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French man found hanged in Koh Tao with his hands tied behind his back – foul play suspected

Lite Beer

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Interestingly enough it is not uncommon for people to tie their hands behind their back before hanging themselves -- some also tape or cover their mouths. It is a way to make sure they go through with the act and don't try to free themselves or scream out.

Welcome back! So are you suggesting that that is what actually happened here? Of course not, that would be a conspiracy theory, and we can't have that now can we?

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Koh Tao......No way......not again !!!! Death Island strikes again......we have a serious situation on our hands !! There is a gang of killers on this Island who sends farangs home in bodybags !! Check what bars and what Girls he has met recently and then doublecheck if there is a thai boyfriend feeling angry and jealous nearby !! Why do people go to this DAMNED Island ????

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Interestingly enough it is not uncommon for people to tie their hands behind their back before hanging themselves -- some also tape or cover their mouths. It is a way to make sure they go through with the act and don't try to free themselves or scream out.

While it is true that some suicides try to secure their hands in case of a desire to struggle/survive/change their mins, this is invariably done with the strong, plastic ties with the locking mechanism ( ie, with some planning and forethought of the consequences). Never heard of it being done with what appears to be knots of some intricacy as per the photograph.

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It can't be the two Burmese who our Dear Leader says killed the two Brits because that police investigation was "perfect" and "complete". Those two 'killers' have an alibi even the BIB can't alter.. How long will it take for the BIB to locate two new Burmese?

The may wish now they had allowed bail.

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The following is information supplied to North American law enforcement:

The hands of the suicide victim are occasionally tied or handcuffed. This does not necessarily indicate homicide but certainly requires additional investigation. The important question is to determine whether or not the victim could have effected the hanging him/herself with his or hands restrained. Another definite possibility in the event the victim had restrained hands is that the death was a sex-related asphyxia accident.

Just a note for those who think this must indicate murder; it doesn't.

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Sean McAnna must be experiencing a twitchy feeling around his neck now, seeing this very clear illustration of of what was being proposed for him in the convenience store.

I would be so grateful if what Sean said could be posted on here. Isn't this what Sean said would happen to him. Is this a warning.

Here you go...

"They just said to me: 'It was you who killed them. You've got two people's deaths on your hands. We know it was you. You're going to hang yourself tonight and we are going to watch you hang. You will die tonight.'"


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Let the investigation take it's course. Thailand is not rife with serial killers or gangsters, most of them come here on the plane.

Thailand is rife with at least mobsters, gangsters and scammers... serial killers are an American thing.

Most coming in on the planes are tourists.

Serial killers can be from any country. It's just less likely to be reported or investigated properly in certain countries. One of the most prollific serial killers ever was from the communist Soviet Union. There's a good movie about it starring Donald Sutherland. The movie will also show you why these things happen(ed) but don't get reported as much as they do in the free nations. Propaganda etc. You'll hardly ever hear about a Chinese. North Korean, Iranian or Thai serial killer (at the moment anyway). There are reasons for this and it's not always down to cultural reasons. Thailand will have its fair share of nutters like anywhere else.


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To all the foreigners visiting or living here in Thailand just please be careful not to bump-heads w the locals.I grew up here and I've visited almost all places in TH(part of my job too).I can speak Thai and honestly I never had a prob w them but then again I'm Southeast Asian too.They just don't like foreigners who disrespect them in their own country no matter who they are or what they are.

Just please avoid getting in a fight w them.That's the first rule to keep in mind when coming here.

Should really be described as common sense. Not liking being disrespected by a foreigner in your own country is a character trait not exclusive to the Thais. However, it is how it is handled. It is more often than not about business, women, traffic etc. I was recently at a holiday resort in the far south of Thailand frequented by a lot of young backpackers. If they could understand Thai and the way the young local Thai men spoke about them they would be horrified. Especially the women. I was shocked and disgusted and found it hard to keep my mouth shut. But I did. For the very reason you state here. Self-preservation

Unfortunately understanding Thai is a double edged sword, as I find out every time I go outside.

'Why hasn't he gone home yet?' is the phrase I am hearing most now. This from strangers who have never set eyes on me before. Then the curt 'funny' remarks to friends, and the insults which just seem to come out in the same uncontrollable way a cough or a sneeze might.

So true. Sometimes I think I was better off not understanding what was being said around me.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I thought I read earlier that the local BIB had solved the case as a suicide?

Is about time that all tourist avoid Koa Toa no matter how beautiful and interesting it is

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STOP! with the Burmese jokes for God's sake.......any Idea how stupid you come across as being?

It may seem unlikely that his hands would be tied if it was a suicide but it really isn't that strange or uncommon

The idea is to tie their own hands and it only needs to be loosely because the rope used is behind their back

They stick there head through the noose jump and the rope, even if it's only dangling behind their back, prevents them from reaching the rope above.

Sad that someone would resort to this at such a young age


Can you clarify your confusing instructions by showing us how it is done. Please.

Better still, give us a live demo!

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Say no more..... Koh Tao = Island of Organized Death

Its your own fault if you set foot there and leave in a body bag.

Sorry.... but it is what it is and people should know better by now....... AVOID THE DAMN PLACE, PERIOD !!!

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"Suspicions arose over what appeared to be a suicide when on further inspection it was discovered the man’s hands were tied behind his back"

No sh_t, sherlock!

Looks like the BIB sobered up enough to actually see that the guys hands was tied.....

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I wonder if his wrists were tied by rope or a zip tie, if rope no chance he did it himself, if a zipe tie it is very possible to do it yourself. Hope they sort it to the best they can.

So young to go this way, RIP.

it looks like shoe laces in the pic

Clearly tied. No way in the world he did that himself....This is not going to

go down well. Too big for shoelaces.


Edited by EyesWideOpen
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