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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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Evidently they are not alone.

So its wrong for us to want our countries back from immigrants that drain our system's handouts and then show their gratitude like this. Ironic that we welcome these losers and pay for their food and shelter while they are plotting to kills us.

. . . then when we are called bigots when we finally wake up to reality and want to take our countries back from those draining our welfare systems while plotting to kill us.

Lol, call us bigots so we'll feel bad and maybe let them stay a bit longer and kill more people. We certain are the dumb ones and too easily manipulated by the desire to be PC and compassionate.

Who called you a bigot?

Your assumptions about immigrants sucking up all your tax money is mistaken. Easy enough to rattle off - but not supported by facts!

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Unemployment among ethnic minorities costs the economy almost £8.6 billion a year in benefits and lost revenue from taxes. Half of Muslim men and three quarters of Muslim women are unemployed.

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That video is five months old, although i suspect you already knew that before you posted it. Your agenda is now exposed for all on here to see. You besmirch the memories of the murdered staff in Paris with your attempt to ratchet up the hatred by posting clear untruths. You are probably too dull to comprehend it, but you have stooped to the same level as the Islamic lunatic murderers. Shame on you.

Drama Queen Alert! I copied that video from another site. It being out of date makes me as bad as a murderer? Ok dear. Put your tampon back in.

Apologies to those easily offended at a simple mistake. You remind me of radical muslims, getting all bent out of shape with fake outrage over a video

I still believe that many muslims in the west are celebrating these attacksl just as they did with earlier ones.

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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Unemployment among ethnic minorities costs the economy almost £8.6 billion a year in benefits and lost revenue from taxes. Half of Muslim men and three quarters of Muslim women are unemployed.

So, a right wing rag says, out of a welfare budget of £109bn, £8.6bn goes on ethnic minorities -- sorry is your point that muslims get welfare that about proportional to their population?

Ethinic Minorities account for 13% of the population - you get played so easily..

From your same rag..

"Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24 had the highest unemployment rates at 28%; 11% of Muslims over the age of 25 were unemployed."

Seems that the editors at the Telegraph cannot even manage consistency in their hyperbole




Edited by MrTee
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Evidently they are not alone.

So its wrong for us to want our countries back from immigrants that drain our system's handouts and then show their gratitude like this. Ironic that we welcome these losers and pay for their food and shelter while they are plotting to kills us.

. . . then when we are called bigots when we finally wake up to reality and want to take our countries back from those draining our welfare systems while plotting to kill us.

Lol, call us bigots so we'll feel bad and maybe let them stay a bit longer and kill more people. We certain are the dumb ones and too easily manipulated by the desire to be PC and compassionate.

Who called you a bigot?

Your assumptions about immigrants sucking up all your tax money is mistaken. Easy enough to rattle off - but not supported by facts!

Post removed to allow this quote


Unemployment among ethnic minorities costs the economy almost £8.6 billion a year in benefits and lost revenue from taxes. Half of Muslim men and three quarters of Muslim women are unemployed.

If these calculations would take into account the welfare perspective, then the results might be completely different.
Don't forget:
your money economy lives from adding value, value is produced by human beings, and, please, which part of your population produces human beings?
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Oh the irony!!

The two low lives that killed the staff of Charlie Hebdo, to prevent free speech, was killed in a print-shop!!

French karma??

lol .. Would have been funnier if they'd fell into a printing press..

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You have a strong army to protect Israel.And as some Jewish friends in Thailand confirmed, there were no attacks on Jews or Jewish institutions in Thailand.

But they have tried.


Multiple times attacks on Israeli embassy targets. As far as just regular Jewish people in Thailand there are very very few in residence compared to France. The three biggest populations of Jews in the world are in the USA, Israel, and France.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Jingthing
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UK should close the borders and start deporting any known radical immigrants / asylum seekers. Then they can start closing down all the radical mosques. Waste of time trying to be nice.

Good idea, but where are they are going recruit the crazy jihadists to do the necessary terror stuff, to make everyone angry enough so that we can bomb their countries and steal their resources?

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UK should close the borders and start deporting any known radical immigrants / asylum seekers. Then they can start closing down all the radical mosques. Waste of time trying to be nice.

Good idea, but where are they are going recruit the crazy jihadists to do the necessary terror stuff, to make everyone angry enough so that we can bomb their countries and steal their resources?

