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Tourism Thailand: 2015 'Discover Thainess' opening celebration Jan 14

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An aspect that we are all familiar with may be reflected in this, and other, ceremonies, functions etc in that it doesn't matter how few people turn up it will be reported as a raging success.

Does Thainess year also mean that governments around the world can expect LoS to make even more unauthorised statements on their behalf and of course just how every other country fully understands the junta and supports their work ?

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Thainess, in relations to the Thai government, has come to be defined as intolerance, unsafe and poor political behavior. Barring few minor issues, have had nothing be positive experiences with the average person in Thailand. Would like see their lives change for the better one day.


I discovered Thainess 10 years ago when I caught TAT stealing 8 of my photographs. After 6 emails that went unanswered, I finally sent them an invoice for licensing fees. Finally TAT responded, calling me, my wife, my family and my friends all STUPID. I was also told that I needed to immediately withdraw my invoice or I might be blacklisted because the Kingdom needs to protect its citizens from extortionists like me. And if I ever returned to Thailand I could be prosecuted for attempting to extort money from the government. Needless to say, I haven't been back. Thainess is truly unique.

So you are on thaivisa because why exactly ?


Surely tthe best way to get for the general to get his message across is to have a 200 foot high gold statue made of himself. Then, make sure there are 100 metre high pictues of the general every 50 metres or so throughout Thailand. If the economy then fails, blame the foreigners and start a war with Cambodia. That should give him a bit more time.

This project you mention, should inject enough cash and employment opportunity to kick start the Thai economy.


OMG...they are actually going to have a demonstration of how Thais solve their disputes with guns and knives...?

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"The international arrivals in 2015 is expected to rise by 13 percent to 28 million and revenue from foreign visitors by 16 percent to 1.35 trillion Baht."

Based on what????? Or they asked Geenie in the lamp??


This is my favorite

I guess one has to have a certain degree of "Thainess" to appreciate it. Lost on me. English translation anyone? On second thought, faagetaboutit!

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Discover Thainess or the distinct character of the Thai people and unique culture?


Seriously....what??...Is the TAT going to have a mock model

of Koh Tao and have "the headsman and Nomsod" there to

demonstrate how to "show the farang's" that ever so welcoming

Thainess and unique charater?

Or how about a mock controlled intersection where the tourists can

"try" crossing without being disabaled for life or dead on the road.

That should bring in all the tourists!

Lot's of fun for the whole family.


It will be interesting to see what the Thai Government really thinks Thainess is. Many Thai people have their own version.

I think they should train Thais first and then let the rest of the world know Thainess.


I'm not Thai.

I'm not eligible to engage in politics here.

I don't get involved in matters that I have no stake in.

I'm not in charge.

Thw world doesn't revolve around me.

People are free to "Discover" whatever they want.

It's none of my business if people bitter, resentful, hateful and sad.

It's not my business if people habour self-destructive resentments against other people.

Happy New Year

One Day at a Time


Thainess is the mandate. There can be no other way, no turning back or forward. Remain steadfast in Thainess.

Dr. Michael Savage would agree - Borders, Language, Culture. Yes, the culture ... the culture ... the culture. Where was I?

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Welcome to Thailand and Thaihess. You've just increased your chances of being killed by a factor of 20. If you have white skin you pay more. Thank you for coming and enjoy your stay.

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Maybe the TAT should invite the Thong Lor police department

to show the tourust's how they can be "drug tested and extorted"

of their money and human right's.

That should bring up the number's of tourist's!


Welcome to Thailand and Thaihess. You've just increased your chances of being killed by a factor of 20. If you have white skin you pay more. Thank you for coming and enjoy your stay.

That does it! I'm going to work on a deep tan immediately. I'll be telling them I'm from Issan (seems to be the place to be "from"}. Do you think my innate "farangness" will still tip them off?


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I discovered Thainess 10 years ago when I caught TAT stealing 8 of my photographs. After 6 emails that went unanswered, I finally sent them an invoice for licensing fees. Finally TAT responded, calling me, my wife, my family and my friends all STUPID. I was also told that I needed to immediately withdraw my invoice or I might be blacklisted because the Kingdom needs to protect its citizens from extortionists like me. And if I ever returned to Thailand I could be prosecuted for attempting to extort money from the government. Needless to say, I haven't been back. Thainess is truly unique.

So you are on thaivisa because why exactly ?

Well as I understand it, the forum is open to people who want to read/discuss matters concerning Thailand. Do I need more of a reason to say something here? When this happened to me, I had already bought a retirement home condo in Chiang Rai. After this happened, I sold it through a proxy and bought a house in Cambodia with a friend. Who would want to live in a country where a government ministry openly breaks Intellectual Property Laws and then accused the victim of the theft of being a criminal? Is that an exact enough answer for you?


When tourists are asked what thainess means, they either don't know or answer it is the smile.

When Thais are asked their answer would be the smile.

Well done TAT, hope you will enjoy the party.

I while ago I asked what thainess means, no answer because nobody knows, only TAT.

May be a huge sign at the airport explaining what thainess means, been here almost 8 years, don't have a clue other than the expat interpretation and of course the general's 12 commandments.

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