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Don't Oppose the Junta, Thaksin Instructs Redshirts

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If a labor union has a strike fund to help members with expenses while out on strike, why find it odd that poor protesters deserve as much? How long could you hold out earning less than baht 300 per day?


If you can't oppose them.....join them.

The big criminal, megalomaniac, hypocrite is speaking to his low mentality supporters.

Do you mean your hero, the pluriassassin convicted Suthep, the biggest crook and thief in the history of Thailand ?

Maybe you can suggest the greek army to apply the same method of your hero, by massacring hundreds of innocents women and children on the streets of Athens,.

Only assassins support an assassin.

WoW! Thats HARSHw00t.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif


And there will still be red comrades found to deny this (egomaniac, dictator-in-spe) Thaksin character is running the PTP/UDD/reds' show from abroad...!

Why is there no Military Court to charge that evil man in absentia with high treason, and hopefully condemn him to the death penalty (reduced to life-long enprisonment, but no grace, nor reduction, nor VIP private hospital wing)?! Why have not one, but two, 'coups' and not eliminate one, the worst, cancer growth consuming this country?

As for 'reconciliation', IMO, there won't be, there can't be any real one when it's not a strong one, first serving hard but balanced Justice to ALL, yellow, red, blue, ..., DP, PTP! But it alas seems to be going the opposite, wrong way, with the powerbrokers not hurting one another, making shady deals among themselves, again, to make sure 'the system' making them all rich is kept alive...

The worst cancer in Thailand are farangs enjoying massacres and genocides against innocent Thais.

If you hate Thais to death, than move to another country. Let Thais choose what they want. You can move to Myanmar or Cambodia. Thai haters are not welcomed.

Please explain this absurd comment. (The worst cancer in Thailand are farangs) where do you live?blink.png


I doubt anybody claimed it was ONLY for the money, allowing for cause such as tourism, partying and escaping Isaan ennui. But it is inescapable fact that many were paid to support a billionaire's cause, though some still claim (why?) it wasn't he who paid.

And given that, it was important that the anti-Yingluk protesters be accused similarly, even though there was ample evidence that the money flow was the other way round. Because there is a country mile of difference between those PAID to protest and those willing to part with their own hard-earned in a rightful cause.

an urban legend which some still believe

or just want to believe

Redshirt payment to attend is a well documented fact which some will never believe. Just as they will claim that the 2010 insurrection was a spontaneous protest of the coup, 3 PM's and 4 years too late.

I have heard the rumours but never seen a document outlining these facts. I tried googling this factual document but cant find it.

It was shown on TV news reports.


Not the same farmers that were thrown in the back of a truck by the junta for attitude adjustment?

And then for some reason called the protest off.

When was that then.. links???

There was a time well before the coup when a bunch of farmers headed to BKK to protest about not receiving rice payments but turned back after talks with officials. Opinions are fine but outright lies are pure propaganda.

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Not the same farmers that were thrown in the back of a truck by the junta for attitude adjustment?

And then for some reason called the protest off.

When was that then.. links???

There was a time well before the coup when a bunch of farmers headed to BKK to protest about not receiving rice payments but turned back after talks with officials. Opinions are fine but outright lies are pure propaganda.

"Pure propaganda" ?.....................I have another way of describing his posts, which I never use when my son is in the room. whistling.gif

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So you support the suppression of freedom of speech.

Not a question statement of fact.


What would you call the red shirt boyos that paid a visit to the farmer's wife while he was on the picket line. I suppose it was more like intimidation than suppression of freedom of speech.

But you wouldn't remember that.

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