Damn it - the CIA are at it again ? I'd only just taken off my tinfoil hat after the AirAsia disaster - now you're telling me I'm going to have to put it back on ? It's been a tough month and we're only ten days in.

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UK should close the borders and start deporting any known radical immigrants / asylum seekers. Then they can start closing down all the radical mosques. Waste of time trying to be nice.

Good idea, but where are they are going recruit the crazy jihadists to do the necessary terror stuff, to make everyone angry enough so that we can bomb their countries and steal their resources?


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UK should close the borders and start deporting any known radical immigrants / asylum seekers. Then they can start closing down all the radical mosques. Waste of time trying to be nice.

Good idea, but where are they are going recruit the crazy jihadists to do the necessary terror stuff, to make everyone angry enough so that we can bomb their countries and steal their resources?


I'm not apologising for anyone. I don't like Islam to start with, I reckon it's a crock. But I don't being manipulated either. When you research these terrorists they so often have an IQ of 10, are well known and being closely motored by security agencies and then get then killed by them.

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At least four hostages have been killed Sky News just reported.

Sad news confirmed by police source.

Je Suis Kascher coffee1.gif

Interesting, the cartoonists offended these Islamic Jihadists with images of their Prophet and were murdered for offending. The shoppers at the Kosher supermarket I guess offended these Islamic Jihadists too by doing what exactly ... ?

I suppose I can see that it captures the imagination much more to defend free speech than to defend the freedom to purchase good deli products.

I thought of suggesting Je Suis Juif as well.

Though I'm not on Twitter it's good to see that this is trending.

It shouldn't only be about Charlie considering that Jews just existing are also targets of these Islamic Jihadists.



Je suis Charlie is not about religions

It's about freedom of speech, french republic and democracy

Wolinski was juif, a muslim was killed, this has nothing to do with religion

Edited by Kitsune
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Although extremist groups such as ISIS have supported this horrendous crime, these evil terrorist murderers do not represent the majority of Muslims and have been condemned by them.

Charlie Hebdo killings condemned by Arab states but hailed online by extremists

Saudi Arabia called it a cowardly terrorist attack that was rejected by the true Islamic religion. The Arab League and Egypts al-Azhar university the leading theological institution in the Sunni Muslim world also denounced the incident in which masked gunmen shouted Allahu Akbar god is great in Arabic.

Iran, Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco, Algeria and Qatar all issued similar statements......

The Union des Organisations Islamiques de France, which represents more than 250 Muslim organisations across the country, condemned the killings. Tariq Ramadan, a leading Muslim thinker, commented: It is not the prophet who was avenged, it is our religion, our values and Islamic principles that have been betrayed and tainted.

Moderate Muslims Use #JeSuisCharlie To Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack In Paris

Each time a terrorist atrocity takes place, the condemnations of Muslim mainstream figures are barely registered, Hellyer said, pointing to recent statements by the Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia, French Muslim leaders, the Azhar University and Muslim public intellectuals who have condemned the attacks.

"And yet we're still doing stories about Are moderate Muslims speaking out? Hellyer said.

Not in our name Muslims respond in revulsion to Charlie Hebdo massacre

The Muslim Council of France, and of Britain, have denounced todays attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The imam of the mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, has said:

This is a thunderous declaration of war. The times have changed. Were entering a new phase of this confrontation we are horrified by the brutality and the savagery

But Muslims dont need imams - or community leaders to speak for them they can do it for themselves. Here are some of the denunciations on Twitter..........

Paris Murders are a Greater Insult to Islam: Muslim Council of Britain Statement on Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Muslim Council of Britain Express Solidarity With Jewish Community After Paris Kosher Supermarket Deaths

Of course, those whose closed minds tar all Muslims with the terrorist brush will no doubt, yet again, call me an 'apologist for terrorists' for posting this, even though I have never sought to defend or apologise for any act of terrorism, no matter who commits it.

But that is the only reaction these people can come up with when confronted with facts which don't suit their prejudice.

It isn't about tarring all of anyone with a brush.

Muslim extremism is Muslim. The rest of the other religions aren't causing a problem on my doorstep so, why worry. It is the obligation of all citizens of a country to protect it and its peoples against crimes.

By definition the Muslim community will know better about extremists than I do. thus the obligation to fight extremeism falls more at the Muslim moderates door than mine.

