readers as the general attitude of the Mercy Project.

We all get pisssed of with life at various times and for different reasons. maybe next time you feel fed up with life take a few minutes to remember what the lives of the kids you are helping is like. Then count your blessings. Spend a couple of hours at GoPai, as I am sure you already have, you will see that you have little to be pissed off about.

As for people claiming money goes in admin costs, well you know for yourself that money donated to a specific purpose is used for that purpose alone. Whenever you volunteer for a job you will always get some crap thrown at you, it is part and parcel of the whole picture. You know you are on firm ground so keep pleading for help for those kids they deserve it.

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My point was and is: Whatever sentiments/attitude you express in a post will be taken by readers as the general attitude of the Mercy Project.

We all get pisssed of with life at various times and for different reasons. maybe next time you feel fed up with life take a few minutes to remember what the lives of the kids you are helping is like. Then count your blessings. Spend a couple of hours at GoPai, as I am sure you already have, you will see that you have little to be pissed off about.

If anybody feeling a certain amount of pressure at any one time and feeling fed up with the world and in that mix throw in a questionable statement, albeit, a probably unintentionally questionable statement, then I would say, now and again a barbed reply may be the response.

To say, 'go count your blessings', after the event, has a sense of gates closing after the horse has bolted scenario, if you can do that, count your blessings that is, when the pressure is on, well, you are a better man than me.

But then, you probably are.

I say give Mobi a break.


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I fail to see how my attitude may in any way affect anyone who wishes to help this worthy cause, but if you think it would help. I will happily withdraw from posting on this thread, and indeed future involvement with the mission.

I sorry, but I just don't need this at my time of life.

Maybe you would like to take over what I am doing?

Be my guest. :o

My point was and is: Whatever sentiments/attitude you express in a post will be taken by readers as the general attitude of the Mercy Project.

That is a patently ridiculous and mischievous statement, as anyone who is familiar with the Project and has read this thread properly can testify to.

I did unreservedly apologise for what I originally said, even though there was some justification, and even though nothing that I said was in any way inaccurate or derogatory against the Mission.

I would have hoped it could have been left there - but no, you had to have a go at me.

You won't let it drop and seem determined to turn this into a pissing contest.

So I as I said above , I don't need this at my time of life so shall withdraw my involvelemt in this thread. I will not request it's closure, but from hereon in it will be hostage to its own fortune.

Congratulations. :D

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I don't need this at my time of life so shall withdraw my involvelemt in this thread.


Although I understand the sentiment, I hope you will re-consider, if for no other reason, apart from the most important, the kids, it might be an important distraction to yourself and has a worthy reward at the end of it.

Good Luck


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This is JUST my opinion (like it or not) AND I DONT CARE IF IT DOES P*SS YOU OFF :D

Mobi has asked for a few odds and ends and a little help for this mission, YOU dont have to help, if you havent given anything you have no right to ask where ANYTHING has been done or gone

If you havent given anything (time, gifts,) you have nothing to worry about

He doesnt have to explain anything to anyone who hasnt given time or gifts

IF you want to see what is happening, go there, ask questions, look around, just leave the guy alone with the slagging off (as the arabs say, the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on)

IF YOU feel this is a rip off, dont do/give anything, dont post your useless posts :o

Mobi, keep ME up to date with how things are progressing at the mission, as they say dont let the b**t***s grind you down :D

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Wooha guys,

Hold your horses and listen to this please:

It seems that a previous post I made has been read in the wrong way, and caused a lot of unnecessary grief and stress. I take responsibility for this, perhaps what I thought was a crystal clear post, could easily be misinterpreted (and unfortunately it was). Whatever I said about admin costs and charities not so worthy was NOT meant for Mercy (or as criticism of Mobi), but on the contrary for the bad ones. I never thought that The Mercy Foundation was bad in any way. So again sorry to Mobi and all, now let us stop the mudslinging, and get back to what is important: To help the kids. And Mobi, please stay on to cheer the troops, I realise you cannot do all the heavy lifting yourself, but you are good at rallying us foot soldiers!

