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Thai MoU aims to end danger from sky lanterns, rockets


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MoU aims to end danger from sky lanterns, rockets
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BANGKOK, Jan 9 -- Thailand's Ministry of Transport signed a memorandum of understanding with a number of organizations to protect aircraft from sky lanterns and locally-launched rockets.

Transport Minister Prajin Juntong presided over the signing ceremony at the ministry today. Signatories were from the ministry, the ministries of interior, defense, tourism & sports, education and culture, the Royal Thai Police Office, the Public Relations Department, the National Office of Buddhism and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

The MoU takes immediate effect and will be valid until 2018.

The organizations will form a joint committee to implement measures to control the public's sky lanterns and rockets and the Ministry of Transport's Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning will coordinate the committee.

The minister said the MoU directives on the issue was the first of its kind as launching sky lanterns and rockets were highly dangerous for aviation, and rockets were also launched for gambling.

The MoU aims to create understanding to preserve beautiful traditions, and controlling sky lanterns and Bang Fai rockets in compliance with the law to prevent impacts on aviation and the general public.

The transport ministry will push to amend the hazardous substances law to cover sky lanterns and Bang Fai rockets. (MCOT onlne news)

-- TNA 2015-01-09

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And what of the members of the public who don't give a stuff about laws far less MoUs ?

Like so many other issues pleas not to do it will fall on deaf ears.

Incidentally there's a comment on the BP website where someone wrote in to say culture should be preserved so on days where lanterns are released all airports should be closed ! wacko.png

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It's funny, why there has to be Mo U on this??

The law enforcement authorities must and should strictly enforce the law of not letting anyone to use lanterns and Sky rocket near airfields and airports within sudden redias, period .

If violated severe and serious punishment will be imposed.

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Too funny.

An MOU, a committee, signing ceremony, directives, compliance with the law...and gambling.

What a bunch of dicks.

Try putting as much effort into road statistics, problems in the South, tackling corruption, drug problems etc etc...and gambling.

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asians just dont get it,eg..the new beach umberella boundarys have been set up we now have more free beach for '' picnics',Good idea??? ithought so too but ,now the sand is littered with bottles,plastic bags etc etc....,and i have watched. it is 99% asians littering,all they think about is eating,never cleaning up..the same with these rediculous and dangerous lanterns..think globally act locally...sawadee no crap

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Well done Junta, another deserving MOU.

Next on their agenda will be a funding request for Bt200 million to establish a sky lantern missile defense system - for the sake of national security of course. China will be chosen to build the system as part of the Thailand-China Security pact.

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I have no real experience of sky lanterns but I have had the glorious experience of being in Yasothon and Kuchinarai for Bun Bang Fai.

If this went through and was enforced I think it would rachet up resentment, albeit silent, towards the junta to 11.

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And what of the members of the public who don't give a stuff about laws far less MoUs ?

Like so many other issues pleas not to do it will fall on deaf ears.

Incidentally there's a comment on the BP website where someone wrote in to say culture should be preserved so on days where lanterns are released all airports should be closed ! wacko.png

I recently posted my idea to a possible solution to this problem - instead of using wire to hold the paper in shape use bamboo or strips of cane, it would achieve the same result and be less of a danger if sucked into a jet engine.

I am sure I saw decorative paper lanterns made this way somewhere in my travels and they seemed to be solid enough.

Anything would be better than banning sky lanterns or closing the airports.

Perhaps it was the lady who owns the bus company who suggested closing the airports. whistling.gif

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