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Help ! I need a divorce from UK wife


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I am still married to my wife in the UK, but want to get Married to a lady here. Of course first I need a divorce.

Me and my wife split up amicably 11 years ago, and I have no idea of her whereabouts, no any contact with her.

Without going back to the UK, is there a quick fix to this, that can maybe done over the internet?

I know you guys are not all lawers, but if anyone has had a similar experience I would love to know the best way around it.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Speak to a UK solictor and instruct them to work on your behalf.

My ex UK wife and I agreed everything and I payed all the legal costs to get it through quickly. My solicitor's office was near the Crown Court so she got her secretary to walk paper work through etc. Non contested and it can be very quick. One hearing for the decree nisi and one for the decree absolute. No need to attend either.

I initiated things in the late September and the decree absolute was 2nd December. I remarried in Thailand on 4th Jan. But I was in contact with my ex, and nothing was disputed.

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Your ex is doing you a favor by not being easy to find................you have nothing to gain by remarrying and you should be old enough and wise enough to realize its just a romantic notion that quickly is forgotten once the mundane day to day life with the new woman is 6 months old.

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Your ex is doing you a favor by not being easy to find................you have nothing to gain by remarrying and you should be old enough and wise enough to realize its just a romantic notion that quickly is forgotten once the mundane day to day life with the new woman is 6 months old.


Unfortunately the embassy may require you to sign a declaration that you are eligible to marry.

That means you must be currently unmarried legally ..... either because you were never married or any previous marriage was terminated legally.

And that declaration is a legal document, so if you falsely sign such a document in order to remarry, you open yourself to later legal problems by your current wife, and possible claims on any financial assets you acquire in your later life.

Falsely stating that you are not married when you still are legally married is not a trivial legal matter.

That's precisely why the embassy wants you to sign the declaration of ability to remarry ..... to avoid any legal problems in the future for them.

You need to first have some legal document to prove your first marriage was legally terminated.

Get that before you re-marry.

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