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American, Aussie Arrested For Child Trafficing


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Australian faces Thai child trafficking charges

BANGKOK: A 56-year-old Australian and an American man have been arrested in the Thailand capital, Bangkok, and charged with trafficking underage boys and possessing pornographic material.

Australian Robert Michael Scoble, who operates a travel business, was arrested on Friday afternoon after police who raided his office and found material inviting customers to come to Thailand for sex tourism.

"This man was arrested for trafficking boys [within Thailand], organising gay tours and illegal possession and dissemination of promotional pornographic material," Colonel Chote Kuladilok, chief investigator of immigration police, said.

Scoble, a long-time resident of Thailand, denies the charges.

An American man suspected of working with Scoble in the scheme has also been arrested and charged but his name is not immediately available.

The arrests are the result of a joint investigation by Thai immigration police, Thai tourism authorities, and Australian Federal Police attached to the embassy in Bangkok.

Police have seized hundreds of gay porn magazines, videos, video discs, and photographs from the tour company's office in Bangkok.

If convicted, the suspects could be sentenced to a maximum three years in prison and fined 20,000 baht ($US500).

-- AFP 2004-03-20

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They should be locked-up in Thailand. Sending them home might be too merciful.

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I would bet someone a cold beer that there is a Thai connection somewhere in this mix.

If the authorities have seized records than they should be looking at names of "tourists" that have this activity on their agenda while in Thailand. Would make my day if they were allowed to pass through immigration and were then arrested. I think it would be a form of justice that the "tourists" who pay for this to keep company with those that promote it and they do it in a THAI JAIL. Maybe some of the inmates can make them their "boy"...of course they may like it and my whole idea is hosed...

When there are children involved I get a little fanatical and comments I would make wouldn't make it past the forum monitors but three years and a $500 fine is not enough!!! Is there any such thing as victim restitution in Thailand???

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What' s all the hysteria about. These guys have not been convicted of anything yet. Lots of people have porno around the house and if you don't your kids will. I have been in the tour business in Asia for twenty odd years. We don't cater for anything in particular but I am aware of the simple fact that a percentage of our customers will visit prostitutes. Sollicited or unsollicited. Male or female.

About 10 % of the world's population is gay and there are many companies, operating worldwide, that exclusively cater for a gay clientele. These companies would never get involved in anything related to prostitution. They just cater for a certain market segment. Like everyone else in business.

Perhaps these guys just happened to have a company that caters for the gay market and privately they happened to own some gay pornographic material because they happened to like it. Hey, no reason to start throwing stones.

If proved that they were actually providing underage male prostitutes, there is still enough time to get back to the rockpile.

For people whose businesses have been suffering under the onslaught of terrorism, Sars, chicken shit and the war in Iraq. Try the gay scene. They are usually happy people who like a bit of luxury and are willing to pay for it. They are happy tippers and most of them don't get obnoxious when they get plastered. Sometimes I wish that somewhere on the way my own company had made the diversion to exclusively cater for gays.

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Yup, They ain't been convicted of anything...and I don't have any problems with gays...each to their own...consenting adults and all that. I just reacted to the smoke..there is usually fire.

HOWEVER, if their "share of the market" involves small children, including child porn in paperback or film/video then there isn't enough rocks in that rock pile and that includes those that condone it, read, it, or watch it!!!

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THe way you properly deal with those and it is done in Thailand. Just take them out in the jungle and bury them up to their necks and put honey on them. Or no time just shoot them, save money and put them out of our misery!!


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There is a bit more depth to this story



Lots of red faces

Seems they missed their man when they had the chance.

Guess all they needed was a warrant and to go in and find something that sticks.

Whole lot better than being shot first and ask questions later too.

Sounds like they did not get all that much.

Not saying the activities were not serious or not bad, it could have been child porn. But a travel agent getting charged for trafficking does not sound like it will stick (in Farang court) unless they found explicit promotion material.

All for a good cause though. Dont need that s**t.

