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wifes family


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My wife always says that she and her Thai friends consider many of the farang ex-pats staying in Thailand as weird. And to be honest after reading many of these posts I have to agree with them.

I know when out and about quite a few won`t even make eye contact, they plonk themselves in Thailand and then prefer to hide away in their own little worlds intolerant of everything and everyone around them. I have no idea why some of them bother to get married. Perhaps they marry as a convenience for having a permanent glorified house keeper or to own property and conduct some sorts of business here? My wife`s family are probably no better and no worse than anyone else`s in-laws, only I make the effort to be a part of that family for the sake of my wife and our children who of course love their extended family. It is very easy to apply some rules about over staying their welcome, but it has to be done diplomatically and there must be compromise, if not then you become the long and suffering, the moaning old farts brigade, boring and not liked, plus it must be one form of living hell for the wives who have to endure living with you guys.

I think the problems lies with the fact that probably the majority of Thailand ex-pats are old retirees and the longer they are here the grouchier and more cranky they become. From what I have witnessed they are never able to fully adapt to life in Thailand, they seem to be on an up hill struggle against the environments around them, it seems impossible for them to be able to interact with others, the one and only solitary farang who just want`s to be left alone and wallow in their own solitudes.

Before accusing everyone else of having faults, it would first be wise to annalise your own characters and faults, because it is obvious that the attitudes are:I`m alright it`s all the others.

how do I give you 4 likes, one for each paragraph! they marry for a translator, a cook, a maid and a bed partner. and perhaps an ornament on their arm.


I speak Thai.

My wife prefers my Thai cooking over her own.

I clean the house and do the laundry; I enjoy it.

You got me on the fourth one.

The fifth one? Well, I'm proud to be seen with my wife.

and yedt you treat her as a second class person

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand

I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.


He obviously has nothing to do with periods. What the f??k are you on about

with an indeterminate future and with your attitude, i guarantee you she's already setting up a plan B

No not like you I am to smart for you and a thai woman not like most on here like you I am the boos and I tell her not afraid to lose her not like you I bet you have no money and cry poor like a lot on on


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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand

I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.


He obviously has nothing to do with periods. What the f??k are you on about

with an indeterminate future and with your attitude, i guarantee you she's already setting up a plan B

No not like you I am to smart for you and a thai woman not like most on here like you I am the boos and I tell her not afraid to lose her not like you I bet you have no money and cry poor like a lot on on


good because as she aint gonna wait around for you to die on the slim chance she might get a house and probably nothing else. she'll be gone soon enough

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This is Thailand, where families still matter and have close ties with each other...

You marry a Thai and you marry the family, as we know, but some don't understand the longterm meaning. It's not merely providing financial assistance where necessary but welcoming the extended family when they appear on the doorstep unannounced. What did the OP expect?

Thais will convene a party over the successful removal of an ingrowing toenail. They need to socialise.

For an easy life, just accept it.

b.s. you set the parameters the ball is in your court from day one. I am not saying don't offer support but you should not be viewed as a game changer where everyone can "retire" and live on money sent from your gal via you. Problem is all the guys first meeting up and being two week millionairs throwing money around like there is no tomorrow. No wonder the Thais want more they believed you guys!

Edited by losworld
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It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

You sound pompous.

Your wife has the same rights as you in her own home without having to abide by the masters ground rules. I am finding it extremely difficult to comprehend that you people are for real. I also fail to understand what any woman would see in the likes of you? Certainly not your charm and bubbling personality. These women must be desperate, there is no ways that guys like you would be tolerated by women in the west and it soon becomes apparently obvious why.

This thread for me has been an education and now suddenly realising why I have a disdain for so many other ex-pats here. My wife is right, they are weird, it`s the yuk factor.

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I am fortunate that my wifes family live local. I dont have the problem with visiters invading the place.

I have lived here 4 years in this home, family have been invited for meals several times. Never been recipricated until yesterday, we were invited over to pa pas home for a Thai bbq. !!What!!

I am waiting to be asked for something, it will happen soon.

Now that i am confined to my bed (paralysed) i need constant help.

My wife phoned me about 3 weeks ago, darling tonight i will be home late, no problem i have phoned my sister, she will come give you dinner,open light, close windows. Wife arrived home 9 pm, me in the dark no food no water eaten alive with mosquitoes. Why my sister not come?

How should i know.Wife calls sister why not not take care?Not my husband was the reply, also he farang!!

Thai family ............. i am lost for words.

Shame on them ...self self self self

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In four years I have spent the sum total of five minutes with my wife's parents. The first time we met. I wai'ed, they stared. Then they turned their backs and started chattering away with their brood, oblivious to the fact I could understand they were talking about me.

So I walked out, and up the rural rubber tree road with a backpack slung over my shoulder. All their neighbors watched me go; talk about a loss of Face for the home team!

My wife's sister is a snob because her husband works at Tesco (laugh.png) , and the brothers are dumber than bricks. None has an ounce of etiquette experience.

I have interacted with serial killers who, upon meeting them, smiled more and asked me friendly questions about myself. They wanted to shake my hand (I declined).

