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Campaign to help get seriously ill British man home from Thailand

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How on earth can this hospital justify a bill of almost a million Baht in less that a week. He is parlayed so it is not like they have performed cutting edge open hear surgery. Flying Dick Turpin not Flying doctor.

Your medical qualifications are obvious.


Hasn't anyone considered that the family is scamming by misrepresenting the medical costs to get an online campaign going to line their pockets. He is from Yorkshire, after all.



No sympathy for no travel insurance, if u cant afford the cost then u cant afford the trip, I always take travel insurance, and take copies, one in my room, one in my bike..any body who doesent take out travel insurance needs their head read..... coffee1.gif

Correct me if I'm wrong... but, I thought this post was about Craig Lindley & his plight & what can be done to assist him..... NOT, what a smart little princess you might happen to be.

Just sayin..... Mal.

After reading 39 post yours was the first about that man. All you righteous people talking about that he should have had insurance <deleted> unbelievable. You better hope things don't happen to you which are beyond your control. Shame on you.

Sent from my S4 LTE

My post talked of prevention, surely prevention thru a healthy lifestyle is the key to not only saving money but a better quality of life. "Shame on you" for not giving helpful advise to others who might be heading in that direction...

They have been unable to find any paperwork among his belongings and it is feared that an internet transaction for a policy he found on a search comparison site may not have gone through.

The comment above in the quote box is a worrying factor.

Does it perhaps indicate payment was made over the internet yet the entity that received the payment (if made) did not honour nor did it intend to honour the agreement?

Lot to be said for the old fashioned method of face to face, cash payment, then, presuming that he was covered or did he not document issued system, although not foolproof the odds on being cheated are very low.

Or did the the patient actually travel without health insurance having decided it was only a holiday and no serious problems were expected or likely to arise?

Whatever the causes or reasons for the plight of ''no funds'' I do hope that a way can be found to assist this man and his family in their personal crisis

If true, he was charged for it, by said Ins company, but the transaction was completed,,, I'd say someone with a little bit of firm speaking to the said company, could get it taken care of,, charged but not completed?... isn't that pretty much the definition of completed?.. where is one charged/pays for something, yet "you're not covered yet?",,, It could be as simple as he was billed/paid, but never got a "receipt" emailed to him,, That shouldn't matter if there's a record of him paying,,, He may not have a receipt,, but THEY very well may,,,, IF someone here wants to help this man, but can;t afford to give $$$,,, Getting THIS sorted for him would be better than giving the guy $$$,,,, No retired attorneys here that could look the transaction over, and make some calls?... Could be as simple as looking over the policy, checking his credit cards to see if there's a charge to it, for the correct amount, charged by this Ins company,, if so,,, he should be covered, even if the receipt wasn't received via email,,,


No insurance, ok error.....it's times like these I would like to see the British government step in and help one of our own for once!

Do you know how many people would travel without insurance if the British government stepped in ?

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No travel insurance?

Expensive lesson learnt for this bloke.

Most people, even with travel insurance would have no coverage under the martial law, as that is specified in the exclusions ....


Treatment for sickness or injury directly or indirectly caused if you actively engage in, participate in or choose to go to a region where there is: a war, invasion, acts of a foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, terrorist acts, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, military or usurped power, martial law, riots or the acts of any lawfully constituted authority, or army, naval or air service operations (whether war has been declared or not),

correct and most people never read the fine print


I hope the hospital is monitoring this and takes advice from all the medical professionals here so magnaninously giving their free advice.


No travel insurance?

Expensive lesson learnt for this bloke.

Most people, even with travel insurance would have no coverage under the martial law, as that is specified in the exclusions ....


Treatment for sickness or injury directly or indirectly caused if you actively engage in, participate in or choose to go to a region where there is: a war, invasion, acts of a foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, terrorist acts, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, military or usurped power, martial law, riots or the acts of any lawfully constituted authority, or army, naval or air service operations (whether war has been declared or not),

Hmmm. I may be wrong but this may mean if the injury was incurred as a result of indirect or directly from acts of martial law, as getting a virus or injured from a fall are would not be linked to this. And, wouldn't the insurance be void anyways if this was the case if in fact he purchased it after it was declared? IMHO.


How on earth can this hospital justify a bill of almost a million Baht in less that a week. He is parlayed so it is not like they have performed cutting edge open hear surgery. Flying Dick Turpin not Flying doctor.