Guarantee the Aust cops will be doing a bit or verballing themselves.

Seems like diplomatic status just got a whole new meaning.

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> What' s all the hysteria about.

> simple fact that a percentage of our customers will visit

> prostitutes. Sollicited or unsollicited. Male or female.

> About 10 % of the world's population is gay

A quiet voice of reason from Mr. Chiangpet

Thank you for that.


Mr. Dave

writing from Reno, Nevada, USA

returning to Thailand in April

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> What' s all the hysteria about.

> simple fact that a percentage of our customers will visit

> prostitutes. Sollicited or unsollicited. Male or female.

> About 10 % of the world's population is gay

A quiet voice of reason from Mr. Chiangpet

Thank you for that.


Mr. Dave

writing from Reno, Nevada, USA

returning to Thailand in April

Some call it hysteria, I call it concerned.

A voice of reason??? Porn and prostitutes in an adut environment is one thing..recruiting and condoning pedophile behaviour is as abhorrent as the pedophile.

What do the statistics say about those that prefer small children...or is this population included in the 10%

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Guest endure

> What' s all the hysteria about.

> simple fact that a percentage of our customers will visit

> prostitutes. Sollicited or unsollicited. Male or female.

> About 10 % of the world's population is gay

A quiet voice of reason from Mr. Chiangpet

Thank you for that.


Mr. Dave

writing from Reno, Nevada, USA

returning to Thailand in April

Some call it hysteria, I call it concerned.

A voice of reason??? Porn and prostitutes in an adut environment is one thing..recruiting and condoning pedophile behaviour is as abhorrent as the pedophile.

What do the statistics say about those that prefer small children...or is this population included in the 10%

The statistics say that the vast majority of paedophile behaviour occurs inside families.

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About 10 % of the world's population

Chiangpet: the 10% is an erroneous figure. Typical homosexual propogandizing distortion of the facts. There is no way 10% of the worlds population is gay. The figure is more like 1/10th of a percent of the worlds population is gay. That is just the way is and the way it will always be despite current homosexual propaganda. :o

Face it homosexuallity is only normal that 1/10th of a percent. For most of us it is not normal and is just tolerated. In Thailand homosexuality is only tolerated not accepted. That is reasonable.

Spare us the defense of some accused homosexual pedophiles with some false statistics. In other words SHUT THE <deleted> UP.

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In our work with the jail population of course we come across the paeodophile perverts. We all manage to stay as "neutral" as we are required to do, but it is difficult with this abhorrent predilection.


Of the 42 paedophiles gone through our care in the past 2 and a half years, only -3- were abusing a female child.

For those who are currently abusing children, truly, I hope you find yourself in a Thai prison for this offence. 3 years or 3 months it is extremely unlikely you will be able to have any form of sex with any person or thing ever again.

Chris Hill

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Actually, I know these guys (John and M. Scobble, not the Italian one, cf BKK Post), well I didn't meet them since 3 years but I guess they didn't change. They are gentlemen. The fourth one, M. D. who had not been cought is an ass hole but respects also all the laws of all the countries. None of them is in young boys and they are very prude and cautious. By the way, the BBKPost writes there is nothing against them.

They had this business since 7 years and received already thousands of tourists(by the way, gays). If they had provide underage boys or even boys, do you think they would still be at large? If you knew M. Scobble, you even could not imagine him cross the street out of the pedestrian crossing. He's always thinking about paying his taxes and all.

Now what is very possible is that they had been framed: a staff of them making a mistake if sollicitated by a fake customer (a ###### Aussie policeman playing at a sex maniac who could have ask some thing special to a local guide).

The found magazines are a joke. I don't know if they have, read or enjoy them but I'm sure they have not more than the average Thai or farangs. I was waiting in a an office recently where the idle young female secretaries was watching HARD porno with some interest. At 10:00 and in front of every body.