But these two people were as unwelcome and rude as a fart at a wine tasting.

27 likes thumbsup.gif

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It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

You sound pompous.

Your wife has the same rights as you in her own home without having to abide by the masters ground rules. I am finding it extremely difficult to comprehend that you people are for real. I also fail to understand what any woman would see in the likes of you? Certainly not your charm and bubbling personality. These women must be desperate, there is no ways that guys like you would be tolerated by women in the west and it soon becomes apparently obvious why.

This thread for me has been an education and now suddenly realising why I have a disdain for so many other ex-pats here. My wife is right, they are weird, it`s the yuk factor.

He sounds bloody sensible to me

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It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

You sound pompous.

Your wife has the same rights as you in her own home without having to abide by the masters ground rules. I am finding it extremely difficult to comprehend that you people are for real. I also fail to understand what any woman would see in the likes of you? Certainly not your charm and bubbling personality. These women must be desperate, there is no ways that guys like you would be tolerated by women in the west and it soon becomes apparently obvious why.

This thread for me has been an education and now suddenly realising why I have a disdain for so many other ex-pats here. My wife is right, they are weird, it`s the yuk factor.

you couldnt write a fictional character better than these guys!

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This is Thailand, where families still matter and have close ties with each other...

You marry a Thai and you marry the family, as we know, but some don't understand the longterm meaning. It's not merely providing financial assistance where necessary but welcoming the extended family when they appear on the doorstep unannounced. What did the OP expect?

Thais will convene a party over the successful removal of an ingrowing toenail. They need to socialise.

For an easy life, just accept it.

b.s. you set the parameters the ball is in your court from day one. I am not saying don't offer support but you should not be viewed as a game changer where everyone can "retire" and live on money sent from your gal via you. Problem is all the guys first meeting up and being two week millionairs throwing money around like there is no tomorrow. No wonder the Thais want more they believed you guys!

Agreed.... best to accept and keep it simple then to try and change their ways. Lucky for me I don't have these problems as I'm the one invading their homes, raiding there booze and food...thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png If you can not beat them, join them...

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The mother in law, sister and niece live on the other side of the village in two houses and the MIL’s extended family live in a village 5 km away, so when people came recently they had plenty of places to stay without bothering us. My wife usually goes to visit them for a while during the day before returning to the quiet of our home.

The kids like to come play in our yard or catch fish in our pond but fortunately non of them feel comfortable in our house. I guess it is too different from what they are used to, and they don’t know how to act, so they feel uncomfortable. Our Bangkok friends love to come and stay with us but not the family.
It should be pointed out that there is no alcohol or karaoke at out house, so unless someone likes good old fashioned conversation in a quiet surrounding, boredom is likely to set in quickly. Again our Bangkok friends quite enjoy the peace and quiet along with the conversation and views.


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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand

I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.


He obviously has nothing to do with periods. What the f??k are you on about

with an indeterminate future and with your attitude, i guarantee you she's already setting up a plan B

No not like you I am to smart for you and a thai woman not like most on here like you I am the boos and I tell her not afraid to lose her not like you I bet you have no money and cry poor like a lot on on


What is a boos if you don't mind me asking??

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It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

You sound pompous.

Your wife has the same rights as you in her own home without having to abide by the masters ground rules. I am finding it extremely difficult to comprehend that you people are for real. I also fail to understand what any woman would see in the likes of you? Certainly not your charm and bubbling personality. These women must be desperate, there is no ways that guys like you would be tolerated by women in the west and it soon becomes apparently obvious why.

This thread for me has been an education and now suddenly realising why I have a disdain for so many other ex-pats here. My wife is right, they are weird, it`s the yuk factor.

He sounds bloody sensible to me

i would be disappointed if he didnt

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This is Thailand, where families still matter and have close ties with each other...

You marry a Thai and you marry the family, as we know, but some don't understand the longterm meaning. It's not merely providing financial assistance where necessary but welcoming the extended family when they appear on the doorstep unannounced. What did the OP expect?

Thais will convene a party over the successful removal of an ingrowing toenail. They need to socialise.

For an easy life, just accept it.

b.s. you set the parameters the ball is in your court from day one. I am not saying don't offer support but you should not be viewed as a game changer where everyone can "retire" and live on money sent from your gal via you. Problem is all the guys first meeting up and being two week millionairs throwing money around like there is no tomorrow. No wonder the Thais want more they believed you guys!

The next keyboard hero just come with his balls ...

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I am fortunate that my wifes family live local. I dont have the problem with visiters invading the place.

I have lived here 4 years in this home, family have been invited for meals several times. Never been recipricated until yesterday, we were invited over to pa pas home for a Thai bbq. !!What!!

I am waiting to be asked for something, it will happen soon.

Now that i am confined to my bed (paralysed) i need constant help.

My wife phoned me about 3 weeks ago, darling tonight i will be home late, no problem i have phoned my sister, she will come give you dinner,open light, close windows. Wife arrived home 9 pm, me in the dark no food no water eaten alive with mosquitoes. Why my sister not come?

How should i know.Wife calls sister why not not take care?Not my husband was the reply, also he farang!!

Thai family ............. i am lost for words.

