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US teenager pleads guilty in beating death of WW2 veteran


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Place myself between the old man and the boy non threateningly, take appropiate action from there although it may not be violent, depends on which way I am advanced upon.

Sir, you are pathetic and typical of today's liberals.

All I can say to you is get off your 'fluffy little clouds' wake up and join the real world

And you sir no doubt will continue to live in a violent world owing to the clear cold truth that you are unwilling to resolve violence with any other means other than violence. Your "real" unresolved violent world.

Well Fluffy, some parts of this world are violent. The teenager who beat the WWII veteran to death proved that. I'm surprised you are still making nonsensical remarks about this incident. Let it go, and be happy you are living in such a peaceful city as CM.

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Yes I understand.History is written all over the present moment.

I can only say that for me my responsibility is to first untangle the war within, only then will I know what is possible in the world. Although at this stage I feel some sense of relief, that I may relax with what others are choosing to do with their lives. I honestly feel it's all magnetic. I have my own good share of wounds which I may come to understand eventually. Fight or flight, neither do they appeal to me. So my answer would be "for me to be the change I would like to see in the world"...

A brave old man was killed by a punk kid for beer money. If I saw it happening and knew both participants I'd hit the kid over the head with a baseball bat to stop him from hurting the old man and perhaps kill the punk kid. What would you do? I can't tell from your answer.

Place myself between the old man and the boy non threateningly, take appropiate action from there although it may not be violent, depends on which way I am advanced upon.


Non threateningly means no 2x4?

What's the kid care if there's one of you dead or both of you dead.

What's he care...

Agreed, violence is not the answer to everything and it generally should be the very last resort. There are times and circumstances however when a swift and decisive violent response is the only one.

The vet himself knew this, he was simply physically incapable without some kind of weapon, and even if the vet had had a weapon it still might be hard to say whether he could have been effective.

So I can think of two people in this who need rehab..

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