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most law breaking in this country goes on right under the noses of the police, in many cases it is to their benefit to ignore it. prostitution involving tourists and underage thais could br stopped within 24 hours if the police put their minds to it.

heavily publicised arrests are usually only made during a crackdown or as a result of a frame up.

these two foriegn guys may be guilty or they be innocent.we will never know.

whenever the thai police are involved, we can be sure of one thing only,that truth

is the loser and incompetence, poor methodology and sleaziness are the winners.

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The report says "underage". What's underage? 19? 17? 14? 10? 7? Depends on what laws are being referred to. The article doesn't say. Personally, my reactions would be different if I knew the boys were in their late teens than if I knew they were prepubescent. The fact is, I don't know, so there's no point in reacting.

No-one's been proved guilty; there are some allegations and we don't have any details. So can we all refrain from commenting until we actually know what we're talking about?

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About 10 % of the world's population

Chiangpet: the 10% is an erroneous figure. Typical homosexual propogandizing distortion of the facts. There is no way 10% of the worlds population is gay. The figure is more like 1/10th of a percent of the worlds population is gay. That is just the way is and the way it will always be despite current homosexual propaganda. :o

Face it homosexuallity is only normal that 1/10th of a percent. For most of us it is not normal and is just tolerated. In Thailand homosexuality is only tolerated not accepted. That is reasonable.

Spare us the defense of some accused homosexual pedophiles with some false statistics..

Chiangpet are you a homophobe?

Let me explain how stupid you are.....

The number come from a study called the Kinsey research from 1948 and its suggests a 10% homosexual PRESENCE in the general population.

PRESENTS can be defined as thought or fantasy. Does not say they are actually gay. 10% has been come the defacto statement used by most of the world. It reality 2% - 3% percent are homosexually inclined.

Now you said 1/10th of a percen of the population is gay. I assume you have done a study on this? Please send us the link to your findings.

Also have to ask you how you can tell if someone is gay?

I am gay and when I worked in SF most people even the other gays had no Idea I was. You will find that that is the norm. You only see the exaggerated flamboyant look in a small percent of the gay population.

What the true % of the gay population is we might never know. Because thousands of people keep there true feelings repressed and follow the what is considered the norm. Just imagine if there was a world where you could love who you want..... And if you don't believe me, I can introduce you to 100s of men one women that came out in there 40 and 50's.

I understand this is a sensitive subject, I agree if the guy is setting up sex for boys under 18 he should be shot and left to rot.

However your statements are ridiculously closed mined and off the subject.

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Went to the web and started by entering, "pedophile and Thailand"...somewhere around 80,000 hits depending on what is entered.

Found that Thailand has a long standing history and reputation of having "tourist" packages for pedophiles that provide access to young (pre-teens), predominately males for sex. A well established business industry ("legitimate" tourist orientated businesses) in Thailand that caters to gays and pedophiles.

Most common rational for the success of these tourist tours was general acceptance of homosexuals, poverty, and corrupt or inefficient police. The 'packages' were favorites of gays coming to Thailand and with access to a series of international 'web-network' were able to branch out from "just gay" to other types of behavior (pedophile).

I have trouble believing that pedophile behavior is any more accepted by the gay community than it is by heterosexuals.

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It is not excepted any more so. The age is a gray area though should it be 17 or 18? But I know this is the fact in all areas. 99.9% of gay people would never think of having sex with someone in there early teens or less.

What the poster saying is just because he was gay didn't and had gay porn. Didn't mien he was setting up gay pedo tours.

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They are gentlemen.

They had this business since 7 years and received already thousands of tourists(by the way, gays). If they had provide underage boys or even boys, do you think they would still be at large? If you knew M. Scobble, you even could not imagine him cross the street out of the pedestrian crossing. He's always thinking about paying his taxes and all.


What a gentlemen! If their act like a gentleman and pay their tax does that legalize their business with selling underage boys to tourist.

Most of the people in that business act like gentlemen!

Let the Thai government kill them like they do with the drugusers.

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