Shame on them ...self self self self

I don't want to hurt Mr. Colin Neil, but he has to think about him-self too. If this would happened to me I could called around 15 friends (Thais and Farangs both)

to help me, not just lay in the dark.

My grandmother always said: you will get back pretty sure what you did before ...

I'm sorry his paralysed situation and I wish getting better to him.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I've been there brother. Just grin and bare it. Don't try and understand them, you never will. just remain polite, courtious, and maybe bury yourself in a good book until they leave.

They'll be running back to Isaan to eat ant eggs and frogs in no time, you'll just have to remain strong until they do.

It could be worse, you could be in their house!

Good luck!

Easy for you to say if you don't have ant eggs and frogs in your fridge......................sad.png


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It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

You sound pompous.

Your wife has the same rights as you in her own home without having to abide by the masters ground rules. I am finding it extremely difficult to comprehend that you people are for real. I also fail to understand what any woman would see in the likes of you? Certainly not your charm and bubbling personality. These women must be desperate, there is no ways that guys like you would be tolerated by women in the west and it soon becomes apparently obvious why.

This thread for me has been an education and now suddenly realising why I have a disdain for so many other ex-pats here. My wife is right, they are weird, it`s the yuk factor.

He sounds bloody sensible to me

I have to agree he sounds sensible.

In the west don't couple lay down ground rules? I am not talking here of one partner dominating or bullying the other or one being submissive to the other, but there are ground rules, some unspoken that are taken for granted.

I'd also venture to say that no (or very few) English wives would agree to a whole horde of her family coming to stay and say nothing about it. The same applies to a husband. These things would be discussed sensibly and generally an amicable arrangement would be achieved.

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Must be lucky...lottery of life.

Got wifees granny and related family up from Bangkok for a week and they are a delight.

Polite,thoughtfull,easy to laugh along with and all very smart(we can talk hush hush..politics...).and...got to almost force them to consider a beer or glass of wine avec diner....yes

In fact when I think about it all of her inlaws and friends who have stayed with us have been great...so from this side of the divide..no complaints and sad when they leave.

Edited by Rinrada
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The mother in law, sister and niece live on the other side of the village in two houses and the MIL’s extended family live in a village 5 km away, so when people came recently they had plenty of places to stay without bothering us. My wife usually goes to visit them for a while during the day before returning to the quiet of our home.

The kids like to come play in our yard or catch fish in our pond but fortunately non of them feel comfortable in our house. I guess it is too different from what they are used to, and they don’t know how to act, so they feel uncomfortable. Our Bangkok friends love to come and stay with us but not the family.

It should be pointed out that there is no alcohol or karaoke at out house, so unless someone likes good old fashioned conversation in a quiet surrounding, boredom is likely to set in quickly. Again our Bangkok friends quite enjoy the peace and quiet along with the conversation and views.


Yes nearly a 10 kilogram catfish.

That is pretty cool. I guess if there is ever an economic meltdown, you will be eating a lot

of fish... :-)

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What a bizarre statement to make about someone you know nothing about....sad.png

Are you ok ?? Sounds like the Cool guy is pulling his weight in the house.

But anyway, back to intelligent discourse, I suspect the gamut of relationships

here run the same gamut as they do back in farangland. Meaning you may have

a wife who loves you to pieces, or she may planning on how to to kill you. But this

depends on who you marry , so indirectly it really is your choice on how your

married life turn out. Regarding being swamped by family members, I do not know

much about that, as my in laws are far far away.

Beetlejuice can be excluded from this discussion about family and marriage,

as apparently he ascended to the final absolute level of Thainess, and is so

deeply integrated into the culture, that he can now heap scorn upon any fellow

expats who do not exist in the same rarified plane as himself. Always amusing

to read his posts......

Nothing to do with Thailness or any other kinds of nesses, men only end up with the women they deserve. I have low tolerance levels for moaners, wringers, the forever complainers and the long and suffering and those that seem to have a chip on their shoulders. For some reasons these farangs believe that the Thais should step over into their modes of thinking and because they are Thai should be more subservient towards them then people in their home countries. In fact these attitudes is a display of an old type of colonialism, a discrete form of racism that these people should know their place within the domain of the big white man who expects total obedience for his money and also assuming that all Thais have the same traits, they`re all out to rip them off. You are the person that practices Thainess, Thainess has become a racist description meaning everything that is bad about the Thai people, it is certainly not an expression of term of endearment but rather a compact racist way of describing everything Thai. You portray foreigners that like to integrate into the Thai way of life and families happy with their lot here as something that is shameful and should be frowned upon. This in my book makes you a hypocrite because you are here. It`s that simple.

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There are always exceptions. My wife just passed away yesterday with lung cancer that transferred cancer cells to the brain. We had 6 sisters, 2 brothers, a couple of in-laws, a niece and nephew arrive. They were an absolute God send. They took care of all the Wat arrangements and most of the minor bills. I would have been totally at a loss without them - I am at a loss anyway without my wife but it would have been overwhelming otherwise. I will miss them immensely when they all drift away.

My deepest sympathy for your loss, Akentryan.

Be strong, man.

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