Easy. Because in this greedy 'money above all else' country they CAN! Who's going to stop them? huh.png

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Guillain-Barré syndrome is synonymous with Vaccines, Without knowing all the facts, maybe he took some vaccines from the UK before coming out to the Wedding in Thailand, to guard against the many bugs out here. His illness now is the side effects to those vaccines. Guillain-Barré syndrome is not reported enough or mentioned as a side effect when taking vaccines. unfortunately your governments have wavered all your rights against suing these giant pharmaceutical corporation for negligence. Its criminal what they are upto


Stuff and nonsense. Have you actually bothered to read the abstract you link to? I quote:

"Our review indicates that, with rare exceptions, associations between vaccines and GBS have been only temporal."

In other words, in the vast majority of cases it's purely a coincidence that the syndrome develops after vaccination - there is no causal link.

Thanks for looking, I posted the wrong link by mistake.


The original link does mention the possible causal link, but says

"The evidence for a causal association is strongest for the swine influenza vaccine that was used in 1976-77. Studies of influenza vaccines used in subsequent years, however, have found small or no increased risk of GBS."

So, yes, many years ago there was the possibility that one vaccine, which was only used for one flu season, might have increased the risk of GBS, though this might simply be a statistical anomaly. In short, there's nothing to justify saying "Guillain-Barré syndrome is synonymous with Vaccines".

I have more faith in my God given Immune system than what the pharmaceutical industry wish to sell me. Interfering with natures immune system, in my view is like playing Russian roulette with ones health.


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and send a message that people do not need to bother with insurance?

No insurance, ok error.....it's times like these I would like to see the British government step in and help one of our own for once!


40k gbp in 5 days?

Where is he being attended to?

He is obviously in a private hospital where the intensive care room costs approx 2000GBP/night, then there are the very expensive drugs he will require, the ventilator and other equipment costs and doctors fees. So this cost does not surprise me.

I have been in plenty of private hospitals in Thailand. I think this number might be a little overstated.

If he was in a private hospital in the USA he might be stretching it.

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40k gbp in 5 days?

Where is he being attended to?

He is obviously in a private hospital where the intensive care room costs approx 2000GBP/night, then there are the very expensive drugs he will require, the ventilator and other equipment costs and doctors fees. So this cost does not surprise me.
I have been in plenty of private hospitals in Thailand. I think this number might be a little overstated.

If he was in a private hospital in the USA he might be stretching it.

Priced like a Maine lobster in a NYC restaurant.


Buddy of mine was "airlifted" back to Sydney from a local private hospital after some creepy skin-stretcher threw a tantrum because the guys family had refused to sign off on a plastic surgery procedure.

The charged his family for SIX first class seats.

What's going on here ????????

Gillian Barre "SYNDROME" can be stabilized and medicated.

The guy could travel back coach.


No insurance, ok error.....it's times like these I would like to see the British government step in and help one of our own for once!

As if that's likely to happen.

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No insurance, ok error.....it's times like these I would like to see the British government step in and help one of our own for once!

Many years ago (about 1979) I was travelling in USA & Mexico with a couple of blokes I met on the plane trip over to the States.

They were both respectable UK secondary school teachers.

We all got pretty sick in Mexico City, but one of the teachers ended up in The American British Hospital with Typhoid. He was in a terrible state. He had full travel insurance with comprehensive medical cover, however the hospital wanted payment first - he would have to claim back on his return. We had no credit cards at that time, the bill was mounting and money running out.

So his travelling buddy & fellow teacher went to the British Embassy to ask them to advance the money for the hospital bill, he took with him all the insurance documents so they could see it was just a short term loan.

They flatly refused any help!

The teachers had to pay-up while they still had some money left, pull out all the needles & tubes from the typhoid victim, load him into a taxi to the airport, fly him to San Diego. Then 3 days & nights on a Greyhound bus to New York (with just a sack of avocados and oranges for food!) to get a Freddie Laker flight back to the UK.

I thought it was outrageous behaviour by our embassy, who would have probably jumped to the aid of anybody of another nationality!

I do hope things have changed - but somehow doubt it.

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British visitor to Koh Samui contracts rare illness and needs help to get home


KOH SAMUI: -- Whilst on holiday in Thailand Craig Lindley came down with some kind of illness. Craig, who is 35 and from Hoyle Mill Barnsley was celebrating his friends wedding in Koh Samui. When he woke up New Year’s Day unable to move his legs and function properly.

He was admitted to hospital and at first the doctors were unable to diagnose his illness. On Jan 2nd he was transferred from Koh Samui to Surat Thani to have an MRI scan. When the MRI scan was carried out the doctors were still unsure what was causing the illness but suggested it was some Please help Craigtype of brain stem issue.

Money was then raised to transfer Craig to Bangkok. Due too his insurance being invalid Craig and his family and friends now need urgent help with funds. A medical bill of £3000 english pounds has already been paid to pay for treatment so far but more bills are to be expected.

