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proof of funds

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I will be returning to Australia to claim my retirement pension which should be somewhere in the order of 10,000 baht per week. Firstly is that considered adequate income for my retirement visa and secondly will the immigration in Thailand accept a letter from the Australian social security as proof of income or does it have to come from a Thai embassy? Thanks for any advice

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Your income will not qualify you to get a OA visa from the embassy or an extension of stay at immigration here.

You need 65k baht of income or 800k baht in the bank or a combination of the 2 totaling 800k baht.

To prove your income for an extension of stay here it would have be done by doing a statutory declaration the Australian embassy.

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10,000 a month is not adequate income - you would also need to have 380,000 baht (800,000-(52*10,000)) on deposit in a Thai bank account to get the extension

OP makes Bt 10,000 per week. Australia uses weeks not months when it comes to wages and rents. So he would need a proportionally smaller amount deposited to satisfy the requirement.

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10,000 a month is not adequate income - you would also need to have 380,000 baht (800,000-(52*10,000)) on deposit in a Thai bank account to get the extension

OP makes Bt 10,000 per week. Australia uses weeks not months when it comes to wages and rents. So he would need a proportionally smaller amount deposited to satisfy the requirement.

sfokewin wrote "per month" but his calculations are correctly based on the income being per week. He did, however, make a calculation error as

800,000-(52*10,000) equals 280,000 (not 380,000 as stated).


Edited by Sophon
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OP - have you lived in Australia for the two years prior to becoming eligible for the OAP?

If not, you cannot move offshore and claim your OAP until you have lived continuously in Australia for 2 years.

And, OZ Immi is directly linked to Centrelink...

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thanks for all the comments. Are you sure about living continuously for 2 years? Ihave lived there for 44 years and finished work 4 years ago with the building downturn. I thought I had read as long as you had spent so many years working there that you qualified. Could anybody elaborate as this new requirement is quite recent, thanks

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just to mention too that my o.a.p would be about 10,000 per week, about 40,000 per month, is this adequate income

Your income alone would not be enough to qualify for an extension of stay based upon retirement. You need proof of at least 65k baht income, You could combine your 520K baht annual income with 280K baht in a Thai bank to reach the 800k baht requirement to get the extension.

You could live on your income here.

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