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Who is interested in moderate Muslims? It is the 25 per cent that hate everything and they need to be put down

Where do you get that 25% from?

Approximately 1.57 billion people worldwide are Muslim.

Are you seriously suggesting that 392.5 million of them are terrorist murderers or supporters of same?

It is important for people to realise that the vast majority of Muslims no more support terrorism than you or I.

This is because marginalising ordinary Muslims, demonising them, attacking them for the crimes committed by the terrorists will only radicalise more of them; especially among the young living in the West; as can be seen by those misguided youths from Europe traveling to join ISIS.

Do you really want to act as a recruiting sergeant for ISIS?

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Who is interested in moderate Muslims? It is the 25 per cent that hate everything and they need to be put down

Where do you get that 25% from?

Approximately 1.57 billion people worldwide are Muslim.

Are you seriously suggesting that 392.5 million of them are terrorist murderers or supporters of same?

It is important for people to realise that the vast majority of Muslims no more support terrorism than you or I.

This is because marginalising ordinary Muslims, demonising them, attacking them for the crimes committed by the terrorists will only radicalise more of them; especially among the young living in the West; as can be seen by those misguided youths from Europe traveling to join ISIS.

Do you really want to act as a recruiting sergeant for ISIS?

The moderate 90% are free to stand with the rest of the world to fight the 10? (157 mn, a frightening thought), or even 99% versus 15.7mn

Condemning, stating or talking isn't enough...

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Last night on Bill Maher, Salman Rushdie had this to say:

“I said earlier this week that there’d been a deadly mutation in the middle of Islam,” said Rushdie. “This is not a random mutation… This has been a mutation that a lot of work has been put into. Governments, from the Sunni side the Saudi government, on the Shia side the Iranian government, have been putting fortunes of money into making sure that extremist mullahs are preaching in mosques around the world, and in building and developing schools in which a whole generation is being educated in extremism—and trying to prevent other forms of education.”

So, to argue that moderate or middle Muslims do not have a duty to eradicate this cancer in their religion is nonsense. Everyone sees it except those who wish not to take responsibility for it.

Clearly some of the most spot on commentary on the problems of modern Islam are aired on Bill Maher's REAL TIME show.

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Muslim extremism is Muslim. The rest of the other religions aren't causing a problem on my doorstep so, why worry. It is the obligation of all citizens of a country to protect it and its peoples against crimes.

Indeed, and Muslims play their part; one of the policemen killed in this attack was a Muslim.

The police and armed forces of most European countries have Muslim members, some of whom go above and beyond the call of duty: Police praise Muslim soldiers who acted as 'bait' for beheading gang

By definition the Muslim community will know better about extremists than I do. thus the obligation to fight extremeism falls more at the Muslim moderates door than mine.

Why would ordinary Muslim citizens with no connection to terrorism "know better about extremists" than anyone else?

The terrorists almost certainly have supporters and accomplices within the Muslim community, as the IRA did amongst the Irish community in the UK in the 1970s, but, again like the IRA, not amongst the majority.

We all have an obligation to help in the fight against terrorism in whatever why we can; and the majority of ordinary Muslims are playing their part as much as the rest of us.

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Who is interested in moderate Muslims? It is the 25 per cent that hate everything and they need to be put down

Where do you get that 25% from?

Approximately 1.57 billion people worldwide are Muslim.

Are you seriously suggesting that 392.5 million of them are terrorist murderers or supporters of same?

It is important for people to realise that the vast majority of Muslims no more support terrorism than you or I.

This is because marginalising ordinary Muslims, demonising them, attacking them for the crimes committed by the terrorists will only radicalise more of them; especially among the young living in the West; as can be seen by those misguided youths from Europe traveling to join ISIS.

Do you really want to act as a recruiting sergeant for ISIS?

The moderate 90% are free to stand with the rest of the world to fight the 10? (157 mn, a frightening thought), or even 99% versus 15.7mn

Condemning, stating or talking isn't enough...

So it's not 25% but 10%, or is it 1%?

Be honest; you don't know what percentage of Muslims are terrorists or terrorist supporters; do you?

The Muslim world is doing more than just condemning terrorism. Arab states are in the coalition fighting ISIS.

As I said in my previous, the police and armed forces of most European countries contain Muslim members; one of whom died trying to protect the staff at Charlie Hebdo.

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