My g/f and I went to the mission this afternoon and met with Fred. It was very much as Mobi has described it to us, only bigger and better and actually helping more diverse groups of people than we expected. Wonderful! We brought some stuff from Mobi's list, and if you go there, call first and ask what it is they need right there and then before going shopping. Nappies and plain milk (don't get the sugared stuff, only ruins the kids' teeth!) seems always to be in demand.

We will be going back again, and hope to build a lasting relationship with this fantastic place. There is no end to the many ways you can assist them. So mosey on over and see for yourself!



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My crititism wasnt aimed at you WOODENTOP, it was aimed at other people who just love to critise others work and think everyone is after their money (EVERYONE has a choice and if they WANT to give anything to any charity, that is their choice, no one is holding a gun to their heads)

IF YOU do know of a scam or a swindle, lets know about it, if you really think that Mobi is living the high life on milk and nappies, you have a duyty to let everyone know, at the moment the only pats on the back Mobi is getting are the ones when you walk under a cow :D

RIGHT, now you get a chance to have a go at me....... I have only seen photos that Mobi has posted, I am in the UK...I cant give nappies or milk or any of the other bits kids need, but I have done my best and make no excuses for anything I do or say,

I have a choice in EVERYTHING I do, I'm a big boy and I stand or fall by my actions or inactions :o

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Whatever you decide to do is obviously your decision but I would like to thank you personally for bringing the 'streetkids' mission work to my and other people attention - you should be very proud of this and I am certain that the kids are :o

Well done and kind regards


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Mobi it would be a shame to withdraw your involvement after all of the hard work you have put into promoting the place. If it is taking up a lot of time scale things back. That is the great things with charities you dictate your level of involvement when and for how long.

It is obvious you have been running yourself ragged the last few months. Perhaps take a well deserved break, a pat on the back and relax for a while. Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck.

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Hi Chopper, Johnb, Woodentop, Pepsi, Mossfin and all the others; I really appreciate your messages of support.

Of course you are right.

The kids are far more important than any perceived insults to my person, and I apologise once again for making such a big deal out of it all.

So I shall swallow my pride, shake myself down and carry on. My skin is getting thicker by the day. :D

I spoke to Dianne on the phone yesterday. She is totally overwhelmed by what all you good people on Thai Visa have been doing. At the latest count we have raised over 40,000 Baht in cash, have donated so much food and other stuff – impossible to put a value on - and several people have volunteered to help out, one way or another. As I write there are two members, re-hosting and re-designing the mission website at their own expense.

There is meeting at the mission today to discuss the way forward, so I will get back with news and other plans later.

Thank you all for your help, understanding and kind words.


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Hi Chopper, Johnb, Woodentop, Pepsi, Mossfin and all the others; I really appreciate your messages of support.

Of course you are right.

The kids are far more important than any perceived insults to my person, and I apologise once again for making such a big deal out of it all.

So I shall swallow my pride, shake myself down and carry on. My skin is getting thicker by the day. :D

I spoke to Dianne on the phone yesterday. She is totally overwhelmed by what all you good people on Thai Visa have been doing. At the latest count we have raised over 40,000 Baht in cash, have donated so much food and other stuff – impossible to put a value on - and several people have volunteered to help out, one way or another. As I write there are two members, re-hosting and re-designing the mission website at their own expense.

There is meeting at the mission today to discuss the way forward, so I will get back with news and other plans later.

Thank you all for your help, understanding and kind words.


Nice one Mobi :D Well done


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Well done Mobi....a few quid is on it`s way to you :D

Thanks Fox, for the kind words and the more than generous donation. It's really appreciated. :o

Can anyone tell me the log in name of Howard of PCN?

I want to send him an email regarding the kids charity, but I can't remember his pseudonym.


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