A Facebook page has been set up for Craig for donations and updates on his condition. Yesterday it was updated with this information

From Karl Lindley and David Brook

More tests today including a nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG) and another MRI scan of spine (4 hours under general anesthetic)

Tue 6 Jan, Drs doing lumber puncture to formally diagnose GBS. Once done, doctors will administer the IV hemogoblin treatment.

Craig currently has no movement in either legs, no sensation in either feet, cant move his right arm, and no sensation in his right hand. His left arm has very little movement and he is not able to move his fingers. He is still on a ventilator.

Medical advice has been sought from Drs in the UK and Australia. They have advised staff in Thailand are the best in world to be treating this condition and he is in the best place at the moment for treatment.

We’ve already paid £17,700 for treatment so far. Treatment Tues 6 Jan, will cost approx £20,000 and is for only one dose administered by IV over 5-7days.

Due to the severity of Craig’s condition, Doctors have said its possible he might need 2nd and 3rd doses of treatment, each approx £20,000 plus £1000 per night in hospital.

We are hoping after the first treatment, we will see improvements so he his stable enough to fly home. However, we have to be prepared for Craig needing 2nd and 3rd doses, and for funds to be raised to cover the costs.

We cant stress enough how serious this is, it couldn’t really get any worse. Please dig deep to help Craig.

And today –

This morning Craig had a lumber puncture which confirmed it was GBS. Drs then started Craig on IV immunoglobulin treatment at 12noon (constant treatment for 5 days) along with a mild sedative to keep him comfortable during treatment. He also underwent nerve stimulation treatment on his legs. We are hoping that Craig start to shows small signs of improvement during this treatment, however it is very possible he may need a second or third doses.

Once Craig is in a more stable condition, he may be able to travel home, but this wont be on a regular flight. He will require a medical chaperone to ensure he remains stable with any required medical equipment. We are currently exploring options of how we could fly Craig home, on medically assisted flights. However this is all dependant on how he reacts to this treatment.

Again, we cant stress enough how serious this situation is at the moment. We are overwhelmed by the support that we have received over the last few days, it is truly remarkable. However, we are still a way off of being able to cover the impending costs and your kind donations are key to getting Craig home. Thank you so much.

A huge fund raising effort is now underway with radio station in the UK getting word out of his plight.

If you can help in any way please visit the Facebook page that has been created for Craig by clicking here or donate by clicking here, you can also help by sharing these pages on social media and twitter.

-- Samui Times 2015-01-07


We’ve already paid £17,700 for treatment so far. Treatment Tues 6 Jan, will cost approx £20,000 and is for only one dose administered by IV over 5-7days.

Due to the severity of Craig’s condition, Doctors have said its possible he might need 2nd and 3rd doses of treatment, each approx £20,000 plus £1000 per night in hospital.

Granted this was from 1999 but this was also the USA. Some one is exaggerating I suspect. Not sure if the ones seeking funds or the hospital bending over the farang.

The costs per patient of plasma exchange and IV IgG for the treatment of acute Guillain-Barré syndrome were $6,204 and $10,165, respectively. A sensitivity analysis determined the model was sensitive to the cost of IV IgG. The cost savings per patient treatment for the use of plasma exchange varied from $304 to $6,625 depending on the IV IgG product selected. Plasma exchange and IV IgG are both effective treatments for Guillain-Barré syndrome. However, our analysis determined plasma exchange on average was almost $4,000 less costly per patient than IV IgG. Further research is required to determine the impact of patient and physician preferences on the treatment of this disorder. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10540364


Is it too much to assume, that when filling out an online insurance questionaire,,, when you input your destinations, the insurance company's software tosses a "flag" and informs he purchaser something along the lines of,, "Bangkok is currently under Martial law, You will therefore NOT be covered in case of illness or injury, purchasing this policy is at your own risk",,, or something along those lines,,,, No,, they'll go ahead and allow you to purchase/pay,,, and then hope you don't, 1, become ill/injured,,, or 2, if you do, hope you don't argue with them as to why they ALLOWED the purchase, without informing you, you weren't covered from he beginning,,,

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No travel insurance?

Expensive lesson learnt for this bloke.

Marshal law . .... insurance void... and wll not pay..


Correct - I contacted my insurance company (Australian issued 12 month policy) and they told me that in almost all circumstances we're covered for medical, I didn't ask about cancelled flights etc, the airline would sort things out there. Exclusions would be for intentionally putting ourselves at risk etc, but falling down and breaking a leg or having a heart attack or similar are still covered.

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